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Old 02-14-2002, 04:46 PM   #16  
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Hi Nancy:
I am glad everything checked out with you, and congrats on your 2nd grandchild. Good luck with what ever type of diet you do as long as it works for you that is what counts. I have missed seeing your posts let us know how you are doing.
I am almost done I kind of dragged it out but I am o.k. with it as long as I reach my goal, I guess that is what counts not how long it took me to get there.
Welcome Island girl sounds like you are doing great I started on the purple plan then was switched to the gold.
Hey Jibbelle how is the cheating going this week, I have not been perfect but I am doing o.k.
Mary I think we all come to a point when we find it is much easier if we just stick to it, cheating just makes it so hard.
Happy Valentines Everyone
4/06/01 201
2/14/02 142
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Old 02-15-2002, 10:09 AM   #17  
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I am doing ok this week on the cheating. For valentines day I had one piece of chocolate covered toffee. Other than than, I have done pretty well this week. I have missed a few food though, that sometimes hurts as much as eating too much! I am off today, but I have a full agenda so I am not sure if I will make it to the center. For sure I will go in the morning. I am only a couple pounds away from switching plans and my loss has really slowed down. I am going to see if I can switch just a little bit early.

Take care all
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Old 02-15-2002, 01:52 PM   #18  
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I had some Valentines candy also. When I switched from purple to gold they let me switch early and the pounds started coming off again even though I missed the extra food. I will be on the gold plan until I finish.
I told the manager that I would not cheat so I can reach my 60 pound mark but I cheated so I don't think I will make it until next week.
Have a nice day off
4/06/01 201
2/14/02 142
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Old 02-15-2002, 09:10 PM   #19  
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We just went out for dinner to celebrate Valentine's a day late. I had grilled salmon, rice pilaf, and steamed veggies. It was a little bland, but pretty good. I had a cup of coffee for dessert.

I am going to weigh in tomorrow, so I am trying to get in a little extra water this evening.

I will post after weigh in tomorrow morning.

Take care all!
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Old 02-16-2002, 11:13 AM   #20  
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I just went to weigh in. Only down 0.4 lbs but I guess I will take it. That is a total of 45 lbs gone! She really does not want me to switch to the next plan until I get to 239. That is only 4 lbs away. That could take a month at this rate though! She suggested, of course, that I do the Take off. I am going to hold out for one more week...with no cheating...and see if I can lose a lb or two. If I dont, then maybe I will do takeoff.

My mom is coming into town on Tuesday and we are going to see Phantom of the Opera. I am SOOOOO excited. I need to pick a place for us to go to dinner. She is running about a size behind me in weight loss so I am going to send some clothes home with her.

Anyone else have a weigh in today??
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Old 02-16-2002, 03:57 PM   #21  
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Hi Jibbelle:
I weighed in today I was up .4. Isn't that funny I gained what you lost. Congrats on the 45 pounds. Slowly is better than not at all. I have been slow lately.
Have fun with your Mom on Tuesday, I have been giving away my bigger clothes also. At this point I am not allowing myself anything with elastic for a while expect workout clothes, I don't want to have any leave way for extra weight.
Tomarrow I am going out to dinner with my father and his girl friend. At first I was going to weigh in on Monday, But I forgot I had plans with a friend of mine so I will go on Tuesday.
I was going to try and be good for lent and give up the cheating but I have not done well so far. I have to keep trying I guess.
4/06/01 201
2/16/02 142.4
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Old 02-16-2002, 06:12 PM   #22  
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Talking I weighed in today, too!

Hi Everyone,

I lost 0.4 today too! Maybe 4 is the magic number for today, up or down. ;-)

Congratulations on the 45 pounds, Jib! That's great!

I had dinner out last night too, at Macaroni Grill of all places, but managed to stay on program. (Steak, grilled veggies, salad, espresso)

Does anyone else feel like Sally from the movie When Harry Met Sally? I can't help think of the scenes where she orders food and puts all these changes and caveats on them. That's what I feel like.

"No pasta, please. Just a side salad. You can charge me extra. No, no potatoes, no gnocchi, no starch, darn it!"

But it's worth it for that loss!

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Old 02-16-2002, 06:36 PM   #23  
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I can not believe how close you are to your goal. I can not wait to be there myself! I know it has been a long road, but I am sure you will be there soon!

I have been evading Macaroni Grill because I have such a hard time saying no to pasta!! It sounds like you did well though.

I am been working hard all day and am starving! I am fixing an early dinner. I am having 1/2 chicken sandwich and broccoli/cauliflower with cheese. I think I also have a fruit left so I may sautee some apples with a little cinnamon adn fake sugar for dessert. That is always a treat!!!
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Old 02-17-2002, 03:17 PM   #24  
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Angry new to board

hi everyone..i started reading this board a few days ago, its the only LAWL board i have found. I think it is so wonderful how you all support each other. I started LAWL a week and a half ago, and i have lost 11 pounds already. I feel so good, physically as well as mentally, i hardly ever feel hungry and i actually enjoy what i eat now. Last fall i tried weight watchers and i lost a little bit, but i hated the meetings and i wasnt really eating very healthily, its easy to eat a bunch of processed foods on that plan. Anyway, i just wanted to introduce myself to everyone, and i plan to keep checking in to report how i am doing and find out how all of you are doing. So hello to everyone!

i started at 191, am now at 179.4 and i am on the gold plan.

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Old 02-17-2002, 04:55 PM   #25  
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It sounds as if you are off to a great start!!! How much do you want to lose?
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Old 02-17-2002, 08:23 PM   #26  
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i'm not sure how much i want to lose...i set my goal at 150, i think when i make it there i will be doing pretty good, but i may set it lower then. It was hard for me to pick a goal weight cause i dont know what i will look like at that weight lol
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Old 02-17-2002, 08:46 PM   #27  
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I felt exactly the same way! I set my goal at 170, but I may decide to go lower when I get close. I just wanted to start with something realistic.
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Old 02-18-2002, 05:14 PM   #28  
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Hi ML, welcome! And Hi to everyone else, too!

I like this board very're right, it's the only LAWL board I can find. You're doing terrifically well, good for you!

I weighed in today and lost another point-six. I don't know why I'm always shocked when I lose; I'm pretty anal about staying on the program, and yet, I always try to prepare myself for the worst. So it was a lovely surprise!

I'm on the purple plan; I should be "graduating" to the Gold plan pretty soon. At least that's what the counselor told me on Saturday.

Does your center carry the chocolate-caramel bars? Mine doesn't yet, and I'm driving the staff nuts asking when they'll be in.

So yesterday's challenge was eating at a Mexican restaurant. (Yeah, we eat out a lot. Hard on the pocketbook but easy on the kitchen!) And I was still able to stay on program by guessed it...a grilled chicken salad! At least it had a spicy dressing that I could stick my fork into.

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Old 02-18-2002, 05:47 PM   #29  
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Hi mary nice to meet you....

no my center doesnt have those yet either...i will have to remember to ask about them, they sound yummy. i just got back from weighing in...stayed the same at 179.4, which was fine with me cause i had to eat out with my family saturday at a country restaurant with very fattining food lol...i did ok, got chicken and veggies, but i know they probably had more fat than at home.

I have tried the chocolate crunch, double chocolate, and chocolate peanut butter bars, so far i think i like chocolate crunch the best. Has anyone tried the mint chocolate, fruit, or honey nougat? I want to try them but i am scared of getting stuck with bars i dont like lol.

One more it ok to eat ground turkey on the plan?

191 2/7/02
179.4 2/18/02
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Old 02-18-2002, 09:06 PM   #30  
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Someone posted a message on the board a while back saying that the taste testers liked the carmel bars but thought they tasted more like butterscotch so they went back to the drawing board with them. Who knows when they will be out!

I like the chocolate cruch bars the best, and I have tried them all. The chocolate mint taste just like the double chocolate but with a mint flavor. I am not too fond of the mint, although I do like the double chocolate. The honey nougat taste like Zero bars. I get them on occassion, but I usually need the chocolate fix! I had the fruit and oat bars once, but I can not remember what they were like. Obviously I didnt like them all that much! I think the berry and lemon suck! It took me a month to get through those two boxes. They are like eating one giant skittle. If you like sugar candy, you will like those.

These of course are only my opinions, I know some people here like bars that I didnt like. To each their own.

You can have ground turkey breast as an unlimited protein. Just make sure it is the BREAST. It is kind of expensive, so I usually buy it on sale, patty it, and freeze away the burgers. As a matter of fact, I just had one tonight! Sometimes I mix the turkey burger with mexican seasonings and serve it over a bed of lettuce with cheese and salsa. Kind of a taco salad without the starch.
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