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Old 07-13-2014, 03:49 PM   #121  
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Hi there. Newly diagnosed Type 2. Obese, freaked out and no clue where to begin. I knew I was overeating/bingeing on carbs, but I was shocked to learn I was diabetic. AIC is 10.3%.

When I found out, last week, I promptly bought myself a glucose monitor and began testing regularly. I also went on a fairly drastic low carb diet beginning yesterday, and my sugars have begun to creep down nicely. Post-lunch (2 hours) was 163. But wow - I am not sure I can do this forever!

Anyway, sorry to barge in here. Some background: 43 years old. Married mom of two. Work part time (attorney). Looking forward to learning more and reading posts.
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Old 07-13-2014, 06:18 PM   #122  
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Daisy You aren't barging in on us. We are glad you have found us and hope you will come back. Your reaction to your diagnosis is normal. I think we all were probably shocked when we heard that news. We are all here for each other.

I did exactly what you did a few years ago when I went to the doctor because I knew my bs was up again. I got right on to Atkins and got my bs back to normal and the went right back to my bad habits. If you don't think you can stick to low carb (I'm not sure how low you are doing), I would suggest finding a low carb plan that you can live with. Some of us who can't do a very low carb plan like Atkins, do a modified version of it.

Saying that, I think I'm going to have to get on Atkins Induction for a few days to get rid of the cravings I'm suddenly having. Didn't do well today and I have a church pot luck supper to go to Wednesday night. I had not originally planned to go and I'm not sure I can go to it or not because I really need to start Atkins Induction tomorrow and do it for a minimum of 7 to 10 days. I'll have to see. But tomorrow is going to be Day 1 of Atkins Induction for me.
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Old 07-13-2014, 07:15 PM   #123  
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Welcome Daisy! Glad to see any and all newcomers. We were all newcomers at one time and now we have a nice friendly little group. Doing it forever is pretty much it. In time, you may learn what carbs you can eat in what quantities, but unless you undergo bariatric weight loss surgery, diabetes isn't going anywhere. Some people lose a lot of weight and bring their blood sugars down to normal levels, but they still have to watch their carbs or it will be right back. We have all struggled with it here, so we can give you the support you need to get through the tough times. Maybe in return you can give us some free legal advice. LOL

I really blew it big time today but it was totally worth it. I ate very light at breakfast and lunch because I knew we were going out for dinner. I had a stuffed pork chop with a baked sweet potato, green beans and a salad, and I ate every last bite. It was delicious! I have not tested to see what damage I've done, but I will be back on track tomorrow. At least I didn't eat the rolls. LOL
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Old 07-13-2014, 07:57 PM   #124  
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I got 3 of my grandkids in Friday and they went home today. We ate out Friday night and I did good carb wise but had fried fish. Grease really hurts my stomach. Then yesterday we had fried chicken sweet corn squash and cornbread. FBS was 104 this morning. Hubby has been wanting white beans and all the fixings so today I made a pot. We has leftover sweet corn and fried green tomatoes and fries potatoes and corn bread and sliced ripe tomatoes. Hubby did a post meal check and it was 204. I did one and it was 93.
No more bad meals for us. Back to grilled meats and 2 veggies one being a carb.
On a postitive note we have gotten lots of exercise walking.
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Old 07-13-2014, 11:57 PM   #125  
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Your reaction is totally normal and it takes a while to realize the change in eating is pretty much permanent and accepting that. I eat low carb high fat and am having alot of success with weight loss and blood glucose improvement. I am prediabetic. If you want some recipes to try or have questions about cooking with low carb ingredients I am happy to help! This is a great group. I hope you'll check in often!
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Old 07-14-2014, 12:01 AM   #126  
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My day was so crazy but I did NOT eat anything at the party other than a few nuts and diet soda. So proud of myself. Kid birthday parties have really tripped me up before (I have 3 more in the next 2 weeks!). It helped though that I ate right before leaving and all my family members were asking about my weight loss and how I eat, lol! Afterward we went back to the town we are potentially moving to and ate dinner, visited my brother and rode by the house again. I ate the same meal that worked for me Friday when we were there last.
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Old 07-14-2014, 07:43 AM   #127  
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my FBS was 131 this morning. I over did it last night but learned that my appetite is already alot less then it used to be. We had tacos & in the past I would pig out eating 6-8! Last night I was stuffed after 2. Sadly I ate a third because my brain didn't get the message sigh. I have to remind myself that it is so much more mental then physical and be prepared for that.

Today I am all in the game and excited to do much better! I had scrambled eggs loaded with zucchini, summer squash & spinach. So yummy. Now going to eat an apple and check my BS later to see how the apple does to me.

I am volunteering down at the animal shelter today! Super nervous as its my first time but it will involve some walking to get there so yay exercise lol

Daisy to the party!! I agree with others to make sure whatever plan u r on is one that you can live with because alot of people find that if they do too restrictive they end up burning out and going right back to how they were before.

Shannon good job not letting the party trip you up!!

Last edited by moonkissed; 07-14-2014 at 07:44 AM.
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Old 07-14-2014, 08:14 AM   #128  
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Fbs was 128 today. I had chicken salad on crackers last night. Guess I had to many.
Not sure what we are eating today. Hubby is already asking for leftovers. I on the other hand am ready to move on.
Lots of rain overnight.
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Old 07-14-2014, 10:11 AM   #129  
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Woohoo! Party time! I reached a new low! 179.4 decade!! BS before bed was 100 and FBS was 98.

Hubby is trying to confirm with his boss today that they will not ask him to move (he has been in a trial period of being "virtual") before we decide about making an offer on that house. I think we are ready to move forward if they give the ok. We had alot of heated discussions over the weekend about moving/not moving. I'm kind of tired of such discussions and am reaching a state of no longer caring. Just took his breakfast up and boss gave ok so he is writing up our terms. Fingers crossed everyone!
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Old 07-14-2014, 10:16 AM   #130  
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Dgramie, your hubbys blood sugar responded the way mine would if I had eaten that same meal. I am really surprised at your 93, but that's really good! I think you could change your chicken salad with crackers to chicken salad with celery sticks. I used to eat a lot of crackers but now they are in the cupboard getting stale. I think the birds will be getting them soon, or I'll crush them and use them in meatloaf etc.

Shannon, you are doing great! I think your biggest impact is your weight loss. I'm sure your family was impressed and happy for you. When we bought our house it was on my way home from work and I rode past it every day while we were waiting for our loan approval.

My FBG was 175 this morning. I am not going to take my glimiperide because my breakfast was just eggs and veggies and I intend to exercise later and I don't want my BS to take a nose dive. I think it will go down by itself with exercise. I'm going to try to get back to tracking regularly. I need to do something to get the scale moving.

Moonkissed, here is a trick I do with tacos. I eat one taco loaded with lots of veggies, then I put some meat, cheese, tomatoes and sauce over a big bed of lettuce and eat it as a salad without the tortilla. It tastes like a taco. Neither of us like sour cream on ours so that works out. Anyway, I buy plain greek yogurt and always substitute that for sour cream.
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Old 07-14-2014, 01:33 PM   #131  
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Carol sue-no matter what I eat during the day my readings are 110 or less. My morning readings are always the highest of the day.
So far today I am doing great! Egg and a slice ham for breakfast. Lunch was chicken salad on romaine lettuce. Yum!! So very little carbs so far. Dinner will be squash cooked down real good and pork culet baked. I may allow myself a serving of beans but no cornbread.
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Old 07-14-2014, 02:08 PM   #132  
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My fbs was 161 down a little from yesterday, but it should of, could have been better if I hadn't been feeding my cravings yesterday. But today is a New day and I am back on low carb although NOT Atkins. I think I just need to get on a modified low carb that I can live with. That is what I was doing before the trip. It may take me a week or so to get the fbs back down to normal area, but it will come. Carol Sue I'm starting up my exercise again today too which I know will help a lot.

I'm reading some of Dr. Mercola's stuff too. I am going to work at giving up most bread/wheat eating. I've copied some of his articles and will be reading them more closely than I was able to on line. I have found out somewhere on line the difference in Atkins low carb and Paleo/Primal low carb. Paleo/Primal says eat range free animals, eggs, organic foods, etc. While I'm sure Atkins isn't against that, Atkins does not make it a requirement. I would love to eat the Paleo/Primal way, but on Social Security and having to feed a 20 yr old young man, that isn't even in the realm of possiblity.

I love how we learn from each other. Example, Carol Sue You said you don't usually want toast because you eat your eggs with greens and mushrooms etc. I decided this morning that I only want toast with regular fried eggs. This morning I made an omelet with 2 eggs, salsa, jalapenos, cheese, bacon and frozen baby kale. Didn't miss the toast at all. Dr. Mercola seems to think corn is okay for insulin. I will see if he is right. I'm cooking chicken wings, corn on the cob (both my favorites) and broccoli mixture. I will test later to see how it effects my bs. Dinner will be steak and green beans. I've also gone back to using Stevia instead of Splenda. I won't be eating out enough to use Splenda. I could start drinking lemon water without sweetner when eating out.

BBL for indies.
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Old 07-14-2014, 05:38 PM   #133  
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Intended to do 20 min on the bike and I did 30 minutes instead. So proud of myself for that one. I'm still OP. Calories for today will end up being 1515 calories and carbs are in the 70s.

Shannon Great job at the party. That things go good on your contract.

dgramie Crackers are a weakness of mine too especially with a good salad. When I'm in control, I can handle less than a regular serving every once in a while, but when I'm in an over carbed state like I've been the past few weeks, they are a real problem for me. I can't really make anything a total restriction or it becomes a bigger problem so I just have to make them off limits for the moment. I hope that someday they will become stale in the cabinet as Carol Sue does.

moonkissed I love tacos and I've learned to just make mine a taco salad. I start with what could become a chef salad and then put taco meat on it. It is really good. I have taken 1 taco shell and broken it around the bowl for decor so I will not over eat the taco shells.

Daisy and Rennie Hope things are going good with y'all.

Have a good day everyone.

Last edited by pattygirl63; 07-14-2014 at 05:39 PM.
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Old 07-14-2014, 11:04 PM   #134  
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Ya'll are not going to believe this! I just did an interview with HEALTH magazine about using lifestyle interventions to "beat prediabetes"! Crazy!! If I find out I'm included in the print version I will let you know!
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Old 07-15-2014, 08:10 AM   #135  
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Fbs was 115. I need to go back to a bedtime snack and get that number lower.
Today I plan to be outside and enjoy the cooler weather. Hubby and I will be walking after dinner.
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