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angeline 07-24-2008 03:46 PM

Manick, Congrats on ONEDERLAND!!!! :carrot::carrot::carrot: I sure hope to join you there before this challenge is over!!!

Glitter, congrats on being this week's biggest loser!!! :carrot:

Tara, I think, if I were you and had to see your MIL on a consistent basis, I would translate her words in my mind. For instance, when she mentioned that "you got lots of new clothes", I would tell myself that she's noticing my clothes because they're fitting better on me and I'm carrying myself with more confidence. So in my translation, "you got lots of new clothes" really means "man, you're looking really good"! Then you could smile at her and say "thank you"! That would really confuse her!! :dizzy::dizzy:

I'm rolling along...still waiting for the scale to drop. Looks like I'm skipping TOM this month - yes, I think I'm in peri-menopause. My calories have been excellent these last 10 days - I've lowered them to between 1400-1500. TDP says that for me to lose 2 lbs a week I should keep them at 1400 but it's not accounting for exercise. Anyway, I gotta believe something's gotta give...soon!!

blueyedlvrgirl 07-24-2008 07:13 PM

Mugsy--You aren't crazy...Maybe you just need a break. Maybe you need to shake things up!

Maybe I am crazy though! I have a horrible sore throat, will go home, eat soup, sleep. No gym, no stairs, no exercise! Goodnight!

LondonJulz 07-24-2008 09:58 PM

ggmugsy - I would imagine that it's just your body re-adjusting itself to the weight you are at now. I stalled from Nov. of last year until June of this year (yes... 7 months!). I was consistantly between 192 and 195 the ENTIRE time. I think it was just my body kind of letting itself catch up. I FINALLY got under 192 and have been slowly working my way downward. Just don't give up!!!

Hello to the rest of you wonderful people!!! I am SO tired today and I have a backache.

If you could all send some "sticky vibes" my sister-in-laws way. She and my brother had their fertilized eggs implanted today (they did invitro) and in 2 weeks she can go back for a pregnancy test to see if they stuck. They are hoping for twins (they implanted 2 eggs). They've been married 17 years!!!! So, they are SO ready for kiddos and would be absolutely wonderful parents. Our ENTIRE family is rooting for them.

taragettingthin 07-24-2008 10:51 PM

Everyone Thank you about your nice replies about the exMIL. I was little bit worried that maybe I was just being mean and too narrow... About her being nightmare...lol... this incident is not even half of what she did when I had to live with them while my ex was in Iraq.

gg "Just keep swimming"!! That's funny! Well, whatever keeps us going! :) I'm sorry to hear that you are so tired... X's can be so tiring, huh? I'm in the middle of divorce and we've been separated since September of 2005 and I filed back in August of last year... and it's still not finalized because I can't get one thing from the ex. I think he can be on the guinnes book as world's worst procrastinator.
And you are NOT crazy...and look at how much you lost so far already. You WILL lose more...Your body is fighting but we all know you will win and the body will give in and will start losing more! :)

Angeline Thank you for your advice. I think that's a great idea. If I keep doing that, it may stop her being like that after awhile, too, I think...

blueyed Hope you will feel better soon.

London I will be praying for your SIL so that you can be an aunt. :)

just keep swimming 07-25-2008 09:26 AM

Glitter - Congrats on being TBL this week! I hope you are feeling better!

Tara - I would say the ex-MIL is DEFINITELY jealous. Look at it as a strange form of flattery - she wouldn't behave like that if she didn't have something to be jealous of!

Mindy - that makes me think I should try "just keep running" when I'm on the treadmill for what seems like hours on end. :lol:

Speaking of the treadmill, does anyone else wear a heart rate monitor on it? And if so, do you generate a crazy amount of static electricity? When I run with my HRM, I literally have to voluntarily shock myself on a metal part of the machine every couple minutes, and when I do, my hair goes all staticky like I rubbed a balloon on it. It's really weird!

ChopperChick355 07-25-2008 11:28 AM

Jessica that sounds weird about the treadmil thing. I do not wear heart monitor when I am on the treadmil should but don't.

Well really don't have much time to chat but wanted to stop in and say

I have my 20 year class reunion tonight not really looking to forward to but kind of I guess. I just have mixed feelings about it and all.

Talk to everyone later have a GREAT DAY!!!

blueyedlvrgirl 07-25-2008 03:51 PM

As if being sore from a killer workout with the PT and fighting a sore throat isn't bad enough, TOM came a week early! I am not stepping near the scale for a few days! With the bodybugg, I have been able to make sure that I don't let these no workout days sabotage me. Yesterday I lowered my intake, since I knew I would not be working out. I actually had an 877 calorie deficit. Today I am just going to work to be sure that I don't go over what I burn. I don't know if I am going to workout tomorrow or not, I may just take until Monday to make sure this sore throat doesn't turn into something much more nasty.
Interesting thing I thought I would mention. Have you even been told that the day after a hard workout you will burn my calories while your muscles rebuild? I actually saw this for myself with the bodybugg. My average resting burn is about 1.3-1.4 calories per minute. Since my intense leg workout my resting burn has been between 1.5-1.7. This doesn't sound like much but when you multiple it by the 1440 minutes in a day, it can add up to a 300-600 calories more in 24 hours. Anyway, my throat is hurting, I am going to have some soup and get back to working. Is it time to go home yet???
Have a great weekend Team!

Manick 07-25-2008 04:18 PM

Oh I SERIOUSLY want one....

A Bugg that is! LOL....that is very interesting Misty! I hope you feel better soon! Keep drinking lots of water!

Swim...that is odd about the treadmill static...I do wear a HRM but have never had that happen. Is the treadmill on carpet? Does that NOT happen when you don't have the HRM on? What if you sprayed a bit of no-static spray or hairspray on the bottom of your shoes before you get on the treadmill? Just curious...curious minds want to know. Hopefully it is not all too shocking:eek:

Reda have fun at the reunion! You are brave and I bet you look great! You are quite close to your goal now. I would not go to mine...did not want to deal with old boyfriends and such...it just seemed like a downer to me and I didn't want the negative energy around me. I am getting together with an old HS friend soon however, she is now a spin-class instructor, so I'm hoping her fitness will rub off on me:D

Tara ditto on the exMIL to what everyone else said--she sounds very unhelpful-try to ignore! Purge the bad, celebrate how far you've come! And by the way, if you want to show off your jeans anywhere I'm sure we'd ALL love to see them ;) AND we'll have POSITIVE things to say about them:D I also really enjoyed Angeline's suggestion! A smile and a thank you will leave her :?:

Troo best wishes for a successful bathing suit find! Have a great weekend

Mugsy...hang in GF...ick to all that:p. Maybe just choose to do one healthy thing today and go from there. :hug: I get in those funks too...I have no X to deal with, but I really sympathize. Best friend has X from :devil: and it is very frustrating! I liked your plan to really do lots of fitness stuff while the kids were gone...think of it as your personal mini-spa, eat all the healthy stuff they won't eat and really go for it!

Angeline my DH looked up a bunch of yoga classes for me and asked around his office...I'm going to check one out next month! Thanks for the congrats...I'm almost back there again in onderland.

Happy weekend chicks! My garden should have some ripe tomatoes this weekend!!! Can't WAIT! No more $5 tomatoes!

trooworld 07-25-2008 07:51 PM

Julz: I will send good thoughts your family's way. How exciting that must be! I hope your back feels better.

reda: have fun at the reunion. I went to my 15th and it was kind of fun to see one of the "hot guys" had lost all his hair :lol:. But then again, if I was thinking that about him, what were people thinking of me??? Oh well, we all get old. Life happens. We all change.

Misty: I hope your throat feels better. I've been reading your posts and growing more curious...what the heck is a bodybugg?

Manick: I want those tomatoes!!!!

To everyone: well, we went to the Comicon yesterday. There were girls and guys running around in tight superhero clothing looking fabulous. We saw a batman made out of Legos, a giant Jaba the Hut, a giant Bart Simpson, etc. It was fun. I didn't make it to the store today to get a bathingsuit, I think I will do that either tomorrow or Sunday. I had hoped to go to water aerobics tomorrow but I have work to do when the class is going on so it will have to wait until next week. I probably won't be on until Monday, so have a great weekend everyone!

Manick 07-25-2008 08:09 PM

Julz Forgot to say earlier, I will think sticky....here's hoping it works out for them, that would be exciting! Keep us posted....:bb:

Manick 07-25-2008 08:18 PM




ceegee 07-26-2008 07:40 AM

gg- awww. hang in there! I was stuck at 143 for around 4 months. I actually took a break from trying to get the scale to move - it was just too much to deal with, and it made me forget my success! Take a vacation from trying to lose for a week, and just maintaining. It may mentally give you the boost you need ;)

jessica-weird about the static....I bet you look cute though!

julz-sticky vibes for them all the way!

manick- tomatoe pusher?????? :)

troo- good luck shopping!

misty- ok, I need to google.....

I have been running again, and it feels great! I love night running....I feel stealthy....

Diva 07-26-2008 10:26 AM


congrats Diva!

keep at it red team!

Thanks gf!!!!:hug:

ceegee 07-26-2008 11:20 AM

noticed lots of little notes of pride in the Gettin' Hot thread....KEEP AT IT SEXXY GIRLS!!!!

taragettingthin 07-26-2008 12:04 PM

I got pictures from last weekend at my friend's graduation party...and thought, wow, my arms look toned! So I posted pics on the mini-goal...and Manick, you can see the jeans that my ex MIL saw and rolled her eyes at. :P


JuliaDH 07-26-2008 03:12 PM

Good job! You look awesome!

Manick 07-26-2008 06:22 PM

Tara you looks so cute! You are looking fierce! Keep at it! The arms are shaping up nicely! Glad you shared :D Yep, I'm positive ex-MIL is jealous;) You are becoming one hot mama :cool:

Manick 07-26-2008 06:28 PM

Julia H-- that is a very cute pic of you and DD!

Ceegee-- that's me...tomato pusher! Full of good, healthy stuff! I can't wait to have enough to make my stuffed peppers with my own tomatoes!

Its been a good weekend so far...DH and I went for a 4.5 mile walk/hike in a park with lots of trails last night. We both commented how much fitter we feel just from 4 weeks ago! And this morning I was rewarded by being back down to 199!!! Now...the question is, can I get it lower by Monday? In any case I'm pretty happy about that. TOM week did no lasting damage :p We went to the farmer's market this morning for fruit and veggies we don't grow and will stick to lean stuff for dinner tonight.

Hope you all are having a good weekend and enjoying the time with those you love!


staja 07-26-2008 10:07 PM

Hey ladies -

Had a work party on Thursday that involved a lot of booze and no working out, so trying extra hard this weekend to keep 100% eating clean and working out every night. I feel like the scale hasn't been moving at all, and I'm a little sad that my thighs and boobs have not shrunk at all. (My hips & waist have, along with my wrists, though!) Also, 42 pounds down from my original weight, and I've finally dropped a second pants size, and can wear the "larger" 18s. Yay for NSVs? Anyway, I was up at 4:30AM this morning for work and my roommates are gone for the night, so I'm going to go enjoy my solitude!

ChopperChick355 07-26-2008 10:56 PM

Taragettingthin you are looking great.

Well reunion went well, we were out all night didn't get home till 2:30 and had to get up at 8 am to go help BIL and SIS haul concrete by wheel barrel to their form for the garage the truck was to heavy to park on their driveway. Good exercise though.

Manick those tomatoes look really good well I am super tired tonight so I am heading off to bed shortly just wanted to stop for a minute

taragettingthin 07-26-2008 11:17 PM

Manick, that's awesome that you got to walk/hike with DH. It's so hard to get my DB for a walk with me...

I have problem with weekends... I think it's because the schedule is different and my eating schedule is different too. On weekends, I wake up at 8'ish and don't go to sleep till like 2 (since I'm used to going to sleep at 530)..and on weekdays, I wake up at noon and don't go to sleep till 530.. So my eating schedule gets thrown off on weekends and I tend to eat high sodium food for some reason. :( I really have to start paying attention and be tough on myself on weekends. I mean, on Wednesday morning, I saw 183.8 on the scale...and now I'm back to 185.6. I'm going to try my bestest to stay OP and clean and hopefully it will come down some by Monday. :)

ceegee 07-27-2008 01:04 PM

Hey Teamies!

If anyone is worried about weighing in,before you step on the scale tomorrow, do something to make you sweat and get rid of that excess water.


chiquita623 07-27-2008 02:25 PM

Happy Sunday Black Team. Went to Joliet, IL to Chicagoland Speedway and am now back from the Nascar thing for DBF yesterday. He had a blast. Got to drive a 600 hp car around the track and do 8 laps. His top speed was 131. Unfortunately they didn't let the spectators sit in the stands. Instead they just put up folding chairs around the pit so I didn't get to run the bleachers like I had planned. Oh well. Such is life. I did do a lot of walking around though. So got a little exercise in but not as much as I wanted.

I am going to the golf driving range tomorrow after work to hit a couple buckets of balls. I haven't done that in a very long time so it should be comical. They are coming tomorrow evening to work on the eliptical so I should be back at that on Tuesday. I am so looking forward to that.

Targeting - you are looking good in those jeans!! MIL is just jealous that you are accomplishing something that she is struggling with and wants to bring you down to her level. I agree, just smile and drive her nuts!!!

Reda - glad your reunion went smoothly. I get together with around 15 gals I went to school with every few months so we have our little "mini" reunions. They are always fun and this way I don't have to go to the big one to see the people I went to school with that I was never close to.

To everyone else I've missed - I'm sorry. I'm just not good at the personals. But I still think about you all and read all your posts.

Better get off here to fix lunch. Having grilled chicken breasts marinated in FF italian salad dressing. Makes it really moist and has a good flavor without many calories and no fat!! I'll be back tomorrow to WI.

glitterlicious 07-27-2008 09:27 PM

Hey everyone. :)

I survived this week of poor health. Tomorrow I start working out again. I just got the 30-day shred dvd in the mail so I'll be starting that in addition to my running.

I have no idea what my weight will be like at weigh-in since it dropped off so drastically from not being able to eat and now I am eating normally again...I guess I will see tomorrow morning...

Cheree 07-27-2008 11:31 PM

Well, my job searching this week ate up so much of my time I didn't really have a lot of time to post here, my apologies! I've tried to jump on and read everyone's posts whenever possible. (No luck with my job searching yet...no interviews even...but I haven't given up.)

Congrats to Glitter for being the Black Team's biggest loser this week and congrats to Manick for being in onederland!!! :carrot: And congrats to everyone on the Black Team for winning the weigh-in for Week 12!

I'm doing OK with eating and exercising. I don't know how close I'll come to making my goal of getting to 150 by the end of the challenge, but I'm optimistic. :trampo:

GOOD LUCK to everyone getting to their goal weights for this BL!!! :cheer2:

bethbeth 07-28-2008 10:08 AM

Today is week #4 of me posting the dreaded number 173. Not again!
We have 2 weeks left of this challenge, and I've got to get down to 170. I've just got to get the scale moving again. What up?

I'm starting to fear that my body can't or won't loose any more weight, and it doesn't matter what I do. I don't know if this is a reasonable fear or not. I don't know whether to give up trying to lose or to just try to enjoy the 37 pounds I have lost. I don't know.

theresia 07-28-2008 10:21 AM

Hello Team!
Don't forget to Weigh In Today!
I haven't been exercising for 3 days now, been a little sick, However I'm feeling better today. So I plan to do a workout tonight.. If the caribean heat doesn't kill me first..
I had no lose this week. But as long as there's no gain I'm happy. Hoping to reach 136 by the next weigh in. Only two weeks left..

ceegee 07-28-2008 11:28 AM

Hi team!

blueyedlvrgirl 07-28-2008 11:58 AM

Hi Team,
Throat was feeling better yesterday so I ran around with my mom all day and it seems like that pushed me over the edge. I think I am getting a cold! I am never going to get back to the gym! My eating has been good, but TOM and being sick is causing the scale to not be kind. I am taking my second freebie week in hopes of getting things under control by next weigh-in.
Bodybugg is a device that you wear on your arm. It determines how many calories your body uses (http://bodybugg.com/science_behind_bodybugg.php). Once you are armed with this information, you can make educated decisions about how many calories to eat, causing the deficit or surplus that will help you acheive your goals. I have found even without working out, I am finding ways to do the little things to increase my caloric burn. I have also found that I am much more careful about what I eat.
The first week I had it I was very successful, but with fighting whatever this is that I have and TOM, things aren't so good. I was told when you are sick you should go into maintenance mode, but I haven't gone quite that far. I have had deficits, just much smaller than I was averaging. I know that once all of this passes and I get back to the gym, things will kick right back up.
Well, the end of the month is this week, so I better get back to work. I hope everyone had a GREAT weekend!

Manick 07-28-2008 01:37 PM

Hey Team!

I just finished drinking my 2 huge glasses of water with a 2 T of Just Cranberry and lemon juice added and I'm going out for a walk. It is sunny today which makes me happier :cool: I'm still at 199 today so I guess that's the lowest it will go for this week's weigh in. Time to change the ticker officially!

Have a great Monday everyone and DON'T FORGET TODAY IS WEIGH IN DAY!:)

ceegee 07-28-2008 01:56 PM

Congrats Manick!!!! Now stay on this side :)

I think I may have come to the realization that some of us have had. At some point, the "you look great!" and buying smaller sizes becomes the norm and not special anymore. What happens when everyone stops noticing your progress, and you just....are? I really wonder what will happen when I reach goal, bc now it seems I really will. Will I be happy, or will it never be enough?

okay.......got a little too deep there for myself, lol! I was going to erase it, but I'll leave it and come back to it later.


trooworld 07-28-2008 02:11 PM

Manick: Okay, you are REALLY trying to make me jealous with those tomato photos. :lol: You KNOW how much I love homegrown tomatoes, I am going to march over to the farmer's market on Sunday and get some. I am especially jealous of the one of you biting into a juicy one. Shame on you, girl! ;) re: your 199...atleast you didn't gain, that is great. You'll see a loss next week, I am sure. You've been consistent in your weightloss!

Tara: Oh, now I know for sure that woman is jealous. You are gorgeous and you are looking good! ;)

bethbeth: :hug: Hang in there, maybe you just need to step up your exercise and go down in cals by like 100? Try to mix up your workout routine, too, drink more water...etc. You'll probably see a loss next week.

Theresia: wow! Look at that avatar! You and glitter are making me jealous! :D Looking good.

Misty: The bodybugg sounds very interesting. I might have to look into that.

Everyone else: hello there! Happy Monday. I went to Target and I got a bathingsuit. The upper part of it looks okay, there is some fabric that hangs down and covers most of my tummy...but I wish that I could wear a long skirt in the water, I hate my thighs! They are big and cellulite-y. I can't wait for them to slim down. I've been busy this past weekend. I've done some walking but not too crazy, I don't want to hurt my knee further. I didn't really lose any weight this week but atleast I didn't gain. Hopefully I will see some better results next week, this is the first day of the SBD for me and hubby + I am going to start water aerobics. Have a great day!


JuliaDH 07-28-2008 04:35 PM

WOW only 2 WI left. I am surprised that there seem to be many team mates left. I was under the impression that the numbers drop so much that chat threads merge.

I did not do well this week. A gain of 1 lb. Had TOM visit and had unruly cranky hubby. I managed to stay eating on plan foods. But I did not weigh my portions. But I did manage to not comfort myself with a binge. So I will claim a partial victory.

I also got my measurements done today. Total 36 inches GONE. 3 of which are off the bust which will make hubby cranky again LOL. I thought it was my imagination that my bra looked a little wrinkly with an understuffed look that I dont think I have ever experienced on my body before. I wonder how long I can get away with these bras before they need replacing.

Have a great afternoon everyone and dont forget to WI!

Bette k 07-28-2008 05:01 PM

Hello Black Team,
I hope everyone has had a great weekend. I pulled weeds in my garden Saturday, so far I'm getting green beans and a few peas and some squash. It's been too wet for a lot of stuff to do well, my tomatos are rotting before they get ripe, except for the grape tomatos, they seem to be doing well. I haven't had a whole lot of anything tho. Tonight I'm having sweet corn, we don't plant any, and it's selling for $6 a dozen for fresh so we didn't get very much, but an ear or 2 a piece will be good.
We are supposed to get some more storms tonight, just what we need, more rain. I hope everyone has a great week
Bette k.

taragettingthin 07-28-2008 10:49 PM

Hello everyone... I just stopped by to log the weight... I haven't been able to get on 3FC today at all till now because of work. I work 8AM to 5PM this week Mon-Fri because of training...Since I'm in training room all day, I don't have access to computer to get on here. And it took almost 1.5 hours on the way home because of the construction...Only 2 lanes open on MAJOR high way all day this week. Sigh... Anyways... at least my bf had dinner and even dessert ready for me... :D I played little bit with my DD and then had to take her to her grandma's tonight instead of tomorrow morning so I can go to the court and then to work in the morning.

I was afraid that I wouldn't see the 183.8 again because I was so bad over the weekend and ended up at like 186.4 but I tried to be really good and did workout last night for almost an hour. I think that helped a lot because I was actually at 183.6 this morning after shower! Yay! So I am pretty psyched...since I have seen less than 1 lb loss per week for awhile now.. I think the cardio is really helping. :D

Hope everyone have a great week...as I may not be able to check as often this week. But you all are in my prayers and thank you everyone for compliments on my pics. :D

Well, I need to go work out some before hitting the sack... :yawn:

trailgroomer 07-29-2008 09:06 AM

congrat's to you all
from a blue team member - CONGRATULATIONS!

trooworld 07-29-2008 09:57 AM

Hello teamies. I have to say I am so disappointed...yesterday, I called the pool to see if I needed to get there early for water aerobics and they said that they weren't having the classes because they had no teacher this summer. I called around to the other pools and only one had any classes. That pool is like 20-25 minutes away and I don't know if I want to spend the gas money to go, I may just go to the closest pool (12 minutes away) and do laps. The only problem with that is that the last time I did that, I realized exactly how hard it was to do. I remember being a kid and being able to swim forever, when I went the last time, halfway through a lap I had to turn on my back and swim back like that. I just don't have the money to be spending on gas right now.

Yesterday was a perfect on plan day. For breakfast, I made turkey bacon frittatas in muffin tins and had one of those with V8 juice and nonfat plain yogurt with unsweetened cocoa powder. For lunch, I had a baked chicken breast and steamed broccoli. I had a snack of a cheese stick and more broccoli. Then for dinner, my hubby made blackened tuna with mixed greens and a lemon dressing. I was totally satisfied and felt so much better than I have recently. I also drank my goal amount of water. I hope today is just as successful.

How is everyone doing? Soul, are you out there lurking? Have a great day, everyone!

blueyedlvrgirl 07-29-2008 12:57 PM

Hey everyone--
Of course after being up 2 lbs with water weight yesterday and taking a freebie, I get on the scale this morning and I am ddoowwnn! Tomorrow marks 2 weeks with the bodybugg and I am down an additional 3.6 lbs! That brings me to 7 lbs in 2 weeks! I would've been happy maintaining with TOM and being sick (which meant skipping the gym). Boy, do I LOVE LOVE LOVE this bodybugg! Greatest weight-loss device ever created!!

Also, I got a new (to me) car last night! 2007 Sonata! It's beautiful! So all this good balances out with the fact that I had my phone lost/stolen this weekend. I have theft insurance, but the company is HORRIBLE. They want to give me what they called a not new, not used, not refurbished older version of my phone...whatever that means! Oh, and they wanted me to pay $50 for it. I have no problem paying the deductible for a new phone, but not a crappy old one! So, I said screw that! I canceled the insurance and bit the bullet and bought a new one online. What a bunch of crap! Also, it's the end of the month too, so work is insane! I would say, for now, my life has some balance!
Tara, I never got a chance to tell you, the change is amazing! You are beautiful!
Chris, that's too bad about the water aerobics class! When I can't get to the gym, I water walk, hold on to the edge and kick my legs, swim slowly, etc. You don't have to swim fast to get a workout. Any resistance against the water works. My bf walks laps across the pool to get more resistance than walking on the treadmill, maybe you could try that! Congrats on the OP day! Don't they feel good? Let one turn into two, three, etc!
Julia, have you done the 30 Day Shred yet? I am just wondering how it went!
Hi to everyone else! Hope you are having a great week!
I see someone congratulating us, but the results haven't been announced yet...Did we win???

Bye for now...

LondonJulz 07-29-2008 02:15 PM

Please Read Me!!!!

I wanted to be the one to tell you all first so that you didn't hear this secondhand from anyone else. This will be the last Biggest Loser Challenge that I am the Black Team Leader for. Some of you have been around in past challenges know that I used to be UBER-involved with the team and with the challenges. However, our photography business has really taken off and I feel that it's best that my time and efforts be fully put into that. Not to say that I won't want to participate in future challenges, but because our buisness involves travelling, it wouldn't be fair of me as a leader to have to look for people every week who could do the spreadsheets and post the results, ya know? I haven't been able to participate as a leader as much as I would have liked to this time around. So in all fairness to my team mates and to the other participants in the challenge I feel that it's only right that you have a team leader who is so much more involved than I have been able to be.

I know that this is a really, really terrible time to bring this up (2 weeks before the end of this round). But word had gotten to Chellez that I was considering leaving after this challenge and she needed to know for sure before the challenge was over so that she could do arrangeing and such. So, I didn't want you all to find out through a FAQ thread or on one of the other threads.

I am SO proud of all of you and for the GREAT team relationship you all have formed. I wish you continued success on your weight-loss journeys.

And, I'm still here for the next 2 weeks... and plan for our team to finish up with a bang! :D

JuliaDH 07-29-2008 06:47 PM

Julz - I am excited for you that business is doing well. You sure are that you are leaving big shoes to fill. You are doing a wonderful job. Many blessings to you on your adventure/endevour in photography. I will be honoured to be on the same team as you next time.

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