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susieyarb 01-09-2012 03:14 PM

Ok, so the day of truth has arrived. I can't believe that I actually smiled a little on the scale this morning because I was prepared to see an even larger number!

I've updated my picture and tickers and here we go again!

I'm going to focus on looking ahead and the only reason I'll look behind is to remember the lessons I've learned from this experience. I know I can do it, I did it before. I now know without a shadow of doubt how easy it is to put it back on and will work diligently to not let it happen again!

tdiprincess 01-09-2012 03:28 PM

Susie: Very good attitude! The past is the past, now we learn from it and move forward. :carrot:
Jiggle: I LOVE the idea of adding NSV Friday again! I already know what mine will be :D

osu2k1 01-09-2012 03:47 PM

Down 4 lb today! 6 to go!

SparkleBE 01-09-2012 07:48 PM

Hey everyone!
Hope you all had a great weekend. Unfortunately, my cough/cold just keeps getting worse. I’ve been eating under my calorie limit, but I took the weekend off from exercising. This week, I’m planning to do some slow, leisurely walking since I can’t do anything too strenuous at the moment :(

Jiggle: I’m so sorry you’ve been going through such difficult time, but glad that you have good friends and family to help you :hug: You’re doing great in this challenge and you’re always great at keeping us motivated!
Osu: Wow! Way to go!
Tdi: Way to go with the running! 3 miles is awesome! I’m looking forward to NSV Friday too. They always make me so happy :)
Susie: You have a great attitude, and I’m glad the scale was nicer to you than you thought it would be :)

NorthernExposure 01-09-2012 08:35 PM

Hey guys...

Been MIA for a while. Had a 3 day stomach bug last week...NOT fun. Finally feeling somewhat "normal" today. Slowly trying to get back into my exercise routine. My Wednesday night zumba class starts up again this week, looking forward to getting moving again.

Weighed in on Friday (was still kind of sick, so not sure about the accuracy....hoping I'm not actually heavier now due to being dehydrated then), but Mr. scale said I was up two lbs since before Christmas. Could have been worse considering the way I ate between Christmas and New Years.

I'm not going to change my ticker (just one of those mind games I like to play with myself, lol), but my first goal will be to get these 2 lbs off and back to 169. After that, I guess I'm going to shoot for 166ish for this challenge? I have 5 more Fridays until V-day, so that's 5 lbs in 5 weeks, about the rate I seem to be losing at these days. I am secretly hoping for more like 164 (which would earn me a new avatar), but we'll see!

I hope to go back and catch up on older posts a little later. Hope everyone is doing well.

NorthernExposure 01-09-2012 08:57 PM

Just did a quick glance back...

Susie: thank you for your kind words. I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. I'm so glad to see you're not giving up on getting healthy despite the setbacks. YOU are in inspiration. Some days are harder than others, I know, but all we can do is go forward. I know how much it sucks to have to "re" do things, but you can and will reach your goals...I just know you will.

Jiggle: I thought about you over the holidays. I'm so sorry about all of the loss in your family recently. I truly hope and pray 2012 brings much better things for you and yours. I know I don't *know* you, but I feel like I do. Your strength and spirit touches us all. Just don't forget to take care of yourself the way you take care of everyone else.

ThinkinThin5 01-09-2012 09:37 PM

jmfan I am so sorry to hear about your engagement. I am sending hugs your way.

First workout of the week completed. One hour of Zumba.

Struggling to keep my calories in check. According to MFP I should be at around 1400 calories a day and I am constantly over. I have protein at every meal but am always hungry. I am not good at managing hunger. If anyone has any suggestions that would help keep me on track I would be grateful.

Congrats to everyone on keeping up with their challenges.

SWhite0513 01-09-2012 10:14 PM

I would like to lose 10 more pounds for a total weight loss of 20 pounds! My plan for exercise is to walk 8 miles a week, and do two strength training workouts a week. My calorie limit is 1500 a day. I'm new to challenges here at 3FC.. will we just check back in here on this thread?

elaine19 01-09-2012 10:27 PM


I know we haven't done this in a bit but Fridays will be NSV day. Everyone that checks in can report an NSV. It's good to see those because it gives added motivation and it's exciting to see progress being made. This is a good time to get the habits going and by Valentines Day we can be closer to our goals or surpassing them.
Sorry, I don't know what an NSV is? I am guessing from the comment that it is weigh in day, but what do the letters stand for?
Today stunk for me, we are struggling with work, not enough, and it makes me anxious and then I tend to overeat. I went over calories by about 150, and I did not exercise today... BOO! Here's hoping tomorrow is MUCH better!

toobig 01-10-2012 06:30 AM

Sorry I have been mia. Things are crazy around here right now. Weighed in at 181.5 this morning so at least that is under control. Hope everyone has a good day.

tdiprincess 01-10-2012 08:51 AM

Elaine: I had a hard time figuring it out as well! It stands for Non Scale Victories. So we have to find something we improved or did well during the week. It gets us all to focus on something other than the scale.
Northern: Welcome back! I'm glad you're starting to feel better! 2lbs isn't so bad. I haven't changed my ticker either, 'cus every time I look at it I know I have 2.5lbs to loose! :D

Today will be a normal food day. I might do some wii fit strength and yoga later, not sure. I kinda want to do some HIIT, but my body is saying, "please don't". I could go to the gym for just a 10min session, we'll see. I wore my vibram 5 fingers last night, so my legs and ankles are a little sore.

Later chickies! :carrot:

P H A T 01-10-2012 09:20 AM

So I've been having a rocky beginning to the challenge. there have been so many "variables" happening in my life lately.. Things that I have not planned for! I need to figure out a way to STICK to my plan regardless of what happens. I haven't done bad, but just, little things that make me feel guilty at the end of the day. I'm still optimistic about the challenge.
--I hope you ladies are having a great beginning & a fabulous week. <3

4star 01-10-2012 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by susieyarb (Post 4162310)
I've got my plan in place and getting my food so it's ready and waiting. Tomorrow is officially day one (again) for me!

4Star - PLEASE take it from me, nip it in the bud right now that you're so close to onederland. I think when I went back over 205 is when I kind of gave up and now I have soooo far to go to get back to where I was. I know it is harder than you could imagine to get back into the habit again.

You are right. I just moved into a new place and totally switched my routine and I fell into easy eating habits and away from healthy eating habits. It happens and I need to be proactive about getting it back on track.

I changed my ticker to reflect the gain. It hasn't been that high but I'll adjust it later if it's just bloat.

Went a little over last night. Definitely working on reduced calories, drinking plenty of water, and getting back into a workout routine today. Which reminds me, I have to check the distances around the new neighborhood....

jigglefree 01-10-2012 10:49 AM

Good Morning Ladies,
My week is going well but not as awesome as last week. I'm yet holding on!!! Today will be more perfect than yesterday or the day before. I got my foods cooked and prepared for eating. There is nothing I need to do but grab and eat. So the rest of the week will be awesome!!! I feel great though.

I don't know about any of the rest of you that have had to loose a lot of weight but I know the smaller I get the more I have to work on not thinking like a morbidly obese person. That is not easy. If you have it down and have pointers please post them. I've been doing better than I was but it's getting more and more psychological for me. I love looking at a smaller me and seeing things starting to look different but there are times that I get off track.

Elaine19 - NSV is a non scale victory. A loss of inches, being able to get in something that has been too small, resisting a temptation that has gotten the better of you...etc!!
4star - It happens and it's good you are getting back in the routine. It's always better to start than to keep going in the wrong direction.
P H A T - You need something that you keep before your eyes to help you stay focused. Why did you start this journey in the first place. Write it down and read it everyday at least twice a day. Keep your purpose in front of you and it will help you.
Tdi - I would suggest that you make sure you either do something light like stretching or walking so that you don't overwork your body.
Toobig - Pretty good that you are not getting out of control even in the craziness. I commend you for that.
Swhite - Yea check in and let us know how things are going, it works as a way of being accountable mostly to yourself and to get/give encouragement. Also a place to get to know others to see that we are all going through the process together.
Thinkthin - You may want to increase the amount of protein you are eating and decrease your calories in another place. Include a complex carb/whole grain and eliminate simple carbs because they tend not to stick around long enough. I know I have to eat more protein and a very minimal amount of carbs. It's part of getting to know your body. What types of things are you eating?
Northern - Thank you for saying that. I appreciate it. I would like to say I feel amazing. I was thinking I was crazy but I talked to another one of my sisters and she feels the same. The pain, sadness and hurt of the loss is GONE. No kidding!!! I have been spending a lot of time praying and reading my Bible. When you really put your faith to work for what you need it produces results. My sisters and I are very close and to loose one was devastating but I can tell you I feel free...liberated from all of it.
SparkleBe - (see my comment to Northern) Take good care of yourself. You don't want to get too weak by not eating enough for your body to fully recover. If you aren't eating because you can't hold anything down that's different but don't deprive your body because it has to work hard to heal itself.
- Congrats on your loss. Keep up the good work.

Let's make today an awesome day. If you are having a rough time evaluate what's going and causing you to get off track. Make the adjustment as best you can when you can. Know that what you are working on is absolutely possible. Don't try to get it done immediately. Each day you wake up you have another opportunity to get it right. So stay focused on what you are working on and keep going. Quitting is NOT an option.

NorthernExposure 01-10-2012 11:14 AM

Just checking in.

1490ish calories yesterday. Almost didn't exercise (been out of the habit after being sick), but decided I need to do *something*. Did 30 minutes of various wii fit activities. Nothing too strenuous, but it really felt good to get moving and stretching after so much sitting/laying around.

I will try to do more personals later, have a lot of catching up at work to do after being gone. Hope everyone is having a good week!

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