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Old 07-01-2014, 11:26 PM   #16  
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Originally Posted by love2b150 View Post
have you all seen this ... I saw it posted on another thread. Haven't watched it yet but did read what's on the page. It's free until Friday 7/4
Someone posted it in my low carb group and I watched a little, Fathead (similar documentary) was very funny and easy to watch, I was having a hard time getting into this one for some reason.

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Old 07-02-2014, 07:39 AM   #17  
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I lost my post twice.

Rennie, I figured out the calories on MFP. I have it set to lose 1 lb per week. I want to lose more, but I'm trying to be realistic. If I had it set for more it would probably allow fewer calories to reach that deficit. Also, I agree that as I lose weight I will be allowed fewer calories. That's so unfair! You do all that work to lose weight and you are rewarded by a reduced calorie allowance.

The Fitbit resets back to 0 at midnight, but saves your data until you sync it into your account on the computer. That's cool. I think the calorie count it shows includes the calories you burn just by living and breathing, because the first day when I had 3.121 steps, it showed that I burned 1,700 calories. This morning when I picked it up from the dresser it had set back to 0 on steps and stairs but already showed 323 calories burned. Now I'm showing 17 steps because all I did was go to the bathroom and log onto the computer, but it shows 455 calories.

I would like to go back to sleep but I want to go to WalMart before it gets crowded.

I saved that video to watch later and I am also going to search for Fathead.

I have to figure out how the Fitbit syncs with MFP.
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Old 07-02-2014, 08:00 AM   #18  
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Fbs was 113 today. I haven't walked this week and plan to today if I feel up to it. I'm just a bit sore. I plan to do a bit more around the house today. I don't like just sitting around.
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Old 07-02-2014, 08:03 AM   #19  
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Originally Posted by dgramie View Post
Fbs was 113 today. I haven't walked this week and plan to today if I feel up to it. I'm just a bit sore. I plan to do a bit more around the house today. I don't like just sitting around.
dgramie, that's part of my problem. I LOVE just sitting around and could do it all day! I hope the Fitbit will change that!
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Old 07-02-2014, 08:46 AM   #20  
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Good morning ladies

I tested my BS before bed last night & it was 131 (the lowest I have tested it at so far) then this morning my FBS was 144. I think I realized why my morning numbers are higher is that the abilify I am on. The doctor said it could raise my BS & i take it at night before bed. So I am going to say mystery solved lol. I will keep testing to make sure it isn't getting too much higher.

I am struggling a bit because I don't feel like I am eating horrible & I think my numbers should be way lower. Like last night for dinner I ate eggs with onions and bacon. That is like no carbs so why was my BS 131 at night? That was 3-4 hours after I had eaten anything. For lunch I had a salad that was only 16 carbs and I did have grapes for an after lunch snack which I know are not the best fruit choice. It is just frustrating.

Anyways I am about to head out for a walk. Have a great day!
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Old 07-02-2014, 09:21 AM   #21  
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FBS 105 today and weight down a tad. I am super backed up! I don't think I've ever been so eager to go to the bathroom! I feel like I'll be at 178 if I ever go, LOL! Making an appt for this afternoon to see more houses, just Olivia and I will go. My heart is not really in it. These are close to but not as big and on average $40K more. I'm still just sick over the other house.

I did watch a little more of Cereal Killers last night...I think the accents distract me, lol!

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Old 07-02-2014, 10:19 AM   #22  
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Shannon what caught my eye is the part the said "If we could get all diabetics to eat a high-fat, high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet, we would cut the insulin requirement so dramatically that it's been estimated that six pharmaceutical companies would go out of business tomorrow." Contrary to popular belief, you do not get fat from eating fat. You get fat from eating too much sugar and grains. which is what we are all doing or trying to do. It great that we teach other what the experts won't. LOL on the accents Hope you get to GO soon Good luck with the houses and have your brother keep checking on the other, if they don't put up a sign under contract, make your offer

Carol Sue sorry about you losing your post, I hate that Did you get the recipe builder to work for you? I love that thing. I have so many recipes on there. Glad you got the calorie part figured out. I guess with losing weight it does make sense that you'll need to eat less again that's why I think I should be eating more. But in all honestly I get full from what I eat and it's still not a ton of calories with me not eating high carb foods The Omron pedometer sets back at midnight also. But it doesn't save anything so I have to write down my steps and calories at night before I forget That's interesting that it would have that many calories burned just sitting on the dresser and 0 movement, humm!! I'll bet you have a nice count today walking around in Walmart.

dgramie, hope the soreness goes away soon

moonkissed, frustrating it is

Trish where are you?

fbs 117 staying in the teens, I won't complain weight down a little

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Old 07-02-2014, 10:38 AM   #23  
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Rennie, I essentially worked for pharma companies for the last 12 years before I quit working. I have a great deal of respect for them. However, they are a business and they are in it to make money. Having people get healthy through diet doesn't really make them any money and it doesn't keep doctors and surgeons busy either. I see diabetics on my low carb forum everyday telling how they are off medicine now or at least off insulin. I completely agree with that statement in the movie. This is why I eat high fat now. In a few more months I'm planning to experiment with my own self and go off my statin to see what my labs are. I wouldn't do that if I didn't believe. I fought hard with multiple doctors to get on statins. No one wanted to hear about my lipoproteins bc my cholesterol was just barely above normal. I was working at LipoScience testing myself regularly and our medical director was telling me to keep fighting with them when he would review my results. So, to purposely go off it shows my faith in what I am doing.

I came back by bc I forgot to tell ya'll that I checked my measurements and I've lost another 1/2 in off my waist, 1.5 in off hips, 1/2 in off chest and 1/2 in off thighs since last month. Woohoo! I had been feeling like my butt is missing....I mean I never thought I had a super big butt but lately it just seemed like there was a big difference! I've lost 4 in off my hips, 4.5 in off waist, 2 in off chest, 2.5 in off bra band area and 2 in off thighs (total). Those totals are since end of last year.

Olivia is bouncing all over the house....bc we have to move her carseat to ride in the agent's car we decided to try out her booster for the first time today bc it is easier to move back and forth by myself. She is so excited!

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Old 07-02-2014, 10:47 AM   #24  
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Well Shannon regarding all aspects of your post sums it up ... Keep up the great work ... PS I have no behind at all and the more weight I lose the flatter it gets, LOL along with the boobs. Call me shapeless
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Old 07-02-2014, 11:09 AM   #25  
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Rennie Thanks for the link. I'll listen to it later. I did make a copy of the article below it by Dr. Mercola. Going to read that today. I will also look up Fathead.

Last night DH and I were eating junk and he said, "Why am I so hungry? I never eat two of these in a day." I had just made the same statement to myself as it was like I was starving since I came home. When I saw the link Rennie shared, I knew the problem. I had stopped the CO before my trip because I didn't want potty issues on the trip. I had not put it back in my diet when I got home. As a result, I've been craving everything in the world to eat. I don't usually eat at night and I was eating and feeling stuffed (hate that feeling) before going to bed. My fbs was 131 this morning and weight is stuck at 223.8 (thank God it isn't higher) and I know it is the bad habits I'm forming since I got home and I am just as sure it is JUST because I'm not getting the Healthy Oils I was eating before I left for my trip.

I have worked too hard and come too far to have such good results since Christmas to ruin it now by stupid mistakes. I am determined to get this all corrected and to keep losing weight and bringing my fbs down to normal. My goal is to be healthy thin. And I am determined to make it happen.

Carol Sue Sorry you lost your post. I get so mad when that happens to me. The exercise is the thing I've really having to deal with right now. I've done my bike one time this week, however, DH and I have done some store walking this week, but I know I need to do the bike more. I am having my beautician over for 4th cookout, so hopefully with the housework to get ready will be lots of exercise too.

Shannon Congratulations on the inches off. You are doing great. Strange how those inches help. I know I put on a blouse last night to run errand with DH and it was too tight. Besides feeling bloated to start with, that really showed me that I needed to get things back to my normal eating of more low. They do make a difference. I need to measure again because I know I'm basically starting low carb over.

Moonkissed Good progress is knowing why our readings are up. I learned from testing that while some diabetics need an evening snack before bed, I do not. If my bedtime reading is a little high, fbs is always a little higher the next morning. Some people can drink a little red wine before bed to lower fbs the next morning, but not me. It is all learning your own body and how it works. You are on the right track and will do fine.

dgramie Your fbs is doing good.

Running late on everything this morning as I slept an hour longer today. So will get busy. I have my food plan for today if DH doesn't screw it up again.
But I will make better choices today. I want to listen to the link today too. May have DH watch it with me.

Y'all have a good day.
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Old 07-02-2014, 11:13 AM   #26  
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My butt is also somewhat hips or thighs to speak of either. But boy the belly I have! If I buy pants that fit my waist I need at least an 18 and then they are soooo baggy in the butt and thighs. That's why I look for elastic waist pants. I consider them old lady pants. I don't know what I think I am at 68 years old, but I don't feel like an old lady! LOL

Rennie, we didn't walk around Walmart all that much. Just went in and bought what we needed and left. And DH wanted to go out for breakfast so there went all the calories I burned!! I know I am relaxing a bit because I already had my labs done and I should NOT be doing that.

As far as burning the calories while sitting on my dresser, it set back to zero at midnight. I got up around 6 or 7, so my body was burning calories for 6 or 7 hours. Just not near what I burn when I'm up moving around. That's how I know it's calculating all the calories for 24 hours. You body burns calories just being alive.
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Old 07-02-2014, 11:34 AM   #27  
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Trish good for you determination is key on this journey. We have definitely got to want it bad enough to keep going. When we become complacent is when we fall. Great head space

Well Carol Sue the calories burned helped the breakfast I hope I have a great pouch in the front also, I call it my Mommy flap, wish I could move it to the back
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Old 07-02-2014, 11:39 AM   #28  
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Rennie, either move the pouch to the back or wear your pants backwards! LOL

Shannon, I wanted to make your cauliflower casserole with the cauliflower I have left but I bought the wrong cheese. I bought Gruyere instead of Gouda, but I'm going to use it anyway. $4 for a little tiny piece...I'm not wasting it! LOL I'll let you know how it tastes.
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Old 07-02-2014, 11:47 AM   #29  
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Carol Sue that really made me Laugh Out Loud ... thanks for the chuckle
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Old 07-02-2014, 09:55 PM   #30  
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Just a fly by tonight to share the news. I do not have Barrett's esphogus! Just really bad Gerds. Also my breast biopsy was normal. No cancer!! Words can not express how relieved I am!!
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