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Old 11-28-2021, 02:29 PM   #136  
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Good afternoon coaches,

Food was on plan and I have a plan for today. Yesterday afternoon we went to the Musical Instrument Museum. It is probably the number one attraction in the area and is very nice. Db and sil really enjoyed it and if any of you visit here, I would recommend it. This afternoon we're going to see the movie Belfast. I'm letting dh off the hook since he doesn't have much time off and wants to go to the golf course to practice. He doesn't know it yet, but I won't let him off the hook so often once he is retired. I'm feeling hungry today so I'm glad we're heading out for the afternoon again.

Maryann Yes you know what to do and I'm sure you will do it.

Penny I hope the car problems aren't too bad and it's on the road and running soon.

Bill So nice that you and dw can share books. I'm afraid my husband wouldn't be interested in anything I read.

GardenerJoy The grilled drumsticks sound really good. I love the dark meat of the turkey.

Onebyone Nice to hear from you and I'm hoping your back is better soon. My dh has back issues and he swears losing weight is helpful, along with the exercises he is doing.

Curlyjax I'm glad you're feeling good and in action mode. I seem to get in action mode, but make plenty of breaks for myself.

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Old 11-28-2021, 07:30 PM   #137  
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Default First big snow today

Hi Coaches

Weather report: it snowed today and the snow stayed on the car and the porch and the driveway as DH and I did nothing about it. Alas winter once again arrives technically in late fall.

Back report: still hurts. boooooooo..... I woke up at 5am to sit in the hard white wooden kitchen chair that usually functions only as a.clothes rack in the bedroom. My mattress sucks when my back is sore plus I have to shimmy down the length of it to get off the bed. Really slow and painful right now. But I can do it and I do do it. I was trying to figure out how to sleep in a wooden chair. I may not find a way to do that or to sleep upright with proper back support either. I'll get past this.

Next few days: I don't know what to do about attending my pottery class tomorrow night. My last class (I'm a student and have missed 2 in a row). If I'm ok during the day I'll drive up to see the show and tell part and just be with the other students. Maybe leave early. More problematic are the next two evenings where I teach glazing. I have glazes that need to be made and then lifted onto tables and vigorously stirred. I'm usually moving and on my feet the full 3hrs. Can't do that. Also Wednesday I'm supposed to meet up with 2 printmaking friends an hour away. We did a Kickstarter for a handcarved lino tarot deck which got funded and is now fully printed and waiting for us to add colour to 3 decks and colour plus gold leaf to one other. Supposed to be Wednesday for that. I don't know. Guess I just play it by ear. Tough for me... a.big part of why my back is injured!

Foodwise: I began a fasting protocol for the week which is where I like to begin and will slowly get my food aligned and cleaned up. My flaky scale showed a wiggle down which I will take.

Good to be here today.
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Old 11-29-2021, 08:07 AM   #138  
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Thumbs up Monday - Physicist Erwin Schrödinger publishes his paradox "Schrödinger's cat" (1935)

Diet Coaches/Buddies - Visit with DS and the (20 mo) DFGD was all indoors - deemed too cold for a walk to the playground. Watched her consume a large cup of blackberries, blueberries, and strawberries. She was either moving or eating. My only exercise was stopping by a supermarket on the way home for a loaf of bread, LOL.

Eating was on plan with no daytime snacks, CREDIT moi. Dinner was the third and final trip to the Thanksgiving Pot Roast. Was still superb. DW did make some more gravy to disguise that it's been slowly drying out. Gravy just magically appeared from a touch of Gravy Master, some beef bouillon, cornstarch, and water. Apparently everyone on the planet knows that (the link takes you to their site where you can even buy a gallon jug!). And final trip to the apple crumble for dessert. Need that dessert business to be over.

onebyone - Ouch for the arrival of snow. Double Ouch for the persistence of your back issues. Good luck figuring our what to do about your pottery class tonight.

maryann - Ouch for the discouraging scale fluctuations. Neat to hear that you're headed to Michigan. Have you been warned about Michigan winter?

Karen (karenrn) - Have to add the Musical Instrument Museum to my Bucket List. Hope you enjoy your movie with your guests.

Penny. - Keeping my fingers crossed that your Yaris issue is something as simple as a starter relay - cheaper than many repairs. Glad that you're ready to face another day of work.

Readers -
Success Skill 9 Get Back on Track - Right Away

Mistakes are not the end of the world, and
they are not the end of your diet - as long as
you know how to respond to them. Successful
maintainers make mistakes,
but they recover
from them right away.

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Complete Beck Diet for Life (Green book), Pg 103.
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Old 11-29-2021, 08:36 AM   #139  
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I wrote out a post yesterday but I guess it disappeared, ah well. I made a large “everything but the kitchen sink casserole” with leftover veggies, whole wheat pasta, ground turkey and ricotta, which I will eat the next few days, and maybe freeze some too. I have my eating plan set for today which includes no sugar.
The tree is up and smelling wonderful; I’m going to leave it as is for awhile. My favorite is when it has the lights on and that’s it. I have made a list of the cookies I’m going to make and ingredients needed, and am going to start organizing my Christmas cards tonight. The not fu, on going task I also have to do is clean up more of the tv room so DD can dump her stuff there when she’s home for the break, which will inevitably happen.
Onebyone-great to have you back! Sorry about the back; hope it heals quickly. Boo for snow, I’m not ready for that!
Karen-musical instrument museum sounds awesome.
Maryann-I hear you about gaining back those losses. You can do this!
Penny-hope work goes better. Healthcare is definitely a stressful line of work.
Bill-I’m the only other person on the planet that hadn’t heard of the gravy master, so now I know!
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Old 11-29-2021, 09:32 AM   #140  
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Good morning coaches,

Food was on plan yesterday. We all thought the movie Belfast was very good. Today we'll head out for a hike and then I'm not sure what. I'm pretty proud of myself for staying on my plan and no drinking (which is kind of just my new life style I hope). My db and sil will go up to her daughter's to spend the night and tomorrow and be back tomorrow night. I'll be the airport taxi at about 4:15 Wednesday morning, but that works fine for me.
Personals tomorrow.
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Old 11-29-2021, 10:43 AM   #141  
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Good morning!

Yesterday was still not in weightloss mode. I checked in with my weight and it is up a pound.

My stress level is so high right now after working my first month with the new schedule and I think I figured out what boundaries I need to set if I am to keep doing this job but it's going to be difficult, which also adds stress. I felt on the brink of a nervous break down for two days after Saturdays shift alone.

Somehow I need to insist on my 8 hour shift being an actual 8 hour shift and no more. Refusing to take more patients in a day will dump on the other nurses but I need to recognize that is not my problem. I don't want to end up like a friend who did have a crisis and completely left her nursing career and can barely work or make money now.

Vent over. Thanks for listening lol.

Bill, your grocery stop sounds like a real calorie burner. Ha!

Onebyone, sorry about your back. Good luck balancing your healing around classes.

Curly, too bad the pile of stuff can't go into dd's room. I guess it comes with traveling between two living situations.

Karen, sober living for me too. I liked to have a drink every once in a while but the last few times it made me feel so awful I'm having to admit maybe I can't tolerate it anymore. I can't even do caffinated coffee anymore. Booo!
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Old 11-29-2021, 11:42 AM   #142  
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Apparently, I didn't structure my Sunday well enough to get my post written. That correlated, as it often does, with a less firm food plan and less-than-ideal eating. Back to it today!

Exercise +45, 1420/1500 minutes for November
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Old 11-29-2021, 10:30 PM   #143  
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Default Last Monday Ever in a November in the Year 2021


Brief check-in

Food: ate 3 meals and 2 helpings at 1 of them which is toi much food- no sugar though so that's a big plus

Work: had none! excellent A bonus day of rest for the back. Also arranged for help with glazes and buckets for tomorrow night. bonus!

Body: back is only slightly sore. muscles tight in front of body. need to begin moving and stretching, perhaps restart my dancing exercise which was very gentle. I'm looking for gentle these days

Good to see you all today!

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Old 11-30-2021, 07:20 AM   #144  
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Thumbs up Tuesday-Michael Jackson releases "Thriller" the best-selling album of all time (1982)

Diet Coaches/Buddies - Got reminded that Thanksgiving is the time to listen to Woody Guthrie's Alice's Restaurant. Started laughing just thinking about it. For those of you who don't have 18 minutes, here are the lyrics. Love you Officer Obie.

Excitement was discovering how to take apart our La-Z-Boy Recliner. That increases the chances that I can take it down to the curb myself. Unfortunately, it also increases the chances that I'll start tinkering with how to fix it. If I do fix it, there's a problem: don't have space for an extra large recliner. Maybe we could put it in the spare bedroom in the few feet space there - after moving the stuff that's there because there's no other place to put it. Wish I didn't have the desire to own everything I've ever owned.

Eating was on plan with no daytime snacks, CREDIT moi. Was good to have dinner without dessert. Although I already miss the Pot Roast. Had a supermarket, previously frozen, vegetarian lasagna for dinner. Servings were a bit small, so it was supplemented with guacamole that we'd purchased for our family affair that hadn't been consumed. It's so easy to overeat guacamole. Gotta watch that.

onebyone - Yay for getting some rest for your back and Kudos for getting help when you needed it. And always Kudos for "no sugar though."

Joy (gardenerjoy) - Thanks for "Back to it today!"

Karen (karenrn) - Kudos for staying your plan even with guests. Glad that you liked Belfast.

curlyjax - LOL at “everything but the kitchen sink casserole” - such a healthy way to clean out the fridge. Sounds like you've got a Christmas house already.

Penny. - Super Kudos for recognizing that you have to set boundaries. Wish you well doing just that.

Readers -
Success Skill 9 Get Back on Track - Right Away

The One Situation in Which You
Shouldn't Eat When You Planned To ...

It's actually very important to refrain from eating if you are feeling upset, stressed, or rushed - even if it's time to eat. It's important to wait because you can't possibly enjoy your food when you're feeling this way, and you are likely to feel unsatisfied and overeat.

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Complete Beck Diet for Life (Green book), Pg 103.
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Old 11-30-2021, 07:38 AM   #145  
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I did well yesterday, focusing not only on no sugar but the fact that I need to lower my cholesterol, which helps me make better choices. I’ve been feeling quite hungry but managed to not overeat. My church organizes giving gifts to a local agency, and I purchased my stuff for the two kids on my list. One is a 6 month old, so it was very fun looking at toys for that age. I do hope I will have grandchildren someday (but not for a long time I got my weights done, and then I was done for the day. Today I have a four hour training online, ugh, so I’ll need to move around after that, and the exterminator is coming for a follow up. Such an exciting life I lead!
Penny-sorry about the work stress. It sounds like you have figured out some good boundaries. There is a big difference between working part time and fulltime for sure.
Karen- that movie looks really good. Congrats on the no drinking.
Onebyone-stretching is the best. I do a leg/back range of motion/stretching every morning which really helps my back.
Bill- Wish I didn't have the desire to own everything I've ever owned- that’s my DD’s problem too, hard time letting go of things.
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Old 11-30-2021, 10:18 AM   #146  
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I'm celebrating that I finished NaNoWriMo this morning, meeting all of my goals. I wrote 50,000 words in November (my final count was 64,431). I wrote at least 1667 words every day in November (the average was 2147). And I made it to THE END of my story.

Today's challenge is a trip to the local Christmas market, where our Farmers Market is in the summer time. DH wants to see if they're carrying the good eggs that I got him just before the end of the Farmers Market season.

Unfortunately, this is the place where I traditionally buy a chocolaty Christmas treat. In recent years, I've considered it a success if I only bought and ate it once in December. This year, I decided in October that I didn't want any flavored chocolate this fall or winter because I've shown no ability to eat it the way that I want -- a small, reasonable amount each day until it's gone. I'd rather not have it all if it's just going to make me miserable, physically and emotionally, because I ate too much at one time.

So, there's my pep talk. I'll buy eggs, if they have them, and nothing else.

Exercise +45, 1465/1500 minutes for November
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Old 11-30-2021, 10:41 AM   #147  
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Good morning coaches,

Food was on plan yesterday and weight is down a bit. I'm taking the day off hiking today and getting things done around the house. Db and sil were gone overnight but will be back this evening for one more night and an early trip to the airport in the morning. I'm spending time looking at flights to Bangkok and trying to think about booking now or waiting a few days.

GardenerJoy Congratulations on your writing over the month of November. Also congrats on the decision regarding the chocolate at the Christmas market. Sometimes it's just easier to forego.

Curlyjax Sounds like you had a good day with getting on a good plan. My life is about as exciting as yours most of the time.

Bill Get that darned old chair out of the house. Well I guess I shouldn't say too much, I have some furniture about that old, but I don't have any replacements coming.

Onebyone Good to hear that your back is better. I can't imagine trying to deal with that on top of your teaching etc.

Penny I'm so sorry about the stressful work conditions. Good luck with setting the boundaries needed to keep you sane.

Maryann How long will you be in Michigan?

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Old 11-30-2021, 06:23 PM   #148  
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Good Evening, Coaches.

Day three of the Prolon fast is almost in the books. The scale has dropped about six pounds. I knew all the crap food I ate was making the scale artificially high. I want to learn that food is healing. I haven't had any acid stomach for three days. Food is fuel and there are a lot of ways I can otherwise comfort myself including the hot bath I am going to take right after this post.

Sunday I spent learning how to use Pirate Ship which is an online postage center. I saved a ton of money using the site's recommendations. I finished mailing all my gifts with having to go the post office. DH dropped them at the tiny post office near the ranch. Never a line.. Ta Da. This season was easier because I had bought the gifts in Peru; printed a special card with my experiences in the tiny village of Huilloc; and then added an item purchased from that village. I added this link so they could see for themselves the magic :
. By my accounts, I only have two gifts left to buy.

OK into bath and then reading a good trashy romance. I'll wake up tomorrow and it will be Day 4.

Karen: I will be in Michigan for four days - leaving Friday. I am very excited.

Wave to all.
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Old 12-01-2021, 06:28 AM   #149  
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Thumbs up Discussion continues on the December 2021 Thread

Please join us as this discussion continues on:

Beck Diet For Life/Solution – December 2021 – Support, Discussion, Buddy/Coach

You can find the list of previous (or more current) monthly Beck threads here on 3 Fat Chicks via:

List of Monthly Beck Threads for Support, Discussion, Buddy/Coach

Last edited by BillBlueEyes; 12-01-2021 at 07:12 AM.
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