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Matilda08 01-23-2012 11:49 AM

Hello everyone! I havent posted much lately but I have been on plan:) down 7lbs so far this month! I hope all is well lets keep pushing!!!

tdiprincess 01-23-2012 12:49 PM

Hey all! Looks like everyone is doing well despite getting on and off the pony! :D I like that one! LOL

I missed my NSV for Friday which was: I checked my body fat percentage at the gym on Friday and I am happy to say that I'm down about 4% which brings me into "average" range! I measured in at 27.8%! That made me quite happy especially because I had major bloat from TOM on Friday and was feeling icky!
I WI at 151 on Sunday, which brings me .2 from getting to my main goal of 150.8. After that I plan to just keep working on losing a bit more weight!

Today I'm feeling hungrier than usual. But I did exercise pretty hard this morning.

Hope everyone has a nice day. I'll check around later. :carrot:

susieyarb 01-23-2012 03:57 PM

Oh. My. Kettle Bell!

I got the Bob Harper 15 lb. Kettle Bell and workout dvd for Christmas. Wowzers! I'm going to have to work my way up to that one!

I learned the first 3 moves and I think I'm just going to work on those for a couple weeks until I can get my reps up and then add on and learn all the moves and work to get my reps higher before I actually attempt the full workout dvd!

I can walk on the TM for an hour and not get my heartrate as high as I did in 2 min of that KB workout!

susieyarb 01-23-2012 04:01 PM

Mizzie - what I've started doing on my water is keeping a pitcher in the fridge with some sliced up oranges, lemons and limes. It just flavors it up a bit!

tdiprincess 01-23-2012 05:00 PM

Susie: I LOVE the kettlebell, but it is a work. out.!! I am using a 10lb at the gym, but I think I'm ready for the 15lb. I stayed with the 10lb for the last couple of months. I used the 15lb one once and realized it was too much!
It is so much fun though! LOL!!

SparkleBE 01-23-2012 05:34 PM

Hey everyone!
Everything’s pretty much the same with me. My cold’s still getting worse but I’ve been staying OP. I took an exercise break again this weekend, but got back on the treadmill today. I was really hoping my cold would be gone by this week since my TOM’s coming, but that doesn’t seem to be happening. Oh well, I guess I’ll get better when my body’s ready.

Tdi: Congrats on lowering your body fat%!! That’s awesome!
Susie: Good idea to gradually work up to the full workout. Kettle bells seem like such a great workout, but definitely hard to do…
Matilda: Way to go on the 7 lbs!

4star 01-24-2012 08:40 AM

SparkleBe- I hope you get well soon!

I have had a cold too and now it's in the cough stage. Blah. I am still on plan though so maybe it won't matter that I haven't worked out in a week. I am up almost 2 pounds in 2 days but it can't be fat, has to be water b/c I have been firmly on plan so not too worried about it. It should disappear by my next weigh-in.

Matilda- I was wondering about you. 7lbs. is awesome! :bravo:

Susie- Definitely keep us updated on your Kettle bell progress. I am interested in trying that workout. I love new workout programs that shake things up and get you excited!

tdiprincess- :congrat: I bet you're just beaming! All that hard work is paying off in big ways! :)

stimkovs 01-24-2012 08:48 AM

hey ladies.

quick update.
IM SO SORE!! My hip bones, ARE SO SORE. And by sore, I mean purple.

I have purple hip bones today.

Huge NSV at yoga last night.
so i showed up yesterday for a really late class (8 pm) and it was SUPER hot in the studio. i was planning to wear a pair of shorts, a sports bra and a looser fitting luon top - 40 degree heat, you don't really wear much. for anyone interested, best bikram shots ever - if you google shakti active wear, and look for the side-tie shorts, they are pretty uniform.

so it was super duper hot and some of the girls at the studio convinced me to just do the shorts and the sports bra. last time i did this, i felt terrible through the whole class.

this time? i didn't mind it. i didn't mind looking at my tummy.
i didn't even mind seeing all the skin around it.

one of my coworkers (from the office) has also been partaking in bikram, so she was in this class and after the class she came up to me and was like "omg wow you're so toned".

SUCH a huge NSV. and now i think i'm a convert for the sports bra/shorts situation. which is about 10 lbs ahead of schedule because i said i would start doing it when i hit a normal weight which is 165 for me. :D

tdiprincess 01-24-2012 08:50 AM

Sparkle: Thank you! I'm sorry about your cold :(. I hope you start feeling better soon!! :hug:
4star: Thank you! I am very happy to see my body fat go down.
Stimkovs: That's awesome!! :congrat: Not only did you feel better about yourself but you got complimented!! :carrot:

Yesterday went pretty good. I ate a little on the high side, but that's allright! Today I'm trying to keep it between 14-1500. We'll see how I do. It was also cross-training day. I did HIIT on the elliptical and then 2 circuits of kettlebell. I used the 20lb one and barely made it through LOL. My body is very sore!

Hope everyone has a great day! :carrot:

stimkovs 01-24-2012 10:24 AM

tdiprincess hey thank you so much!! - and sore is good, what would you rather be, sore or sorry :P (sore also means it's working!!)

tdiprincess 01-24-2012 12:52 PM

stimkovs: I agree LOL. I'm happy because I did it and I know in the longrun it will be great for me. I really didn't think I'd be able to get through 1 circuit with the 20lb one.

osu2k1 01-24-2012 09:41 PM

Down 3.8 this week, for a total of 6.8 for the month! Very happy with that!

toobig 01-25-2012 05:54 AM

Good morning everyone. I'm up two pounds this week but it is almost TOM so I know it is just water. Food wise I'm doing great. Hope everyone has a great day.

4star 01-25-2012 07:54 AM

Had an off plan day yesterday. The TOM snack attack got the best of me. It happens. I know it's an excuse but I am not gonna beat myself up about one day off plan in several weeks... I am up 5 pounds this morning. I know it's water and I am not sweating it. I have vowed to not take the scale seriously for the next few days. I had suspected it was TOM when my weight started creeping up out of the blue while on plan and it had been creeping down. I am going to do some working out today even if it's just toning work. I need to stay focused head cold or not, TOM or not.

So come here pony....it's time to saddle up! :lol:

stimkovs 01-25-2012 07:56 AM

toobig me too :( keep away from the scale!!

when it's coming i like to weigh in at a low number, and avoid the scale until that disaster is over.

except this time, i've been weighing, mostly because i'm tracking sodium in my body by weight - if i eat on plan or even upwards of 200-300 extra calories, i should remain the same weight, if i have enough electrolytes the scale actually goes up (it's like forced water retention), and if i need more electrolytes (aka get to eat something REALLY salty:D ) then the weight goes down.

i weighed today and im still at 175.4 aka what i believe to be the perfect balance- hopefully it keeps till the weekend and whooshes to like a 173? that would be phenomenal!! although i did eat over last night.

i allowed myself pasta+shrimp+sauteed mushrooms in tomato sauce for dinner. then i had cottage cheese with blueberries, and then like 2 oz of blue cheese and an apple. this was probably about 300 calories over my daily, and today i packed a lunch FILLED with carbs, guess the body wants what it wants.

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