3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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Debbie367 10-07-2006 10:29 AM

LAWL Advice
Good morning everyone!

First I would like to say how inspiring you all are! I am having such a hard time staying on track and when I come to the site and read your posts I know I can do it!!!

My question is this....I am not officially on LAWL but have been (semi) following a friends plan. As you can see, I am not doing so well and really thing I will benefit by going to the COD and officially joining. I have about 90 lbs to lose and wondered how much $$ I would have to put out up front. Can anyone give me a ballpark?

Have a GREAT day!

bizlawchik 10-07-2006 10:30 AM

SAHM - Congrats on staying strong at your center. You will love the extra starch and 1/2 protein. Even if you don't have time for personals, keep posting. We understand how it is with the little ones. That's why I usually get on at work and then not much over the weekend. Stay strong with DH home - plan your meals now for today through Tuesday and you will do great!

Martha - WTG on reaching the 1/2way point! Stay strong, you can do this!

Jenni - You have done so great in such a short time! WTG!

Hope everyone has a great weekend. I went to WI this morning and was up .2. I think it's because I always stay the same or gain a .2-.4 after TO. I also went to a different COD, so you never know how their scale is. Either way, I have been POP and I am feeling good. I am looking forward to being POP for the first weekend in a while.

DH is driving to Tampa today to watch the Univ. South Florida football game, so it's just me and the kids. I will leave in a few to take DS to gymnastics, come back and clean. Slow weekend for me, but that is just what I need to stay POP.

Check you guys later.

bizlawchik 10-07-2006 10:34 AM

Debbie - Whatever your center is offering /week take 2lb/week x $/week. So you would need 45 weeks at whatever they are offering in your area. However, you could start with a higher goal weight to pay less. Then you pay for 52 weeks of maintenance. Then the bars. Which you don't need to purchase, and if you do use the bars, you can purchase them as needed. I get 20 single boxes/10 double boxes for $179. I signed up for 52 weeks of WL and I paid around $800 with the maintenance and whatever other fees. I did not purchase lites up front. But I know prices have gone up since March. But there are also specials. Also, try the LAWL website to see if there are any internet offers.

Hope this helps. Feel free to PM me if you have any more questions.

2bfit06 10-07-2006 10:56 AM

Good morning LAWL chickies,

Well WI did not go in my favor today. I was up like .6. I am not upset about it at all, but I am once again bothered by the stupid counselors. She told me to incorporate beef up to two times a week, but initially they told me to try and stay away from it. She also told me that I should try and cut back 1 hr of my exercise. I thought the key was to exercise as well as eat a clean diet. Of course this was one that I have never met with. She just looked at me like I was crazy and offered the Xcel which I refused. The other COD is over 50 minutes away and I am not sure that would be any better.

I was thinking, I am on red plan now w/lites, but I have the blue plan from a year ago, I am thinking of just doing that one and see what happens. I guess if I tried it for a week, I would be OK.

Does anyone have any suggestions??

Debbie367 10-07-2006 12:28 PM

Thanks Cassie! I am going to discuss with my partner and perhaps join "officially" on Monday.

By the way...I love your new picture...you look GREAT!


bizlawchik 10-07-2006 12:59 PM

Debbie - Thanks for the compliment. Let us know how it goes and if you join. There are some others (Evette for example) who don't go to the center, but who are having great success. But I am one person who needs the accountability.

2bfit - Are you exercising over 5 hr/week? I know that my COD said that when I hit 180 I will be moved from purple to gold. I was taken off red and put on purple at 220. Is your COD corporate or franchise? I sometimes think the corporate centers have a little more consistency with their programs and advice because they are all trained the same. Maybe you should be on purple or gold? Maybe even blue? I see your weight is 179, so that would put you on gold, but if you exercise more than 5 hrs/week, or have a crazy schedule, like shift work in a hospital, then you would probably be moved to blue. That is all if you are doing the Lites, which you said you were. If you were to stop the Lites, you would be moved up a plan. Have you spoken with your COD manager?

Repo girl 10-07-2006 01:23 PM

Morning all! We went to "The Departed" last night. OMG it was bloody. REALLY bloody. Pretty good though. We ate at TGI Fridays. I did okay. Not POP, but TONS better than lately. It is raining like crazy today. I am really hurting. Sometimes the weather really affects my fibromyalgia. I took a hot bath, which helped for a while, but now I am miserable again. I am going to try to get in for a massage this afternoon.

Jenni- Great Wi, good for you!

Debbie- It really depends on if you are going to use their products or not. Good luck at any rate!

Martha- Wonderful!!! 2.8 is great!

Have a great, POP day all!!

MickeySue 10-07-2006 03:20 PM

Hello all!

I just wanted to pop in and let you all know I am still around! I have been trying to read all the posts and should have time later for personals.....maybe!

CRAZY weekend, my SIL is getting hitched next weekend and my DH, DS, and DD are all in the wedding so we are running around doing fittings, getting hair fixed for preliminaries, tasting foods (okay, I left this to my DD and the bride to be, I was just there for moral support!)

2bfit06 10-07-2006 04:07 PM

Bizlaw, I am at 179 as of today. I am exercising 4-5 hours a week and on lites with the Red plan. I did speak to the dingy manager after the first week, but she said if I was on a lower plan, that would be like starving me. I totally disagree! I am not sure if it's Franchised or Corporate, but I believe it's considered a part time center even because they are closed one day out of the week and some mornings. I don't know. At this point I think they are just grabbing at straws not really knowing what to tell me.

Debbie367 10-07-2006 05:49 PM

Thanks for the support! I too need more accountability. Doing the plan alone is not working for me. I am waaaaaay to good at psyching myself into falling off the plan and believing I can "catch up". Until I can make the plan a lifestyle change I will need to answer to someone else other than myself.

Thanks again for your support...and I keep posting those yummy recipes!
Debbie- Nashville

Debbie367 10-07-2006 06:00 PM

Question...What is the TO juice and is it any good? Is this something I will need to decide on when I join? I am always leary of bars, shakes and juices...I want to know I like them before I dive in (don't we all!!). :-)

Thanks for your help!
Deb (Nashville)

reddeborah 10-07-2006 06:43 PM

Debbie: Maybe before you buy anything in bulk you could ask for one of everything they sell to see what you like. So far I have liked everything. The TO juice is pretty good as well, however, I have taken the advice given here and purchased Knudsen's Morning Blend which is less expensive and tastes just as good. You may want to search the threads for all the TO information and substitutions as well to get educated about it all. I still consider myself somewhat of a newbie and don't feel qualified yet to dispense a lot of advice other than to cheer people on. I have had a great experience so far and highly recommend the prrogram. Good Luck!!

Hi all: We are also going to see the same movie tonight, so thanks for the heads up, Katie. DH really wants to see it. Hope everyone is enjoying their Saturday. It's only 6:38 pm and it is so dark and cold already. A true fall day today, and hoorah, I lit the fire! DD had her last driver's ed class today and passed the test - now comes the driving part. Yikes. They showed all the gruesome movies today showing real people who were killed in car accidents and it totally freaked out DD. Now she says she's not in a rush to get behind the wheel. Good.

We have another three day weekend so if the weather stays like this I think I'll tackle some of the closets. I wonder how many calories that would burn?????

Have a safe and happy Saturday night, Chickies, and be strong. Instead of reaching for that Hershey's kiss, plant a wet one on your significant other!!

ljackson 10-07-2006 07:05 PM

Hi Everyone- I just got a chance to catch up on all the posts. I have been way too busy the past few days to check in. I have also been sick, I think it is a sinus infection. So as a result of the two I have been doing terrible. I did not have dinner last night or lunch today, and have just been picking at all the wrong stuff.

Everyone sounds like they are hanging in there. I was just thinking that we should all be trying really hard now. This time of the year seems like down time between summer parties and the holidays. This was the time last year when I lost a majority of my weight. I was all set this week to get going OP and working out and then BOOM, out of nowhere I am sick. I am going to give myself one more day to get better, then it is boot camp starting monday for me.

meagain716 10-07-2006 07:37 PM

Hello ladies...I just wanted to share this offer that I ran across with you all. With all the weight you have been losing, you deserve a new pair of jeans:

Printable $5 coupon for Levi Jeans at Target

I hope I can post that link...just click on the "Download coupon" button. :)

Bajachick3 10-07-2006 09:10 PM

hi everyone...Just checking in to catch up on our active forum....

Debbie..hope you join..I am sure it will help..I also needed that one on one accountability...I needed something different.....Many years ago I became a lifetime member of WW..But choose to join here..different ..more accountability...one on one instead of group. I also have paid for ;1 year of maintenance..So I will go weekly and keep it off.. SO far I have been successful.. good luck ...this forum is soooooo supportive.

ljackson..Hope you are feeling better..

Meagan....you are doing well!!!

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