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Old 03-01-2003, 07:47 PM   #16  
Trying to find my way.
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So what does the "ides" mean the middle of the month??? a set of days?? I am confused.

today was ot an OP day for me either "F" sounds awful good Dottie I feel just like you do. to much in my life right now. I am overwealmed big time. I wish i could find me time but that is not going to happen. I need to cut back to relax and get back OP and in control. that is not going to happen either.

So some where think of me and i will soak in the vibes aind know i am thought of!!!

Head cold here too (can you tell i am stressed.) I am hardly ever sick but it seems all to often that i get this!!! Well I plan on going to bed early tonight as soon as i can get the dinner put away!
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Old 03-01-2003, 07:52 PM   #17  
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This is it!!! this site is cool!!! but the ides just means the 15 th. of a few months and the 13 of others!!! and was not meant to be forboding. it just is the date!!

Last edited by nasus40; 03-01-2003 at 08:21 PM.
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Old 03-01-2003, 10:19 PM   #18  
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Evening Chicks. Thinking of this winter and I might go get me some tan at the tanning beds. I like the way it picks me up.
Well it is 11:15pm and I am ready for bed. So I think I will go read my E-mail then count sheep. Tomorrow I am going back OP, or else!
Love Tazcat.

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and healthful.

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Old 03-02-2003, 07:30 AM   #19  
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Good sunday morning ladies!! I am up preparing to make it to early church - it is always easier with only one child and no husband in the house!!

I see an afternoon nap in my future as I went to bed late again last night......finally a little warm weather I got to turn the heat off and open some windows yesterday - my crocuses are up and the tulips are starting. YEA!!!

Hey Ruth - don't you make noodles with soy flour? I think I remember someone does and I thought it was you.....

Hope everyone has a spectacular day-whatever you may be doing!!!!
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Old 03-02-2003, 11:09 AM   #20  
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Morning Chickies!!

Whoever was cursing those Girl Scout cookies has my blessing!! they were the beginning to my end yesterday--I followed them up with going to Brighton's Ice Cream and after my bacon cheeseburger--(yes bun and all) I had a hot apple crisp--with cinnamon ice cream and carmel sauce..I must admit-I could not even eat half of it, I used to eat the whole thing--I got sooooo full!! I guess that is a step in the right diresction!!

Well Last night I was up again until like 1:00am with ODD the past two nights she has gotten a real bad stomach ache although she hasn't been eating late or anything. She is not a puker and she rarely gets sick so she is verrrry upset by these little atrtacks--she is shaky and can't lay down--I'm getting worried these little episodes last about an hour and a half then she feels good enough to go to sleep. She has had a few loose bowel movements-and I don't think she is constipated, I'm not sure if it is just gas pains or something else....she is fine this morning again--so I guess I'll see if she does it again tonight--(i give her Pepto-Bismal).

Well, we are off to the movies to see the Jungle Book Two--have a great day!!

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Old 03-02-2003, 11:12 AM   #21  
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Happy Sunday everyone! Whew, only 11 and I'm tired. This counts as exercise, right? Went to 3 flea markets and walked, walked, walked. Found a great vegetable & fruit stand, great prices! Worth the trip, I guess.

Got to get cooking, roast in the crock pot and blackeye peas on the stove (am I admitting to cooking? ) Having a houseful today for dinner, usually don't entertain so much these days. Stress anyone?

Hope you're all having a wonderful day, I'm going to try! Talk to you later.
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Old 03-02-2003, 11:24 AM   #22  
Come on Spring!
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Good Sunday Morning to all. Hershey and I are back from Church - the socializing is longer than the service these days. The crazy thing is that we saw all these same people at the dinner party at the Rectory last night. (I skipped the scalloped potatoes but indulged in a small serving of trifle! Yum!)

We have a flash freeze warning in effect - scary since it is raining right now on top of the 4 inches of snow we got last night! I still have a bit of fear deep down inside leftover from the Ice Storm of 1998 and sure hope it's not that bad. Anyhow, we have water, wood, wine, food and two furry babies to keep us warm.

The doggie visit yesterday went well. The two women (Heidi brought a friend) were young but sure had done their research on PWDs. Hershey was her usual ladylike self and Lucy was cute and lively without going over the edge into manic! Heidi is getting married this summer and doesn't want a puppy before that so will probably get one of Hersh's next litter or even one of Lucy's. Christmas puppies again.

Rachel, I do make noodles out of egg white and a bit of soy protein flour. Two egg whites, a teaspoon of soy and a teaspoon of water whipped up well so the soy dissolves. Then cook in a non-stick pan in a thin layer. Roll up and cut into noodles.

Show handling is cancelled this afternoon because of the weather so I may work in a nap and also do some more wallpaper scraping! What and exiting life I lead!

Havea good afternoon and try for a nap!
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Old 03-02-2003, 11:50 AM   #23  
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Good Morning !

Oh what a miserable weekend, this weather sucks sucks sucks sucks SUCKS......... If I complain about the summer, slap the @%)&* out of me, yes ruthie you have my permission.

I have yet another cold, this one hit me like a brick late friday night, and normally I wouldn't be concerned except its the 3rd cold this year and its only the beginning of March. First cold lasted one month, I got a two week break and bam another cold, then I got another 2 week break and now another....... this one burns my chest and I'm coughing up phlegm......ick. I did call the doctor (which I normally don't do) and they prescribed some antibiotocs......... I feel horrible. DD is sick and now DH is complaining of a headache........ moan, gripe, complain, blah blah blah.......Ok I'm done.

Have a great weekend, whats left of it.

Love, Leenie
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Old 03-02-2003, 12:06 PM   #24  
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Happy Sunday

I have my gf coming to stay a few days and we plan to get some shopping done....maybe even a good b*tch session. Neither of us has had one of those in a very long time. Poor hubby! lol

Its been a very rough couple of weeks...well...month really! Here's to a good March, and an early spring.

Have a good one
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Old 03-02-2003, 09:23 PM   #25  
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I'm home! Niagara Falls was EXACTLY what the doctor ordered. I played, and rested, a played, and had lots and lots of fun! I was like a girl all over again and dh had a great time too If anything I ate too much! lol BUT....drum roll please....I ate OP the WHOLE TIME!!!! Whenever we went out, I opted for the salad bar or failing that, fed my carbs to dh
As for the whole experience, here's my review:

Coolest place we went to: the Rainforest Cafe. It is really like a big tropical forest in there! And they had a shark tank! And I REALLY love the mugs they served my cran apple tea in!! Wayyyy Funnnnn!!

Happiest eating moment: finding a Korean restaurant that has sashimi! Mmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!

Most overhyped amusement: the Haunted House. Unless you're 5, not too scary, and actually too dark so you can't even see where your feet are. Oh and bring some ear plugs because they've got an air gun or something that I swear pops out your ear drums!

Best bang for your buck: the midway where when you play games you get tickets and then you get to trade your tickets in for little prizes. I think dh was getting a little intense about the coin tossing game!

Most queasy ride: Ripleys' Believe It or Not Moving Theater. There is a reason teenagers like this and adults don't. Bring a barf bag! ( I took off the little 3D sunglasses they give you and focussed on the railing while being shaken like a martini)

All in all, I am MUCH more relaxed and not going to bite anyone's head off so I'm seeing that as a good sign. Dh agrees with me, he was getting pretty growly too.

Ruth! I saw Canada Geese on the QEW flying north!! There's hope for us yet...

Linda! Catch the robin and keep it for us OK? LOL And you better keep coming back here, I don't care if you're on the Popcorn Diet, we love you just the way you are!

Robin (hugs), you got the blahs hon, you'll feel better soon, I promise. Maybe a trip to the F word might be in order?

Dottie, I swear, you and me--exactly the same. I swear, it was getting so bad that if anyone looked at me sideways I was libel to smack them! Enjoy your vacation and to heck with the money--the problems will be there when you come back, just enjoy!

Have a good night everyone!
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Old 03-02-2003, 09:29 PM   #26  
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Hello all!
I can't believe I wasn't on the computer earlier, but we had guests to entertain, then my son needed to do some research. I was beginning to have withdrawals.
Went to a party last night, and drank for the first time in a long time. Tom decided he would be the designated driver, so I cut loose. Didn't feel too hot this morning, but I deserved it!
Measured myself yesterday (or possibly Friday), and lost 2 inches from my waist!, and 1/2" each from hips and bust. Woohoo!
I'm also down 9 pounds total for the first 2 weeks.
I think March will be the month for all of us to stay on program and kick butt!
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