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Old 01-20-2016, 10:04 AM   #466  
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Scale is moving down and not too far from my low, phew. I worked up a good sweat at the gym this morning and I am continuing to drown myself in water. I feel a lot less bloated today, thankfully.
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Old 01-20-2016, 10:59 AM   #467  
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jenny - being bloated is a pain, but fortunately it's usually not weight gain seems like salt is usually the culprit. Nice that you got rid of it so easily, and the scale is rewarding you!! You'll be back at goal before you know it

mama so sorry about the headache, but glad to hear you found some relief. I know the pain, I used to have migraines (period related, usually) and used to spend hours on the couch with the top of my head jammed against the arm, pills never seemed to do much, just made me stoopidey.
Wishing your daughter good luck with her meet!!

HIS it sure sounds like the whole maintenance process is one of experimenting, trying to find your own balance. I find myself feeling a bit anxious that about that phase, but keep telling myself not to get ahead of myself...So much easier at the start of this when everything is laid out so precisely for us!

Another nice day on the scale today, morning nekkid wt 136.6
Too bad it's so much higher at the clinic, maybe next time I should strip down to tights and a cami These winter clothes are no help.
But the home weight sure makes me feel better about phasing off for vacation, wouldn't it be just the loveliest thing to come back and not have to go back to P1 Well, doubt that will happen, but nice to be an optimist!

Sounds like nasty weather on the way in the east, all you Ipeeps out that way, take care!
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Old 01-20-2016, 01:38 PM   #468  
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jenny, Yay! You rock!
mama, I am such a headache-prone person. I get migraines (like blue, mine are cycle related) and sinus headaches and tension headaches and EVERYTHING headaches. So I feel you and I glad you are getting relief and feel better because headaches suck....I have one now actually.
blue, you are so close to goal!!! I continued to lose on Phase 2 and 3 so you may be there (at least on the home scale) by your vacation. I will also try to take care in the snow, but I am essential (personally I don't think psychologists are that essential) so I may get caught in it on the road going home on Friday.

There is a party going on at work today for a coworker who is moving to another Clinic. There were cupcakes and pita and chips and sandwiches and this gal had BBQ crisps and cucumbers!!! Take care all.
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Old 01-20-2016, 02:44 PM   #469  
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How interesting... Quest Nutrition started an account here on 3FC and posted in the Quest bar thread. They must be desperate. LOL.
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Old 01-20-2016, 03:14 PM   #470  
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Hi Everyone! Hope all is well. Looks like we are going to skate by with rain this weekend for the big storm. Fingers, toes and eyes crossed!! Beth- good luck to you!!! You'll get your sledding in I am pretty certain of that! Blue- I wear leggings and a light top just for that reason-and if I have to go somewhere afterwards- I bring clothes to change in to! Whatever it takes man!! Jenny- that's awesome news- keep up the good work- great work!! Mama- hope you are feeling better! Migraines are the worst, scary too! Still wrapping my head around the breakfast thing- love the eggs and toast and stuff- need to find a way to add more calories to OIAJ- it comes out to less than 400 calories and we need to be in the 4-500 calorie range- I noticed that it didn't hold me as well either. Hula Hoop class tonight YAY! Just wanted to do a quick checkin- gotta run the boss is coming up the stairs- Peaceout!
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Old 01-20-2016, 05:23 PM   #471  
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Originally Posted by HereIStand View Post
How interesting... Quest Nutrition started an account here on 3FC and posted in the Quest bar thread. They must be desperate. LOL.
I saw that. I went on and requested the 2 free bars. Why not? It's worth a shot.
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Old 01-20-2016, 06:53 PM   #472  
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Blue - I'm so jealous! We were always right around the same think if I stuck it out with you, I might have been close to goal too! If you follow strict P2 for your trip, I think you will be surprised and may not have to go back to P1

HIS & Beth - Idk how you two can run in such cold weather!! I've always been such a pansy about breathing cold air in heavily. It burns!

Destony - Sounds like you're getting your breakfasts established. Can't wait to see the rest of your progress.

MiWi - Nice going with the snacks! I need to get into the habit again of utilizing cucumber more often, lol.

Well, still trying my best to plug along for the last bit here. It's getting really difficult for me to stay motivated though. After my miracle of not gaining through my holiday escapades, it only took a few days for the insatiable hunger to set in again. Somehow I managed to lose 1.2 lbs last WI, even after delving into one too many extra protein bars during the week. I really didn't expect to lose anything at all the way my body was feeling.

So this has me confused as to when I should call it quits yet again. So tired of feeling hungry all the time, yet I am still losing...albeit much more slowly. I feel like by the looks of me, I can still do away with another 5-10lbs but idk if I can do it feeling miserable all the time. Like Jenny said before, it doesn't help with everyone telling you how great you look etc. I'm flying up to NJ/PA for a wedding this weekend (crossing my fingers w/Destony about the snow storm!), and if i'm honest with myself i'm not very confident about staying OP. Lots of family, lots of eating out etc for 4 days and im just! Better really hope that snow storm doesn't trap me at the airport on the way back, lol. I've already selected two OP entrees for the rehearsal dinner/reception, so i'm trying!

Last edited by Kalaya; 01-20-2016 at 06:54 PM.
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Old 01-20-2016, 07:49 PM   #473  
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Kalaya I know exactly how you feel! The last 10 lb to goal has been really hard for me too - I am just so tired of dieting. Actually, for me, that was a big motivator to stay OP over the holidays. I just didn't want to stretch it out any longer than I needed to... and yes, if I'm going to be honest, I've also had more than a few envious thoughts for the other 2015ers that have finished and moved on to maintenance.
I can't help you with deciding when to call it quits. Like you, I'm still losing, haven't hit that end of the line stall so many others have talked about. So my body seems to be telling me I'm not done. If I hadn't decided to phase off for vacation, I would have made myself continue to goal. What's that haven't come this far just to come this far
I know I will probably have to do some P1 after vacation, but I'm OK with that, hopefully it won't be much, and if so, I may do the alt plan and not go into ketosis. Well, that's in the future, so we'll see what happens, Maybe the gods will be kind and I won't gain through P2 and P3 and vacation
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Old 01-20-2016, 08:43 PM   #474  
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Blue have a wonderful vacation!! You'll do great!!
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Old 01-20-2016, 08:44 PM   #475  
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Hi all checking in tonight.

Blue - Interesting idea of doing alternate P1 after vacation to avoid ketosis. I look forward to following your journey. When do you leave for Fl? Agree with cloths for WI. It has been so cold that I have been wearing long sleeve turtlenecks...

Kayla - if you figure out the hungry thing let me know. Keep strong this weekend you are so close to your goal.

Destony - Hula Hoop Class - wow great ab workout!. I was always jealous of those kids that could hula hoop.

MiWi - way to stay strong. We are having a going away party Friday. The best homemade guac...thankfully I will be at another site and will be able to avoid the temptation.

Jenny - are you doing sprints on P1?

Mama - wishing your daughter a safe and fun gymnastics meet.

DH and I went to see a movie last night (Joy). They have a deal on Tuesdays ticket and popcorn $5. DH took one for me and ate my popcorn. I had 1/2 lemon bar and made gummy hearts using NN lemon raspberry drink and knox gelatin. Turned out pretty good.

Well the results are in, FSH showed I am post-menopausal ( I guess I beat the odds). I guess I am lucky that I am not having too bad of symptoms. Home scale seems to be stuck. I have been getting close to my step goal each day this week. I have added Magnesium laxatives this week. I figured that I might hit a stall around 210 (214 at home), so we will see. It may be good to get away from the scale a bit on vacation.
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Old 01-21-2016, 09:21 AM   #476  
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Default Need to Vent

Good Morning everyone!

I just need to vent. I don't typically do this, but I feel I just need to get it out. Feel free to skip this post.

I'm just so frustrated and irritated. I can't sleep in anymore (which is irritating on it's own). My body wakes up before my alarm and my mind starts thinking about everything. If I can't sleep I get up and get ready for the day and start taking care of things around the house.

This morning DH gets up (an hour after I get up) and tells me I get up to early. I tell him I can't help it, my body doesn't sleep in. Then he proceeds to tell me that there are two loads of unfolded laundry in the basket that need to be folded. WHAT?! Normally I do all the laundry (no one else seems to know how the machines work *sarcasm*). I tell him if he's going to do laundry, he needs to do all the laundry, including folding it or handing it up. Grrr! As I'm downstairs folding laundry he comes down to find clothes to wear (because heaven forbid should he put his clean clothes away). I glared at him and stated THIS is why I can't sleep. He said "why because your thinking about laundry?" and I tell him it's because I need to take care of laundry and the dishes and clean up after everyone. If I didn't get up and take care of things, they would never get done and our house would be a pit! He didn't seem to have a comment on that...more irritation.

For those that are stay at home moms - consider yourselves blessed. I realized this morning that I have two full time jobs; I manage a team of 46 staff during the day and manage a household of 4 (plus the pug) when I'm not at work. I need a momcation. I would just like to stop doing everything that I do so my family realizes and appreciates what I do. There wouldn't be supper every night, clean laundry, clean dishes to eat off of, there would be layers of dust everywhere (ok, that might actually be true now...I hate dusting).

I remember a conversation I had with DS a while back. He asked what I did. When I asked what he meant he said "I play hockey, K does gymnastics, Dad plays softball and basketball, what do you do?". I told him that I'm a mom. I take him and K to practice. I watch him, K and DH play their sports to support them, I work full time, make supper, do laundry and clean the house. I don't have time to do anything other than that. He didn't really have a response to that. I think all he really got out of it was that I "do nothing".

It's not that I don't do anything for myself. I LOVE to read. I do it whenever I have free time. It's like an escape for me for a brief period of time. I could also watch movies all day long (if I had an option to). Maybe that's why I liked running. It was just my time for me to think about whatever I wanted.

Thanks for listening.
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Old 01-21-2016, 09:51 AM   #477  
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Today I finally made it back to 143.6. I feel very relieved, although I am sure this weeks weigh in will be a wash. But at least I have successfully flushed all that extra sodium out and I FEEL better. I feel less bloated and more like myself.

Kalaya- I hear you! I have been struggling since I came back from the holidays. As of now, I am going to stick it out for 10 more pounds. At least that is what I am telling myself I remember from the first time that the smaller you get and more satisfied you are with your new body, the harder it is to continue to diet. I also think that is probably why I phased off at 135 rather than 130, which was my original goal the first time on IP.

smdawheel- yes, I do sprints on P1. I work out pretty intensely 5x / week, even being on P1. I know there is a lot of controversy about exercising on P1, but I have always found that I have better losses when I exercise, so it works for me.

Mama- that stinks. I think you should go on strike Seriously though, if you are getting up early, maybe you should take up running again and start the day off right. Spend 30-60 minutes doing something for you, be with yourself and just enjoy. Then maybe you would feel less resentful when you are doing chores around the house.
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Old 01-21-2016, 10:53 AM   #478  
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Originally Posted by jennydoodle View Post
Mama Spend 30-60 minutes doing something for you, be with yourself and just enjoy.
I have considered doing this. My problem (presently) is that I live in the Tundra and the only running I do would be indoors. There is no way I'm going to run outside with a negative wind chill! The treadmill is in the bedroom next to the master so my running (or wogging) wakes the hubby. There have been a few occasions where I'll do pilates or yoga when I wake early, I just don't like it as much. It doesn't give me the release that running does.

Maybe I need a she shed? Do those exist in the Tundra?
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Old 01-21-2016, 11:49 AM   #479  
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Just a minute to check in...prepping for the storm, running, and obviously, working my @ss off

Linda - we are ok - took DH 1.5 hours to go 6 miles last night and took me about 2 - almost get wiped out once, and then slid down a hill through a light - luckily, everyone saw me coming and I made it through the intersection unscathed.

Mama - boy do I hear you on being under-appreciated, but won't lie, I've been on PT-strike for a couple months :P I keep the kitchen sterile, vacuum once a week, and get the laundry done - I've never been the OCD clean-freak my mom was - it ate into too much of her time and we never did a lot of family things b/c if she wasn't working, she was cleaning. I didn't want my girls growing up like that...and that is why I get up at 5am to run Not this week though - not Tundra cold, but too much for my 'southern' butt

Jenny - I have to say I admire your gumption and it is a YMMV situation for us all - I walked (vigorously) most of P1 and still had issues from time to time - and wonder how much of the hypoglycemia I was dealing with at the end / last 10 pounds was from too-few calories / body being more efficient. I couldn't even imagine doing the running I do now on 900 calories...

Sue - glad the results were good / less good - at least you went through menapause w/o too much issue...and I want to see Joy - I love Silver Linings Playbook hope the chemistry is there with Joy too

Blue - congrats on the scale victory! I think you will be pleasantly surprised (like Linda)

HIS - I got your message and will try to email you today Getting my 2 free Quest Bars can't pass up "free" I am also still experimenting with breakfasts - I really don't think it is a "make or break" for me in terms of cravings or binging...although having a Quest shake immediately after my early morning runs has been helping...I have my MFP information and might go take a closer look

So last night was the "commute from ****" - most of the lower 48 probably have heard something on the news about the 6 - 12 hour commutes some people in the Washington DC area had...this is the second time this has happened in 7 years Co-workers were stuck anywhere between 4 - 8 hours last night I got out just in time and made it a little over 2 hours. DH had taken DD11 to dance, just 6 miles from home, and it took them 1.5 to get home!!!

We are prepared though - I took my time getting in (they were still clearing abandoned vehicles this morning so traffic was horrible) so I stopped and got the majority of things I needed to pick up to be snow-bound for a day or two. We are very fortunate that we have a large, 4WD pick up...still not sure how effective it will be in 2 - 3 feet of snow though, so better safe than sorry

Have been hitting the gym / treadmill this week. Ugh! I miss the hills, wind, and general zen of being outside. Plus, it is just frikkin HOT inside, even in shorts and a tank...
Definitely will not be getting my long run on Saturday or Sunday...figure we will go sledding one of the 2 days, so that will provide a good bit of cardio I was actually ahead in my 1/2 marathon training anyway, so this will be a good chance for me to take a step back and re-do a week or two to put me in line with the March 12 date.
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Old 01-21-2016, 12:26 PM   #480  
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Originally Posted by MiWi View Post
There is a party going on at work today for a coworker who is moving to another Clinic. There were cupcakes and pita and chips and sandwiches and this gal had BBQ crisps and cucumbers!!! Take care all.
ALL RIGHT!!! That's the way to do it!

mama There's probably not a woman here that doesn't identify with your post. Men's habits are hard to change. But sometimes a negotiation? Give him one day a week where he makes dinner and cleans up, plus one chore of his choice (like laundry, or better yet,cleaning the bathrooms ) Wish you luck

jenny glad you're back on track again! Are you planning to try to get to your original 130 goal this time, or were you happy with the 135 the last time? The reason I ask...I'm OK with how I look and feel where I am, about 6 from goal, and if phasing off and then vacation doesn't add anything back, and I'm still at this weight after vacation, it might be tempting to stay. But I sure don't want regrets.

Beth - from what I hear, yesterday was minor in DC compared to the big stuff that's coming on the weekend. Be careful out there!

Dentist appt this morning, I hadn't been in since BD (before diet ) and a nice NSV comment and compliment from my dentist, he asked what I had been doing, so I briefly told him, turns out one of his assistants is on IP too so he had heard about it. Working great for her too
A lot of people around here seem to be finding out about it, saw several business signs while I was in town this morning for IP clinics, a sign for WF products. My coach says she's been really busy, lots of new starters this month, and lots of people coming in to ask about it

I've started to think about P3, so I stopped at a grocery store in town, got some PC Just Peanuts, Alpen Muesli, Steel cut oats. Checked to see that they had Ezekiel bread, I might try it, but I may just use regular whole wheat bread.I'm going to fill out my spreadsheet with half a dozen or so breakfast options, so I should be ready. Mentally, I know I'm ready to be there, starting P2 on Saturday for the 2 weeks, hoping it will go well. All that extra protein at lunch sounds like a lot, but I will probably save a hardboiled egg for a mid-aft snack.
Linda how are you making out on P3?

We're not getting the storm here at all; anyone in the storm's path in the next few days, be safe!
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