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Old 10-01-2009, 09:48 PM   #31  
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Ugh, I'm up 2 lbs! I so just wanted to sit on my *** and eat junk tonight. But I made myself get a sub instead. And while I was ordering my sub a friend called and asked me to work out with her, so I did. Feeling much better now!
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Old 10-01-2009, 09:57 PM   #32  
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Talking Great Article on the study done on Linoleic Acid and Safflower Oil

Linoleic Acid and Safflower Oil: Two Dietary Oils Proven to Burn Fat

Mon, 08/31/2009 - 09:00 — April

Natural Supplements | Clinical Study

Being overweight alters the way your body processes sugars, which can lead to a host of potentially life-threatening illnesses. But knowing obesity is dangerous doesn’t make losing the weight any easier. You may have heard that some dietary oils can help you trim extra inches, but are the rumors true?

Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) and Safflower oil are being used as dietary supplements because clinical studies show that they reduce body weight and promote fat loss. A study published earlier this year in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition compared the effect of linoleic acid and safflower oil on weight loss in obese post menopausal women.

Researching Dietary Oils and Weight Loss
A total of 55 overweight, postmenopausal women from the Columbus area participated in the study.

•They were all clinically obese, each with a body mass index (BMI) of more than 30.

•Each participant took a total of 8 grams of linoleic acid or (2 tsp) safflower oil daily.

•The study ran for 36 weeks: two 16-week dieting periods separated by a 4-week resting period

How Well Did the Dietary Oils Work?
Linoleic acid did better at reducing participants’ all-over body fat, while safflower oil did better at reducing fat in the torso.

Safflower oil participants lost an average of 6.3 percent of their torso fat and gained 3 lbs of lean mass. Linoleic acid participants lost weight as well, but they didn’t add any lean mass. These effects occurred without any change in diet or exercise habits.

During the course of the study, the participants’ weight loss didn’t slow or stop, as usually happens to anyone who sets out to lose weight. The researchers suspect that people who take linoleic acid supplements for an even longer period of time could lose even more weight.

Why Did Participants Lose Weight?
Those who took safflower oil showed a 20 percent increase in the levels of adiponectin, a hormone that regulate fatty acid catabolism. Generally, losing weight greatly increases the amount of adiponectin found in your bloodstream. Participants who took linoleic acid didn’t experience any significant changes in their adiponectin levels.

Safflower oil lowered the levels of glucose in participants’ blood, as well as lowering their insulin resistance. Because both issues can be caused by excess stomach fat, safflower oil could have caused the reduction of glucose and insulin resistance by burning stomach fat.

Dietary Oils Are A Beneficial Supplement, Especially For Postmenopausal Women
Losing stomach fat can be especially tricky after menopause because of hormonal changes that lead to weight gain. Women gain more fat during this time, with much of their weight gain shifting to the stomach—a particularly dangerous location for body fat. Excess stomach fat can increase anyone’s risk of developing metabolic syndrome, a combination of medical disorders that increase the odds of developing cardiovascular disease or diabetes. According to the study “at a dose of 6.4 g/d, conjugated linoleic acid has a significant effect on lowering body weight and total adipose mass without altering lean tissue mass in obese postmenopausal women who are not also on a weight-loss diet or exercise plan”

Losing weight is one of the best ways to reduce the risk of developing other medical conditions. As the study shows, a daily dose of linoleic acid or safflower oil can help make the task a bit easier. Unlike many over-the-counter remedies, dietary oils are safe for just about anyone, making them a good way to help your body burn more fat.

The study concludes: “Supplementation with these dietary oils may be beneficial for weight loss, glycemic control, or both."

Last edited by IgetfitNStrongforme; 10-02-2009 at 01:54 AM.
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Old 10-02-2009, 12:32 AM   #33  
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hi everybod so today went well except for a slice of pizza at lunch hopefully ill be able to do much better tomorrow im going to do it one day at a time so good luck to everybody for tomorrow n the weekend tc
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Old 10-02-2009, 06:00 AM   #34  
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Hi, sorry about going awol the past few days but my antiquated computer decided to breakdown. Luckily for me DH has managed to get a bit of life into it so here I am.
No weight loss for me this week, so unfortunately I can't contribute to our teams weight loss total.

Hoping that the rest of the team is doing well.

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Old 10-02-2009, 06:20 AM   #35  
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Hey Guys! I have been around, just been quiet all week.. and it has been "one of those" weeks... I feel kind of stuck.. t.o.m not helping at all... blagh I am planning on getting back on track today and tomorrow... I havent been "bad" so to speak but have not been tracking, and been a little more snacky then i would have liked to have been, and exercise well yea.. that was totally derailed this week... I am hoping to get everything straightened out this weekend... hope everyone is having a great week!!
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Old 10-02-2009, 08:39 AM   #36  
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Hi All,

I'm having a serious problem with motivation. I am eating better but the idea of exercising just kills me. Also, I really want to drink more water but always "forget" and grab the soda. I really need to get a system in place that includes healthy diet, exercise and water.

Sorry for the whine. Hope you all have a great weekend.
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Old 10-02-2009, 08:57 AM   #37  
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Amber I have periods of time where I find it real hard to be motivated. Life, works, kids all get in the way sometimes. I still have off days. But I honestly believe that everything has to become a habit. you have to consitantly drink your water and before you know it you are getting in your 64oz easy. I try to drink 32 oz before I get to work in the morning. I drink some with breakfast and rest on my drive in to work. At first you will pee all the time but that eventually gets regulated too. I also have good weeks of exercise and some weeks where I do not get hardly any. But what I have found is that I started walking. I pushed myself to walk further than I wanted everytime. Then I added in some short spurts of jogging and now I can really jog for the first time in my life. I slowly added in some strength training and began alternating with JillianMichaels 30 day shred and now I can make it through a work out without cheating and still feeling great. It take time. nothing is instant just take everything one day at a time. Before you know it you will see results!!!

Hope everyone is doing well and staying on plan!!! I have not weighed this week at all I am not going to way til each monday morning. I do not do well seeing a fluctuation so we will see how it goes.
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Old 10-02-2009, 12:55 PM   #38  
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shea5~ Great job making those changes and avoiding the baked goods!

JayTee~ That’s ridiculous! I’m sorry you had to go through that.

RangerChic~ Thanks again for doing everything!

~ Vacations are always hard to come back from. No worries, you’ll get back on track.

Mommyofsix~ Hahaha! Kick his butt!

Aclai4067~ Those 2 lbs. will disappear in no time.

IgetfitNStrongforme~ Thanks for the info!

~ Good luck to you too!

~ Sorry to hear about your computer.

Cape Breton Chick~ TOM is evil!

AmberL~ Try writing everything down that you want to get done and make it into a list.

Yesterday really sucked, but today has been a bit better. I had a skin tag removed from under one of my eyes which was pretty creepy as I could see the needles coming, razorblades coming, and cauterizer coming… I wasn’t as OP as I had hoped to be, but considering, I think I did pretty well. Have a great weekend everyone!
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Old 10-02-2009, 02:03 PM   #39  
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Hey Red Team. Just a quick fly by for now. But I just wanted to brag - my daughter passed the Illinois State Bar Exam!!! I am so very proud of her. She went to school, had 2 babies, worked, moved to Philly and passed the bar. She did it the hard way and I guess that makes me even prouder of her. Just bragging. Didn't really want anything else right now.

Igetfit - Thanks for the info. I'm going to check in to that stuff and see if it's something I may want to try.

I'll be back later. Stay strong and motivated everyone.
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Old 10-02-2009, 05:42 PM   #40  
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Originally Posted by chiquita623 View Post
Hey Red Team. Just a quick fly by for now. But I just wanted to brag - my daughter passed the Illinois State Bar Exam!!! I am so very proud of her. She went to school, had 2 babies, worked, moved to Philly and passed the bar. She did it the hard way and I guess that makes me even prouder of her. Just bragging. Didn't really want anything else right now.

Igetfit - Thanks for the info. I'm going to check in to that stuff and see if it's something I may want to try.

I'll be back later. Stay strong and motivated everyone.
Congrats chiquita623, you must be so proud, as you should be.
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Old 10-02-2009, 06:37 PM   #41  
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Just wanted to say that I am hoping to be some help to the team this week. I saw a new low today. I've seen 179.6 several times but today was 179.2. Not much, but still. Maybe I can lose a little more by Monday????
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Old 10-02-2009, 08:01 PM   #42  
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Originally Posted by KimL1214 View Post

IgetfitNStrongforme~ Thanks for the info!

Yesterday really sucked, but today has been a bit better. I had a skin tag removed from under one of my eyes which was pretty creepy as I could see the needles coming, razorblades coming, and cauterizer coming… I wasn’t as OP as I had hoped to be, but considering, I think I did pretty well. Have a great weekend everyone!
KimL124: You’re very welcome, I am now eating 2 tsp of Safflower oil a day since yesterday. I am not postmenopausal nor per but I bet it will work because of the 20 percent increase in the levels of adiponectin, a hormone that regulate fatty acid catabolism. I am just excited about the belly fat decrease every little bit helps. BTW, what is a skin tag? Are you okay?
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Old 10-03-2009, 07:39 AM   #43  
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Chiquita - that's wonderful!!

OMG, guys. I've derailed. Not intentionally. Ugh. I'm hovering between 158 and 159. Not terrible, but still I was 157 last week and now I'm up a lb. I know exactly why too. I'm steadily overeating. I'm getting self-sabotagey again. I thought about it this morning and decided I'm going for a walk/run and cutting out certain foods from my plan to get back on track. What a downer. I don't think I'm going to be able to weigh in at 156 this weekend, unless I magically lose 2-3 lbs. I can't believe I was so in control of myself and my eating (and happy with the amount of food!) and now I'm constantly snacky (not TOM) and eating junk. We HAVE fruits in the house and plain NF yogurt and raisins - everything I used to eat for my snacks so what is my problem? ARGH! Anyway, thanks for listening!
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Old 10-03-2009, 08:28 AM   #44  
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Sunni! There you are!! lol been worried bout you chicky... and I can so relate.. i derailed and went up a pound this past week as well.. it was tom, but tom has thankfully retreated and the scale is still saying 1lb up.... discouraging but I am determined to be backk on track this morning... and will workout today!!! I am hoping maybe be see the scale go down some by Monday morning.. but am trying to be realistic... agh...
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Old 10-03-2009, 09:50 AM   #45  
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Good morning everyone! I have been so bad about getting on these boards. I feel like I barely have time to do every day can be so crazy.

I have had my ups and downs with dieting and exercising. I am hoping to be successful this week. I have been doing well so far with eating today (even resisted the homemade waffles DH made for the kids this am) and I just finished Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred.

CapeBreton - Just get back on track. I, too, have to learn the past is done and you can't change it all you can do is go forward.

Sunni - We have all been there! You can do this!

Chaquita - CONGRATS to you daughter. That is a great accomplishment!

Kim - Sorry for the surgery! I can;t imagine seeing all of those instruments coming at you! I hope you are doing better today!

I am going to try to pop in every morning and every evening to see how everyone is doing. Hopefully wen I pop in tonight I can share myt success for the day.

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