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Old 06-22-2011, 12:29 PM   #31  
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oh mom , lots of love to you.... its was so wrong how they went about things are you going to complain to the social services?
What you are doing by fostering is so great giving the poor babies a happy home even if its for a short while, you truly are amazing.

Hey Vermont sorry to hear you have hurt you knee. glad you are feeling the happy summer vibes and getting back into enjoying life

DreamAngelsHeavenly - thank you.
I know what you are saying about the meds i have been on them for years and they dont seam to be doing anything i am just getting worse. i went back to the docs today i got upset last night a took a load of sleepers the docs have no idea they just gave me more pills, im not cashing it the script as i know will just take the pills in one go. i was told to give up my job i mean seriously HTF can i do that i have 2 children and a husband that wont work, one of us needs to work and that has to be me.
i feel like giving up at the moment, nothing is working out at work or at home even with the friends i keep i miss them so much but i really dont have any time to myself right now let alone with friends.
I am stuck on the sofa at the moment with a chest infection but im going to drag my arse into work tomorrow hopefully they will see how ill i am and give me so time off paid.

Im going back to sleep now hopefully i will feel better tomorrow xx
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Old 06-23-2011, 12:11 PM   #32  
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Morning Ladies....

Mom - I'm so sorry to read of your troubles. Unfortunately things like that are never easy and often the kids pay the price

Vermont - How's the knee? I'm glad to hear your depression is lifiting, I also find it better in the summer but it never completely goes away. I can't remember, do you use a light in the winter? I HAVE to get a new one before the fall, I don't think I can face another winter up here without one.

Ems - How was spin class and your weekend in London?

Bonnie - Hope you're still doing well.

Chubby - I know, I try to focus on what money can't buy but it's hard with everything else staring you in the face I just get so pessimistic sometimes.

Marie - I hope things even out for you soon. Remember we are out here and we do care for you.

Hi Dreams Nice to meet ya.

As for me... well, hubby was supposed to go to another town to do a work evaluation but he got sick. We both ended up with the flu after our friends wedding (which was wonderful btw..). We were worried because we hadn't heard from the company but they called yesterday and hubby has a web conference with them today so keep your fingers crossed for us!

I went to the doctors last week and told her I've been depressed for 7 or 8 months and asked if there was anything else we could do. She sent a referral for me to talk to a mental health person because she feels it's all the added stress in my life that's bringing me down. I agree and I'm fine with that... I spilled my guts to my doctor (and the attending med student), told her what was going on and admitted to being mildly suicidal. My appointment isn't until July 18th unfortunately but just having it has made me feel a bit better and I plan to spill my guts to them too. I'm just so sick and tired of being unhappy and tired.

My exercise has been nill but my eating is a bit better... it might take a bit of a dive today but other then that I plan to keep it on tract. I have a hard time convincing myself to exercise if I don't have something to train for... I was reading a running magazine and found a half marathon in Oregon ( that I would LOVE to do next July. I don't know if I'll ever be able to afford to go... but if I fix it in my mind that I'll be doing a half next year, in Oregon or anywhere, maybe I can keep motivated. Problem is I usualy have to be signed up and paid in order to keep motivation but I'll try!

Sorry if I left anyone out... I don't mean to but break time is long past. Gotta get back to work. Take care chickies

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Old 06-23-2011, 10:41 PM   #33  
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Marie - I am really sorry to hear that. One doctor at our clinic is constantly adjusting meds to help people better... But yeah, they only know what you tell them (if you miss out suicidal attempts or not taking meds they may not know otherwise)... The other doctor also does not advise certain people to work as much (granted these people are seriously mentally ill and are very low functioning for the most part). Sometimes with illness working so much- and it sounds like you have a very stressful and intense job- can make us sick and trigger an episode if you are getting close. I sort of think of it as a "perfect storm" - stress at home, demanding job, social isolation (for whatever reason),... it can be very overwhelming for someone struggling with their mental health. I can very much relate to you. My doctor thought originally thought I had bipolar which is actually Borderline Personality Disorder... amongst other issues, like paranoia, social anxiety... I wasn't working for 8 months due to losing my job in this crap economy and had no insurance and now I have started working again (in January) and finally got insurance (started in May) and I just don't have the time or energy- I have been meaning to go to a counselor, a psychiatrist, the dermatologist, the dentist, etc... My job is so mentally draining-- I am just exhausted by the time I get off. I blow off my friends because I don't even want to be around anyone- and I am just tired. At home though, I can't sleep anyway, I have insomnia and I usually only get a few hours of sleep a night... If I am lucky. Now with this strict diet I am doing my mood has gone even more all over the place. I feel bad for my boyfriend who receives the brunt of it most times. Or my family, that I also don't really have much energy to deal with (just Mom, Dad, and sister-- no kids!! :P). I experience such intense emotions, that when I am down, I am so far down. I feel similar to you. I just want to give up. It is hard to remember all of our accomplishments. I just finished my Masters in Psychology in winter last year. I have a job that will give me great experience in this field (which is great in such an awful economy). I have an amazing boyfriend. I don't know if you have read Harry Potter, but the dementors that suck the life and positivity out of you is how depression can be- and it is truly mortifying. I don't think people realize how serious it is until they experience how debilitating it is and how defeating it feels... But life goes on. We can not give in to those feelings. They are mostly an illusion- they taint everything we see and they block out all of the positives in our lives, all the good fortunes we have had, all the happy memories. Though we may be in difficult circumstances- there are things we can do to change them. I struggle personally with this. Being Paranoid BP I get mad - no enraged- on a dime. Something tiny, something I misinterpret, something so insignificant- and I am in a full rage that can not stop and is very destructive to anyone in it's path. I am barely learning to try and control and challenge these thoughts. I bought a DBT workbook and DBT journal and I am going to try and get a hold of myself. DBT is very effective for many disorders with emotional dysregulation including bipolar. So while I attempt to give you advice, I am also attempting to let you know- to an extent- I know what you are going through. We have to think positive and we have to motivate ourselves to change, even if it is a single tiny step at a time. Are you unable to take any time off? Maybe if you have paid vacation you can take at least some time to clear your head and have a rest. As for your husband- I am not sure why he will not work- but if he wants to have food on the table and a roof over his head I think he needs to get out there and contribute in some way that will take the burden off of your shoulders. You are ill and need him to step in and lift the burden from you and carry it for awhile. I really hope you get well soon.
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Old 06-24-2011, 05:02 AM   #34  
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hey girls hope your all well im off to london this weekend. I put on half lb werent happy as i worked my butt off this week must be muscle cus i know iv bee good

dream im doing a degree in psychology xxx
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Old 06-24-2011, 10:59 AM   #35  
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hey chicks!

first - Dreams! You've finished a Masters in Psychology?! congrats!! please consider us your 'work on' patients

mom - oh, that must have been terrible! we are all so impressed with someone as young as you who takes on the huge situation of foster care, knowing that someday you have to let them go. But truly they could have worked that out better.

Aunty Jam - fingers crossed! I know that was days ago but how did it turn out? And is the registration for the half marathon very pricey? too bad they can't keep the costs down for something like that. I do use the light in winter, maybe this year I will remember to start using it early, like September, to 'get ahead'?

marie - is your chest infection gone? and how could the people tell you to just quit your job, that's so unrealistic, instead of trying to really work with you and help you. We wish we could help you, it scares us when you want to take all your pills, I'm not lecturing, just letting you know we love and care for you!!

ems - drat that half pound, I'm sure it is muscle, as you have been good and how was the spinning class? I've heard they are Killer! and you can analyze us also as part of your degree

Chubbykins (and you are NOT chubby!) how are you? Hi bonnie how are you? and HI to hopeforme

We were supposed to go to a biker rally(that we go to every year) in NY this weekend..I really busted my butt at work this previous week to get ahead and put desserts in the freezer for when I was gone..then DH casually tells me a couple days ago that he couldn't get today off...WTF??? I was so mad. But i kept calm and just tried to discuss it.

He thought that I was kinda ambivilent about the trip so he thought it was okay to not go. Well it is true that I was 'so-so' about going because RAIN was predicted for the whole time, and it is a primitive camping thing so the place would probably be mired in mud. So I didn't get too mad.

Besides it will be a couple hundred dollars saved, which we now have to put into DH's car! total new muffler system, at least not the catalytic conv. but everything else. It's always something, right?

Well I worked out 2 days in a row, yay! and i willl today and tomorrow. My knees hurt if I do exercise, or if I don't. So I might as well just do it. We finally do have insurance now but its like I can't address the knee issues until we've had it for like 6 months? so I will just wait.

something good - DH and i went on a relatively long ride last wee, to Laconia NH , its' 120 miles each way and he was good! It was so wonderful for us to be on the road together again.

:hugs: to everyone
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Old 06-24-2011, 11:55 AM   #36  
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Hey girls...

The video conference didn't happen, the company couldn't get their end working!!!!!!!!!! Apparentaly the guy who was supposed to set it up for them didn't show up so they had a phone call instead. They've told hubby that they want him and they hope they don't lose him to another company because of all of this. Hubby isn't sure what to think... on one hand he really wants to work for them and they seem like a good company (really good life/work balance). But on the other hand they can't get their $hit together! The biggest problem is these guys are all in a different city from us, so they can't talk face to face. It is SO frustrating.

Vermont - Sorry you guys won't be going on the trip But I can understand you being so-so on it. I've roughed it in the mud before... if it's nice out it can be fun but if it's cold and rainy it's just not.
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Old 06-24-2011, 12:00 PM   #37  
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A.J. - hmm, that's a shame that the company gives the impression that they are 'not together' - how far is the city that they're in? would you have to move?

I've been checking the weather at the area where we were supposed to be, it's been raining off and on, and temp. around 69 or 70, I'm telling myself I am glad of our decision
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Old 06-25-2011, 04:54 PM   #38  
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Wow seemed to be some stuff going on while I was gone. We were at campmeeting (church services for our whole state) We completed the first step in becoming ordained ministers thru our ordination. We had a grad thing there and then invited to a luncheon. BUT being away really helped not focusing on the mess with the kids. N even though I miss them and worry about them I feel refreshed and much better!

I start my emotional healing class sunday for ages 15-30. I am excited and cant wait!!

TOM came to town so I figured my weight would be up but here it is down a lb and I know I am bloated so I am anxious to see what it will be when TOM is gone!!!! I am tired of being at the same weight for a MONTH!!! I am ready to start losing again. I can fit into a 14 buttoned buttttt its tight and I dont do tight stuff I like to be comfortable!!!

I hope everyone is having a good weekend! I will try to finish reading all the post when I have a lil more time!!!
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Old 06-27-2011, 11:49 AM   #39  
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Vermont - They're 3 hours away, we wouldn't be moving because they want him based here thankfully. We moved to that city once years ago... came home after a year.

Mom - Glad to hear you're feeling better.
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Old 06-28-2011, 11:55 AM   #40  
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How did I get to be the most active person in this thread? LoL

I may have found a work out buddy who is also interested in training for a half marathon after we complete 10k. We've both agreed that we need a lot of help with motivation... now if only we can get going... hahah.
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Old 06-28-2011, 02:21 PM   #41  
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Hey everybody!
Exams are almost over. Everything went well and just when you think depression won't possibly get to you I had a major episode today. Together with the immense heat my apetite is totaly gone now and I went to the hospitala few days ago.
They gave me pills to start eating again and a disgusting liquid diet that tastes like liver and oil. Who could guess just by looking at me atm that I don't eat -_- This is like a sick joke, the chubbygirl who has no apetite.
This doesn't help my weight loss either as the intervenal sugar stuff they pumped into me bloated me up like a baloon.
I'm also taking heavy antibiotics for a gum infection I got and yeah... I feel like cr*p.
Woah ok... enough whining. I'll be fine. I have to.

So how is everyone else? I hope you have a great summer.

The heat has really started here and everyone is at the beach except me and my Uni colleagues that are having exams But soon is my turn. Sooooon!

@Vermont I chose chubby as a word to describe my weight, because I didn't want to sound too dramatic by saying I am fat. My weight hasn't caused me any trouble yet, But it was slowly going up over the last 5 years until I reached the medical border of overweight to obese. I would have become very fat with the food I was eating and the lifestyle I had. I also have a very unhealthy relationship with food, on which I work on.

@ Marie Hang in there girl! And get those doctors in line.

Best wishes to all of you girls!
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Old 06-30-2011, 05:45 AM   #42  
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hey everyone hope your all ok?

Aunty jam and Holly i had a great weekend in london thanks and the spin class was good i have never sweated so much hehe i am going again today xxx
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Old 06-30-2011, 11:56 AM   #43  
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Aw Chubby... I feel bad, it is a sick joke. I on the other hand want to eat everything in sight Yesterday I had around 4 horrible things (gaw that looks horrible in type! How could I have done that?). I hope you're feeling better soon.

ems - Glad you had a good weekend and enjoyed your spin class. Was your butt sore after?

It's a long weekend up here, Canada Day! I'm going camping this weekend This of course means no internet connection, beer (light) and fried foods, but my hubby was also good enough to pack me a bunch of veggies. There's a big group of us going so I hope I can talk at least some of them into going for hikes with me. I checked out the area a bit and there's supposed to be some great trails. I know my husband probably won't want to do the longer ones but maybe someone will. Anyway... we're leaving this afternoon and won't be back until sunday or later so you may not hear from me.

Have a great weekend chickies!
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Old 06-30-2011, 03:46 PM   #44  
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So i am trying to cut down and jump back into losing weight...its hard with summer and I slacked off eating breakfast sooooo....I am happy to say i am negative 486 calories after BREAKFAST and also RAN the whole mile in 10.40 today...I have really slacked off running. Its hard work...the elliptical is easy for me and if I want to break outta this plateau I MUST do the HARD work!!! Yesterday was our junk food day and my anything day well I had school stuff with the boys so I didnt go to the gym. I had mcdonalds for lunch, pizza (1 slice) for supper, then candy mt dew and pringles for snack. I felt completely SICK from it...havent had one of those days in a long time...but i think it reminded me that those things are discusting and don't make your body feel good so why do it?? I am into a pair of 16 jeans that actually fit nice..tighter than what I wear but they are not toooo tight...I can fit some 14's just barely.. I WANT desperately to be below 200 and in size 14s so I guess I must work hard. I will be throwing in the 30 day do some toning and extra little bit...
Hope everyone is doing well!

OH WOW...had to add this just got a phone call that I am not allowed to call the foster kids mom.....LIKE that means we wont have any contact with them...after we had them for 8 they said we were gonna get together with her and the kids and get to see them....I AM HAVING A HARD TIME NOT HATING PEOPLE.....ITS WRONG AND I FEEL COMPLETELY HURT, USED, and CRAPPED ON......After all we did there is NO respect, NO thanks, NO nothing...just treated WRONGLY!!!

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Old 07-01-2011, 05:44 PM   #45  
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stressed...and I dont get much done when Im stressed...trying to not think about it but you know....well here is a side by side picture....cant want till the weight is OFF!!!
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