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Old 06-16-2008, 01:35 PM   #46  
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GG - those quilts are BEAUTIFUL! I hope one day I have an 1/8th of that talent! I just need to start spending more time doing it. I need to focus on it for an entire day if possible. I'm really thinking a scrap quilt will be the way to go with the one for my mom for Christmas.
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Old 06-16-2008, 02:20 PM   #47  
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I love Double Irish Chain done in scraps. Here's a pic of one I made for a friend who had a brain tumor. (She's fine after surgery!)

I pieced the center, somebody else added the borders, and then a girl with a computerized quilting machine did the quilting.
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Old 06-16-2008, 03:27 PM   #48  
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Hi Everyone! I had a rough weekend, fight with my DH on friday night put me on a path to yuckiness. I have recently diagnosed with bipolar disorder. I am finally getting stabilized with the help of a great dr and some great meds. The weekend before TOM shows I struggle with my mood swings and anger, it's a very bad PMS thing..... SO..... I did alright even after the fight, but Saturday was a totally different story. I made poor choices but did walk for 1 hour. Sunday I enjoyed some birthday cake and tried to refocus, some what. Today I am back feeling a little better and more in control. I am grateful that the "crazy" feeling is only once a month now. Letting go of a bad weekend and moving on to a new week.

I am going to set a goal for the next PMS weekend- NO EXCUSES, and Exercise more.

Weigh in Day for me is tomorrow.

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Old 06-17-2008, 12:30 AM   #49  
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gg- I joined your challenge- what a great idea! Good luck with the wine- we have so much liver disease in my family, you are so worth it, and I know you can do it!

Karrebear- Isn't it eye-opening to see what a spat with the spouse can do to your efforts? My wonderful, incredibly CHARMING husband who is SOOO easy to get along with always, can make me eat like no buffet can... hee hee!

I had 2 awesome victories today. I was at the dog park with my goofy dog, and I could feel my leg muscles really working. I actually felt firmer. It was really cool! It was like I could feel myself getting stronger by the step. My pants are fitting a little looser too! My scale is being nicer since I've been home, and I'm back at 260. I have band camp tomorrow, and I'm going to run with the kids. I have a junior who is just like I was at her age, she weighs 225, and she and I have been talking about nutrition and exercise. I told her I'd exercise with her, and I'm really excited to see her get healthy and avoid the 10 years or so that I wasted in my own life!
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Old 06-17-2008, 08:45 AM   #50  
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I am very happy and surprised this morning. Weigh in was 174.8 I lost 2 lbs this week even with a big slip this weekend. I am going to keep moving forward and I am not going to count a single calorie, it seems to be helping!!! Have a great day everyone!
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Old 06-17-2008, 11:29 AM   #51  
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Hey Karyn - Good job on the loss!! It's the ENTIRE picture of the week that counts, not just one day. Whoo hoo!!! I have very bad PMS, too. Not every single month, but 3 or 4 times a year it just knocks me flat. I feel for you. Exercise helps me. Crying does, too.

TTTA - It is SO GREAT you are helping your daughter in a way that is encouraging and supportive. I love the feeling I get when I notice changes in my muscles. It makes all the sweat and effort to "do it" more worthwhile. Good for you! Think how awesome you'll look when you go back to school next fall!

I've made it through 2 very difficult family dinners with NO ALCOHOL!! Whoo-hoo!! Father's Day and my son's birthday yesterday. I feel great. TTTA - Have you heard of milk thistle? A gal from our JB challenge turned me onto it. I guess it is a miracle worker with liver ailments. This is the link she posted.

I'll try to CBL!!!
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Old 06-17-2008, 12:36 PM   #52  
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Karyn - You're doing GREAT! Keep up the hard work hon! Not counting calories is a MAJOR help! Keep going!

TTTA - that's AWESOME that you're taking her under your wing! I wish i had someone like you back in my HS days!

GG - GREAT JOB NOT DRINKING!!! I'm proud of you!
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Old 06-17-2008, 09:53 PM   #53  
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Karyn--Congrats on the loss!

TTTA--I too applaud you for helping that student out. Now is the time while she is young and it is easier to get the weight off. Hopefully these will develop into healthy habits she will continue for a lifetime.

gg--Great job on the abstinence from alcohol.

I'm so freaking tired I don't know what to do with myself. I'm doing a quick run through on all the threads I generally post and then I am headed to bed. I'm making it an early night.
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Old 06-18-2008, 10:29 AM   #54  
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Oh, I get it!! "Junior" as in class. I thought she was junior to YOU. ROFLOL!!

Shay - Hope you got some good sleep!!

My mother came over yesterday having a freak session. GEEZ! I picked a lousy week to quit drinking. lol!!
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Old 06-18-2008, 01:15 PM   #55  
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GG - is there ever a "good" week? Stick with it girly!

I'm having a rough couple of days. TOM is late - so it's making the emotions CRAZY! I went out to lunch w/ my sister, and splurged a little... oh well I'm still w/in my range. I'm working from home today - which is nice.
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Old 06-18-2008, 03:49 PM   #56  
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Enygirl - You're right. There's NEVER a perfect time to do anything! Just keep going . . .
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Old 06-18-2008, 09:21 PM   #57  
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I did get to bed earlier than I normally do. I felt rested when I got up this morning. So definitely a good thing.
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Old 06-19-2008, 08:58 AM   #58  
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Default Venting about work - LONG

Really Really rough day yesterday... a lot of emotional eating, and no exercise.

Background story is this - I've been working at the company I'm at for a year. I'm WELL overdue for a raise, expecially since I've been moved up 2ce in that year w/out an increase in pay, only in responsibilites. I've taken on 5x's the amount of responsibilities in the last year, and I have been told for MONTHS that a raise is coming. My direct boss told me he expected it to be a good raise based on my performance and the fact that in July I'm up for yet another promotion. (I'm pretty much doing the job now). I told him that I wanted at least a $3.00/hr raise, based on everything that I'm doing now - the fact that I've stepped up to the plate and have saved the company over $500,000 in the last 7 months. Anyhow - I got an email from my boss saying he was "pleased to tell me that effective July 4th I will be be given a raise to $13.00" I WAS PISSED!!!! That was only a $1 increase over what I'm currently making! So I cried, and stressed, and ate, and cried... and wrote him an email back saying:

"I appreciate this very much, however I have to tell you that I am quite a bit disappointed. In the last year I have taken on at least 5 x’s the amount of responsibility from that I was hired for. I feel that I have stepped up to the plate on several occasions in which other people couldn’t or wouldn’t.

I honestly don’t feel that a $1 increase based on my performance in the last year justly represents the work load that I have taken on, nor the position that I have been told is on the horizon.

Is there any way that I can be told how this decision was made, and on what basis. I know that I had told you in the past what my expectations were, and I think you can understand my feelings on this."

That was as professionally pissed off as I could be. So i got an email back saying that he thought it represented more... He was thinking I was making $10/hr and not $12. So he forwarded it to his supervisor and this was the response I received at 7 last night:
"Erin -

No one disagrees with your assessment and value to our organization. Tom will address this issue when he returns in July. There are some other factors in the operations organization affecting this issue in the short term. My guidance is.. Be patience.

So I'm seeing a silver-lining now - but I'm still irritated. Anyhow - all-in-all I went over my cals (yes I'm back to tracking - attempting to NOT go completely obessive) by about 2 twix bars and a little bag of potato chips actually 323 cals. My range is 1200-1500... so i don't think that a 300 overage is too bad. I didn't exercise though - which probably would've helped off set it... *sigh*

Good news is TOM finally decided to rear his ugly head! So my emotions should be a little better balanced now... OPh - and Joe was INCREDIBLE yesterday, and very supportive. He made me feel appreciated, loved, and wanted when I needed it most. I love that boy

Ok - getting back to things today... DEFINATELY working out today! I'm thinking Tae bo or a nice long walk or something! Need to burn those extra 300 cals from yesterday

Thanks for letting me vent girls! I'm SO glad you're all here!!!
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Old 06-19-2008, 10:23 AM   #59  
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I think you handled it very professionally. Just stay on top of it and see how it goes in July. If you don't like what happens in July, then you can make a choice to stay or to leave. Either way, you will be okay. With this job, or without it, it doesn't change who you are inside.

I learned a lesson yesterday about protein. If I don't eat much protein on Tuesday, I will drag fanny all day Wednesday.

I think I'm going to pick some raspberries today at my sister's. This weekend we are planning on going to a farm and picking strawberries and making up a big batch of jam.

Happy day everybody!
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Old 06-20-2008, 12:19 AM   #60  
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Enygirl--You did what some have a hard time doing, standing up for yourself. I'm sure it will all work out.

gg-That sounds like fun! When I used to work at a nursing home I used to take my residents to pick strawberries. They loved it. I had raspberries in cottage cheese today. Love it. Is it really easy to make jam? Now that makes me wonder if it's easy to make the butters like apple or pumpkin.

Last edited by Shay; 06-20-2008 at 12:21 AM.
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