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Old 06-13-2005, 06:45 AM   #1  
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Default Week long Chick chat 6/13-6/20

Up and at 'em ladies... a new week and new chance to get going....
Saw this in another thread and really liked it...

Focus not on the pounds and the scale and the inches and the timetable, but the act of living.

Be well, drick up and be happy.
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Old 06-13-2005, 10:03 AM   #2  
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L: Great advice there. I need to readjust my thinking and realise this IS the way to live and there IS no choice about it. Thanks for the attitude adjustment

Well, I made it through the weekend. A little high a couple times, but otherwise it all went well. Decided to get back to strict induction and FORCE myself to exercise. Just because the first time around I didn't need to doesn't mean I don't need to now. Just means I screwed up the 1st time and now I've got to work on it harder to get where I want to be. Nobody said things in life were easy At least I've got celery sticks now if I get the munchies. And that means no more LC ice cream (even though it hits the spot in this heat!) . So today is a brand new induction day
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Old 06-13-2005, 10:28 AM   #3  
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I had seen that too L and I really liked it.

Brenda~ you can do this!

Still hot and sticky here and I havent been exercising either. I think dh and I will hit the big mall today, and walk a couple laps this afternoon. I just cant force my body to overheat when its already hot!! Know what I mean?

Not much else happening here, we have a sign to deliver and thats about it.

Have a great day everyone!!
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Old 06-13-2005, 10:43 AM   #4  
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Good luck Brenda - you can do it! Or I should say WE can do it! I'm starting induction today too. Just think of how GREAT it will be to be in that FAT BURNING MODE! Wooo-hoooooo! We're gonna be some skinny chickies soon and feeling oh so sexy! C'mon everybody - get EXCITED!!! (Okay, was that too dorky?)

Have a fantastic OP day all!
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Old 06-13-2005, 11:49 AM   #5  
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Good Morning ladies!!!

Playing hooky from work today and I have to go to Costco, gonna get in some exercise today and have about 4 weeks until my friends are here from Calif. so I am being good until then ( and after then) and exercising 6 days a week....I should rack up some miles on equator trek!!!! I want to at least be able to wear some shorts while they are here!

It is still raining here, is is ever going to stop??!! I swear!

B- keep on truckin gal!!! You are doing good!

L- great quote, love that one!

Robin- I can't exercise in the heat either, I am good for nothing if it is to hot.

SAS- not to dorky I love it!!! Such excitement on a Monday morning, keep it up, it's infectous!
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Old 06-13-2005, 01:21 PM   #6  
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Robin: I hear you on the overheating an already hot body. You've got a great idea of exercising in the mall. AIR CONDITIONING!!! Enjoy

SAS: Great motivation and nope, not dorky. Need a little shaking up around here! I'm hoping I get into the fat burning mode soon! I love watching that scale go down. Been TOO LONG again!!! Keep up the enthusiasm!!

TG: I've got about 3 weeks before Girl Scout summer camp so we'll BOTH be good until then (well, me until then, you until your friends come). Deal?!?!

Well, so far doing good. Outlook is getting better and I'm starting to believe I can do this again!!! Then again, it's not the weekend I also have trouble at night because on hot days like this I LOVE ice cream. So going to have to figure out a different way to cool off. Maybe some type of iced drink. At least for now. ONWARD!!!!
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Old 06-14-2005, 09:29 AM   #7  
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Happy Tuesday

I hopped on the scale this morning...and Im doing good!! The 6lbs I put on are gone plus 2 more just for good measure! Now...just to get another successful week in!

Not much happening around here just yet, I'll check in later this afternoon.

Have a good one
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Old 06-14-2005, 09:40 AM   #8  
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Morning, Well my computer screen has gone wonky! everything is a lovely shade of teal. I have to call dell this afternoon and I am sure it will be out for repair. No biggie but I have to clear the hard drive and reinstall so it will take a little while to get up and running to full capacity.

Last day of school. Over at 11 so I am off to get the kids in a little bit. Cool and murky today, overcast and thundersorms coming....I might have to do the eliptical instead of a walk today...

Have a good one.
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Old 06-14-2005, 09:41 AM   #9  
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Robin: congrats on the weight loss!!

Well, made it through yesterday with induction (except the incident w/the ice cream. But it's all gone now so can't be tempted anymore). I also only had a couple swallows of soda! Add exercise in there and hopefully by the end of the week I can see the scale drop at least a pound. Realised I'd be happy with at least a pound a week loss! ANYTHING to see that scale going down again instead of up! I also have to concentrate on lowering the amount of food I eat. Never worried about it before but maybe that's messing me up too. Temps here have gone from the high 80's to mid 70's. But doesn't seem like much of a difference. STILL hot!!!
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Old 06-14-2005, 09:42 AM   #10  
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L: You snuck in on me. Hope there's nothing wrong w/the computer! Hope your storms haven't been as bad as ours. Terrible things!!!
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Old 06-14-2005, 10:16 AM   #11  
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Boo !!

Good morning lovies
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Old 06-14-2005, 10:26 AM   #12  
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L~ what kind of eliptical do you have, and do you like it enough to recommend it?
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Old 06-14-2005, 10:31 AM   #13  
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Good morning ladies,

popping by to say HI really quick, late for work. I will stop by later in the PM!! Have a great day!!!

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Old 06-14-2005, 10:38 AM   #14  
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Brenda - Be careful that you don't start eating too little. Bodies very easily go into the 'starvation mode' and won't let go of an ounce if you aren't eating enough. That is one of the major pitfalls of yoyo dieting and what messes up people's metabolisims. In my opinion, the gals that post on the food log with aren't eating enough food. With LC, I feel it is about food combining and it is more effective to eat small meals more often.

Hello to everyone - gonna be a hot one here today. It was close to 100 yesterday. I had to try to plan dinner on hot days - appetites are off and I don't want to heat the house further with the oven.

Congrats on the loss, Robin! You"ve been doing great!

OK - Gotta run and jump in the shower. The day is awaiting - wonder what fun/interesting things it holds?

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Old 06-14-2005, 11:26 AM   #15  
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Good morning everyone! Its a beautiful day here in Lake Arrowhead, and when I wake up to days like this, it makes me feel like I can do anything - even stay OP! Yesterday went well for me, although I'm a little confused about something. I'm following the induction on the Atkins website and on their sample menu it had low-carb tortillas and low-carb bread. I thought traditionally those things were not allowed at all in induction. Any comments? I guess if the menu was created by the Atkins people, they know what they're doing, but still.... Its confusing.

Robin - way to go! Keep up the good work! You are an inspiration! I also wanted to let you know about the eliptical that I have. Its a Reebok SL 545. I got it a few months ago for about $400 (on sale). Its a pretty middle of the road one and its not the sleekest looking thing in my living room, but it works great. It really kicks my butt! Way more than a treadmill or anything else. I could only stay on it for like 5 min when I first got it, but now I go for 30 min. and when I use it I see results! Just one word of advice when shopping for an eliptical - there are some nice little compact models out there that would definately be easier to fit in your living room or wherever, but they don't have the range of motion that the bigger models do. When you get on them, it just doesn't feel like you're doing that much work - its too easy. I think (personally) that the bigger range of "pedeling motion" is better. But I'm sure there are differing opinions out there on the subject, and I'm interested to hear them too!

Hey - is anyone out there drinking Green Tea (like 3 to 5 cups a day) and noticing any differences? If so, DO TELL!

Have a great day everyone and don't get dragged down by dieting. Think of it as everyday you're peeling off another layer to get to the NEW YOU!
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