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Old 05-02-2011, 10:21 AM   #1  
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Good morning,

I started up May's chat so I can close down April's.

Love you girls

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Old 05-02-2011, 12:15 PM   #2  
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Wow people... lots going on. Sorry I've been MIA for a while, been busy with the new dog, having people over, keeping up the house and trying to run & get decent sleep (tired.... yawn). I can't go back and check the old thread like I ususally do... sorry if I leave someone out.

Vermont - Awesome new bike How does it run?

Mom & Marie - I'm sorry you guys are going through such tough times... please remember to take care of yourselves also.

Hope - Hi... good to hear from ya.

Leenie - Thanks for the new thread.

Hi everyone else.......

So new dog on Friday... we had them meet on neutral ground which went pretty well. There was a lot of sniffing of course. Snoop is very laid back.. not at all what you would expect from a 1 year old border collie cross. He seems to lack any kind of work ethic or drive I have to admit I'm kind of disappointed but I hope he may still be settling in. He does like to please us which is a good thing and he is very ball and tug motivated so that shows he does have some prey drive. He is really really high in pack drive, but human pack, not canine pack so far but again it is very early. We've had a few issues with Chase being possesive of "his" toys, at one point he snarled and charged at Snoop over a ball. He stopped short of using teeth though and just body checked him, we are keeping a very close eye on both of them. Snoop doesn't seem to have a mean bone in his body, he's very happy go lucky and greets us every morning like long lost friends... very snuggly at 5am.

Honestly... I'm not sure about him. He's nice but not what I was expecting. My husband said "Maybe when you leave Chase and just work on Snoop he'll show more drive...." Which made me realize I don't want to leave Chase at all... he can still do so much, he's an amazingly smart, eager to please dog with great work ethic. Made me wonder if I really wanted a new dog at all or if I should have just doubled my efforts with Chase. I can work both dogs.. but it will take a lot of time... Chase isn't fond of being left out... I have to find some way of just working one at a time. Not easy... we do have 30 days to decide if he is going to fit in or not but I think step d is getting really attached.

So anyway, enough babbling from me about dogs, you guys probably aren't all that interested. So have a good day all you fine ladies.
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Old 05-02-2011, 01:46 PM   #3  
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hi leenie and aunty jam hope your both well jam u will have to post a pic of the new dog :d

Marie sts is stay the same :d the tira she wore was the queen mothers thats why she wore it as the queen lent it to her doe her something borrowed lol well done on reducing your meds

Holly and momof4 hope your both well also xxx
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Old 05-02-2011, 01:51 PM   #4  
is chubby
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Hey all!
Today was one of those "once-in-a-lifetime" terrible days. I have to wake up at six to go to hospitals and get some paperwork done. They had me running and standing around for SIX HOURS!!!!
In those six hours I didn't eat, I didn't drink... I only ran and stood and waited. When I returned home I crashed on my bed and slept for five hours straight. No need to say that when I woke up I felt like ****. I doubt this stupid dehydrating fast will do any good to my diet. I am the slow, steady and healthy kind of dieter. And on top of all it was burning summer-like hot here. So I had a minor heat-stroke with my dehydration.
I sit around now nursing a headache and a ruined stomach Sorry for ranting so much. I really hate bureaucracy.
There was NO reason at all to have me wait so long (and the other people too. One grandma even collapsed... IN THE HOSPITAL... omg)

@Marie I hope you'll get things straightened out with the Husband. It isn't always roses and chocolates with my fiance either, so I think I can relate. When my mediteranean temperament flares he wishes he could hide Sounds tough about your mother by the way. Usually that's what mother-in-laws do in Greece too though... I guess she has more problem with the men and not her daughters right?

@Auntie I like lazy dogs to be honest. They make less fuss during examinations But due to my profession animals usually don't take kindly to my attention. Best dogs are large slow-paced breeds. No great Dane ever caused me any trouble... can't say the same about the dreaded pecinese.
It is hilarious how trouble always comes in small sizes in the clinic. Big dogs usually are safe once muzzled.

@Mom That's terrible about the kid that killed himself with medicine Damn we need more education spread around.

And of course greetings and best wishes to everyone!
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Old 05-02-2011, 02:11 PM   #5  
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where in greece are you from chubbykins? x
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Old 05-02-2011, 03:52 PM   #6  
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Hi everyone, god May already this year is flying by!

Aunty Jam - Give it a while for the dog to settle in and see how you feel, and well done on getting the dog in the 1st place, they must have felt you have something to offer the pup you must feel so pleased.

Ems - I am so blonde at times lol have a look on the UK chick forum we are doing the biggest loser challenge if your up for it. I love the motivation and as I have done so badly lately i am hoping it will work

Chubbykins - what an eventful day, hope you feel better soon. As mother in laws go mine is ok, they are Italian and very welcoming and like that I am looking after their boy (he is 35) they like to feed me and always have good wine, lack abit on the babysitting though lol
My mum has issues with everyone I am the eldest of 4 and she finds a reason fight with all of us, the thing with my sister is just the tip of it. Even though I dont speak to her I am always dragged into it as my bothers and sister alway run to me when she kicks off.
I am so glad i have a fantastic Dad & Step Mother I can rely on

I couldnt have the "talk" with DH tonight I start my new job in the morning I have to get up at 4:45am so i am not going to bed stressed, im just going to leave it and see how this month plays out. Now i am feeling calmer I am thinking i should just carry on as before and try to not let him get to me, life is to short.
I had a lovely day with my 2 girls they really are love of my life and make me very happy.
Ok im going to bed now, nervous and excited about tomorrow all at the same time, im hoping this is the new start i need

Night folks xx
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Old 05-02-2011, 04:10 PM   #7  
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good luck with your new job hun xxx
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Old 05-03-2011, 12:11 PM   #8  
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Hey everyone... I know, I know, I have to give the pup more time and us too. He's good when motivated... just very laid back otherwise. He is very, very ball motivated, it's the only thing I've ever seen him focus on for more then 2 seconds, he loves to play fetch. He and Chase almost played together yesterday says my husband, I wasn't home. I really want to try him out on some agility equipment to see if it gets him going but haven't been able to get my hands on any right now. I'll add a few pictures for you guys... they are both really cute (and they have similar markings).

Chubby - He's not exactly lazy... given the proper motivation it seems he can be quite the goer. Just without it he's happy to just hang out... he's an odd dog. Sorry to hear of your ordeal in the hospital We had beautiful weather yesterday too.. there's a joke going around that it was our summer... "Hope you enjoyed it..."

Marie - I hope the talk with your hubby went well and that you love your new job

Hi ems Here's pictures...... in the truck Chase is on the left, Snoop on the right, in the pillow picture Chase is on the right, Snoop on the left. Then one of just Snoop.
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Last edited by Aunty Jam; 05-03-2011 at 12:14 PM.
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Old 05-03-2011, 03:45 PM   #9  
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Thanks everyone the 1st day at the new job went ok I am tired now as I have been up since 4:45 and I only got home at 8pm I am shattered! just had dinner and then i am going to bed.

Aunty Jam they are beautiful doggies, I am jealous I would love to have them. I hope you click with snoop soon

Hope everyone has had a good day x
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Old 05-03-2011, 04:00 PM   #10  
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the dogs are so cute aunty jam

How come u had to get up so early marie and how come your home so late you poor thing xxx
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Old 05-03-2011, 04:04 PM   #11  
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Ems - I have to leave the house at 5:30am it takes me 2 hours to get to work then I dont finish until 5:30pm then 2 hours to get back home again, its going to be hard going but it will be worth it when I get paid and I am moving up the ladder fast. Im playing with the big boys I have to be like on of them now.
Sound like self punishment but I thrive of it, and it helps my depression I dont have time to worry about things at home
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Old 05-03-2011, 09:37 PM   #12  
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SOO I did the official final weigh in for the gym competition and I lost 15lbs in 8 weeks (almost 2 lbs a week). Wont know the results until tomorrow or wed. Figured I would put my picture in this post too since I did at the end of april when it was already Total of 25lbs. (almost 3 months) I am happy with I wish it was more HECK ya...but I know doing this way is healthy Im not cutting out food groups that I have a danger of falling back into...I can eat more healthier things but I will get there!! Ok well thats all im exhausted!!
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Old 05-04-2011, 05:03 AM   #13  
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Hey all

@ems I'm an island girl. It is a beautiful post-card like island in the south. Forgive me for not posting the name, but the population is so small that revealing the name is like giving out my identity Not that I have any problem with you girls, but it is the internet and free to all kinds of people to browse. *edit* I don't live there atm because I am studying in Uni.

@ auntie The dogs looks really cute. I like collies a lot. One of the police dogs who is a frequent patient in the clinic is a collie and he's like the smartest dog I've seen. He is a professional drug-hunter and has a record of finding satchels from as small as 2gr to 150 kilos of the bad stuff on the border.
Perhaps the dog needs a few minerals and vitamins? Copper deficiency can cause lack of drive in animals and humans. Same goes with iron etc. If you're giving them dry pellet food you can check the label. If you're only giving them canned meat then they could use more vitamins/minerals for sure.
I'm sorry if my advise is unwelcome. It comes natural to me in my profession

@mom I think the difference is huge! You look more "compact" (if I can use that word with humans). I wish you much more success in the future.

Last edited by Chubbykins; 05-04-2011 at 05:05 AM. Reason: adding
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Old 05-05-2011, 11:15 PM   #14  
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Just wanted to say hey and hope everyone is doing well
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Old 05-06-2011, 03:24 PM   #15  
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Hey Chicks Hope eveyone is ok

I have managed to survive my 1st week at my new job, it went well I am loving just being treated like a normal human not like they did at the old place.
I have gained weight though +4lb but now I am settled in at work I can start working on my weight again.
I havent had an Bipolar moment all week which I am pleased about as last week was awful fingers crossed it stays this way.

Anyway I really hope everyone is ok, Love to all xxx
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