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4star 01-20-2012 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by NorthernExposure (Post 4180830)
Hey guys...been MIA this week. Doing so-so with my plan. Keeping basically within my calories, but I catch myself sneaking bites and licks here and there and not accounting for it. I did my exercise most days (blew off one day due to being so busy), but my effort has been kind of half-@$$ if I'm honest with myself.

At any rate, I am down 1.3 lbs this week...so I'm back to my original post-Christmas weigh-in weight (before I gained yet ANOTHER lb last week) and have about 2 more lbs to go to get back to my ticker weight. Glad to see things moving in the right direction again for sure, but I do need to tighten things up with my program.

A 1.3 pound loss when you're doing "so-so" is great! I know it's kind of a bummer when you have to re-lose pounds you've already lost(I am currently doing it too) but it will come off before you know it. Be glad you caught it before it got out of hand. :hug:

ScottieMama 01-20-2012 06:49 PM

Hey ladies!

I'm loving the good stuff, and cheering on those that jumped off the pony for a quick bite. :)

Lost 1 lb last week. My body is craving more so starting tomorrow I'm squeezing in another workout a day. I'd really just like to make this a short 10lb blast, then go back to losing a pound a week after the challenge.

stimkovs 01-20-2012 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by ScottieMama (Post 4181558)

I'm loving the good stuff, and cheering on those that jumped off the pony for a quick bite. :)

well said!! hahaha i laughed out loud. REALLY REALLY laughed outloud.

also update:
i missed yoga.
and i've eaten half of my apartment today.
apparently body has decided we're taking a maintenance break? cool.

osu2k1 01-21-2012 12:34 AM

Goal of loosing 10 lb, Lost 5.4 so far! YAY!

toobig 01-21-2012 07:32 AM

stimkovs- Thanks for the encouragement! Hope you are having a good day!

4star- Thanks for the encouragement! Hope you are feeling better!

The pony slowed down and I jumped back on

Queen Sarah 01-21-2012 07:37 AM

Checking in -- now, after changing my goal from losing to just maintaining, I've started to lose.:o I've been at a slight calorie deficit every day for the last 20 days except one, last Wednesday. It's so funny how you can eat a high-calorie day and then your weight will drop! I hope the trend continues.

4star 01-21-2012 09:03 AM


Originally Posted by osu2k1 (Post 4181885)
Goal of loosing 10 lb, Lost 5.4 so far! YAY!

:carrot: You are well on your way! :cheer2:

4star 01-21-2012 09:12 AM

Yay for Me today! I am now under my pre-moving weight! I woke up this morning to another 2 pound loss! :goodscale:woohoo:

It seem every challenge I have joined, I ended up gaining. (ahem, like the Christmas challenge...) I haven't only not gained this challenge but it looks like I might just blow my challenge goal out of the water if I stay on track. That just seems so surreal to me but wonderful! A big Thank You to everyone who's encouraging me and giving me support! I hope you all see great results as well. :goodvibes:

toobig 01-22-2012 07:04 AM

Good Morning!
Looks like everyone is doing great. Me too!

4star 01-22-2012 10:48 AM

I am still under the weather with this stupid cold but I weighed in this morning at 200.2! :) I am so close to Onederland. I have to remember not get too comfortable there and keep on marching. I gain weight so easily that if I don't keep on the trend, I can easily reverse it. I am feeling good about the challenge! I don't know why this one has been so different but this will be the first challenge that I have met my goal. At this rate, I might just surpass it! :D

jigglefree 01-22-2012 04:29 PM

I went to the mall yesterday to check my progress and I am happy to say I can add two more labels to my size 12 collection...Bebe and Eddie Bauer!!!

I am feeling good and watching football. Not cheering for anyone I just enjoying time with daughter and hubby!!!!!:cool:

Lunalore 01-22-2012 04:38 PM

Hey ladies! Just checking in to this thread - my goal was to lose 15 pounds by Valentine's Day, and I've lost 8 pounds so far! That means only 7 more pounds to go! I'm pretty pleased with my progress. :)

stimkovs 01-22-2012 07:34 PM

jigglefree WTG!!! That's super exciting!!

4star you can do it!! just keep riding that pony!

Lunalore that's totally doable!! there is so much time left!!

as for me, it was a wine-yoga-ski-yoga-yoga- cook/clean kind of weekend.
(seriously, im 23 i have no life outside of exercise AHAH).

it's been 1 week since the disaster of last sunday, and i'm feeling okay- there was no big movement this week. im sitting at my low of 177 this morning, .02 down from my low pre-mother/whatever that happened last sunday/pint of ben and jerrys of 177.2.

this is a new week. i am going to eat clean.
i think i have only about 200 cals of chocolate left in my little drawer at work, which i WILL eat (nom nom nom) but after that, i am not buying any more until i absolutely positively have to.

i want to be clean this week. live lean, take it easy, etc etc.
feasibly, i could even get to the "elusive" 175 by next sunday, likeliness of that happening? slim.
BUT i am shooting for a 176!! clean clean clean!

edit: woke up this morning at 175.4. didn't even see 176. now if only i can keep it off- i also got surprise TOM. Therefore I will not be weighing until this situation is OVER. lol

susieyarb 01-23-2012 09:47 AM

Good Monday morning all! I've surpassed my VD Challenge goal!! I'm at 6.6 lost so far. Oh it's good to be back in the teens, that will give me a great boost mentally.

Jiggle - yay on adding in more brands to the 12's list. You're so close to the 10's! I'll bet you could wear the Old Navy 10 jeans now, the ones like the traveling pants!

Ok, off to drink more water! I'm supremely convinced that water and exercise are the things that work for me. chug-a-lug!!

mizzie 01-23-2012 10:07 AM

My goal was to lose 10 pounds by V-day and I'm at just a bit over 6 lost, so I think I'm well on my way. I should be able to drop those 4 pretty easily. ^_^

Had a bad food weekend though. Ugg... I just kept munching and I really have no idea on calories. I have my weigh in for the weight loss challenge I'm part of tomorrow and I'm a little worried about it. It's a 12 week challenge and this is only week 3 so the pressure isn't on too badly this week, but I just hope I'm not up.

I've been battling water weight lately also. I've been trying to drink as much water as I can, but it just doesn't taste good to me lately. I think because it's been cold here. I don't like water as much when I'm cold.

Pump Up class tonight and I'm going to hit it hard!

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