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Old 08-25-2007, 08:41 PM   #211  
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Hey ladies.. And guys if you're out there..

Well, my tour is done and I'm now sitting in a hotel room in Boise. I fly out early tomorrow and should be home by 3pm... Let's hope Liz still loves me enough to pick my up at the airport

Camp food was good, but high on the empty carbs.. Most of the people in my camp were "overhead" managers, or, those in charge of the fire, rather than the actual firefighters. Most of the crews were out at smaller camps in the area, standing by to protect home and communities. It was quite the operation, if I do say so. But even though we weren't actual "crew" members, we still ate the food the crews ate. That means lots of calories, and lots of meat. We're able to pick and choose what we want to eat, but I still had a few meals where there weren't any really good choices.. Had I stayed in camp all the time, I would have been fine eating fruits and veggies, but I was out in the field a lot, so I needed to eat some things that would stay with me, if you know what I mean..

I almost went with the cajun chicken sandwich with steak fries for dinner at the Holiday Inn down the street, but I was good and got a grilled chicken salad with dressing on the side. That said, I bought a beer on the way back to my room.. I figure I'm due, after being out in the woods in a tent with a guy in the tent next to me who snored like a damn chain saw.

I'm probably going to stay away from the scale for a few days as the usual "stoppages" took place this past week and a half. That always happens when I travel, and the mandatory use of our porta potties didn't help the matter.. They were kept as clean as possible, but still.. Yuck!

Anyway.. I've got another busy week on tap, and I'll be away from home from Tueday until Friday, so I'm going to have to tread carefully around Liz. She's been great, dealing with the kids while I've been gone.. I don't know how some of my co-workers do this all summer long.. I know some guys who have been gone more than they've been home for a couple of months..

Well.. Early to bed tonight, as I have to be up very early..

Talk to you all soon!
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Old 08-25-2007, 08:46 PM   #212  
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Hi guys,

Just thought I'd do a quick check in. I worked overtime today from 1p-9p so I am glad I am back home. But considering I worked 7.5 but got to bank 12.5 hrs with the double time I didn't mind.

Yesterday was the house inspection. Everything was great. He found a few things to recommend but that is normal. That's what he is paid to do. But nothing major. I really didn't expect to because it is only 5 years old but you never know.

Now I just have to wait for the minihome community landlord to approve me and I am good to go. I should know for sure by end of business day on Tuesday. Again I don't foresee a problem but......Then I can get this stuff on the go and start packing and such. My mom went with me yesterday as she hadn't seen the inside yet and she liked it too.

That's about it for me. Not much new since I was at work all day. Hope everyone had a good saturday!!
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Old 08-26-2007, 09:13 AM   #213  
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Dan, Just don't forget how special Liz is and keep telling her when you are home and I am sure she will love that. Well I think she would. I tell my DH all the time when he says how do you deal with this or that - I tell him he better remember how special I am. Course several of his friends are divorcing so that helps remind him how special what we have really is. Ha! Ha!
Glad you are going to get to sleep in your own bed for a while.
Now got to read the other post. I always start at the end and go back. Yes, I know I am weird!
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Old 08-26-2007, 06:25 PM   #214  
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Wow - everyone is so quiet today!

Welcome back Dan! Hope the trip home was easy and Liz was waiting with loving arms! (I'm sure she was!)

Well, the trip to Mexico got pushed to Tuesday. A former neighbor passed away and they're having her memorial tomorrow. Since I didn't know her, I'd rather go after they have their night of remembrance.

The concert was a blast! A great way to kick off my short vacation.

Since the trip got postponed a day, today is the fun day for Mini-Me and I although we're getting a late start to it. We had a nice long overdue conversation about things that have been going on and are now getting ready to run our fun errands. The clouds have moved over most of Northern San Diego but we haven't gotten any rain here yet. Lotsa strong winds though, so we might be in for a good storm. Mini-Me and I are actually hoping for that. A summer storm while we cozy up with our movies and junk food (for her) for the night.

Hope everyone is POP! I wasn't yesterday. Not horribly off, but not especially on either.
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Old 08-26-2007, 06:50 PM   #215  
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Lunch with the Kims was awesome! We were all so good and ate pretty much OP. Kim #2 looks even more amazing in person than her photos! She is a walking success story! Kim #3 and I really have some big shoes to fill, don't we girl?

For those that gave me advice on Shiloh, I wanted to give an update. His blood work came back perfectly normal. Best guess is that he drank too much water before bed and just couldn't hold it. It's been extremely hot here and Shiloh doesn't like being outside at all so when he comes in after his afternoon play time, he does really fill up on the water. I went to bed early that night so his last potty break wasn't as late as it usually is. Whatever the case, what caused his accident is nothing health-related.

I hope everyone's doing well. Must have been a busy weekend because there aren't many posts. Looking forward to catching up on all the news tomorrow!
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Old 08-26-2007, 09:29 PM   #216  
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It was SO nice meeting my new friends Heather and Kim #3 for lunch today!! I wish all of us could just get together and have a huge party! LOL You two will keep me toeing the line now, I cant screw up since I told you how easy it was for me! LOL

Everybody have an amazing week! Ya'll must be busy this weekend, I didnt have many posts to catch up on!

Dan-Welcome home!

Liza-Hope you have a great time on your trip, glad you got a little time with Mini-Me!
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Old 08-26-2007, 09:51 PM   #217  
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TN Heather, Kim #2 and Kim #3 - glad you had fun at your lunch!

Dan - I'm sure Liz and the kids are glad to have you home as well as I'm sure your glad to be there. When I have to work out of town, I'm always so glad to get home!

Liza - sorry to hear about your former neighbor.

Alannah - glad the inspection went well.

Well, I'm off to go pack my lunch and snacks for tomorrow. I've got to get focused and get serious. I haven't seen much of my neighbor all summer and I was outside the other day and she came out and MY GOODNESS!!!!...she has loss 50 lbs in the last three months. She looks amazing! She said she went to a doctor and is losing the weight with some kind of shakes. I didn't say anything to her except that she looks great but don't people usually gain the weight back after they start eating again when you lose weight like that? She has lost weight in the past and has always gained it back just like many of us including me but it will be interesting to see if this time it sticks.

Anyway....good night to a POP week!
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Old 08-26-2007, 10:10 PM   #218  
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Liza - sorry your trip was postponed, but sounds like you and Mini Me made the best of it. Funny picture of your furkid in the box!! I hope your dad is able to find happiness....I find it interesting that at 92 years of age he's actually still interested in finding happiness and contentment ...I'm afraid that when I'm 92 I won't even know my spouses name and my worries will all be health related!

Alannah - glad the inspection went'll need the OT money to start sprucing up your new place!! I know I would.

Hey Rebecca...good to see you!!

Dan - Welcome home. Sounds like you'll be busy this week too. And I, too, think you deserved that beer!

Amy - your photos are great! 3 dogs, 1 cat, 1 baby deer and 2 boys! You've got a full house. What's the plan for Jake...he looks rather comfy at home with everyone!

Kristen - bet your doctor visit left you feeling good....Loved the video about the Man Cold!! Oh so true in my house. DH is not really demanding, but he will stay in bed and sleep and watch TV the entire day. A woman typically still gets up and does a few least I know I do! That stinks about DH's tooth...sure is a long time to have to wait to get it fixed...ouch!
Happy belated birthday by the way!

Heather - I'm just checking in and reading all the posts about Shiloh. I'm glad your brought him in and that his blood work is all good. I never realized you had 3 are angels to them! I'm sure you've learned from here, the internet and your vet that Incontinence can be the result of many health was actually the first and only sign we had that Charlie dog had a problem. In his case though his blook work came back and he was hypercalcemic and it took a lot of tests (and money) to figure out the cause of it. Once I had a cat with the same problem and she had a minor kidney problem and just needed to eat special canned cat food to help her out. Again, glad Shiloh's problem wasn't too serious. Guess you'll have t limit his water drinking before bedtime! or do like I had to do for a while and actually set an alarm and give him a potty break in the middle of the night.

Healthy2B (Carrie) that a new avatar picture of you??? Great photo...

Oh my...I've got to get to bed. Night all. I think I'll pass on a monday weigh in and see what Tuesday brings!
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Old 08-27-2007, 06:54 AM   #219  
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Good Morning Everybody!

I'm jealous of Heather and both Kims for being able to meet in person. I wish all of us lived alot closer!!!
But, I really am glad you had a good time.

Have to take DD down to a specialist this a.m. They are watching her thyroid. She has a cyst on it, that appears a little larger than two years ago. So, because of her age (17), the MD wants us to see the specialist just to be on the safe side. They've only been watching it up to this point. Wouldn't want her to wake up with a huge goiter as her neck now.

Hope everyone has a great POP day. And Good Luck to all those that WI!! I'm not sure if I will WI today or not, gotta do some school shopping before Wednesday!!
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