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Old 07-18-2011, 10:40 AM   #1  
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Default Maintainers weekly chat July 18-24

Monday starts a tad late today; it's summer, you know.

My week is being busy with the repainting/renovation we're doing at home. I continue to have to move my STUFF about to get it out of the way. I continue to wish I didn't own so much. People might do well to suffer occasional forrest fires, just like forrests, to clear out the underbrush, LOL.
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Old 07-18-2011, 10:46 AM   #2  
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Bill-- you just beat me with starting the thread! Is there a way to delete my thread I started right after you?

(this is what I posted in the other thread)

My summer is quickly disappearing. It hasn't warmed up yet here so it doesn't feel like summer yet. I am trying to plan a quick trip to Santa Barbara and San Diego this week to visit colleges with dd. What starts off as something easy, quickly gets complicated when I take into account the dogs and cats. I have to find someone to come and feed the cats three times a day as they eat special food. We will board Jozi assuming they have room where we normally board her. I have to decide where to board Dewey as he's never been away from home. The bad thing is I'll have to board them from Wed-Sat as we'll leave too early and get back too late. I'm off to make reservations, hotel plans, etc.!
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Old 07-18-2011, 11:34 AM   #3  
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Bill~as I age, I find that I need less and less STUFF. I realized several years ago that I had been quite materialistic in my younger years. I wanted this and that. Now I realize it is all just STUFF and if I were to lose any of it, well, so be it. It's just STUFF. Photos are the only real thing that I would miss. That and all my passwords for internet sights (you know, the important ones like banking). So we keep most of our photos together so if we were to experience something as devastating as a fire (although here it would more likely be the "Big One" earthquake) we can quickly gather them to take with us. I've already solved the password issue with Last Pass.

Michele~I'm also planning a trip right now. In a few minutes I need to get on the phone and make some reservations at RV parks along our route from So Cal to Anaconda, MT for a family reunion. Three days up and three days back with four days at the reunion. It will be nice to get away. DD will come and stay at our house and take care of Ringo along with her new kitty, Mahler. We'll take DS and Chico with us to the reunion. Chico travels well, but gets a little anxious being left alone in the RV for some reason, but he should be okay for short periods if we need to leave him.

DH and I went to see Harry Potter yesterday. Good movie. Makes me want to read the books...I've tried a couple times in the past and could never get into the first one. Now that I know the story (from all the movies) I might get into the books easier and see just what it is that was left out of the movies.

We also went to see Tree of Life. It was, um, interesting. Beautiful cinematography, but some of it was a bit superfluous IMO. The volcano stuff was a bit too long. DH said it reminded him of an old movie where they traveled into space and there was similar nonsensical stuff (I want to say he said 2001 A Space Odyssey, but I'm not sure).

The weather here was nice enough for golf both Saturday and Sunday mornings. Saturday, I beat DH! Five pars and a birdie to his four pars. Sunday was a complete turnaround--he got 11 pars and I only had two. My shooting was just off. That and I bought a new putter that gave me troubles in the beginning. I think I've figured it out, but not sure if I like it or not.
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Old 07-18-2011, 11:48 AM   #4  
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I am trying to sort and unstuff as I may be moving. Little things cause so much stress . Why do I need 3 coffeemakers ? Why do I have shoes from 15 years ago that I MAY wear sometime? Decisions, decisions.....
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Old 07-18-2011, 12:22 PM   #5  
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Michele, the summer does feel like it's going extremely quickly!

We went to see HP this weekend too. Saw it in 3D, since I'd never been to a 3D movie before, but found that it didn't really add anything. I enjoyed it, but DH fell asleep. He hasn't read the books and didn't remember the last couple movies so he didn't know what was going on.

I'm going to the endocrinologist and the rheumatologist this week. We'll see what medication changes they make. In the meantime I'm having trouble getting a handle on my weight and I'm over my red line. My biggest problem seems to be snacking, so I was thinking I'd go buy some diet snack bars (the kind with extra ingredients to make you feel full?). Any recommendations?
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Old 07-18-2011, 12:44 PM   #6  
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I can't do 3D movies - they nauseate me for some reason, and give me a headache. I don't mind, since I wouldn't want to pay the extra money anyway!

Stuff. Oh, stuff. Having recently helped my parents move, and having moved a lot myself (including overseas and back) I am as firmly anti-stuff as I can possibly be . . . and yet I still have tons of crap! But I can't have too many books, which are the heaviest things. Sigh.

Alinell - What is Last Pass? I'm forever forgetting online passwords.

Jessica - No suggestions on snack bars, sorry, but I hope your docs are able to adjust your meds well.

Rejoice with me, everyone, it's the last week of summer classes - woo hoo! After Thursday, I'm free for 3 glorious weeks!
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Old 07-18-2011, 01:12 PM   #7  
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Jen~Last Pass is a web service that, depending on the internet browser you use, keeps your passwords for you (you only have to remember your Last Pass password to gain access). On my Mac at home, it works flawlessly. Here at work, I use a combination of Chrome, Firefox and IE (because some sites aren't supported by some browsers) and it isn't so flawless, but it does keep my passwords. You can read more about it here.
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Old 07-18-2011, 03:24 PM   #8  
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Morning all,

I was in a rather cranky mood yesterday, so I tried to just get to bed sort of early last night and "start over" today. Of course it's tough on a Monday. I did get to bed pretty early but was still tired, but I think that's just from my cold, which is almost gone, and I'm sure the sleep did help. It rained all weekend, so BF and I didn't get to go on our scalloping trip that was for my bday. We will do it when the weather is nice, but I was still a little disappointed. At least my bags are unpacked, laundry done, floors vacuumed, and bathroom cleaned. Emma was driving me nuts yesterday. She didn't like being cooped up, but when I took her out in the rain, she would barely do her business before wanting to go home. At least I got her out for exercise before the rain Sat. So my weekend wasn't very exciting after Friday night, but was somewhat productive.

I'm looking forward to seeing the new HP when I can get to the city. I just Netflix-ed the first half of the movie to refresh myself.

Jen, enjoy your upcoming vacation! You must have "senior-itis" right now.

Jessica, I actually don't like "diet bars" because while they're low calorie, I don't find many very filling! I look towards things like Luna bars and Clif bars that have a little protein and fiber, or will make things myself (but need to be kept in the fridge, at least until the day I eat them) - but I always read labels to make sure they have some substance if I'm buying them. Some of the Kashi granola bars have a little bit of protein and fiber and I like those. I also really like raw nuts as a snack (pre-portion) because they're so filling. Are you really hungry or are you boredom eating? If it's boredom of course I'd go to other options you can eat a lot of for few calories, like carrots, grapes, watermelon, plain popcorn. I hope the doc can find a good med adjustment for you. Are you still unable to work out?

Allison, it sounds like you had a nice golfing weekend!

Michele, gl with all of your planning.

Bill, I really need to take a page from your book! I really need to go through my clothes, and some other boxes. I've definitely become more selective about what I'll acquire but am still bad at letting go of things I don't use. I've been meaning to for about a year... yeah... haven't done it yet.

The sun is shining today so a good walk for Emma is definitely on the books tonight, a theatre board meeting, and maybe a short gym workout. Good thing I've got leftovers to eat for dinner. Have a good week everyone!
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Old 07-18-2011, 04:00 PM   #9  
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Am in post-workout (physio exercises) bliss-out. Bill, I am going to give two cache-pots to Oxfam. But our real difficulty is books, obscure, out-of-print books. The DB has just imported about 2' of secondhand books (shelf space) but has not exported any. And he's only 11. I blame the parents.

Food not bad but could be a lot, lot better. Too many carbs and not a huge enough quantity of veg on the recent national tour. Still, I'm home now.
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Old 07-18-2011, 04:53 PM   #10  
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I've gotten really good at getting rid of stuff, without getting a whole bunch more. My rule now is one item in, 3 items have to go out. Living in small spaces helps a lot. DH is the hoarder of us two. I put out a "Free" box on the lawn quite regularly and he rarely contributes.

DH still has every pair of shoes he's ever bought himself. If he pays money for something he keeps it, even if it's been sitting for years, is totally worn out, or doesn't work. SIGH. He's trying to keep my stuff too now! I've found several things from my "Free" box secreted downstairs in his "lair". SIGH.

My Monday was totally uneventful except now I have to disconnect the downspouts at my dad's house. The City had it as a voluntary thing for years but now it's "mandatory" and you get fined if you don't comply. SIGH.

Good evening all!

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Old 07-18-2011, 04:54 PM   #11  
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Megan, I don't know if I'm actually hungry or if it's boredom. A little of both I think. Part of it is that I've been eating too much lately and I feel like when I do that my stomach expands, so it takes more food to fill it. I just need to get over the hump of eating less for a couple weeks so that my stomach will shrink back to being full on less volume. At least, that's my mental image of my stomach. I do like Clif bars, but aren't they like 300 calories? I was thinking I need something more like 100 cals. I suppose I could do half a Clif bar...

And as to working out, I sort of can but I sort of can't. I tried to go back to doing light lifting and promptly injured my achilles tendon. Right now it seems like I can handle some biking and pilates and maybe a little swimming. My current plan is to do pilates more frequently and try to bike more. I can't bike more than about 45 mins max though because it hurts my hands too much, so I just need to work on biking harder instead of longer.

Actually the other day I went on a bike ride where I was trying to go fast, so I was talking out loud to myself as I was riding ("Come on, go faster, you can do it!") and some guy rode up behind me and I'm sure he heard me! How embarrassing.
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Old 07-18-2011, 06:10 PM   #12  
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I'm missing Dewey right now! I called the place we board the dogs (Dewey has never been yet) and they wanted him to come for a trial for a few hours. It is a place where they let the dogs play supervised in small groups all day and then kennel them at night. I am like a nervous mom wondering how my baby is doing at day camp and wondering if he's old enough to go to sleep away camp!

Jen-- what are you going to do with your three glorious weeks off?
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Old 07-18-2011, 06:27 PM   #13  
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Hello hello! I already feel behind on the thread and it is still Monday.

I also saw HP this weekend twice, the first time was at a theater with really bad sound and picture, so we went to the better one to see it again. Totally worth it. Loved it. Will maybe go see it again tomorrow night with my neighbors who didn't see it again after we all saw it at the bad theater.

Michele - Dewey will be just fine. Enjoy your trip!

Jessica - I've been overheard talking out loud to myself while running, too. I figure if the people who hear me are out there in the heat I'm out there in then they are as crazy as I am.

Birchie - we have so many books... I had even more as a child but lots of them got sold or thrown away when I was in college, which I regret. Not that i would have room for them now, but I still miss them.

Bill - I have too much stuff, too. We have cleaned out more times than I can keep track of, yet stuff still piles up.

Megan - glad that your cold is getting better!

I just got back from 5.5 miles at the park - hot, hot, hot out there. 93 degrees when I got there, and I swear I felt every degree of it. whew.

Jen - three weeks off, wow! Enjoy it!

Allison - cool on the new putter and winning the golf game! My brother likes to golf, but is terrible at it to hear him tell it.
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Old 07-18-2011, 06:46 PM   #14  
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SB--"I would be most content if my children grew up to be the kind of people who think decorating consists mostly of building enough bookshelves." Anna Quindlen
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Old 07-18-2011, 08:20 PM   #15  
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SB~when my children were little and they were invited to a birthday party, they were allowed to choose a gift of their choice for the friend and I picked out a book to be given as well. My DD is (was) such an avid reader all through school. She would read her assigned 20 minutes and diligently (yet without desire) record her 20 or 30 required minutes and then spend the next 3 hours reading "for pleasure." She never liked the "work" involved which often just meant recording the number of pages read, the book name and author and the genre of the book. My son, although not nearly as avid, does enjoy a good book as long as it gives him a laugh or two. One year, my DD cleaned out her closet (where her books are stored) and boxed up FIVE boxes of books to be given away. I donated them to the elementary school that DS was attending at the time. A few years later, she did it again and we donated three boxes to the local library that was setting up a teen reading room. Makes me proud my kids enjoy books.

Jessica~in regards to bars: I like the higher protein bars like Atkins and of course the high protein and low calorie bars from Medifast. I've enjoyed a lot of other bars (Lara, Clif, FiberOne) but none have the protein punch AND low calorie that I look for. One point--if you buy the Atkins, don't get the ones covered in "chocolate." Instead get one that has chips and maybe a "chocolate" base. They taste a lot better.
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