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Old 03-01-2003, 06:25 AM   #1  
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Default Weekend Daily, March 1 & 2

nobody else up with me? I've got the coffee started...
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Old 03-01-2003, 06:32 AM   #2  
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Beware the ides of March!

Any one know what that means???

I have to get to work so Hi to all and morning Dottie!!
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Old 03-01-2003, 06:40 AM   #3  
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Default I will be using the "F" word, do not read if you will be offended!

Yup, it's Florida time for me... I am headed off on Monday for a week. I cannot remember a time I was so desperate to get away for a while! Work has been horrible, my eating has been worse, and I will kill DH if I don't get a break! I had our taxes done and we owe $3500. We are trying to get a house down payment together, so this wasn't the time I want to dip into our savings!

there is just too much going on. and I am not sleeping well, so I'm cranky. I eat cause I feel tired. Then I wake up in the night hungry cause I ate a bagel and some canned sliced peaches(WORST FRUIT YOU CAN EAT, the glycemic load must be the same as cotton candy. Even the juice pack.) I am back to eggs and meat today! Three years of this and I still forget I can't eat carbs this way! I am back on track for yesterday and today!

tomorrow we are going to Delaware for DH's grandmother's 100th birthday! She is adorable, and DH's sis and bro will come in from out of town too. That will be fun. But we will be driving from dawn and get home late Sunday night. Then I leave for FL on Monday early. CAN"T WAIT!

Well, off to boil eggs for taking in the car tomorrow, I am determined to feel better, and I MUST EAT PROTEIN!!! Steak for breakfast lunch and dinner. water and green tea. WHY CAN"T I GET THIS?

have a great day all,
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Old 03-01-2003, 06:56 AM   #4  
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OOOHHH out........Ruthie will pull out that chicken purse when she gets a gander at that "F" word!!

Also, sorry to hear about your carb overload. I do the same thing, I can eat a little more now and what do I find myself heading for......the evil carbs. Maybe some "me" time in that "F" word location is just what you need. And Happy Birthday to dh's granny!!

Sue I do not know what "Beware the ides of March" means. Maybe someone else does.

to everyone. I'll check in later

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Old 03-01-2003, 07:28 AM   #5  
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Sue, I guess one of the few classes I didn't sleep ( ) thru in English Lit was the one on Julius Ceasar.. and every year as the 15th approaches, I worry about what's gonna happen THIS year on the ides of March! It's never been a super good period of time around here.. my dad died on the 17th - the reason I can't deal w/St. Patrick's day either)

Dottie, thanks for the coffee, but I sure wish you hadn't said the "f" word either!........... Unless, that is, you'd be willing to take us along???????? I hope you have a safe trip (and a good time) in Delaware.....
Sorry about your tax bill, for several of my clients so far it has been the same story - don't know why there just hasn't been enough withholding this year.. I JUST got started on my own, and am dreading finding out how much we're gonna have to pay (dh is self-employed and so there are no withholdings for him, he is supposed to pay quarterly estimated tax: can you say supposed to pay!!!!!

Deb... the ides of March are when the Braves come to town!!! nah, not really..... in the play Julius Ceasar (shoot, I NEVER can remember how to spell that!) he got up on March 15th with some bad vibes and said to his wife (I think) "Beware - the Ides of March is upon us" (Or something close to that) and it turned out that that was the day that he was assassinated........ (ok, so it isn't the literary version, it sure does cut to the chase and let you know what happened, doesn't it??? anyhow, I was a FRENCH major, never English lit!! )

For all to come...... have a great day...... catch you later......
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Old 03-01-2003, 07:29 AM   #6  
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Sue, the ides of March is the 7th to the 9th (I think) and is the time Julius Caesar got bumped off by his former best friends. Anyhow, March is in like a lamb this morning so who knows what the end of the month will bring. We expect temps at or above freezing!

It sounds like you really need to get away, Dottie. Get through the weekend and then relax. The birthday party sounds great but is a long drive. to your dear Grandmother.

Deb-kay, I'm watching the f-word posts. What I need to know is do these chicks have a spare bedroom because I intend to spend next winter making my Grand Tour of the Southern states.

Yesterday did not go as planned! Kevin arrived to work and decided to put up an outside light off the deck so I can see the girls at night when they come in. (I really don't want any "gifts" brought in, like a dead squirrel.) Anyhow he drops the darn light and it slashed his leg open. I did "first aid" and then we went off to the medical centre - 22 stitches! Whew! It could have been an artery! We were home by noon and then I shovelled the bloody snow off the deck! Dogs are gross! 'Nuff said!

Remind me never ever to wallpaper a room. I tackled the kitchen entry where Lucy chomped a huge strip and discovered it is vinyl and comes off leaving the backing! Grrrrr! I got it scraped off through and hope to paper today after the dog inspection people leave. (I have started scaping paper backing off the upstairs bath walls - I am definitely painting, not papering.)

Tonight we go to our minister's house for dinner. It should be a riot as Mike and Pixie are a really fun couple and our nutsy Church congregation will be there.

The darn scale shows a major gain for the month of Feb. so I am going to re-evaluate my eating plan this month. For today it will be water water water and protein.

Have a good weekend, chickies.

P.S. Whoops! Sonogranny snuck in there. I'm glad somebody else has a month they hate - February is mine. Have a great day and let me know when you want a Portie!)
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Old 03-01-2003, 08:03 AM   #7  
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Happy Saturday gang!!!

Just for a change it is rainingin Tennessee - I have seriously not seen the sun in 2 or 3 weeks except for little glimmers once in a the F work does not please me either - especially since I used to live there - why did I leave again????

DH and DS are gone for the weekend - going to take DD for a haircut this morning and maybe hit Target - will depend on how the little princess acts.

Took DD and the babysitter out to dinner last night had steak and shrimp it was quite good, have had no trouble staying OP except for that dar glass of wine(or 3) i had to have.

Have a great day everyone!!!!!

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Old 03-01-2003, 09:02 AM   #8  
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Default Re The Ides of March

Here we go:
Kalends (1st day of the month)
Nones (the 7th day in March, May, July, and October; the 5th in the other months)
Ides (the 15th day in March, May, July, and October; the 13th in the other months)

This is from the old Roman calendar. Whew! Sure glad I got that straightened out!
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Old 03-01-2003, 09:30 AM   #9  
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Good morning all! Another dreary day--overcast but no rain as of yet. Hubby Tom came home from work last night limping. He doesn't know what he did, but his arch was swollen and very sore. He and our oldest son were supposed to go to Wilmington, NC today to tour a battleship docked there. Shoots that right out the window, since he won't be able to handle the ladders, stairs, etc. Shoots my day, too, as I had planned on having a day alone with my 4 year old and a crochet project. I even did most of the housework last night in anticipation of a relaxing day. %$^%$!

Ruth, I got nosy last night and went snooping in your journal (you have a fascinating life, by the way), and I am curious about the special collar you use on the dogs to teach them to walk nicely. Our puppy (BIG, STRONG) loves to go on walks, but she is very hard to control on the leash. It's quite a workout for all involved. Are these collars readily available, and would PETA be knocking down my door if I used it?
Ate a Little Debbie swiss roll last night, while hiding in the kitchen, so I'll use all of you as my "confessional". Whew, now I feel better! It wasn't even that good, but I ate the whole dang thing anyway. ugh
I hope all of you have a relaxing Saturday.
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Old 03-01-2003, 09:35 AM   #10  
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Good Morning Ladies

Im up and at it early this morning, showered, coffee'd, bed made, and laundry put away, and more in the machine!! "whew" I havent been sleeping very well the last few weeks. Some nights Ive been up til 3 or 4, getting up at 8 or 9, and doing the same thing the next day. So.......last night I managed to fall asleep before midnight, and made myself get out of bed at 730.......Ive been a busy girl

Ive been doing alot of emotional eating the last couple weeks, which Im sure has alot to do with my sleep patterns. When Im OP, I sleep like a baby! The next 2 weeks are going to be very stressful, and Im making it worse by not eating properly

I worry too much, think too much, do everything too much....I promise to do better.

Thanks for listening ladies
I hope everyone has a great weekend
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Old 03-01-2003, 09:59 AM   #11  
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Default To heck with the Ides--it's Carnival time!!

Good morning from Louisiana! Not quite the "F" word, but it's a bit of allright here this morning. I'd wish for a bit more sun, but the next 4 days are Carnival days and everyone's outside watching parades--I got one of the worst sunburns of my life on Mardi Gras because I wasn't prepared with sunblock. We are just doing it low-key this year...Baton Rouge hosts a few parades and, as far as I'm concerned, the best one is today. It's bawdy, and raunchy (started by a local "bohemian" group years and years ago) and usually lots of fun. One of the main attractions is the LawnMower Brigade. Group of about 50 folks all dressed in theme--which is different every year--one year they were Elvises, one year Cockroaches, one year Astronauts, etc. They push decrepit lawnmowers that have been decorated to match, and they Dance in unison to music that plays at regular intervals while they march. It's always a kick!

Usually we head down to New Orleans for the Sat. eve parades, but I'm not up to the craziness this year. There will be at least 50 parades in the next 4 days in and around the area--plenty to go around if y'all want to come! Just behave yourselves so you don't end up on the Girls Gone Wild video!

Headed off to a Curves workout! Bonjour, tout le monde! Laissez les bon temps roulez!

Last edited by justjane; 03-01-2003 at 11:13 AM.
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Old 03-01-2003, 11:44 AM   #12  
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Good Morning All!!
Actually I slept so long it is almost noon--I haven't been sleeping well either so I took a couple of Benadryl last night and went out! Slept good I must say.

Not much going on here this morning--gotta go sign Alyssa up for softball so ....hey I even skipped the coffee this morning--could this be a caffeine free day?? I am drinking decag green ice tea with splenda right now

well--I'll check in later!

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Old 03-01-2003, 12:46 PM   #13  
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Girl Scout cookies are Evil....
Winter had better end soon!!!!!
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Old 03-01-2003, 03:15 PM   #14  
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Nasus, Julius Caesar was warned by a soothsayer to beware the Ides of March which is March 15 and sure enough, he got bumped off on that day. In act one, scene two of Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, Caesar asks a soothsayer what the future holds.

Caesar: Who is it in the press that calls on me?
I hear a tongue, shriller than all the music
Cry "Caesar!" Speak. Caesar is turn'd to hear.
Soothsayer: Beware the ides of March.

Did I tell you all yet that I'm going to be a grandma again? #2 daughter Lisa, in Scotland, is expecting in November. It's been a long, dry spell since our last grandson was born, nearly 16 years. I will have to relearn all my granny skills (if I ever had any). I will really have to start saving my pennies if I want this child to know me. It was a terrific birthday present to get that news, believe me.

We have a glorious sunny day and this morning I saw the first robin. So, that should give heart to all of you still locked in winter's icy crip. I'm just going to have some lunch and then I'm bound and determined to go for at least a 20 minute walk. I have to start somewhere, and, as much as I hate walking, I know I really need the land exercise. How much can it hurt anyhow?

Gosh, trying to switch diet plans is tricky! In Jan I was on Atkins and counting carbs. In Feb I was on Xenical and counting calories and fat grams. Now I'm on WW and counting points. Trying to keep the carbs lower even than the WW higher protein plan so wish me luck.
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Old 03-01-2003, 03:22 PM   #15  
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A Roboin!!!!! Yeah! Keep him there until I get out there. Ours won't be back until the end of March!
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