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Old 07-13-2011, 05:13 PM   #16  
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Im with mom on this one Aunty Jam one no ones keeping tabs its just good to hear from you and glad your having a good day xxx

hey everyone else

Ems im 30 on the 26th scary but im looking forward to it.

Mom how you doing honey?

Vermont, thanks i am feeling better its been 25 days since i OD'ed and i am getting into the NA programme more and more now its hard but hey i can do this right

Everyone else hi and i hope your all ok.
im going good and still drug free, not even a vit C pill has passed these lips for 25days.
My weight has gone up though while i had the chest infection i was put on steriods i was given it in a spray as i cant handle pills at the moment and i gained 5lbs in 3 weeks! horrified!! and my skin is bad and i feel bha but im on to it health eating for me this week lots of water to sort my skin out. i have also found out i am wheat interolarant (boo sob) i love bread and pasta but it just kinda come on, i get a swollen belly every time i eat it and its so unpleasant its just not worth eating. im finding it hard esp when at work where i normally have a sandwich to find something to eat, but thank god for Marks and Spenser's peppers and artichock expensive but sooooo yummy.
Well im in good spirits as you can probably tell, lets hope this lasts (fingers crossed)

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Old 07-15-2011, 11:04 AM   #17  
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Aw thanks guys... you're sweet. Still, I feel bad I'll know how much I have or haven't contributed.

I've been having odd days... where I'll start off happy then by the end of the day between work and road construction I'm just miserable. I guess that just goes with being bi-polar. I have my appointment with a therapist on Monday, I seriously can not wait. I decided I'm going to spill my guts and I'm sticking to it. I just hope this person is better then the last one I saw, he was a condensending little twerp and I would have happily smacked him.

I hope you're physically better soon Marie.
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Old 07-15-2011, 12:56 PM   #18  
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Hope you have a lovely birthday marie i cant wait for mine Im glad your still doing well off the tabs stick with it the weight will soon start coming off again

Aunty jam good luck monday my thearapist helped me alot.

Im good i lost 1.5lbs this week only one more lb to go until i meet my birthday goal xxxx
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Old 07-15-2011, 07:36 PM   #19  
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good evening chicks!

Aunty Jam, we are FINE if you hardly ever check in, if it means that you are feeling any better No judgement from us!! just unconditional support lol@ wanting to smack the little twerp!!

marie, congrats on all those pill-free days!! Oh and I have heard it is near impossible NOT to gain weight when put on steroids Oh and gosh I'm sorry about the wheat intolerance. It is a big thing now, almost every day we have someone who can't have gluten in their meal. But there are alot of gluten free or substitutes now.

ems, you are doing so well!! congrats on your 1.5down.

Momof4, how do you take those fantastic avatar pics?? the current one is fab

hello to everyone else!!

I am in my "i love life' mode as it is deep summer. It makes me scared to think of NOvember, it truly does I just wont' think about it now. (la la la )
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Old 07-16-2011, 03:26 PM   #20  
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Hey eveyone,

Just want to say how smoking hot does mom look in her new pic!! well done honey you are looking great xx

Anthy Jam - im bipolar to its such a b*t*h but we have to to ride it out and remember its not us when an attack hits (hugs) being honest with your therapist really helps

Thanks Vermont, try not to think about the winter and enjoy your summer time.

Ems well done only one more lb to go!!!! whoop whoop you can so do this
and happy birthday for when it comes its the 29th? if so that the day charls and dianna got married. hope you have a good one

Well as for me i started today (28 days drug free) really good i had moring having my nails done and relaxing then shopping with my daughter the whole time my mobile phone was off when i got home and switched it on i had missed calls and messages from my sister how is 39 weeks preggers and her low life scum of a boyfriend had kicked her out AGAIN. so the last few have been sorting out this mess again! so bloody stressful!!! and i am worries pig sick for her as she is living a 2 hour drive from me. luckily me oldest friend is a 2 min walk from her so she is on stand by incase it goes bad and look after her until i can drive down and collect her. its a nightmare, to top things off i went to see an eye consultant today and i have to have a lump removed of my eyelid for testing, its not looking good well i have done this before so i can do it again right!! so much stress at the moment but i am holding out things always get better.
anyway take care everyone xxxx
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Old 07-17-2011, 03:56 AM   #21  
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Red face Hey Y'all

Hey chickies...

Things here are a mixed bag. Found out yesterday a family member was almost SHOT. Thank God that he is okay.

Work stress continues, maybe lessening a teeny bit but my 90 day is approaching and I feel I am doing well, so does my job coach and big boss. Yay. I just don't like meeting type thingies.

I just celebrated my 35th birthday but fortunately people say I look like I am in my 2Os and I don't feel 35 I didn't overeat too much on July 13, my special day, which is great and I have weigh ins at doc this week so truth be told, we'll see how well I do. I just wish by now I had reached my goal weight. I really hope by 40 I do.

Thanks for all your support.

Hope you are all doing well.

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Old 07-18-2011, 07:43 AM   #22  
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Thanks girls hope your all well

Marie i was born on charles and dianas wedding day hehe I hope things get sorted for your sister the poor thing thats all she needs when she is ready to give birth its stressful for her and it is on the baby hope your ok and well done on staying off the meds your doing so well xxx
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Old 07-18-2011, 09:49 AM   #23  
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Hello chicks and thanks to those who post and keep me accountable to post also

marie, that is horrible about the stupid boyfriend!! your poor sister (and you , for having to deal with the situation also)

ems, hi and you always sound so nice and happy !

seabiscuit, hi and omg at that close call!! belated birthday greetings (was it the 13th? that was my DH's bday also)

I have today off and have just wasted it so far, lazing around but that is good for a day off, isn't it.

Here is a reason for me to stick to a diet - going to be on local TV on August 2nd, with our motorcycle group. Ack!!
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Old 07-19-2011, 06:06 PM   #24  
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vermont- friend did the editing to make it look a lil cuter!!! lol

We just got back from camping...I am completely stressed
Stressed over money. We were never taught about money so we have learned the hard way and I am trying to get completely debt free...I want to have no payments other than living payments and be done with wasting my money but it takes work.
Then I have vbs in 2 weeks and nothing done for it
boys are still finishing school since I had gotten behind
Family reunion in a week and half that im in charge of
I wish id not done anything and worried about me and my house
I want my house to be in order...I am sick of not being able to find stuff or stuff laying around....

AND this is the big nasty pms cycle...the one that about drove me outta my mind last time...anyone know of anything you can take to help?

We had a good time camping...feel like I spent to much money to go on the trip and coulda saved it! AHHHH
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Old 07-20-2011, 10:40 AM   #25  
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Holly i love lazy days they are just what you need sometimes to destress

momof4 i hate money worries aswell i hope the family reuion goes well and not to stressful when preparing for it.

Im full up with a cold and im feeling sorry for my self and keep moaning at my bf cus im ill lol im doing his head in. I hope im better for my birthday next week xxxx
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Old 07-20-2011, 02:59 PM   #26  
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Marie - I'm sorry, I missed the part about you being on steroids... don't worry about gaining weight on them, EVERYONE does. I've been on and off steroids for years (not lately knock on wood) and the side effects of them are horrible! I've heard of people who are on them all the time actually buy maternity clothes so that they can shrink it or expand it as needed. The weight should drop off once you're off them. I can't believe the boyfriend thing!!! How could anyone do that?

Vermont - What are you going to be doing on TV? I'm sure you'll look great

Mom - But did you have a good time camping? You have a lot on your plate again (or always). Good luck with all you have going on.

Hi Ems I agree... lazy days are G-O-O-D!

My therapist visit was good.. unfortunately it's not a long term thing just an evaluation. She doesn't think I need long term therapy which is ok with me but she does want me to look into the resorces offered by my plan at work. She also has me doing some cognitive behavioural therapy stuff which I think will be really good for me. So yeah... I may not drop in here to much or I might but try not to complain about life to much.. I don't know, there goes my brain spinning around again. That's something I have to work on too.

Oh... and how's this for a bomb shell? Friend recently had a baby.... after seeing her the hubby turns to me and says "You know... a baby would be ok..." I was floored. For years he's been saying he doesn't really want one.. his daughter is 18 now. I've been fighting the maternal ticking clock for years, going back and forth between wanting then not wanting one... lately I have really really wanted a baby and out of the blue he says this. So it's kind of decided that as soon as he gets a job again we'll try to have a baby... A LOT of my issues are caused by stress of him not having a job and the therapist agreed that once that is lifted I'll probably be much better off. So we've even been talking names.... he asked me to set up his ipod for him and I added a few baby aps and when I looked at it a few days ago he hadn't deleted them (but he did delete the diet ones LoL). So watch out... there could be a mini-me around soon

Last edited by Aunty Jam; 07-20-2011 at 03:02 PM.
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Old 07-21-2011, 10:18 AM   #27  
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trying for a baby sounds good aunty jam i cant wait to have a family one day :d xxx
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Old 07-23-2011, 01:53 AM   #28  
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Aunty Yes I had a good time camping!!!

On the plus side yesterday the scale finally moved on the gym scale I have been lingering at 212/211 well yesterday it was 207!!! So that was exciting!!!

Today was my birthday it was and nice relaxing (except for the!!

well im off to bed! have a good weekend everyone!
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Old 07-23-2011, 01:35 PM   #29  
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Happy birthday Mom ...and congratulations on your weight loss!
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Old 07-24-2011, 04:29 AM   #30  
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hi everyone hope you are all well.

Auntie Jam - A baby... awww go for it, its one of the most rewarding thing you can do in your life.

Ems - Not long now, when you having your party? i had my 1st on Friday night (for work people) the next one is on the day just me and the family i cant wait!!

mom - happy birthday for last week

Everyone else hope your all doing well

As you guys know I am a recovering drug addict the pills the doctor gave me to get better lead to me being addicted to diazapram and verious other tranquilizer, i OD'ed 3 times this year and its amazing i am still alive. I have had 34 days drug free now and i feel better for it, but i have recently found out i have lasting health problems due to abusing tranquilizer's
I spent years depressed and uncontrollable mood swings outbrusts of extreme behavior. i would love to say i am better but i dont think i ever will be but i am making progress its scary facing things but its got to be done.
im not supost to diet until i get a little better but this week the lbs have started to come off now. yay!
Yesterday was a hard day i guess you guys have seen the news Amy Whinehouse died, i only ever meet her once but the news was hard to take and highlighted how drugs really mess you up. A sad loss for the world.
Right i wont bore you guys with my recovery stuff i just wanted to let you know i was getting better.

still no baby from sister yet, she has moved up north to stay with my mum i miss her being so far away but at least she is away for that A hole of a boyfriend. he still hasnt said anything im just glad i live far enough away from him so i dont have to see him as i know i will lose it and attack him.

today i am making a pie with the kids, now i have never made a pie before lol so its going to be interesting.

Have a great weekend everyone xxx
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