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Old 01-31-2013, 12:33 PM   #1  
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Default ~~February Golden Girls~~

We are the Golden Girls...

There is Value in us
There is Power in us
There is Wisdom in us
And Laughter....
We are a rainbow of unique wonders,
There is love in us.
(poem by Dorothy Holmes)

Tell us a little about your life, family and goals. What keeps you motivated? What is the best thing that's happened to you since you passed the 50 mark? 60 mark? 70 mark? Friends laugh, cry and stand by each other, we'll be that to you!
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Old 01-31-2013, 02:29 PM   #2  
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Thanks, Bobbi!
Hola, Lovelies!

Bonnie – just wait until you’re as old as we are… then you’ll REALLY be creaky! I can sympathize with the journey! Welcome!

Gayle – I hope you get out on time tonight, your “Friday”… do you get 3 days off? When I worked 10 hour days, the first day off was always recuperation!

Bobbi – those meatballs look good… and easy! And I’m thinking good thoughts that your folks get a loan tomorrow to buy your abode.

Carbie – I’ve MISSED you! You were off applying for jobs the last time you posted; did any of them pan out for you? I hope you feel better. Sounds like you got hit hard. My wee cold is 98% gone. I am so lucky to be able to sleep for 15 hours if I need to do that; the only one needing attention is SamCat, and he’s much more adult about that than most men!

I’m doing well on my program, too… I’m using SparkPeople and am liking the site. It’s pretty easy once you get used to it, Bobbi, and I’m using the diet shakes as either a snack or as a fill-in for a meal that needs a little extra. I’m down a couple of pounds this week. I’m also doing the glider, semi faithfully!, and I HATE IT, HATE IT, HATE IT!!

Better get to work! Newbies, welcome. Everyone, have a good today!

Last edited by jess1; 01-31-2013 at 02:29 PM.
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Old 01-31-2013, 02:42 PM   #3  
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Hi Golden Girls - posted in Jan - decided to move it to February.

Got back from Tucson yesterday. There was sunshine everyday. Not always all day but enough. We were visiting my husbands wonderful cousin and her DH. She is an especially lovely person. Just like her 97 year old mother. Her father is 97 too. He’s a little cranky, been that way his whole life but seems like normal to me. Her sweet mother makes him look cranky by comparison. It was so nice to spend some time with people that are nice and really appreciate you. We were able to help out with some things (their retirement community is switching to digital) and Uncle keeps getting the TV off channel 3. DH realized right away that was the problem cuz my parents were doing that. Solution - hide that remote! We gave them lots of ideas. They’re at the point where they are getting tired of having to do so much for the parents. But they’re 97 - I keep pointing out. I’d trade them in a heart beat.

My mom tolerated the first round of chemo very well. The nurse from the long term care insurance company came to make sure she needed the “Assisted Living With Memory Support.” It is a lot more expensive than the Independent Living with added services. Occasionally my mother can appear normal for a few minutes, especially if asked yes and no questions. So we were a little worried she might look normal. Well, Mom came through. “Still Crazy After All These Years.” I have a n new appreciation for that song.

Donna - I’m with you about hating the exercise but I’ve decided to start up again. Read all the things that walking/exercise is good for - preventing Alheimers, etc. The 97n year old aunt and uncle used to wald 3 miles a day when they were in their early nineties. Aunt wanted to go sky diving when she was 93 but was turned down. She went on a camping, river rafting trip in Colorado instead! So, I’m going to try to do 15 minutes to begin with. Keep it up! I’m proud of you! I can’t go today until after 4:30 but I have to do it.

Bobbi - good luck with your showing. Loved hearing about how you made some delicious cheeses.

Carbie - hope you feel better soon. Every one around me has been sick. I usually get sick in February. L
Good job on avoiding the carbs. That’s what I’m supposed to do too. I have to do it. Once I get one full day under my belt with my plan (Ideal Protein) it seems to go better. But that first night is a killer. I have to give up that glass of wine I started drinking almost every night a couple of month ago.

Butterfly - welcome aboard! I have to watch my blood sugar. I do take Metformin. Don’t know if my doc actually called me diabetic. The highest I got was 147 but I am a carb/sugar addict. I’d like to lose the 20 lbs I regained in the last year. I’m trying to get back on my Ideal Protein plan 100%. It’s tough though. I just seem to be maintaining at the place I’m at. Have to buckle down and do it. You have come a long way. I love your motto too. That’s What I have to do - get control!

Donna TN - hope you’re feeling better soon. And I hope they get your cysts and things figured out.

Gayle - I guess Maddie got you playing hide and seek even though you didn’t feel like playing.

I better post this before I lose it. Hugs to you all!
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Old 01-31-2013, 04:14 PM   #4  
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you snuck it in...thanks always. k3
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Old 01-31-2013, 06:02 PM   #5  
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Hello Goldie's
We finally got some cool weather. But only for a few days. Next week it's supposed to be close to 80.
We are still camping every weekend. Deer season ends today but dh loves to rabbit hunt so to the camp we go again tomorrow
My diet is not going too good. I've lost my willpower. I'm still trying but that darn devil that's sitting on my shoulder telling me to eat something is getting his way sometimes.
My oldest ds got hired with my youngest ds company. They wanted him to start the next day but he asked them if he could give his job a 2 week notice and they were very impressed that he wanted to do that. They told him by all means yes. If he ever left their company they would want the same courtesy. So he starts in 2 weeks.

I have to get supper started so no time for personals. But hello to all our new friends and also to all our other friends. Hope everyone is well.
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Old 02-01-2013, 01:08 AM   #6  
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Good morning GG's

Well actually even though it is 12:05 ~ my head thinks it is still Thursday evening until I go to sleep ~ and when I wake up then it is Friday morning. Silly head games

Oh ~ what a ding-a-ling I am ~ now I get it K3 ~ you were thanking Bobbi for starting the February thread I think my head/brain is worn out and I need a new one ~ LOL.

Donna ~ sadly my wish/hope to get out on time didn't come true. 4 1/2 hours late. Frustrating. Knowing that my coworkers appreciate that I stay ~ it helps them ~ makes me feel a little better about the frequent late days.

Gotta unwind a little ~ get my internet fix ~ then off to bed.

Hope you all rest well.

Take care
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Old 02-01-2013, 09:01 AM   #7  
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Good morning goldies. Today is weigh in day and I still weigh 210. My ticker is not right and I refuse to move it. I'm going to make a vow that no matter what I eat next week I'm going to start my workouts. That might jump start me again.
I'm packing for the camp today. We are supposed to grill tbone steaks, baked potatoes and salad. I can do without the potatoes. That should help.
We had an interesting night last night. Ds got off work and cooked out on the patio and invited friends. Well his best friend brought a girl with him and his ex gf showed up also. Talk about an strange situation. Dh and I had to laugh. The ex said that it was ok she moved on already but she would like to warn new gf that he was going to hurt her. Well in comes ds gf. The girl that friend brought is a friend of ds since they were young. Gf had never met her. She said that she was nice but....she was not looking at her date. She was starring at ds. OMG. I could do nothing but laugh. I told her she had nothing to worry about. He only had eyes for her. But I wasn't surprised because I'm not bragging about ds but he can attract flocks of girls by just being himself. Thought that would make y'all laugh. To be young again!!!!!

Gayle~ hope you get a relaxing weekend.
Dee~ I'm glad you had a fun time.
Donna~ please send me some of your willpower. Congrats on doing so well.
Bobbi~ I hope you have a good showing on your house and this is the sale you have been waiting on.

Have to get some stuff done. Have a good weekend girls!!

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Old 02-01-2013, 09:06 AM   #8  
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Good Morning and brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, it's cold.

Greeting to everyone, you're welcome K3. My myer lemon tree now has 6 leaves on it. I don't think it'll make it, not enough sun for sure. Our sun today has two sun dogs along side of it, maybe that'll help?

Gayle...I like your festive Valentine avatar.

Nice to hear from you again Dee, glad to hear your mom is doing okay with the chemo.

Donna...congrats on the weight loss and actually doing the exercise. I hate exercising more than you do. DH and I signed up at Snap Fitness a couple days ago because it's free with our new health insurance plan. That's a start, now to just do it. Someone kick my butt.
I’m down a couple of pounds this week. I’m also doing the glider, semi faithfully!, and I HATE IT, HATE IT, HATE IT!!

Cajun...what is it you're eating that keeps throwing you off track? You're so active all the time, you should be wearing it off. Don't take any junk food with you when camping. Or maybe that's not an option since you have to feed others.

My calories for yesterday were 987 and 36 grams of fiber. I had 4 Melba Sea Salt crackers last night with some garlic yogurt cheese on them, oh my gosh. DELICIOUS. Has anyone tried these? 4 pieces have 60 calories and you have to nibble on them real slow like, or they'd be gone in one bite. Savor, savor, savor.

Did anyone see the digital fork that vibrates when you're eating too fast? I can't remember which daytime show I saw it on, maybe Dr. Oz. DH is always reminding me to slow down when I eat. I shovel it in like there's no tomorrow. What's with that? I really need to pull my chop sticks out and eat with those.
Later gators.

Last edited by Bobbolink; 02-01-2013 at 09:09 AM.
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Old 02-01-2013, 09:14 AM   #9  
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Cajun...I see we posted at the same time. T-bone steaks, yum. Just don't eat the whole thing, 3 ounces only unless you want to splurge for 4 ounces. I know it'd be hard to stop but you want to move the scale down, right? Are you by any chance counting calories? I don't remember what kind of plan you're on. I know it's a pain in the butt and you have to weigh everything but in the end it works.
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Old 02-01-2013, 09:29 AM   #10  
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Morning...cold down here, too. 32 last night. Flying thru today. Bobbi if the lemon is sad give it some light with a standing lamp or even a table lamp. That's all it wants. Gayle do you get paid for that overtime? If not you better do some rethinking. Off to bridge....k3
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Old 02-01-2013, 10:47 AM   #11  
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Bobbi - Do you post your menu anywhere? I'm so curious as to what you eat to keep your calories so low. Don't you get hungry and weak, or are you used to it? I am envious of your ability to stick to a calorie count so low.
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Old 02-01-2013, 11:05 AM   #12  
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Default Good report for last month

Good Morning Goldies,
Jess, I too use Sparkpeople, and it's been so very helpful to me. I can enter everything new I have into my favorites and it's just a click and a scroll away when I have it again.
I took my measurements when I started this in January, and I have lost 22 lbs, and even some inches.
I've gone down 3.5 inches in my waist;
Hips down 4.25 inches;
Neck down .75 inch;
thigh down 1.75 inches;
calf down .5 inch;
upper arm down 1 inch.
For a total of 11.75 inches.
Not a real lot for overall body, but, it's a good start. Makes me feel good to have black and white proof that it's working.
I can also tell it on my clothes. I have gotten into 3 tops that were so tight I either couldn't wear them at all or had to wear a scrubs top over them to hide the bulges and rolls.
This darned prednisone keeps my blood sugar up right now but it's STILL not as bad as it was a couple months ago when I wasn't on Pred. Thank good ness it's only for a week. Anyway I hope I wont need it longer than that. I also have an eye infection now. This same thing happened to me about a year ago, and I know this is going to sound funny to some of you, but this is how I think I get this eye infection;
When I blow my nose, sometimes, not always, but some of the stuff from my nose comes up through the duct into my eye. I think this sinus infection has worked it's way up into the eye that way. My ears too are infected.
I ended up not applying for any jobs because I knew that when the guys get done here I'm going to be busy painting and putting in cabinets etc. and then I'd also have a job to contend with, so no sense in taking something that I'd want to quit in a short time.

Bobbi, isn't this weather just nuts?!? I got spoiled last winter. And I bet my electric bill is going to be off the charts next month because the windows had to be open upstairs while they were demolishing the walls etc and throwing it down a chute to a dumpster. And 2 days ago my furnace went kaplut. Some transducer in it had to be replaced at a cost of $620.00, and yesterday the thermostat went wacky so had to replace that at a cost of $50.00. Always something. And it happens when you absolutely NEED to have it. But, the old thermostat was just that, really OLD, and this one doesn't have the mercury in it, so I guess it's all for the best.
Anyway, I hear we're going to have a heat wave on Monday. Suppose to get up to 33 degrees for a day or so. Wheeeee!

Hope you are all having a good day today. More later, .....
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Old 02-01-2013, 02:01 PM   #13  
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Good Morning!
Dee – you sound SO much better! I’m glad you got some time away. I know how hard it is to deal with elderly parents, how draining it is… you needed some time away. You have a good sense of humor about it all, though.

My “exercising” would be such an embarrassment to anyone who exercises regularly. Because of the hip, it’s very painful, so I can’t do it long. And the worst part of it all is that I’m so damned bored that I just want to scream. Walking is out, because the jarring movement aggravates the hip; the glider is easier on me, but it still hurts. It really does help afterwards, though, so I’m persevering. I figure anything is better than nothing. I was remembering when I was a young thing and would walk home from work, 23 blocks to the east, and 15 blocks to the south… every day! It was a LONG time ago, LOL.

Cajun – so glad your boys are both doing well. And you’ll get back on track with the weight routine. You always do!

Gayle – love your new avatar! And do you get paid for the overtime, I hope? 4 ½ hours OT is not acceptable! Do your cohorts in turn stay over for the next shift? I hope you aren’t the only one doing this, although I suspect that you’re probably the only one nice enough to do that.

Bobbi – I don’t think it’s possible for anyone to hate exercising more than I do. I entertain myself by coming up with creative ways to put myself out of my misery. HATE IT. I’m think I’ve finally found a niche, insofar as the eating, though… for some reason, SP is working for me better than anything I’ve ever tried (and I’ve tried everything). So far, so good!

Carbie – you’re doing so well! Congrats. And stay with the group, because I miss you when you disappear. Whereabouts in MN are you? My niece is in St. Paul and my ex-SIL is in Park Rapids… and a good friend is in Aiken. It looks like a beautiful state, and I happen to like snow!

Got my hairs cut yesterday and discovered a leaky pipe in the basement (no correlation, probably). I hope I don’t have to entertain the plumber too long (or too expensively) tomorrow. It’s always something, isn’t it?

Be well, all…. Later, lovelies!

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Old 02-01-2013, 04:39 PM   #14  
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Hi everyone.sry ive been mia,no sp reason other than ive been taking care of dh mr cranky and he keeps me hopping,and ive nothing new to share. i think i 'm with all of you I HATE EXERCISE i avoid it even tho i know its good for me. i lost 3 of the 10# i gained over the holidays,but wont change my ticker either. im just back to what works protein and vegies,small portions lo lo carbs. i ve been working on my quilted picture wall hangings. i use Mckenns Ryan patterns but change them around to suit me. i finished the top for the 1st one and am now blanket stitching around all the picture components. lots of work. this ones mountains,trees, a bull moose and aflying eagle. all alaskan themed. i'll post pics when finished. hoping your weekend is serene and peaceful and low calorie Rosey

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Old 02-01-2013, 09:38 PM   #15  
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Hi Golden Girls-

Well, I didn't stay away from the carbs last night. Thought I had the house stripped. Didn't even have salad croutons in the cupboard. But I'm trying again.
Donna - congrats on the weight loss. I find that the recumbant bike is okay because I can read on it. I used to be able to read on the eliptical but yesterday the book I have has small print - and my eyes are getting worse.

Bobbi - good luck with the lemon tree. We all need a little more sunlight these days.

Hugs to everyone!
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