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Boo'sMom 10-06-2006 10:58 AM

You guys have been busy busy bees!! I am finally caught up reading and congrats to all you LOSERS!!! Never thought that would be a complement but I love being a loser. I am out of my funk, back to POP today. Yesterday was totally POOP (what does that stand for again Katie??) but I'm over it and will move on today. I swear I need a therapist to convince my brain I am really not satisfied with my weight yet--I seem to be because I keep blowing it, and to get rid of my "fat eyes" because I still see the old me in the mirror. Then I convince myself people around me are just being nice. A gal at lunch was making fun of me eating tuna kits everyday and says "no wonder your so tiny" hahahah TINY?? Never been accused of that one but it was pretty funny to hear. Maybe compared to where I was a year ago but I forget none of the people knew me then.

Anyway--enough gabbing for now--gotta get this kid busy--he's in for 3 days!! I think he likes me--LOL.

juliemarie 10-06-2006 11:00 AM

ooh-almost forgot . . . . .

I loved the quotes Cassi put out there-reminded me of my favorite one of Ellie's that she reminds us of before our really long walks when we're hurting, tired, cranky-

This is a paraphrase-

The greatest thing about being a human being is the ability to CHOOSE YOUR ATTITUDE in any given situation. (don't remember who said it)

Isn't that awesome? It really helps me when I'm feeling negative (like I did around mile 21 on Sunday)-I decided I didn't want to have any negative feelings affect my marathon so I decided to move on from situation that was ticking me off.

MTdebster921 10-06-2006 11:42 AM

Reddeb- I'm with you on the clothing thing. I have this gorgeous heavy suede and fur coat that is a size 22/24 that I can't wear anymore, but just can't bear to get rid of. The good thing is that I will be able to fit into this awesome 3/4 length leather coat I got for a steal on a day trip to Canada. I haven't been able to wear it for 3 years or so.

Angelica- I haven't tried the Wyler's. The kind I have in both the chicken and beef is the Herbox no sodium. They both come in powdered form. I usually add my own spices to them to jazz up the taste, but I like them both.

Juliemarie- Glad that you are feeling better today!!

Lea Ann- Kim- I too thought about the laser surgery, but was told that I would still have to wear glasses - because of astigmatism or myopia or some junk like that, and because I have worn gas perm contacts for the last 26 years, I would have to wear nothing but glasses for almost 2 years before I could even have it done. I am blind as a bat -- 675/70

Rebeca- BACK AWAY FROM THE CANDY!!:frypan: :kickbutt:

Cassie-JM- Love the quotes- We have one hanging up at work in the breakroom that says- Choose your attitude, you may not have a choice about the work you have to do today, but you always have a choice about the attitude you do your work with. What will your choice be??

To all our neighboring Canadians- Have a super Holiday.:thanks2:

Ok, mush alert:
I don't know how many of you listen to country music, but I just heard the new song by Rascall Flatts called "My Wish" and as I closed my eyes and just listened to the music and the words, I instantly relaxed and smiled and actually thought about all my 3FC buddies, because every one of you are so awesome and deserve all the best in the world, so if you get a chance to, listen to it because it's my wish to all of you!!!!:hug:

carolr3639 10-06-2006 12:19 PM

What is the Gold program?

Shannon13 10-06-2006 12:31 PM

Mtdeb - I love everything by Rascal Flatts - My Wish is a great song.

Carolr3639- gold program is the LAWL program after purple

Repo girl 10-06-2006 12:35 PM

Hey guys! I am really busy this morning. Fridays are crazy trying to get ready for the next week, buying the groceries, etc. I gotta go get it done, but I wanted to pop in and say HI!!! Lets have a POP Day!

Lea Ann- POOP: Pretty Obviously Off Plan.

Prazteam 10-06-2006 01:15 PM

Hey ya bunch of SUCCESSFUL LOSERS!!!
I'm at home today (for a change! I was thinking I needed to take a suitcase with me to church!) DS didn't have to work today, so I got to sleep in! YAH!!!
I'm making turkey meatball soup today since it's getting cooler and rainy today and tomorrow. I'll let you know how it turns out and if it's good, I'll post the recipe once I figure one out. I'm hoping for an Italian sausage flavor in the meatballs... so we'll see.

Joni - I have a quote in my boys bathroom that is equally reflective:
"Our aim is to keep this bathroom clean - Gentlemen: Your aim will help. Stand closer; It's shorter than you think. Ladies: Please remain seated for the entire performance."
Okay, maybe it's not so reflective - but it IS EFFECTIVE!!! It's funny how many friends and relatives come out of that bathroom laughing and mention that sign! :joker:

Okay ladies - It's time for planning our POP weekend meals. That starts with POP foods FIRST, not figuring out how to cheat and make up for it later! :rolleyes:

It's amazing how many people start getting down and depressed in the Fall/Autumn season. My mom used to say she got depressed watching trees lose their leaves and look like they were dieing. So, if you're one of the "getting down in the dumps" group, look for a way to "perk" yourself up! There are plenty of joke sites on the net. There are plenty of great shops to look for something special - maybe a new snuggly scarf for winter? How about a new set of fun mittens to make snowmen with your kids? Take your kids to the thrift store and make a "snowman" kit by getting a hat, a scarf, something for a nose, eyes, we gave our a "pot" a few years ago because we wanted him to make snowcream for us... How about a wild new nail polish or one that you love for your toes?!? Bath and Beauty has a great selection of bathbeads, bubble bath, and candles. Pick up a new cd of mood music that will CHANGE your mood for the better! How about a new cuddly stadium blanket for your next book and cup of tea? Stop and buy yourself some fresh flowers on the way home.
After all... you're special and you deserve something special!
Don't forget a romantic candlelit POP dinner - dress up in a special dress, heels, and your best cologne. You'll look like a million bucks and you'll feel like a million bucks.
Hugs! and :dust: for the weekend!

bizlawchik 10-06-2006 01:30 PM

:woo: :bravo: :cp: :hat: :hat: :cb: :flow1: :congrat: :cheer: :cheer: :goodscale :grouphug: :dancer: :dance: :carrot:

Boo'sMom 10-06-2006 01:42 PM

Kristi--WTG!!! Congrats.

Katie--thanks--I knew it was something NOT good--just couldn't remember.

Pearl--for the record--I added flowers to my grocery list for tdoay! A nice fall assortment will make me festive.

My folks are coming for the weekend--yeah for us! I am making stew and then Mexican soup for tomorrow--neither are exactly OP but I made them as close as I could. I love Fall weather food.

bizlawchik 10-06-2006 01:55 PM

All this talk about winter coats and soups and stews is making me jealous. I know I'll love it come March, but it's still summer here. Sunny and 88 today. I love making soups and stews for lunch, but it just seems wrong when it's so hot.

I'm going to the mall this weekend to get DS a coat for when it gets cool because by the time we need it (December/January), all the spring stuff is starting to come out! It sucks having to buy kids coats every year when they only wear them a few times. Oh well... at least football season is here!

Boo'sMom 10-06-2006 02:06 PM

Cassi--I hate to admit but I have NEVER owned a heavy coat but will get one this year (my whole life has been spent in Texas and Arizona!). When you only have a few days of really frigid cold a year I just can't justify the need. Now that we are in the panhandle I will have to. I used to never even wear jackets because by the end of the day I didn't need it and always had a collection at school. Now--I'm sure it's a "padding" issue-- I am cold all the time. My girls (10 & 7) got their first heavy coat this past fall.

Shannon13 10-06-2006 02:07 PM

Congrats to you Kristi! You were the one that did it so give yourself a big pat on the back!

bizlawchik 10-06-2006 02:18 PM

Lea Ann - I never bought DD a heavy coat until she went to Washington for the safety patrol trip - and even then I went to the thrift store because I knew that would be the only time she wore it. DS is a different story. At his daycare they go outside every morning from 8-8:30 and it's not warmed up yet. But they get the huge collection of jackets there too.

2bfit06 10-06-2006 02:33 PM

Hello everyone,

It's Friday and my long weekend!! Hallelujah!!

Kristi, Congrats on reaching your goal! You should be doing the happy dance. You will maintain it because you worked hard to get there. Enjoy the moment for now.:)

Juliemarie, I am so happy you are feeling better!

I'm telling you, this was a great example of what real online support does. I hope that if I ever need a pick me up or a kick in the butt that it's delivered just like that.

Confession: I have always been skeptical of online talking and such, but you ladies are great! I actually feel like I know you and have never met any of you. I know with all of you ladies help, I will get to my goal and I will not let the ding-a-lings at my COD stop me!:carrot:

carolr3639 10-06-2006 02:37 PM

This program sounds a lot like Slender Center where I went more than 15 yr. ago. I never got to finish because they went out of busness. There aren't too many of these place outside cities and the 2 nearest towns for me are half a hour away and only about 4000 people. I thought I read this month someone posting the number of proteins, carbs, veggies, fruits and dairy they were allowed. Would like to know more about the program.

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