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Old 02-20-2011, 10:14 AM   #286  
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I just took a picture of our weather thru the window, didn't work.
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Old 02-20-2011, 10:57 AM   #287  
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'Allo, Golden sis's oh man, is it ever COLD here right now! After two balmy days - Wednesday & Thursday - when temperatures were actually hitting high 50's (maybe 60 in a few places locally) we had a HUGE dip...15 degrees last night according to the thermometer on dh's dashboard. We had spent most of the day with dd & her family - sil, dgd and the twinnies - ate supper with them and watched a movie before coming home. Watched "knowing" with Nicholas Cage. Sounded intriguing, was really pretty silly and contrived. Headed home @ 10:00 ready for bed. Exhausted, actually. I'll be awfully glad when they figure out what's going on with me and can prescribe a pill or two (and increased, regular exercise, no doubt) and send me on my way feeling like a new woman.
Good going with the 3 pounds, Lyn...they couldn't possibly have stayed on what with your exercise and all...sometimes I think they just crawl back aboard, knowing they can't stay, but kind of as a final hanging-on-by-their-fingernails attempt at staying with momma. I always have wondered where those poor little orphaned pounds go when we lose them, y'know? Is there a lost pounds station somewhere? It almost seems sad, sending them off the way we do, to fend for themselves in the cold, cruel world. Hah! You know how silly my imagination can be! I would have a whole city of lost pounds somewhere, maybe in the Himalayas - poor things living lives of abject drudgery and hard labor. Maybe they're forced to cultivate avocados or something...maybe the very avocado that I had in my salad last night was grown and harvested by a poor lost pound.
Yeah. Nutzo. Well, not to worry...I'm sure that my pounds are all safe & sound with their momma (me) at least until the Doctor shouts at me to get up off my fat azz and do some exercise (But gotta give me an energy pill first!).
Okay, so I need some clarification here...the cute little bugs with red backs and black spots that we have always lovingly referred to as "ladybugs" (and considered it good luck if we saw one) are actually "Asian Beetles"? And do they bite? Because there was one on the wall in our bedroom when I was down at my sister's in NC, and I didn't give it a second thought. But I DID have what looked and felt like a bug bite on my arm. Never even imagined that it could've been that innocent little "ladybug". Bobbi, please explain? They often appear in HERDS? Omigoodness!
Nancy, if you're anything like me, having your so back to work must be sheer heaven! And I'm not talking about the income, either. I'm talking about "self time". It's one thing I've had just about none of since dh retired. I handle it okay for the most part, but there are times when I swear I would give anything for moment to myself in my own danged house!
Thanks for the hugs and good wishes, Lynn. They're greatly appreciated.
VERY scary about the dog attack, Karen3. Yeah. I really think that some dogs are best owned by people out in the country with acres and acres of land for them to roam - but NOT in residential neighborhoods. Common sense seems to grow scarcer by the minute, I swear!
Maddie is absolutely adorable, Gayle, and I'm glad to see you on that bike, girlfriend! Never mind about how you think you look! Have fun with it! Life is too short to worry about what anybody else thinks who might catch a glimpse of you peddaling along. Let 'em look. If you keep riding, and keep eating less, pretty soon there'll be less of you for them to look at. If anybody looks askance at me, I immediately picture THEM nekkid and think, "Tsk...look at me, will you? You're not such hot stuff yourself, y'know.."
Mary, so far as I know, I still weight 168, and yes, it is outrageously hard, and sometimes I just want to jump up and down and scream because I'm not one of those people who can eat whatever they want and never gain and ounce!
PT, it sounds like there are actually some kinds of shots that might help your momma/granny. I sure hope so. I know that my hip gives me a lot of trouble every so often - bursitis - and I can't even begin to imagine how unbearable bone-on-bone pain must be. Poor lady, she is. Lucky to have you, though.
Freda, your little grandbabygirl is 8 already! I just can't believe how fast the time goes by, you know? My little grandbabygirl turned 10 in November and is in love with Justin Bieber. Ridiculous! Makes me feel very old. Oh, I didn't hear about the puppy in the mail! That is so horrible. People just flat out make me sick sometimes.
Bunti, I am SOOOOOO sick of snow! And cold! I always feel cold! I hate it! Just reading your post reminded me of why I hate it and how much I hate it! (I refuse to shovel it, tho....I may be a raging feminist in most areas, but when it comes to snow removal, I'm perfectly willing to let that be a "masculine activity".)
Hi Sherry - yup, we just keep on keeping on, don't we? And yup, sunny here too, but WAY too cold for this ole' gal.
Rosey, I'm so glad that your dh is doing well, and glad, too, that you went to a baseball game! My dgd plays soccer, and we rarely miss a game (luckily they're in the spring, summer and fall) and I LOVE cheering and carrying on! Reminds me of when my own kiddos were out on the field in their little uniforms kicking that ball around...
Great car, dh has a Ford Freestyle AWD that looks a lot like that. We drove it down to NC when we went, and I swear, it felt like riding in a cadillac! Sunroof, heated seats....such luxury in comparison to my economical little Versa, but I do love mine. Just probably not for 12 hour drives. And by the way, Lady, that weight loss is DEFINITELY showing! Way to go!
Okay, if I missed anybody, apologies, but this has become way too long and I need to have my long, luxurious bath now. It's the best way I can think of to get nice and warm when it's so frigid and ugly outside.
Have a great day, my sister GG's!!!!

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Old 02-20-2011, 11:34 AM   #288  
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Hello GG's, sisters of the heart! I wasn't on yesterday, had a really long day! Got up in the morning caught a plane to Vancouver - tested Therapy dogs for the Childrens Visitation Program - these ones are going to be going to Children's Hospital and working in the Reading Tails Program in the schools. Tested 10 teams - absolutely awesome dogs and handlers!!!! The kids that they rounded up for me to use were another story - they didn't need parental supervision - they needed an exorcist!!!! I have suggested to the Co-ordinators down there that they next time they use kids that they have parents there, or their Cadet Divisional Superintendant present to ensure their behaviour - I was ready to scream!!!! Then back on the plane to come home - a 16 hour day - and still had to beg forgiveness from Kenney ( our African Grey) for abandoning him all day. Tired today - just going to veg and tidy up, and maybe get some groceries. Love to all!

Last edited by Tea Granny; 02-20-2011 at 11:35 AM. Reason: typos
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Old 02-20-2011, 11:39 AM   #289  
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Good Morning Sister/girls

It's a dark, dreary morning here, with a freezing sno/rain in the forceast. We usually get one every spring. It's beautiful to look at, looks like a winter wonderland. But does so much damage. Not looking forward to it. At least I'm not working tomorrow so I can stay home and build a fire if necessary. Yes, lots of times we lose electricity with downed lines. Going grocery shopping this morning to pick up staples, but actually, I have a well loaded pantry and could make it quite a while without it. Just the inconvience. No computer? Heaven forbid! So, if you, by chance, don't hear from me for awhile, that may be the reason. Went shopping yesterday for Birthday gifts that DGD wanted and found NONE!!! Went everywhere! What to do? Oh well, I have a week.

Bobbi, I love the water container. I've seen them before and they are really quite attractive. I've seen many different types/colors. But I like ice water. Lots of ice! I have a new resolve, to give up cola. I saw the new report that says it can cause CA. Not a real big concession here, I don't drink that much any way.

Z, When is your Dr. appointment? Good luck and I hope they get to the bottom of the problem. And, I'd wager that exercise is going to be a part of that prescription! It is hard to find time to get regular exercise. Do you get a lunch at work? Can you take a walk there? Every little bit helps. Even 10 min.s at a time.

Lynn, Have a good time with DD.

Karen, You spoiled thang! Kidding. Love the new car. DH and I both are getting new cars since it's retirement time. We're saying these will be our last cars. I hope not. I fully intend tolive to be 100 at least and drive right up untill the bitter end! They (probably my kids/grandkids) will have to pry the keys out of my hands. And I agree with Z, I can tell you have lost weight.

Rosie, Glad DH bad the Bandaid surgery. I hope he is home now and doing well. So much easier than the old type surgery where they cut you from stem to stern!

Tea GRanny, What a wonderful thing to do. And I have to agree that kids need supervision. And a lot of them need to learn maners. We've taught our kids and hopefully they show when they are in public. But I do know a lot who haven't been taught anything! What ever happend to teaching kids little things like "thank you" and "please"?

Sherri, I have a little ShihTzu too. They are such a loving breed, but aren't most? We adopted him when he was 15 months. One of our Doctors goes to a foreign country every year with doctors across boarders. he has been giving sugar shots, which seems like what you're talking about. what it does it inflame the area where it is injected, which encourages the area to heal it's self. I was even thinking about getting it too, when my back was acting up. It's just sugar, so it's absorbed, no chemicals.

Benti, I go to work in the dark and come home in the dark too. 12 hour days. Very depressing. but summer is coming soon. I can really tell the days are getting longer.

mary, gigs? for your computer? Forgive me, I am totally ignorant when it comes to computers.

Pam, Welcome! Look forward to getting to know you. It's amazing that you've lost 28 pounds. Gives you incentive to go on.

Nancy, Of course i'm glad SO went back to work, but like Z, a lot of the joy would be having a moment to myself. My DH has retired and I would KILL for a whole day for myself. Well, maybe not....well maybe.....

Everyone, have a blessed day

Last edited by the slim me; 02-20-2011 at 11:54 AM.
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Old 02-20-2011, 12:00 PM   #290  
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Good Morning, All...
Our touted snowstorm failed to materialize... once again, those overpaid WeatherFools confused us with another state! Bah!

Glynne/Gayle, your GD is SO sweet (well, she certainly looks sweet!). Regardless, she's beautiful! Thanks for the picture. And that butt didn't look bad!

Rosey, so glad your DH is home where he belongs! I hope he feels ever so much better. I'm sure he's happier being at home with you; I suspect he worries about you, too! You seem to be a good couple, and I find you two refreshing! WHEN ARE YOU GETTING YOUR NEW SCALE???? I'm anxious to hear the news. Thanks, too, for writing to Ruth. She's a delight, and I hope you two can strike up a friendship. You remind me of each other.

Freda, the Motrin finally kicked in, and Granny/Mom went to church last night for the first time in a few weeks. She'd been afraid to take more than 1 tablet every other day because she was scared of all the hype about stomach bleeding. It's a major miracle that she's taking 2 tablets TID, but it seems to be working! I'll call the ortho guy on Tuesday and hope that we can get in sooner than later. I have high hopes for the injections or SOMETHING.

And you talked about that no-redeeming-social-value creature who mailed the puppy? I couldn't believe how STUPID she is... and she has a son, so she was able to BREED. She was sending it to her son for his birthday, so I suppose we should give her the fact that her heart was in the right place. Maybe. I hope the pup finds a good home... did you see the picture? What an adorable face!!

Mary, so sad about your son's pending divorce. Does it seem that people don't work on things anymore? It's easier to just give up and move on to the next one... I hope the relationships with the grandbabies stay intact.

KarenFL, is your doggie okay? I can just imagine how scary that was!

KarenMO, oooh, purdy... nice to have a new car. And this is a high compliment, my friend: "hey, girlie, your britches are baggy!"

Pam, good job.... and wecome!

TeaGranny, you have a wonderful job! I'm so impressed with the stature, intelligence, and worthiness of the people on this site. You're all just pretty way cool, that's all I can say!

PT/Zoe, the saying is supposed to be: "pounds are not lost; they are released!" Therefore, your wee pounds are probably out somewhere blissfully eating those avocados and making baby pounds! If they're lost, they have to be found!

I'm down 3.2# since I went back OP, and I feel so much better! I really feel like caca when I'm eating like a slop hog, and I don't know why I can never seem to remember that or to care about that when I'm shoveling it into my mouth! Onward and downward!

Laffalot, Bunti, Isabella, Lyn, Bobbi, Lynn, NCNancy, anyone else I passed... hope your day is a good one. Everyone, be safe... and warm and dry!!

Last edited by jess1; 02-20-2011 at 12:06 PM.
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Old 02-20-2011, 01:21 PM   #291  
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Bobbi you are much more disciplined than I ! I too think the crust is the best
part of an apple pie if it's a good crust (not all are), but I like the inside too. I keep telling myself this dieting is not rocket science. I understand about
nutrients and calories. My problem is simply discipline!! I just can't seem
to wrap my mind around the fact that I MUST eat so little for the rest of my life let alone that I must eat very few carbs due to diabetes. So far I've been
blessed not to have many healthy issues but common sense tells me that I must get a handle on my eating permanently or I will have problems. I do better when I plan my foods in advance instead of opsting after I eat or even while eating so today once again I am doing that. I have been journaling every bite but while or after eating but I still find myself going over so hopefully going back to planning before I eat may help. I think it depends a lot on the way I feel. Yesterday was a stressful emotional day and I used that
as an excuse to over indulge again, but apparently didn't do too badly as my weight did drop again a little bit.

It snowed all evening and most of the night. dh and I got out in it and took pictures to show family. Here we come south for the sun and we end up at 3400 ft with snow! LOL This was not a planned stop of course and we had no idea it was so high or we would not have come here. But it is beautiful and I have enjoyed being here. Now praying though that the snow will be gone before we leave on Tuesday for traveling ease. It seems to be melting pretty fast but we got a good 4-5 inches at least.

This morning I had eggs for breakfast. Usually when I have eggs I have one whole egg and one white (cholesterol issues),but this morning I thought of cutting the one yolk in half. Less cholesterol and calories. I used 1 t. Smart Balance to scramble it in. I also had one slice of Sara Lee WW bread (45 cal), fresh orange juice (love the oranges we buy down here!) and a light mocha drink. It was all yummy and I'm off to a good start on my eating day.
LOL Why is it all about food with me?!!

I'm reading R is for Ricochet by Sue Grafton....kinda old but I hadn't read it and I usually enjoy her books.

Well dh is calling me so better go, talk again later...
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Old 02-20-2011, 01:49 PM   #292  
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Hi all....I have many years of practice but am already feeling guilty. The sun is shining and it it almost 80 here. Actually 79 so I lied a wee bit. Just got an email of Ginger Rogers(92) dancing the salsa with her grandson(29). Salsa! with a short skirt. Her legs looked good. I wanna be Ginger when I grows up.
Can hear DH watching it now. He will have a choice: stay alive or die if he compares me with her!

Karen....great car. But not red! pill every other day? ouch

Freda, Bunti and Rosey....stay warm.

Zoe....start easing self back under the lamp. On top of poss physical problems you know you are affected by low sunlight. You have had a hellious winter.

Tea...what a wonderful thing you do for therapy dogs.

Laundry just binged....karen3

Last edited by Karen3; 02-20-2011 at 01:52 PM.
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Old 02-20-2011, 02:32 PM   #293  
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Hi all, Just read through all the posts from yesterday and this am. Yes, Z it's cold out here on the cape too and the wind has been howling for 48 hours.

I did make myself get out and walk - at least the sun is out and a few brave birds are singing.

Tea - Wow traveling all the way to Vancouver to test therapy dogs. You rock! When we finally get a dog again i want to train it to do therapy work. We're looking for a medium sized "mutt".

Karen in FL - 79 degrees!!! I hate you (Not really)...wish I was there.

MaryL - hope the snow subsides for your upcoming travels

Jess - WOW Congrats on the 3.2 pounds gone.!! Hope they remain far from you off in some foreign country!

Slim Me - Hope the horrible you're having weather passes us by. It usually comes east to us in a day or so. Enjoy your day off by the fire place.

I'm off to have a B-day dinner with friends tonight. Yes, I will have a piece of cake..I mean really there has to be some consolation for turning the BIG 6-0!!!!

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Old 02-20-2011, 03:11 PM   #294  
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Hi Everyone - Just have a couple of minutes as I'm off the a Crown Jewels (formerly red hats) lunch & since I'm the "Queen", guess I'd better go, eh? It is sunny, clear & chilly here (-12C - near 0F; our -19C is 0F). But it is sooo good to have the sunshine! Catch you all later!
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Old 02-20-2011, 03:25 PM   #295  
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Happy Birthday Lyn!! I was checking and I didn't see anyone's name for today or tomorrow. Hope you have a WONDERFUL DAY!!!

Be back later.
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Old 02-20-2011, 05:05 PM   #296  
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Karen, I've noticed, too, that the birthday list isn't covering everyone... Mary's mistaken January 15th isn't showing up in February, and a lot of the other folks haven't added their names.

So......Everyone, if you want us to sing to you on your birthday, go to the 50+ forum and add your name to the Birthday List. And if you want us to check up on you if you disappear, PM Lynn and give her your phone # and emergency contact. She never sells the information to vacuum cleaner salesmen!!
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Old 02-20-2011, 05:06 PM   #297  
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Morning dh didnt get to come home yesterday,there was a question about his bile duct and if it still had a stone or not,they did a sp x-ray with dye.the test showed he had passed a stone but is ok to come home dh and dsil are going to pick him up..its been a fun weekend even with dh not here and the worry over him..i have to laugh and im such an airhead we were'nt at a baseball game but a basketball game..i started giggling sry about that. i went back and checked and i wrote bball lol.yes lots of snow and cold lol..Happy Birthday Lyn and many more.Tea we have taken our golden retreaver to the local nursing home to perform her tricks..she sits up,whisper speaks,loud speaks,shakes paws,hi fives,rolls over,plays dead dog,and holds a bisquit on her nose till u tell her she can have it then she tosses it in the air and catches it,she also will take something from me if i put it in a bag and when i tell her to take it to grampa she does..shes aneat love to work with dogs, neat job..Karen u can really see a deference you look awsome, wtg on the new wheels..congrats to all who have lost,its hard work the loosing and the trying..Courage doesnt always roar,sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying,I will try again tomorrow. i love this qoute..hoping you weekend is great rosey

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Old 02-20-2011, 05:15 PM   #298  
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Originally Posted by akrosey49 View Post
.Courage doesnt always roar,sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying,I will try again tomorrow. i love this qoute..hoping you weekend is great rosey
Love this least I do keep trying.
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Old 02-20-2011, 05:37 PM   #299  
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Happy Birthday Lyn. and remember, on your birthday has no calories! got to celebrate the BIG 60.
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Old 02-20-2011, 05:41 PM   #300  
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Just another quick note. We got the snow we were promised. Thank you so much weather man. It's pouring and the roads are slick. We were out shopping for 2 hours. Hadn't started on our way to Target but when we came out our car was already covered. We saw 3 accidents on the way home. Didn't look like anyone was hurt, or I would have stopped, just cars that had got out of controle and slid off the road. Went to the grocery store while I was out and picked up a few necessities and I'm home for the evening!

Everyone, if you're getting this mess, please drive carefully. stay safe

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