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Old 03-02-2008, 02:52 PM   #46  
Just keep moving ...
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Hi ladies!

I did my first C25k run today, and wow, it really kicked my butt. I almost started arguing with the guy on the podcast that I didn't ahve to do any more intervals!

Buddly, I am glad you are feeling better. I agree that the melt is worse than the snow - my dogs drag soooo much mud through the house. Yech. I am sorry to hear about your daughter - I get ulcers in my throat, too, and I'm told its not very common. At my worst the doc said I had more than a dozen one time. For me, the only thing that really helps heal them is advil - it cuts down on the inflamation and allows the tissue to heal. That, and when they get really bad, Prednisone. It sucks, but its better than having an nebulizor tube stuck down your throat! On the up side, I seem to be immune to Strep...

Heather, have a great time at rehearsal!

Sassafrass - I'm so glad that there is a possible loophole for your mum! And such a shame that she might not have time to study.... No?

Alright - I gotta go get cleaned up - I don't know when I've sweated this much!

Hugs everyone! See you in the next thread.
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Old 03-02-2008, 06:12 PM   #47  
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Cool Holy Spring Weather Batman!!! lol

Wow-we!!! It is 59 degrees here!!! Does that mean I can officially get out my shorts??? lol. I know, don't hold my breath, right? lol.

Too darn bad I can't go anywhere or do anything because of sicky, oops DH. lol. He called off tonight too. He goes to the dr on Tuesday.

Heather -- WTG on Day 6 of clean eatin. So what plan are ya on?

Buddly -- I will be glad with all the snow is gone and the mud and we have permanent warm weather!!! lol.

Amarie -- on the C25K run, what is a C25K run??? What does the C stand for?? lol. Yeah what a shame, my mom won't have time to study up. lol. Who'd ever think that flunking out would get you out of a contract? I hope she does flunk though!!! hee hee hee. I want my mommy!!! LMAO!!! Just teasin'. I just want her to be with us already. So we all can help each other, ya know?

I thought about Cathy lastnight we was watching My First house and they were in Hawaii!!! Holy Moly are houses expensive there!!! This couple wanted to stay below $400,000. The house they got wasn't much, lemme tell ya. Here a $400,000 house would be a mansion!!! There its only a "shack" lol. I guess that is the price of living in "paradise" eh? lol. Well I hope you all are enjoyin the warm weather -- if you got it and if you don't -- no worries, it will come soon!!!

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