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Old 07-08-2014, 01:08 PM   #76  
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Woke up very early so got up and went to Walmart to shop for wedding gift and card for the wedding Saturday. I guess we should have gone there yesterday. I got Rubbermaid glass containers with lids. I've been wanting a set of those and they are practical gift for someone starting their 1st home together. I hope they will like them.

I also bought a nice ivy and stuff to transfer into 2 other pots. I haven't had live plants in years, but since I saw that show on tv about how they make our home healthier to live in, I want to make it a new hobby for indoor plants. I also want to research having an indoor herb garden. Potting soil has really changed since I did this last. Love that Miracle-Grow has different potting soil now. I will also have to get my plant books out and decide on what I want to grow.

Carol Sue Congratulations on the new car. So glad you and Hubby found what you both agree on. And congratulations on the good lab results. I do enjoy getting to know new people, although I don't always make "close" friends easily. Not sure why except I have found over the years that I am usually a more loyal friend to someone than they are to me. However I have become kind of a couch potato since I married DH and I need to change that. I want to find some new hobbies and just experiment to see what I want to do so I can get more active. My present friend wants to take a cake decorating class in the fall at Michael's. I'm not sure that is a good idea for a low carber, but may try it with her.

Checked fbs before breakfast and it 138. Still to high as I did eat more carbs yesterday. Didn't start the CAD or low carb yesterday.

Checked bs 2 hrs after breakfast and it was 151. Will check it again at 3 hr mark. I guess the 40 calorie bread isn't going to be something I can eat. However, I didn't eat any greens this morning. I'm wondering if that really would have made a big difference. I may try that tomorrow with the bread and just see since I am testing to see what causes rises. I'm not sure how much of a spike is normal after eating. I guess I will get back on low carb the rest of the day and let today's breakfast be a CAD carby meal. We'll see. After all, I am experimenting with the testings this week.

Running late so I will close and catch y'all again later.

Have a great day.
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Old 07-08-2014, 01:33 PM   #77  
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Trish, there are a lot of different ideas on what postprandial readings should be. Here is what the ADA says, up to 180. I have heard others say that anything over 140 causes damage. Mine are often over 140. If you notice, the ADA also recommends an A1c of 7% when other say to aim lower. My doctor is happy with 7%. I think how fast your glucose goes back down is also significant.

I am the same as you with friends. I have 1 close friend since high school. The rest I consider acquaintences. I tend to be more of a loner. It's hard to find loyal friends.
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Old 07-08-2014, 01:48 PM   #78  
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Carol Sue Thanks. I probably have a chart some where for both what the ADA and what a set of doctors that recommend lower say. I need to look that stuff up. My 3 hr check was 126 so I guess it isn't so bad.
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Old 07-08-2014, 02:15 PM   #79  
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Good afternoon! I have not posted much lately so This will be long.

Our houseguest left a few hours ago. Olivia enjoyed having her cousin here but definitely picked up his bad habits. Leaving doors open, refusing to wear shoes outside, doing things without asking, not using manners.....sigh. Oh well, nothing major that can't be fixed, fortunately. I am super tired though. We've had 4 late nights with early mornings (til today, they finally slept longer!), my house is a total mess and I'm out of some grocery staples. Debating on whether to try to throw something together for dinner or doing our Tuesday standby plan of going to Moe's (kids eat free on Tues). Right now I'm taking a break and doing nothing. I missed breakfast today with some chaos so I'm drinking my coffee now, lol.

Olivia started swim lessons today. This will be the fourth time she has done them. The first two times parents were in the water, the last two they have not been. Last summer she was 3 and I chalked her fear of her instructor up to age but now, a year later, it's like deja vu. She LOVES water, is a good swimmer with a float and will play in the shallow end of pool without me but as soon as I take her to a lesson where she has to be in the pool with a male teacher, she flips out. She is terrified, screams the entire time. Last year the aquatics director (female) got in with her but this year (and I agree) she refuses and is forcing Olivia to go with her instructor. She had to literally rip her off me (my shorts almost came off me) and force her into the water. She screamed the whole time. It is heartbreaking. She told me she is afraid he will hurt her so now I'm freaking out wondering if some male has hurt her.

My FBS has been running around 114 the last several days. I have not been 100% on plan since Friday I think. I am still backed up and have tried several varieties of laxatives. I'm starting to wonder if something is wrong. I will give it a little more time. My weight is down 2 lbs since yesterday so if it keeps going down I will stop worrying. I read someone on 3FC saying they were constipated and it ended up being a fibroid! I was totally happy to have our cousin here but am glad he has gone bc I've had alot of junk food in the house we don't normally have and I have been eating it

Ugh....houses. So, my husband is pulling the same crud he pulled last year that made me just throw in the towel. One day he is gung ho to move closer to family and then a week later "I don't know, it's a small town, there are no greenways (or insert XYZ here)". I'm so sick of limbo. We need a bigger house. I am pulling my hair out in our current home with him working here, having nowhere to secure my things, having his hobby stuff everywhere, nowhere for toys to live, and NOT ENOUGH countertops!!! If he doesn't want to move away from Raleigh, fine, just decide one way or the other. I have looked extensively and we can find something here that will be just may be in a different area with a yard just as small. Personally, I want to move to the smaller town. Believe me, I am WELL AWARE of the many opportunities we will be leaving. I am choosing to want to move though because I think these younger years are the best time for Olivia to be closer to family. It will not be much longer before my mom and my aunts and uncles are too old to want to spend time with her. And right now is the time to live closer to my brother. They have a goal to move to the mountains in 5-8 yrs so now is the time to be near them. Now is also the time my husband can work from anywhere, we may not have that luxary down the road. I found a house that I think has a lot of potential, almost an acre of land too. My husband is complaining about lack of greenways for bike riding but the neighborhood itself has plenty of roads for that. I think he is spoiled living where we do. I grew up in the country riding my bike in the neighborhood and
I turned out fine, lol. Argh! Sorry for the rant. And dang it, my agent just emailed me...that house just went under contract too.

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Old 07-08-2014, 05:00 PM   #80  
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Shannon, you really have my sympathy with the house hunting. And it's so hard when the two of you can't agree. We went through that with car hunting, but house hunting is so much more serious. I hope you are able to work things out.

I'm not so sure about weight loss with constipation. That could be a problem, too. I rarely lose when I'm constipated. Be careful. I hope it's nothing but normal issues.

Is there somewhere else you can take Olivia for her swimming lessons? Her behavior upsets me. I don't think I would force her to go with her screaming like that. It's not that she's afraid of water, she's afraid of that man for some reason. I hate the thought he or some other man did something to her, and I'm sure you do too.

Several weeks ago I had that echocardiogram done and I was getting ready to call them because they had not given me any results. But the DR might have been on vacation and they called today to say all is well. There is no change from last time, which is what they have said the past several times. My heart is pumping good and my ejection fraction is good, so maybe my bad valves won't get any worse. I am very excited that I have had so much good health news today. I was getting concerned that all my healthy eating was going to be for nothing, but I'm sure it took part in all my good results. Now all I have to do is tweak it to get some weight loss. Watch portions and eating between meals or when I'm not hungry. Back to exercising regularly too, which is going to be a major change.

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Old 07-08-2014, 06:18 PM   #81  
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Well two hours after breakfast I tested and my BS was 168...yeah That seemed to go up way too high. I think I just cant eat that oatmeal. Maybe I will just stick with eggs. Maybe I will try some homemade oatmeal in the future. Too bad that oatmeal is heavenly lol

I went to the store and walked a bunch today. I also bought myself some 5lb hand weights. Excited to get to use them, I really wanna focus on strength training.

Carol Sue grats on the new car! How exciting! Yay on the A1C drop! That is great news.

Shannonsnail I am really sorry you are having so much trouble with houses. That isnt fun at all
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Old 07-09-2014, 07:16 AM   #82  
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Moonkissed, I don't think 168 after a meal is all that bad. Just make sure it comes back down before you eat the next meal. Did you eat an egg (some protein) before you ate the oatmeal? What are you using to sweeten it? And how much oatmeal are you eating? Right now I'm using the little packets of instant oatmeal. They make some other packets that are double the quantity, too. I just checked mine and they are 28 gm packets. Make sure you don't have the larger ones. Since you like the oatmeal so much and it is healthy for you, I would work on tweaking it so I could eat it.

Strength training is good, too. I used to lift small hand weights while I was walking until it started to embarass DH. LOL He said everyone was staring. So what? I don't care! He is too worried about what other people think. It's not like I was streaking through the park naked. Now that would be something to stare at.
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Old 07-09-2014, 09:25 AM   #83  
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Shannon, Shannon, Shannon. I just got some very bad news. I was researching something else and started reading about folic acid. One of the side effects of too much folic acid is it aggravates psoriasis. Guess what is very high in folic acid. Kale and other leafy green vegetables, which I have been eating in very large amounts in the past 6-8 months, right around the time my psoriasis started this bad flare. I am so disappointed. I have grown to love these veggies so much and felt as though I was doing something very healthy, and still feel that they are healthy, but I am going to have to either eliminate them or cut back to just adding small amounts in my scrambled eggs, or mixed in with other foods. I knew something caused this psoriasis flare, and in a way I'm glad that I fell upon this information. It makes so much sense....the flare started shortly after I started eating the huge portions of kale every day! I am flabbergasted. The moral of the story is, too much of a good thing can be bad.

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Old 07-09-2014, 10:29 AM   #84  
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FBS was 121 this morning! Looks like something is working

Carol Sue I did eat the egg before the oatmeal. The oatmeal was a prepackaged thing that had almonds & granola with it. I add 1% milk and microwave it up. It is really delicious lol But I think I will make my own from now on. I can probably copy it and have it be healthier. Idk what size packet it is but it is a tiny portion.

Usually when I would eat oatmeal I would make it myself and just eat it with fruit and/or nuts. Nothing else to sweeten it.

I am glad you figured out what was causing the psoriasis flare but idk how you can eat kale lol. I am not a fan!
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Old 07-09-2014, 11:08 AM   #85  
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Moonkissed, you are showing improvements by leaps and bounds! I am proud of you. I knew you could do it.

Look at the nutritional info for your oatmeal. Mine has 19gm of carb and 3gm of fiber, 0 sugar. I use artificial sweetener unless I add some Fiber One cereal to it which is sweet enough that I don't need additional sweetener. I'm going to start adding some cinnamon also, because that is said to help lower blood sugar.

I am very big on vegetables but I never ate kale or other greens until this year when I head that kale was such a powerhouse food. I love it steamed and wilted down, like spinach. Luckily I am almost out of kale. I went to Aldis today and had spinach and romaine on my list, but I scratched them off. I have learned the importance of the word "moderation." I was eating huge plates of the stuff for lunch....dinner size plates, every single day! I decided for the rest of the summer my lunch will consist of salads of iceberg lettuce (no folic acid) and other vegetables, like cucumbers, shredded carrots, onions, tomatoes, all which are healthy foods. I also bought some zucchini to use with my Vegetti. I will stay far away from the folic acid and see if my psoriasis starts to clear up. All in all, I am glad I learned this and hope it is the answer to clearing my psoriasis. Not life threatening, but a real pain in the butt!!

I just read up on eggs, which also contain folate. 95% of the folate is in the yolk, and when I eat eggs, more than half of them are Egg Beaters, which are only the whites. So I think I am ok there. I think anything I ate before I started on the Kale and greens will be ok. My psoriasis flares were nowhere near as bad as this one has been and didn't last as long.

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Old 07-09-2014, 11:52 AM   #86  
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Originally Posted by Wannabehealthy View Post
Shannon, Shannon, Shannon. I just got some very bad news. I was researching something else and started reading about folic acid. One of the side effects of too much folic acid is it aggravates psoriasis. Guess what is very high in folic acid. Kale and other leafy green vegetables, which I have been eating in very large amounts in the past 6-8 months, right around the time my psoriasis started this bad flare. I am so disappointed. I have grown to love these veggies so much and felt as though I was doing something very healthy, and still feel that they are healthy, but I am going to have to either eliminate them or cut back to just adding small amounts in my scrambled eggs, or mixed in with other foods. I knew something caused this psoriasis flare, and in a way I'm glad that I fell upon this information. It makes so much sense....the flare started shortly after I started eating the huge portions of kale every day! I am flabbergasted. The moral of the story is, too much of a good thing can be bad.
Oh no! That is terrible news!! Well, if you eliminate and it doesn't help, you'll know it wasn't that but sounds like the two are probably related :-(
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Old 07-09-2014, 12:59 PM   #87  
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I got my stitches out yesterday. So nice to have them out but still have to wear a bra at night for another week and no lifting. Sure makes my babysitting harder.
Hubby got a great report at his dr. His A1C was down from 7.7 to 6.6. He has no protein in his urine. He has battled protein for awhe now.
So I guess what we are doing is working!
I know the daily exercise is really helping us both.
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Old 07-09-2014, 02:20 PM   #88  
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moonkissed - I've never used the packets of oatmeal, however, I did learn that I can cook the rolled oats and do fine as long as I eat 1/2 a serving. Haven't tried it lately because I eat eggs. I eat oatmeal during cold weather.

Carol Sue Glad you found out what was causing the psoriases. Maybe when things clear up, you can eat small portions of greens but not as often. Time will tell.

Shannon So sorry about the problems finding the right house. Perhaps you just haven't found the right one yet. I know it is frustrating. I pray you find the place you are supposed to be soon.

FSB was 140. The only changes to my breakfast this morning was regular bacon in place of Canadian bacon and I added chopped spinach. 3 hrs later my bs reading was 114. So I was able to keep the 40 calorie toast just by adding the spinach. I'm very pleased with that.

I was reading some posts by some successful Intuitive Eaters yesterday here on a 3fc thread and I identified so much with some of the things they said. It has caused me to re-think IE. I ate Intuitively while on vacation and came home with a little over a 2 lb weight loss. Since I've been home, I have really struggled trying to get back on a low carb or low calorie diet and I gained 3 lbs and have really fought to lose 1 lb and hold on to it. I think the experience speaks for itself for me. Since I grew up a "natural" Intuitive Eater before they had a name for it, that IE is the way that I need to be eating. I have decided that since that is "normal/natural to me that I am going to learn how to develop that way of eating into my life again.

I don't think I will be eating loads of junk foods because I never ate them when this was my normal way of eating. I always did like eating healthy foods, I just didn't always want a "whole" meal to eat them so many times they were just a snack food not a meal food. The nice thing about IE is I don't "have" to eat 3 meals unless I'm hungry and I don't "have" to think about food all the time.

dgrame, Rennie and others Hi

Have a great day!!!
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Old 07-09-2014, 02:48 PM   #89  
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Only have a few moments, but I thought I'd pop in. Thanks for the welcome & ideas. I decided that I'm going to check with my local hospital & see if there are any classes/groups that might help me adjust. Also if there is any guidance as to eating better/exercising more, so I can control my diabetes.
YEAH! I can conquer this! I'm not going to be afraid, I'm going to be strong. Look this disease right in the face, do what needs be done & kick it's butt! I've already started looking not only at the hospital, but the local university.
I am already starting to feel better. It's funny, I guess my diabetes was effecting me without me knowing it.
My doctor really didn't go over much with me when he gave me my diagnosis. I guess he assumed that I KNEW everything since my hubby is diabetic. Except my hubby has been "stagnant" in his diabetes for about 3 years now. Also he has more health issues like a heart condition. H is on like 12-14 medications & a vitamin/mineral regiment. All I have is my HBP medication & Metformin with vitamins/minerals. I will figure this out & if I still have questions, I'm going to make an apt!!
Gotta run! Thanks for all the encouragement! Appreciate it!
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Old 07-09-2014, 10:51 PM   #90  
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Originally Posted by Wannabehealthy View Post
Shannon, you really have my sympathy with the house hunting. And it's so hard when the two of you can't agree. We went through that with car hunting, but house hunting is so much more serious. I hope you are able to work things out.

I'm not so sure about weight loss with constipation. That could be a problem, too. I rarely lose when I'm constipated. Be careful. I hope it's nothing but normal issues.

Is there somewhere else you can take Olivia for her swimming lessons? Her behavior upsets me. I don't think I would force her to go with her screaming like that. It's not that she's afraid of water, she's afraid of that man for some reason. I hate the thought he or some other man did something to her, and I'm sure you do too.

Several weeks ago I had that echocardiogram done and I was getting ready to call them because they had not given me any results. But the DR might have been on vacation and they called today to say all is well. There is no change from last time, which is what they have said the past several times. My heart is pumping good and my ejection fraction is good, so maybe my bad valves won't get any worse. I am very excited that I have had so much good health news today. I was getting concerned that all my healthy eating was going to be for nothing, but I'm sure it took part in all my good results. Now all I have to do is tweak it to get some weight loss. Watch portions and eating between meals or when I'm not hungry. Back to exercising regularly too, which is going to be a major change.
Carol Sue, my post about Olivia's swimming lesson might have been confusing. Last year she reacted the same way but it was a different instructor, not the same as this year. I don't think either of them have done anything to her as the lessons are at the YMCA and very public. Her behavior worries me a little but she has rarely ever spent any time with any males alone so the likelihood of her fears being based in reality should be small. She just has some kind of (irrational?) fear of male swimming instructors. I'm specifying swimming bc she had a male instructor for soccer 1.5 yrs ago and did fine then. The aquatics director says she has seen this many times over the years and has had the best success by forcing them to endure. The instructors last year and this year both told me they have seen this same reaction before as well. Last year she was ok by the last couple of classes (there are 6 over a 3 week period) so I just hope she gets "ok" this year sooner. Another mom told me her son also had an irrational fear of swim lessons and is fine now, a few years later. It's just really hard. We go again on Thursday....God help me.

Great news at all your docs lately!!

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