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Old 11-09-2013, 07:58 AM   #61  
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Originally Posted by kayin View Post
about 20 net carbs a day, and I don't eat the bars or anything.
Originally Posted by gusferlus View Post
Hi all, I'm a newbie (hope i'm putting this in the right place!!). A week ago i started on a high protien zero carb diet of eggs, red and white meats, bacon sausages and mushrooms NOTHING ELSE. I always used to love my carbs especially white bread and pasta etc and i also was drinking 10-12 mugs of coffee per day with semi skimmed milk and 1 spoon of sugar!! Since starting my new diet i have religously taken up the active sports program on the playstation console and also a little weight lifting every day just for 15-20 minutes or so. At the start of the diet i have also gone down to only 1 coffee in a morning (same ingredients as before) and 6-8 pints of water per day!
My meals stay the same every day for breakfast (2 boiled eggs and mushrooms) dinner is a piece of meat and 2 poached eggs and mushrooms and tea/supper is a couple of slices of bacon and a few sausages with mushrooms! In my first week i have lost 8lbs! My start weight was 238lb last monday and i am now 230lbs!! My goal is to get down to 190lb by july 7th when my wife, children and i go to egypt for 3 weeks
My question is....If i was to stick to this strict regime would i lose the same kinds of weight week in week out? or would it stabalize??

Thank you for comments/advice in advance, Andrew
I don't think Dr Atkins would argue with your choices. His original plan had very little veggies in it but he found many couldn't stick to such a restricted plan so he added the veggies to make it easier for them. If you can do this strict form I'm sure it will be okay. If you start to think you'd like variety go to and find amazing recipes to carry you along.

Men lose easier than women and young people lose easier than older folks...........I was 64 years old when I started this program and I was losing 1/2 to a full pound every day for a very long time. Almost every morning when I would get on the scale I would be down some amount......and even a small movement down is encouraging.

I suspect if you stay on the program and you're honest with yourself so you don't hide cheating from will be very happy with the results showing on your scale and you will feel wonderful when you head off on vacation.

Last edited by Timlin; 11-09-2013 at 08:02 AM.
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Old 01-02-2014, 06:48 PM   #62  
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Originally Posted by JerseyGyrl View Post
I can honestly say Atkins saved my life When I began Atkins over 4 years ago, I was 245 lbs I could not walk up 3 stairs or a quarter of the way around the block without being totally out of breath. My Dad is an insulin dependant diabetic & has CHF (congestive heart failure)...I KNEW I didn't want to end up like that.

I bought Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution, I read it and I began the Atkins lifestyle on 4/13/04. It took me slightly over a year to lose over 100 lbs. I did not count calories...only carbs. I ate mainly Induction foods...lots of veggies & salads. My exercising consists mainly of walking and I am a big fan of Leslie Sansone's Walk Away The Pounds. I think I have almost all of her dvd's.

Four years later, I am still on Atkins and have maintained my weight loss I can honestly say I have never found Atkins difficult to stick to. There are so many wonderful recipes out there! Atkins is one of the best things I have ever done in my life! Thank you Dr. Atkins...I Love You!!!
I know this post is from 2008 but I'm just now joining this site and the Atkins way of life (I'm careful to call it a 'diet'). This is very inspirational as I get down on myself and discouraged very easily. I've packed on pounds ever since my first pregnancy 8, nearly 9 years ago and I'm just ready for a change.

My mother has insulin dependent diabetes and SO many more health problems and I just see where I'm heading in the next years. I have always had hypoglycemia and it's gotten increasingly worse in the past few months.

Thank you for your post, I am hoping to find lots of info and encouragement here!!
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Old 01-18-2014, 08:55 PM   #63  
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Red face me too!

I find this whole thread very helpful! I am embarking on losing some holiday weight and a few pounds that I had left to lose before the holidays. I am going to do the atkins way of life as well because I have noticed how much carbs affect me. Looking forward to seeing how it goes and appreciated the posts about stalls later on....
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Old 02-05-2014, 04:41 AM   #64  
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Well, twelve years ago I went on Atkins and loved it, and lost 35 pounds. Now its time to give myself one more chance to be glamorous and gorgeous before the last dingle of doom. I am not going to do anything about my face -- Idon't mind the way it is aging (I am about to be 62) -- but I know that being 5ft2 andweighing in at 190 pounds ain't helping me look my best. So today is two 2, andIam excited and happy -- had grilled shrimp and calimari yesterday and grilled salmon and salad for dinner... my mood is already lifting from just knowing that I am atarting to FINALLY do something about myself! Hooray!

I just saw that I joined this forum in 2007 -- gosh, it seems so long ago -- I don't even remember tryingagain ....Anyway, here is to a new start in 20141

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Old 03-21-2014, 04:02 PM   #65  
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Default Atkins has been a life changer for me.

I have been on Atkins for awhile I used to way 600 pounds I'm down to 350. In. I have lost 250 pounds and a some more to go.
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Old 03-22-2014, 02:51 PM   #66  
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Originally Posted by HCB2014 View Post
I have been on Atkins for awhile I used to way 600 pounds I'm down to 350. In. I have lost 250 pounds and a some more to go.
Wow that is awesome!! We would love to have you join us in the challeges!
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Old 06-05-2014, 07:52 AM   #67  
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I started this journey with Atkins (other times in the past) on 1/6/2013. Just started without any hoopla in my life.. just started and 1 year and 5 months later I am DOWN 100 LBS! I would have been here much sooner if I didn't stop for some food lessons along the way (days and sometimes weeks of plan).. But I needed those lessons and without them and without YOU WONDERFUL PEOPLE!!! I would not have made it to losing 100 lbs! I am pinching myself that I lost this much!! When I first started I had hoped I could get at least 20 lbs off... but I just continued. After this length of time it is now a GOOD HABIT ... this way of eating and I feel Great! I truly do feel great... Clear Mind (since day 2), Better Functioning Body and the best thing... Is I don't feel like a failure anymore! My sound mind is in charge of my body! SO THRILLED! 100 lbs down and am down to 219....
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Old 06-05-2014, 10:34 AM   #68  
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I started back on Adkins Monday June 2nd. I am very excited to lose as much as I can before my river cruise in France in July of next year. Any help and suggestions are welcome!
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Old 11-01-2014, 09:35 PM   #69  
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My weightloss therapist says no one can make Atkins a lifestyle and that is why she wants me to choose another way to lose weight; such as low calorie. Do people make Atkins a lifestyle? Can people stick to this 10 or 15 or even 20 years?
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Old 11-02-2014, 06:28 AM   #70  
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Originally Posted by Changed 1 View Post
My weightloss therapist says no one can make Atkins a lifestyle and that is why she wants me to choose another way to lose weight; such as low calorie. Do people make Atkins a lifestyle? Can people stick to this 10 or 15 or even 20 years?
I'm here to tell you your "weightloss therapist" is incorrect. I have been on Atkins 10 and a half years. I began in April 2004, lost 100 lbs. in a little over a year and have maintained since. It is a lifestyle!
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Old 11-03-2014, 07:32 AM   #71  
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Thank you JerseyGyrl. I will remember you when I talk with her this week. I just joined a couple of days ago and just started Atkins yesterday. I am sure I will be on here a lot getting support.
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Old 11-21-2014, 12:08 PM   #72  
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Read the whatever book version you plan to follow and then re-read... Welcome and best wishes on your WOE.

Been following DANDR for 1 year, 2 months, 25 days and have lost 231lbs.

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Old 03-26-2015, 12:24 PM   #73  
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Default 25lbs in 21 days of induction

Am I ever impressed with Atkins induction phase!
I have never dropped this much weight in this short of time on ANY program!
I wouldn't imagine it was possible to lose this much weight while eating actual food! haha!

I followed the program perfectly, but failed (slightly) on carbs due to breath mints... but I'll change that pronto because it makes me wonder what I might have lost if I hadn't failed the carb count!

I can't believe I can eat cheese and bacon and lose weight! I love science!
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Old 06-21-2015, 10:04 AM   #74  
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I started Atkins 20 on April 14th of this year. It has been slow going but I feel so much better than I have felt in the last decade. My loss for the 9 weeks I have been living this WOE is 17 pounds but I am fine with that. It is a 17 lbs. loss, not a 17 lbs. gain.
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Old 06-21-2015, 11:01 AM   #75  
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Originally Posted by DianeAleaha View Post
I started Atkins 20 on April 14th of this year. It has been slow going but I feel so much better than I have felt in the last decade. My loss for the 9 weeks I have been living this WOE is 17 pounds but I am fine with that. It is a 17 lbs. loss, not a 17 lbs. gain.
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