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Old 03-28-2008, 02:41 PM   #16  
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I am Trina 29 years old. Married going on 12 years and have two wonderful children.

I am a type T1 and take 52 units of Lantus and around 60 a day of Novolog. I hate hate taking shots however I refuse to go to the pump. Not going to happen with me. My dr really wanted me on the pump but I refuse I dont want something attached to me at all times. I went to the "classes" and I still dont want the pump LOL I think they got the hint this time. lol
On the average I take 6 to 8 shots a day. I am a very picky eatter as most things make me sick at my belly.

I also have SLE Lupus and Asthma . I have had a big range of health problems most recently ( with in a year) being that I had a large part of my muscle wall in my stomach removed and masses removed from my stomach and had masses in my lungs.

My whole family helps with my diabetic care. My 10 ( 11 soon) year old daughter knows how to give me my shots if anything ever happens. She knows how to test my BS as well as she knows what to do if my sugar goes low.

My husband tries to make sure that if he is cooking to cook something that is "diabetic friendly" . My husband kindly reminds me to take my shots when I am in a runt and pissy about taking them.( LOL take it or i'll give it to you!)

Unfortunally even with shots there is a lot I still can not eat as my body resist shots( I feel really ill if I eat the wrong thing and I go high no matter if I take a shot or not with certian foods) . Me and my Endo are still working on this to see what we can do to fix this problem.

My hobby's are entering sweepstakes online. I belong to another forum with a wonderful wonderful group of people that also like to enter sweeps. WHEN I enter I do very well!

Ok I guess this is all for now!!! look forward to get to know everyone!
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Old 04-09-2008, 10:48 AM   #17  
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PERSONAL INFORMATION: Hey, All!! My name is Mary, and I'm 38 years old. I'm married, for 10 years so far, and a mom to two boys, 8 and 6. I've know my DH since I was 15, and he was 18. We were together, then apart, then had to be together again - he came home to me two years before the wedding. We do TaeKwonDo as a family, and I'm mere moments from testing for my black belt. I scrap book, and we love to watch Doctor Who, Torchwood, Biggest Loser, Survivor. I love reality shows, as well as sci-fi. We have named goats, ducks, and bunnies after the Firefly characters. That said - we have goats (13), a llama, ducks(3), chickens(oh my), bunnies(2), dogs(2), cats(4), and hamsters(2). We live on 40 acres, 5 miles down a dirt road in a little (!) town in Montana. It takes me 45 minutes to get to Helena, the closest town, as well as where our dojang (TKD studio) is located. I read when I have the chance, which hasn't been forevah!! I'm originally from CT, and my boys were born there, but DH is from Montana, and wanted the kids to grow up here. He travels for a living, doing computer work, so I stay home with the kidlets, and have decided to home school them - currently 1st and 3rd grades.

DIABETES INFORMATION: I'm Type II, was gestational with both boys, and have an inkling that I was before getting pregnant. I also had a "scare" as a child, but no one remembers it but me. I guess I always knew, but just went on with life. I'm on 1000 mg of Avandamet, twice a day. A1C started at 11.3, then 10.4, then 9.3. I need to go for another one, my DR was out on maternity leave, and I haven't made a new appointment, probably because I know I'm not so good.

DIET / EXERCISE REGIMEN: I'm 5"0' - current weight is 185 lbs. I would like to be at a healthy 118 lbs, like tomorrow!! I've been struggling at this weight for over a year. I workout almost daily - TKD - which can be very strenuous. I teach, as well as take class. I need to lose my butt - gotta get the size off my hips! I'm testing black belt next week (the 18th) and can't get my body off the ground to do a face level jump front kick board break, so had to switch my board break to a step reverse side kick. For those who don't know, it doesn't sound right, but it means something to me. It was just something that I really wanted to do.

SPECIAL HOPES / ASPIRATIONS / ACHIEVMENTS: We have gained so much as a family from doing TKD, that I plan on starting my own school. It's a huge undertaking (HUGE!!), especially in this economy. I've never been physical - I was in marching band in high school!! - so this is amazing for me. Who would have ever thought that *I* would *want* to do anything like this!! But, this is my dream, my goal, my fondest desire. It would help others with their bodies, as well as balance, coordination, self defense, self confidence, respect, as well as a bunch of other life skills!
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Old 04-30-2008, 06:32 AM   #18  
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PERSONAL INFORMATION: Hi! I'm Lauren, I'm 18 and live in Newcastle, Uk where I was born and raised. I'm currently studying Photography in college which I hope to again major in university. I work part time for an estate agency also.

DIABETES INFORMATION: I was diagnosed with Type one diabetes just after my first birthday and take regular insulin injections, twice a day to control my sugars. Most of my life I have been in yo-yo control of my diabetes and at the moment am trying to maintain some control as it is beginning to affect my health, mostly my eyes.

I swim twice a week, take aerobic excercise and dance on a daily basis. I'm a vegetarian and am quite healthy, I just eat too much! My height is 5'2 and my weight is 153 lbs, I used to be about 130 lbs so I'm hoping to return to this weight at least.

SPECIAL HOPES / ASPIRATIONS / ACHIEVMENTS: I really just hope to gain some control of my blood sugars, and to feel good about myself and not use food as a weapon and tool to control my feelings!
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Old 06-10-2008, 09:46 AM   #19  
Eating for two!
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PERSONAL INFORMATION: I'm Jill. I'm 25 and currently live in northern VA with my fiance, Jeff, and our two puppies, Bean and Bowser. We own a townhouse together, drive his and hers Honda Civics, and are both relatively successful for our age--something I'm very proud of I'm currently a Proposal Manager for an IT reseller. I'm good at writing, editing, formatting, and organizing, so I just sort of fell into it. It certainly pays the bills, and I hope to someday migrate to a more marketing-focused position. I love my puppies, decorating, music, watching cartoons, and laughing

DIABETES INFORMATION: I've been overweight my whole life (since about age 4 or so). I started having slightly elevated fasting glucose levels when I was maybe 13, but it was never high enough to trigger tracking or treating by a doctor. When I went to a new doctor last month, she ordered all kinds of tests, and I came back with high triglycerides, high fasting glucose (214), and high A1C (9.1)--good for a diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes and a prescription for Metformin. I'm frustrated that no doctors paid close enough attention to my glucose levels when I was younger, as I feel this diagnosis could have been prevented or at least delayed. But, c'est la vie...always a case of, "if I knew then wheat I know now," right?

I'm eating low carb. For me, that's 50 grams or less total carbs per day. And the carbs I do eat should primarily come from veggies, beans, and nuts. I've been doing a lot of walking for exercise mixed in with some light weights for upper body and some ab exercises. I have a LOT of weight to lose (I've lost 24 pounds, but I still have over 100 to lose).

SPECIAL HOPES / ASPIRATIONS / ACHIEVEMENTS: I need to get off the Metformin, as my doc said I can not be on it while pregnant, and we plan to begin trying to grow our family in about 3 years. I want to be a healthy mom, raise healthy kids (and puppies!), and continue healthy growth in my career.
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Old 06-14-2008, 11:25 PM   #20  
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I went through all the posts on this thread and didn't see one from me so guess somehow missed this one. So here's all about me..

PERSONAL INFORMATION: I am 65. It's just my dh of almost 46 years and myself these days...the kids (4) are all grown and on their own with their own families. We now have 7 grandchildren (4 girls and 3 boys). My dh and I are retired and lovng it!! We keep very busy. He works hard in the yard, when home we go to gym 5 x week, however we travel as much as we can. We usually go south Jan-March (snowbirds) and we try to walk every day down there. We've been slacking off since we came back from our last trip (middle of last month we went to UT) though due to company and illness. My dh got back to the gym today and I hope to return Monday. I am a Christian and I love to study the Bible. I also enjoy entering sweepstakes ...I think it was Trina who also is a sweeper?! Always happy to meet another sweeper. My last win was nice...value of $ eco-diaper bag with a onsie, a couple books and lots of free coupons for 7th Generation products. I shared with my dd and that made it even funner!

My favorite book is the Bible but I also love reading other inspirational books as well as fiction. I love mysteries! Can't remember my favorites right now but I like several of the well known authors.

TV - I'm not a big tv watcher but I do enjoy the crime dramas like all the Law & Orders, CSIs, Cold Case and Criminal Intent. Guess my MOST favorites are CSI Miami, and Criminal Intent. I have also gotten very hooked on Survivor and I get very upset when it doesn't end like I think it should! At those times I say I'll never watch it again but the I do. I also like to watch shows like American Idol but don't as often. I love the internet and spend quite a bit of my day off and on online...entering sweeps, researching info, shopping, banking, email, and forums.

Music: My favorites are Gospel and Country, but I like the contemporary choruses we sing in church, as well as most of the old hymns. I enjoy the beat of rap (though not always the words) youngest son did a little rapping and he got me to it. I like really smooth jazz and some rock...really I like almost all music except the really hard rock and I don't like it as loud as I used too (is that my age telling on me?!!). And I esp like to sing along with it! I'm no great singer but I do love to sing! I feel like God has blessed me in so many ways and I have lots to sing about!!

DIABETES INFORMATION: About 2 years ago, I was diagnosed with Pre-Diabetes, but by now it is Diabetes, Type II. My dh was diagnosed about 10 years ago. So far we have done very well with diet and exercise. I do have neuropathy in my hands and feet, but neither the doc or I am sure it was caused by diabetes because I had it for several years when I was younger (30s-40s) and then it went away for about 10 years...but at that time it was only with a direct it is more constant/chronic. Back then it was mostly in my toes, now it is in my feet and hands. I also have a gene that only 8% of the population have. This gene causes me to have a lot of inflammation (eyes, muscles mostly) and the doc said it also might be causing the neuropathy, but of course the diabetes doesn't help. So far I get along with OTC pain relievers when it's really getting to me though so I'm sticking with that as long as I can.

DIET / EXERCISE REGIMEN: I am 5'3" and have been weighing 162-167 lbs. I recently had a dietician consult and diabetic classes and learned a lot . I feel now I am taking my diet more seriously. She put me on a 12-1400 cal, 9-10 carb, 5-6 meat/protein, 4-6 non-starchy vegetables, and 3 added fats diet. IT's only been a few days but so far I am doing well and was 162 this am which was a drop to the lower end of my usual range which I hadn't seen for a while. I hope to get down to at least 140 but prefer 130. My problem is sticking consistently to my diet and my weakness is snacking too much, but I hope to be changing that now.

SPECIAL HOPES / ASPIRATIONS / ACHIEVMENTS: My goals in regard to my health iare to control the diabetes, lose weight and maintain good health. I want to live a long life with my dh and I hope we can do a lot more traveling together (he is 73). I want to glorify God in my life and want to see my children glorify Him also. I have been very blessed so I want to give back now to Him and others.

I look forward to partcipating in this diabetic area of the forum. I know the weightloss support has been helpful and I feel a real need now to connect with other diabetics for support as well.


Last edited by maryea; 06-14-2008 at 11:46 PM.
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Old 06-17-2008, 12:55 PM   #21  
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My Real name is Amy, I am 39 years old and I live in Ohio. I have been married to a wonderful man for 20 years. jWe have 3 great teenagers...boy 16, girl 17, boy 18. ( Yes, we are smack dab in the middle of teenage ****!) I have one dog...Zoey ( hence, my screen name) I call her ZoeyBug! She was a puppy rescue...She is a little confused, she thinks she's a we have the best of both worlds in her.
I just graduated in December and have reached my dream of becoming a special education teacher. I was blessed enough to get a long term substitute position at the high school where I student taught-it was in the classroom for students with multiple disabilities. I loved it! It is so crazy to get paid for something you love to do.

I was just diagnosed with type 2 diabetes on 6/11/08. Two days later-after a sleep studyI-I learned I have sleep apnea. I stop breathing 50 times an hour and my oxogen drops to wonder I feel like !@#$#. The doctor has put me on a combo medicine...I believe its called ActoPlus Met. It has given me a little bit of stomach side effects. I'm very anxious about the slim possiability of lactic acidosis. ( I have some problems with this does't help)


I am 5' 2" and weigh 270. I have no exercise regimen...I HATE exercise.
I do have a recumbant bike( not sure if thats how it is spelled.) it is easier on the knees. I don't mind doing it...I can do about 4 miles in 20 minutes. I am also re-starting water aerobics tonight.

SPECIAL HOPES / ASPIRATIONS / ACHIEVMENTS: Anything you’d like to share with the group.

My hope is the same as feel better. I am tired of feeling like crap. My goal is to exercise at least 5 days a week and follow the sugar busters plan faithfully.

On a more personal biggest hope is that my oldest son will find his way...he is struggling with drugs and depression. It is so hard to see your child struggle. He began having problems with depression when he began high school and things went down hill from there. Actually, things have improved a small amount. I wish I wouldn't have allowed him to manipulate me and put him in drug treatment before he turned I can't force him to enter.
Now were just at the point where we don't give him money and love him, love him, love him while trying not to enable him.
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Old 06-18-2008, 02:14 PM   #22  
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I don't know whether we are to welcome people here but I just wanted to say welcome to all of you who have recently joined. I'm fairly new to the site and am very new to the diabetic area but I think it's a great forum. We each have our own issues and yet we have things in common no matter our age and circumstances.

Zoeybut, I can imagine that sleep apnea must be a difficult thing to deal with! And I complain about my frequent hot flashes which tend to rob me of sleep! Getting adequate rest is just SO important to how we feel. My heart aches for you in regard to your son. That can keep you awake at night too. We had a dd who got into drugs and I know how difficult it is. It is so hard to reach them and all you want to do is help them! I hope that your son will find his way soon.
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Old 06-22-2008, 02:08 AM   #23  
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Hi all
I posted this in early June. When the site had a problem my info went away.

My name is Brenda and I live in Northeast Mississippi. I'm married to Thomas and we have 4 adult children and an adorable grandchild. She is very precious to us especially since we thought there never would be a grandchild.
My daughter Yalonda lives in Germany, Allyn, and Andrew live in Ok., and our youngest Richard lives about 10 miles from us. He is the one with the child.
No pets or hobbies at the moment. I'm seriously considering a classroom pet so we may be getting one in the fall.
I also need to develop some type of hobby so perhaps my hands will stay busy and away from food.
I'm a Special Education teacher. For a long time I've taught elementary level. This coming year I'm moving to Jr. Hi. This move isn't by my choice but I do feel it's the Lord's will so I'm doing my best to adjust. Last year Regular ed was moved around this year it was SPEDs turn. My big interest is Autism. I was interested in individuals affected by Autism long before it ever became the big interest it is at this time.
I like Country,Gospel, and Golden Oldies music.
I'm a Christain but not a fanatic.
My faith and church is very important to me.

I have T2 diabetes. I was diagnoised in Jan of 04. It was a very mild form and remains so today. At first I used diet and exercise to control my diabetes. I also took a 2 day class at the Diabetes Treatment Center in Tupelo, Ms. That was the best money I ever spent. They took the time to teach me what I needed to know when my doctor wouldn't take the time. She told me to attend the class if my insurance would pay or read about it on the internet. Real nice medicial professional, Grrrrr!!!!
My insurance refused to pay so they set up a payment plan and I paid for it all out of my own pocket.
In the fall of 04 my symptoms returned and I talked my doc into putting my on meds. Suddenly I could eat some favorite foods that my bs just wouldn't allow me to eat. Rice and oatmeal went back on my list of ok foods.
Today I take Metformin and Byetta.
Due to high stress at work and my mother nearly dying in March I got out of the habit of meal planning, following my food plan, and checking my bgs 2-3 times a day. I'm working hard to get back to doing those oh so important things I need to do in order to control my diabetes rather than letting it control me. Still not back to my normal self but I'm getting there.
Since I've had diabetes I seem to get sick easily and pick up alot of stuff from my students.
I haven't experienced any complications from diabetes.

I weigh 216 lbs and I'm 5-4. My goal weight is 140. Many years ago I went to a weight loss program and lost down to 132. I looked like a concentration camp survivor. I also lost my gall bladder. I think 140 is obtainable and I should look just fine at that weight. BTW: that program is now out of business due to the fact that many clients lost their gall bladders.
I follow meal plan that was set up based on activity level etc.
I'm in the process of rebuilding my exercise program.
Summer time means the pool. I would also like to begin walking a little each day. I'm about to change my gym membersip to a gym closer home. When I do that they will set up a weight training program for me. I hate, hate, hate weight training. But I think I'll be able to do it at least twice a week.

Last edited by brn; 06-22-2008 at 02:13 AM.
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Old 06-25-2008, 07:59 AM   #24  
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PERSONAL INFORMATION: Hi. My name is Dee. I'm married with adult kids ages 30, 31, 32 & 35. We live in a small home in Atlantic City, NJ. We have a great veggie garden that I love to tend. Since I stay home I have lots of time to cook almost everything from scratch. I bake and can and freeze many goodies from the garden.

DIABETES INFORMATION: DX Type 2 in May of 2007, probably had it for at least a year but was in denial. Currently taking Metformin 500 mg twice daily and Amaryl 2 mg in the evening.

DIET / EXERCISE REGIMEN: 5'4"/205 I'd like to lose 60 lbs in the next year. Informal low carb diet. Exercise: walking and dancing around the house. When I do walk 30 at least minutes everyday I see weight loss. You would think that would be enough motivation....
When I was first diagnosed I wanted to control with diet and exercise only, I did not want to take any meds. Dr. had me on 1500 Metformin, 100 Januvia and 4 mg Amaryl. As I cut out the carbs I cut out medications one by one. The Januvia was the first to go. I had an infected nail cuticle that would not heal, as soon as I stopped taking it the infection cleared up. I try to balance the meds with lifestyle changes, to get control with as few as possible.

SPECIAL HOPES / ASPIRATIONS / ACHIEVMENTS: I'd like to help our community become more aware of what the typical American diet is doing to our health. To make kids understand that food comes from the earth not McDonalds or a box. I believe processed food is killing us.
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Old 07-06-2008, 10:53 PM   #25  
Hunger-not an emergency!
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Hi all.....

My name is Chris and I am 52 and have been married to dh for 32 soon to be 33 years. We live in WA where I am a school bus driver. No stress there..LOL.

We have 2 died in 2002 and the other lives in MI. The dd that died was 21, 4 feet 2 inches tall and weighed 50 lbs. She was not suppose to live to be a year, but surprised everyone. Every day after the first year was a miracle. She was total care so I did everything for her. I miss her so much and it is hard to believe that it is gonna be 6 years.

I weight 305 right now but plan to lower that number. I have tried almost every diet on the earth and then figured out that I am insulin resistant and pre-diabetic. So I am working on that. I am on metformin and that seems to be helping with no side effects.

Our other dd lives in MI and has been married for 9 years. While growing up she because our hellion...she did so many things that we had one dd that could not do anthing and the other that did. We did not give up on her and she is now just a love. We talk just about every day. No grandchildren yet...but that will happen in time.

I love to read, cross stitch and just be with dh. We do have an australian kelpie who keeps us busy. We got her about 1.5 months before Kathy died and she is quite a blessing. She owns us not the other way around.

Well that is about it.
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Old 07-09-2008, 12:45 AM   #26  
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I'm a newbie to the boards and got my behind in gear after my doctor told me that if I didn't change something, I'd be on insulin within a year. I have enough trouble with lancets and don't want to be injecting insulin for the rest of my life.

PERSONAL INFORMATION: I'm 39, divorced with one daughter, 14. I do advanced tech support for a major Internet company. (If you haven't heard of them, you've either been living under a rock or don't know what the Internet is.) While not working with a bunch of skinny 20-something men who can inhale 4000 calories a day and not gain an ounce, I like doing "girly" things - sewing, cooking, gardening (flowers and herbs on my 8'x12' balcony.) I'm getting back into canning, dehydrating, freezing, etc. I also love soccer, cycling, photography and writing. We keep house for 2 cats and have lots of fish tanks (10 I think.)

DIABETES INFORMATION: I was diagnosed as type 2 in 2000 and started out with "diet and exercise" regimen, which was basically walking to the freezer to get ice cream. Needless to say, that didn't do the job and I ended up begging for drugs. Right now, I'm on metformin, glyburide, Januvia and Actos, after a HbA1c of over 13, three months after a 8.6. After 6 weeks of the new regimen, my HbA1c was down to 8.4. My doctor keeps trying to take the glyburide out, because my blood sugar levels have been nearing the hypoglycemic levels. Glyburide is the "kick in the pants" for me. I'll be taking out the Actos soon to see how that goes.

DIET / EXERCISE REGIMEN: I'm not on any particular eating plan, but I'm keeping track with the USDA pyramid guidelines and a program that works on my desktop and PDA phone so I can spot trends. I've learned that I can't have any wheat products for breakfast - my BS jumps to the 200's and stays up all day. I usually exercise 5 or 6 times a week, depending on my schedule. (I work until 6 PM and if I don't get home right away, I tend to not get that exercise in. Morning exercise just doesn't work for me.) I usually bike since I have a stationary bike and a road bike, but occasionally, I'll toss in a workout or two on my rowing machine.

SPECIAL HOPES / ASPIRATIONS / ACHIEVEMENTS: My ultimate goal is to have my diabetes under control without the use of any medication (or insulin.) I'm losing weight more for that than anything else. I want to be able to bike the old Columbia River Highway in the Columbia River Gorge (absolutely beautiful area) and have a picture of every waterfall in the Gorge (there are over 200 and many require lots of hiking.) Recently, I was able to spend an entire day at the Oregon Zoo recently and NOT be exhausted at the end of it!! Yeah!
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Old 07-11-2008, 09:22 AM   #27  
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Hey every one, I guess I forgot to post here first.
My name is paula, 34 years old, mother of 3 aged 4-15, married for 12 years, I'm a nurse (you know we make the worst patients), gestational DM in 97, my son weighed in at 10lbs 14oz, bigggggggggg boy via c-section, diagnosed with DM2 in2000 and was in complete denial, I really didn't care, I don't remember what my a1c was, so I guess I just got serious, my weight has always been an issue for as long as I can remember, highest I think wa 307. As of now Ive been doing a low carb diet, and i've seen good results with my BS, highest has been 130, I'm only taking 2 meds to control my bs now, before I was on 3, trying to start moving a bit more. My goal is to control my DM with diet and exercise, I want to seen my kids grow up, I want to set good examples for them.
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Old 07-11-2008, 02:44 PM   #28  
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Hi TOFU and Hi PAULA . . . great big welcoming for each of you . . . there's definitely no rule about where you should post first . . . just hope we'll be seeing both of you regularly down in our Dieting with Diabetes chat thread.
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Old 07-14-2008, 10:19 PM   #29  
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Hi all!

I've been lurking a bit but have decided to take the plunge!
PERSONAL - My name is Marge. I'm 45 years old. Married for 16 years with three daughters, 11,10 and 8.
I have always struggled with my weight. I had gestational diabetes with each of my three pregnancys. they weighed 10.3, 10.8 and 12.2 yes pounds! and yes I had my tubes tied after the third! none of my doctors really made a big deal out of the diabetes. they just said, you know, your sugar is high, your gestational diabetic better watch what you eat. So I cut out most sweets. thats about all I knew to do!
MEDICAL - at my last physical 2 years ago i was diagnosed with pre-diabetes with a fast bgl of 106. Again didn't make much of it.
this past june at my physical I had a fasting bgl of 261. Now she told me I WAS diabetic and had the health of someone who just had a heart attack. LOVELY! she has given me 3 months to bring those numbers and my weight down otherwise she'll put me on meds. So now I am taking this very seriously. honestly, I never really thought it was THAT big of a deal. I guess since the doctors didn't make it out to be. But this one, got my attention!
I chose not meet with a dietician since I've done alot of research on line about eating looking for the right diet! But now Im a bit confused and think i need to see a deitician and take a diabetes management class.
I am testing my sugar numerous times during the day. in the am. before i eat, one hour after i eat, two hours after i eat.... I am just not to sure about what to do with those numbers! how high is high? is my goal to keep it as low as possible or is it ok to go up if comes down quickly?why do i get a worse reading from oatmeal than a piece of cake? to0 many questions.
So I have a call in to my Dr. to set up the appts.for classes and dietician. I have been doing pretty good losing weight but basically it's because I'm really not eating. I just don't know WHAT to eat already.
ok anyway, this went from an intro to a b**ch session. Sorry

SPECIAL HOPES/ASPIRATIONS Well, you guessed it. to get a grip on all this and figure it all out. I am 45 and have an 8 year old. I would love to be around to see her have her own children. so I don't have a choice. I MUST get a grip on this!
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Old 07-15-2008, 08:36 AM   #30  
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Hi there . . . glad you found us, Chickie . . . hope you'll be joining us in our regular Dieting with Diabetes chat thread down under the Sticky area.

Definitely get your doctor to make an appointment for you to see a DEC (Diabetes Education Centre). Most of your questions can be answered there. Unfortunately doctors are often less than helpful for a newly diagnosed diabetic. In the meantime, read some of the back threads in this forum and take a look at the ADA (American Diabetes Association) website.

Blood sugar levels go up and down throughout the day for everyone. Good levels to aim for are between 110 to 130 first thing in the morning and before meals and you should be approaching that level again within about 2 hours after eating.

The sugar and fat in the cake, combines to temper the GI effect of the starch from the flour. Some people (I'm one of them) are more easily impacted by grains; even the whole ones like oatmeal and, of course, the finer the oatmeal is ground the higher it's GI so make sure you use nothing finer than Old-fashioned, large flake oats.

I did a fairly thorough write up on things that raise and lower Glycemic Impact over here . . . . . . you might like to think about a low GI plan.
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