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Old 07-15-2008, 01:46 PM   #31  
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Wow meowwe!
That's great info. I did schedule myself for a class,so I'm looking forward to that. I loved your write up.That is very helpful indeed! Inever imagined there was so much to this. Thanks again!
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Old 07-21-2008, 04:14 PM   #32  
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Default Desperate in VA

PERSONAL INFORMATION: Tell us about yourself, your family, your pets, your hobbies, your occupation, your most (and least) favourite books/movies/TV programs/music; – just about anything that helps us know the real ‘you’.

Hi ! I'm MK, I'm 48 yrs old & I'm a diabetic child of brittle diabetic parents. I lost my Pop to diabetic complications and my Mom is slowly losing HER battle with this insidious disease. I have relatives on BOTH sides who are or were diabetic. Finding it kinda hard to out-run this bullet. I'm a single "Mom" to 3 beautiful babies -- Bennie (4 yr old Main Coon); Bitzie (2 yr old Tuxedo) & newest arrival Lil Max (6 mos old Tuxedo). I AM the office for a non-profit located in Virginia. I truly have found my favoritest job & really love it !

DIABETES INFORMATION: What Type; when diagnosed; what medications; any complications you’ve experienced.

I was diagnosed as "pre-diabetic" bout 6 yrs ago & "earned" the official label 3 yrs ago. I take 1000mg Metformin 2x a day; Lisinopril and HTCZ for blood pressure; Simvastatin for cholesterol; Omeprazole for GERD. Sometimes I feel like a walking medicine cabinet ! Oh can't forget -- I also use a CPAP @ night to breathe.

DIET / EXERCISE REGIMEN: Height/Weight Statistics. How much you hope to lose and in what timeframe. Formal or informal diet and exercise regimens. Things that work for you. Things you tried, that didn’t.

At 64 inches & at 223#, I know I need to lose weight, but have been struggling with getting the weight down (much to my Doc's chagrin). I truly try to conscientiously to watch my sugars, carbs, fats, etc. Not to mention going as far as purchasing portioned dinnerware & measurers. So far only 10# have disappeared (since 2 yrs ago) & I have some physical limitations that make exercising strenuously, impossible. However, I did recently purchase a recumbent exer-cycle & have been logging in on that 6 days/week.

SPECIAL HOPES / ASPIRATIONS / ACHIEVMENTS: Anything you’d like to share with the group.

I don't want to be 120# (quite frankly, it'd look horrid on MY frame), I just want to get to a reasonable and maintainable weight (say 150ish#) so that I can hopefully break the "family curse" and get off meds for good and also rid myself of most of this pain that haunts me DAILY.

Last edited by Mollikins; 07-21-2008 at 04:15 PM.
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Old 07-22-2008, 08:46 AM   #33  
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Hi there MOLLIKINS . . . glad you found us . . . hope you will join us in our regular Dieting with Diabetes chat thread.
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Old 08-21-2008, 10:36 PM   #34  
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Sorry! I've just found this forum and have gone around blabbing everywhere without taking the time to start in the right places. So, this seems like a right place.

Personal information:
My name is Dyan and I'm 47 and I live in a suburb of Dallas with my husband and our dog Buddy. I have a 29 year old son in California and a 24 year old son working on his bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering. I have a 9 year old granddaughter Rebecca who is an amazement. My degree was in foreign languages, but now I'm a federal contract manager and have been in this career for about 12 years.

Diabetes Information: I've always struggled with weight and have never much cared to diet or exercise or ever visit a doctor. June I had a huge wake-up call. Health fair day at work turned up with a fasting glucose of 167. One can be very smug and cavalier about their weight until one affects their whole family by compromising their health. Quick about-face. The doctor prescribed 2 x Metformin @ 850 mg daily plus 1 lisinopril. My ac1 is 6.7. My daily testing averaged about 145 last month and it is around 150 this month. Doesn't sound like it's in the healthy range to me! Very, very new to this, so I'm stunningly ignorant. Don't know what to do next.

Diet/Exercise Regimen:
I went to the dietician who has educated me on portion control and the effect of fat and carbohydrates. I'm on an 1800 calorie a day diet and I walk 30 minutes per day and see a trainer once a week. I have a mighty dislike for exercise, but it's not about my likes and dislikes anymore -- it's about being responsible. Exercise can be tough because I have a bad right ankle, bad left knee and a trick back.

Special Hopes/Aspirations/Achievements: My hope is to start being responsible. I have people who care for me and people (my parents) that I need to care for. Life is too great to be treating it this frivolously.

Thank you for any guidance you can give. In addition to my weight, I especially noticed my health faltering when I was in a mega-stressful job for 2 years straight... poor eating, constant panic, too little sleep, zero exercise had to have contributed. I notice my blood sugar responds mostly to stress rather than diet. I left that job and am in a MUCH better place now where I can put some balance back into my life.

Last edited by Iconoclast at Large; 08-21-2008 at 10:39 PM.
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Old 09-23-2008, 04:56 PM   #35  
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Wow, you ladies are going to make me cry. If any of you have read my past post have heard me say it a lot. I can not believe how lucky I am to have found this site.
Personal information:- My name is Amanda and I am 23 years old. I have been married for 2 years and together we moved to southern Maine to start our lives. I work as an administrative assistant for a mapping/software company. I have no children and no pets, nor to I plan on having either one.
Diabetes Information: I was diagnosed at age 11 with type one diabetes. It was May 1996, crazy how well i remember that day. Type 1 runs in my family, but I feel like I am the only one in any control. However, due to insurance reasons, i had to take my insulin sparingly and I was hospitalized twice when I was 18 and once at 21 for DKA. Also in that time I suffered from diabeticlema, I would not take my insulin so I could stay skinny. Wow they came back to bite me in the butt. Anyway, since my last hospital stay, i see a doctor every 3 months and have been more healthy now then ever, although I do slip up now and then. Like some I have read before me, I am also against the pump. I take multiple novolog shots a day and one Lantus in the evening
Diet/Exercise Regimen:I don;t really have a plan, so let's skip this part
Special Hopes/Aspirations/Achievements: I want to be healthy. I don't want diabetes to be a chore.Once I get down to my goal weight, I want to go back to school. I just need to focus on my health first.

Last edited by amandarose17; 09-23-2008 at 04:57 PM.
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Old 09-26-2008, 06:58 PM   #36  
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PERSONAL INFORMATION: I am 25 years old and living with/madly in love with the greatest, most supportive, wonderful man in the world! I live in Houston and jusssssst got my power back from Hurricane Ike, but all of my family members/people I love are fine. I am truly a lucky woman. I'm taking online classes this semester at the University of Oklahoma, where I'm majoring in history and minoring in anthropology (with an archaeology concentration.) I love to travel and be outdoors as much as humanly possible, and I am a HUGE sports fan!

DIABETES INFORMATION: I'm a Type II diabetic, diagnosed in March. I've been controlling it with food but it is getting harder and harder to do so and I fear I'll be on medication in the next few weeks. I'm also a member of the lifelong eating disorder club, which contributed a LOT to my blood sugar problems.

DIET / EXERCISE REGIMEN: Right now, I am 5'6 and 155-160, depending on the time of day and how kind my scale decides to be to me. I ate nothing but junk food during the hurricane and gained five pounds, which is wreaking havoc with my whole system right now, and I'm trying to get back on my meal plan. I just started running (I ran my first three miles today!!) and hope to do that every day. I also am trying out the "100 pushup plan" and want to run a half marathon with my brother in January. I am basically just focused on doing things in a healthy way that's not going to jeopardize my health - I've had enough with that.

SPECIAL HOPES / ASPIRATIONS / ACHIEVMENTS: I want to get back to my weight of 125-130, but do it in a HEALTHY way. I was so emaciated last summer that my whole family considered putting me in a hospital -that was the first indication that something was really, really wrong with my body. Once we figured out what was going on, I started gaining everything back and of course I had to decide between my health and my vanity. My health, obviously, is much more important.
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Old 10-08-2008, 01:03 PM   #37  
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Hi everyone,

I've been lurking for a few weeks, but thought I'd go ahead and join. Here's my info.

PERSONAL INFORMATION: I'm married with 2 dogs and cat. I am a pet sitter and dog walker - great job, absolutely love it. My music tastes are pretty eclectic. I prefer non-fiction type television generally, but my favourite shows include Big Bang Theory, Rick Mercer, and 22 Minutes. I love to travel - we plan one big holiday each year. I live in eastern Ontario.

DIABETES INFORMATION: I was diagnosed with Type 2 about 2 months ago. No medications or anything. So far I've got good control I think, with diet and exercise. Still learning how things effect my levels.

DIET / EXERCISE REGIMEN: I'm a 5'7" female, 41 years old. I was about 258 when I was diagnosed near the beginning of August. I'm currently about 237, so I've lost about 20 pounds. I'm watching the carbs that I eat, I've reduced my portions (I'm hungry a lot), and I've increased my exercise. I've committed to at least 30 minutes of exercise a day. I wasn't able to do much for about a week and a half because of an injury, but I'm starting to get more active again. I'm hoping to be down to 175 by the middle of next summer. We'll see how that goes!

SPECIAL HOPES / ASPIRATIONS / ACHIEVMENTS: I'm hoping to have my blood sugar under great control. I'm hoping to be much more in shape and healthier than I have been.
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Old 11-13-2008, 09:36 PM   #38  
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PERSONAL INFORMATION: I'm a 38 year old female living in Columbus, OH. I have 2 step-children, Katie, who is 14, and Nick, who is 12. I have a Siamese cat, Cosmote. She was an engagement gift from (now) husband. He gave her to me two years ago when he proposed. He tied a ribbon around her neck with the engagement ring. How could I say no? I have worked for the federal government for the past 15 years. I love to read - put just about any kind of a book in front of me, and I will read it! I enjoy making jewelry in my spare time. I've never tried to sell any of it. I usually give it to friends and family.

DIABETES INFORMATION: Tyoe I, diagnosed about 5 years ago. I'm currenty taking Lantus, Byetta, and Glucophage/Metformin.

DIET / EXERCISE REGIMEN: 5ft. 1in. / 242lbs. I need to lose at least 103 lbs to fit into the BMI scale. I started Weight Watcher this week. I've tried low carb diets, PWLC, NutriSystem, and many others.

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Old 11-14-2008, 09:31 AM   #39  
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Hi there from another cat lover (that's Purrecious is my avatar; she's one of six) . . . hope you will come down and join our regular chat thread DIETING WITH DIABETES . . .

BTW, are you sure you are Type I (maybe that was just a finger slip) ?? The medications you list (other than Lantus which is a brand name for Insulin Glargine) are usually only prescribed for Type II's. Also have you chatted with your doctor recently about Byetta which has been getting some bad press lately and here's a link to a thread with a couple of fairly recent articles you might like to read . . .

Hope to see you again soon . . .
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Old 12-01-2008, 02:05 AM   #40  
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Personal Information:
Hi ya
i am Maria i am 36 on Thursday 4 DEC i am married to a cool guy called Chris we have two boys called Rowan 13 and Lathym 9 i live in Australia but i am a kiwi.since we moved to Australia. i am stay at home mum but i have been very sick the last year.i love to read and listen to music hang out with my mates go to the beach With Chris and our two boys they both have disability's .and my husband Chris is sealing the roads around Queensland 5to 6 days a week. Mostly away.
I was diagnosed about one and half months ago with Type 2 diabetes, still getting control BSL. Last week found i have hypo thyroid ism and of top of i have Bi polar. i am on Lantus twice a day and Glyburide and Metforminand a few other meds .i have a questions since i found out i break out in the sweats.
Diet/Exercise Regimen:
i was in hospital for week and they started to get my sugars down and start to diabetes education. I was very lucky my mum came over from New Zealand and help me get my diet sorted out it not sweet things so much it is cheese & pies etc are my down fall and the odd glass of fizzy.As i have not been well i try to go for a short walk but it is very hot at the moment. i have done one thing i stop smoking thought that would not happen but i done it.
Special Hopes/Aspirations/Achievements:
loses some weight and run around with my boy and have lots of fun !!!!!!!!!!
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Old 12-01-2008, 09:06 AM   #41  
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Hi there and . . . hope you will come and join us in our regular Dieting with Diabetes chat thread . . . here's a link to the current version . . .
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Old 02-07-2009, 04:48 PM   #42  
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Hello everyone

PERSONAL INFORMATION: My name is Aimee. I am 26 y/o. I live in Western New York in a smalelr town right on Lake Erie with my husband, 4 kitties and a crazy parakeet (who happens to be in love with the cats lol). I am very spiritual and trying to find a good balance of mind, body and soul for myself. I have struggled with depression and panic attacks where I think I might be agoraphobic. I am currently on prozac for it so I am hoping that will help.

DIABETES INFORMATION: I just found out I was diabetic so this is all so new to me. On Jan 10th I went to the ER and they said they felt I was diabetic my blood sugar was over 300. The ER put me on metformin 500mg twice a day. I saw my doctor on jan 27th who confirmed I was diabetic. She upped my metformin to a pill and a half twice a day. Then I saw her again on Feb 3 and she had the results of my A1c which was 11% eek. So she decided I needed to go on insulin. Hopefully only for three months and then see.

So since then I am taking Novolog 70/30 20 units in the morning & 10 at night plus still on metformin though she lowered my dosage back down to 500mg.

Since getting on the insulin my daily blood sugar has been great and within the range she told me. So yay.

It has been really difficult for me so far and overwhelming experience. I went to go eat yesterday after getting home and was like ugh no I have to test & take insulin first. And i am a huge baby with pain and needles are so scary lol so it has been rough to get my mind to say ok you can poke yourself. It doesn't even hurt. It took me like a week to be able to test myself right. I had alot of trouble getting enough blood at first eh. I am getting better though and getting alot more used to it all.

DIET / EXERCISE REGIMEN: I am 5'7" I am saying I weight 211 right now lol. On the third at my doctors they said I weighed 218 (shoes on) but then on the 6th at a different doctor I only weighed 211 (shoes off). At home it says I weight 210.5 (shoes off). My shoes must weight 7lbs lmao.

My goal right now is to work out a good meal plan and really figure out what I can eat. And to keep up with walking. My goal for now is to get down to 165 and then go from there.

The doctor told me to have 1600 calories and 200 carbs a day. I am a huge carb addict so it is tough lol. But I am counting carbs and calories everyday. Trying to plan out my meals for the week ahead of time and keeping track on

I have a walking video by Leslie Sansone that I am using. Eh well I have only done it three times so far but I am going to keep at it and try to walk everyday 30 mins for now and then work my way up to 60.

SPECIAL HOPES / ASPIRATIONS / ACHIEVMENTS: I want to be healthy and happy. I would love to be off the insulin. I want to lose weight. I want to have a baby so badly and I know I need to get myself healthy and it will help.
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Old 03-27-2009, 07:04 AM   #43  
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Hi Folks.

My name is Denise and I have been posting in the chat thread for about a month now. I really enjoy hearing how people are doing.

PERSONAL INFORMATION: Tell us about yourself, your family, your pets, your hobbies, your occupation, your most (and least) favourite books/movies/TV programs/music; – just about anything that helps us know the real ‘you’.

I turn 55 today and am a native of Oakland, CA. I have been living in Minneapolis MN for 10 years. I live with my SO of 4 years and am retired from careers as a scienist, entrepenuer and executive. I currently work part time as a disabilty advocate. Work I truly love! My SO and I are big jazz fans and are planning a 40's style wedding for 2009.

I enjoy movies. all kinds of arts events, musuems, theater etc. Being in nature is a big draw for me. I love the tv show 24 and anything espionage.

DIABETES INFORMATION: What Type; when diagnosed; what medications; any complications you’ve experienced.

Diagnosed as Type 2 around 2 years ago. Don' t currently take any medications or have any complications.

DIET / EXERCISE REGIMEN: Height/Weight Statistics. How much you hope to lose and in what timeframe. Formal or informal diet and exercise regimens. Things that work for you. Things you tried, that didn’t.

High weight of 470. Currently in the 440s. Was 5'10+" but have shrunk to 5'8+" Am hoping to lose around 50 pounds per year and have lost around 25 in the last 6 months. I do pretty well with food. I counted carbs for a few years but am trying a more intuitive approach to eating since my blood sugars and A1C have been in range for awhile.

Exercise is my nemisis. I have severe arthritis and asthma and have a difficult time motivating my self to do anything. I used to really enjoy the gym and outdoor sports but it has become all to painful in the last few years.

SPECIAL HOPES / ASPIRATIONS / ACHIEVMENTS: Anything you’d like to share with the group.

I had planned to go to law school next year but have decided I don't want to spend that much time away from my dear Mark. Would like to grow in my knowledge and abilities as an advocate and continue to improve my health.
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Old 04-04-2009, 10:12 PM   #44  
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"I wish I had taken the doctor more seriously."

I completely agree with this. I'm glad I found this... Here we go...

Personal Info: My name is Monique, 25; I’m single and a social service provider. I live in Southern California and working towards grad school.

Diabetes Info: I was diagnosed as pre-diabetic about two years ago and did not pay much attention. The doctor told me if I lost even 10 pounds that would take me out of the danger zone, but I didn't do that. I went in on Tuesday (4.2) for blood work because I knew I needed a check up. I also knew deep down that I was diabetic. I had to pee more often, really tired and thirsty all the time! By the next day I got a phone call from a nurse giving me the news. My mother, father and sister are diabetic along with extended family. I am feeling very overwhelmed at this moment and while a part of me just wants to get it together the other part wants to cry. I haven't told my family yet, only friends. I know I can't sit here and blame anyone else except myself but I also know there is no use in throwing a pity party. I have to just take care of myself. I know my life is changed forever and I suppose this is the biggest reality check I could have asked for.

Medications: When I was diagnosis pre-diabetic I was placed on Metaformin 1000mg but took myself off of it because I was kicked off my parents insurance. I see my doctor again on Thursday and will find out then what she is putting me on.

Diet/Exercise: I currently do not have a regular exercise regime. This has been my biggest down fall. I do plan to join the YMCA next week. I would like to work out 4-5 times a week for an hour, half cardio and half free weights. Since finding out yesterday, I feel like I have no idea what to eat. I don’t know how many carbs I can or can not have, I don’t know how much sugar I’m looking for, frankly I’m lost. I plan to go see a dietian on Monday so I can get the low down.

Aspirations: I would love to lose the weight, be off of any medication and have steady blood sugars. I would also love to learn to cook better and live with my diabetes happily instead of letting it define me.

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Old 06-26-2009, 10:33 PM   #45  
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PERSONAL INFORMATION: My name is Lyna, I am 27 years old from Ohio. I am engaged to a wonderful and supportive man, I have 2 cute dogs (Golden Retriever and a Siberian Husky). I do want other types of pets but my fiance said no more =(

I was a student till I fell ill. I'm a fast learner but I like to know about useless things hehe. I love to cook and bake. I play loads of video games. I love listening to music, I do watch some TV now and then, my favorite shows are "Family Guy", "House MD", "Futurama", "South Park", "Fringe", "CSI: Miami" and "Dexter". I also watch a lot of anime (Japanese animation). My favorite movie genre is comedy. I love to read sci-fi fantasy books! I'm a loyal and reliable friend so some people do tend to use me so therefore I have a trust issue. I'm super shy till you get to know me, it's like I'm two different people. I love to make people laugh and make them feel wanted. I used to volunteer as a reader for mentally challenged children and they were my inspiration and joy.

DIABETES INFORMATION: I was diagnosed 9 years ago with type 2 diabetes at age 18. I've been on Glucophage, Glyburide, Humulin R and Humulin N. With Glucophage I felt fatigue so I had to stop and I went on Glyburide. Earlier this year, I was so sick that I couldn't even walk down the stairs and I slept 18 hours a day from exhaustion. =( But I've been getting better with treatment so now I have the energy to be myself again maybe even better than before!

DIET / EXERCISE REGIMEN: I'm 5'2 and I'm at 217lbs, I hope to lose another 97lbs in the next 2 years. I've been on Optifast but that wasn't the right program for me, I need to eat food, 3 shakes a day was super hard but I did lose a lot of weight when I was able to stick to it. In the end, I had to say bye, it cost way too much and it was way too hard for me to do it. It was $600 for them to test my blood and give me a physical, weekly visits was $150 plus the cost of the shakes, which was about $12.50 a day so that was $237.50 a week.

What I am doing now: My exercise is consisted of running, jogging, walking (in that order, I start out strong and it slow fades lol) I follow a video from p90x for stretching for about an hour, I also do push ups & sit ups. I hope to start swimming soon. When I hit 170, I would like to do aerobics.

I'm not sure what I would call my diet but I have 4-6 tiny meals a day usually with lean meat (chicken or beef), fish, tofu, light cheese, there's always veggies with my meals and if I want something sweet, I'll have some sugar-free jello (they have protein and are low in calories which is awesome!) I keep my carb intake at 20-25grams a day and I don't eat over 1200 calories a day, my average is 990 cals. I know it sounds low but I am honestly full. I will add fruit to my diet soon. I have the luxury of having so much free time so I cook all my meals. That's a workout itself, cooking for me 4-6 times a day and then cooking 3 times a day for my fiance. Kind to think of it, my days are really busy with exercising and cooking.

I hope to get healthy so I can have the energy to return to school. I like so many things that I don't know what to do, so I hope I can find my one true passion so that I can work on it. I want to get back into volunteering too. One day, I want to get married and have children but not anytime soon.
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