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Old 02-17-2011, 01:43 PM   #241  
Want to feel better
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Hello again ~

Taking a break from chores and stuff.

Got the 1.6 pounds that I gained when I "treated" myself off.

I am where Zoe is with the exercise ~ I know I need to do it, I know it would help me. Despite knowing all the reasons for needing it and it being good for me, I struggle to make myself do it.

My son's new girlfriend is encouraging to me about it. She shared with me that she has always had a weight problem since childhood. She was starting to have health problems (she's 37). Her doctor encouraged her to get the weight off. She looked at all her options and went the route of that weight loss medicine Alli. She has has good success with that ~ has lost 100 pounds. I don't know for what length of time she has maintianed that. She is feeling better and her health has improved. She exercises regularly and I have been asking her questions about that.

Well, I guess I've had a long enough break ~ dryer is buzzing ~ better get back to work.

Take care
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Old 02-17-2011, 03:22 PM   #242  
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Hi dh is back in the besides the ulcers they are doing further testing on his gallbladder..ive had lots of nervous energy so put it too use..cleaned stove and frig and microwave,swept and scrubbed the shower(i use a mr clean reach) all from a wheel exercised dd is coming tonite as grs has basketball game here this weekend..Jess dumping is diff for each person..mine is nausea,retching,feeling yucky and severe diarear..not pleasant..i would be happy to help your friend.send me her e-mail if she agrees.. thankyou for noticing my loss..i just hate not knowing whats wrong with dhhope we get answers soon. ttfn rosey

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Old 02-17-2011, 03:32 PM   #243  
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Quick check in...
Glynne, glad your weight came off okay... it's pretty frustrating to beat your head against the wall, be a slave to the scale and calories, and then have your weight go "Haha! You're up!".... And, WOW, to your SGF (I guess that's a good acronym for Son's Girl Friend!) for losing all that weight... and on Alli! That's one very determined lady! I think Alli might be hard on the body; if you slip up, you're severely punished. Good going for her! I'm impressed!!

Oh, Rosey, I'm so sorry your DH is back in the hospital! Your house will have to be repainted, since you're scrubbing the paint right off the walls! I hope he's okay... and I'll certainly ask my friend if she wants to email you. I bet she will! Her name is Ruth. She'll have plenty of time for emailing while she's recouping. Thanks!

PT/Zoe, I'm on pins and needles and wish your apptment was over! Good thoughts!

Now I'm going away for the rest of the day!

Last edited by jess1; 02-17-2011 at 03:32 PM.
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Old 02-17-2011, 04:09 PM   #244  
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Hi Everyone,

Did my volunteer work yesterday. Today, I am taking it easy. Spent some time with my DD & SIL this morning. Took photos of moving objects for my course tomorrow. Took a nap this afternoon. Just a lazy day.

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Old 02-17-2011, 06:58 PM   #245  
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My dh is in surg as i type..i know he will be ok,his brother is with him, wish it was me but dd will be here tonite and she will take a nervous was his gallbladder ttfn rosey
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Old 02-17-2011, 07:21 PM   #246  
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Evening like a 4 yr old everytime i pass a mirror think I should see a change. Not. Except for more spots nothing changed. Did my other big girl appointments today. So am now totally renovated. Boob squish and even teeth cleaned. Too bad they don't have a one stop does all for ladies.

Think I told you about DD's GF's son who was in Afghanistan and was on the cover of the book Restrepo. Anyway DD sent me the DVD which is a National Geographic documentary about this platoon's action. I had found the book hard and the DVD was even rawer. It was actually shot while the guys were being shot at and killed. No actors, no generals just young /old american kids. After working for so long with Nam Vets I have no idea how we are going be able to put these Vets back together again. This DVd is haunting me.

Gayle....Good job on the 1.6lbs. happy dances count as exercise!

Rosey....Sounds like that big guy you married has been carrying a lot of worry on his shoulders. As you get better he'll see how strong you are and capable that should make him better too.

Lynn....Had to laugh I misread and thought you were taking moving pictures while napping. What did you think of Survivor? That was the wildest elimation I ever saw....Gutsy of that Kristina not to give up her charm.

Boy made it to 7:15 before my body started screaming for pj's and bed. Still have sliding door open and air smell so fresh. Think I'll go to Home Depot tomorrow and get some new hanging pots. No bridge no appointments...nite,karen3

Rosey just saw your note....he's in my prayers and you too....hang in the girly you both will be fine..k

Last edited by Karen3; 02-18-2011 at 09:58 AM.
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Old 02-17-2011, 08:42 PM   #247  
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Omigosh, Rosey! Thoughts, prayers, hope for your dh to come through this with flying colors! Please, please let us know as soon as you can!
Oh, Karen3, I don't think I could watch that. I just can't believe...well, I HAVE to believe, obviously...but find it hard to believe that humanity hasn't figured out yet that war is no solution, and that the casualties stretch far beyond the battlefield. Years ago, when I worked with the freestanding mental health clinic, we had a lot of Viet Nam vets come through. War does terrible things to people that aren't confined to the physical, although that can be devastating enough. But the dreams and anxiety attacks and depression, etc., etc....just awful. I didn't realize...or maybe didn't remember that you had worked with that population, too.
Lazy days are my favorite kind, Lynn.
Congrats on the loss, Gayle.
Sooooo, had my appointment with the doctor. Did an EKG, and that was A-okay, which was a big relief. Doc postulated that thyroid dysfunction could create shortness of breath and some of my other symptoms, and of course a few other possibilities. I'm getting some lab work done in the morning and we'll see what that shows. I have to admit that I've been torturing myself over the past few days with thoughts of a heart attack while driving on the 'Pike, and I DO feel better knowing that that, at least, is highly unlikely. Testing for Diabetes, too, although Doc thinks that's pretty unlikely. Also ordering a colonoscopy. I don't know if I can handle that. May have to take a pass on that one. We'll see how pushy the doc is about it.
So, that's about it. My dd went with me - drove me, actually, and then when I got home, my ds and other dd came over to get the details, so I'm just now unwinding and getting ready to drift off to my bed. G'nite, my lovely GG's...(Hey, PT)

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Old 02-17-2011, 10:15 PM   #248  
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My thoughts and prayers are with you and your DH, Rosey. Hoe it all went well, and he has a speedy recovery.

Z - glad your check-up went ok so far. Must be a big relief.

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Old 02-17-2011, 10:26 PM   #249  
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Zoe, glad to hear from you...and that your checkup has been AOK so far. Keep us updated.

Rosey, sorry to hear about your hubby...You and he are in my prayers.
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Old 02-17-2011, 10:27 PM   #250  
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Hey G.G.s,
Well, SO made it through his first day back at work. He says his shoulder feels fine, but his legs are aching. He says after 3 & ½ months of being a couch potato, he’s just not used to being on his feet that long!

Rosey, I’m so sorry your DH is having to go through all that. Hopefully the worst is over now, & he’ll soon be home. I’m so glad your DD is taking you to the hospital to be with him. I know that will make you both feel better.

Zoe, I'm so glad your EKG was fine. What a relief for everyone! Hope the tests just find something that's easily treatable. Could all that worry be why you seem to have lost your appetite (usually a good thing for us “fat chicks”!)?

Tea Granny, that was a great NSV! I’m not sure I would have thought of using a stapler!

KarenMO, sorry to hear about your aunt’s accident. She does sound like quite a lady. Hope she’s not too sore today.

Freda, choosing a car, that’s a nice decision to have to make. Glad your weather’s improving. I think we’re all starting to see signs that Spring is coming.

Gayle, glad you got rid of the 1.6 lbs. from your treat. Yay! I too struggle to make myself exercise….uh wait a minute, no I don’t - I gave up! But, I do get out & walk when the weather permits. I also do about 15 minutes a day (started out at 5 min.) of exercises that I made-up/picked up from magazines. I’m not sure how that happened (or if it does any good), it’s just become part of my daily routine. (I don’t consider that exercise, because I don’t actually exert myself.) Oatmeal seems to be fully recovered, thank goodness. I’m really hoping the other cat, Sax, doesn’t get whatever it was she & Milky had. At least I know that antibiotic seems to cure it.

Donna!!! You sure are rough on my poor SO! Seems I haven’t convinced you of his “sterling qualities”. I CHOOSE to get up with him & fix his breakfast (yes, he dresses himself! LOL), because I feel guilty that he has to go to work & I don’t. Then I usually go back to bed & sleep a couple of hours! As I told Gayle, all my kitties seem to be fine, for the moment. How’s SamCat?

Lyn, I don’t think I commented on the 3 lbs. you “gained”. Seems like those darn scales have a mind of their own! We know if we “deserve” the gain, & if not, it’s soon gone! I try not to let the number on the scale bother me, too much.

Lynn, a lazy day sounds good. Hope you enjoyed it. Are we going to see any of those photos you’re taking for your course?

KarenFL, I like the idea of a “one stop does all for ladies”. Do you think they already have those somewhere? Seems like someone would have thought of it. I guess Spring has pretty much arrived for you! We’re having “Spring-like” weather, but I’m sure Winter’s not through with us yet.

Guess I should hush, I should be in bed!
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Old 02-17-2011, 11:22 PM   #251  
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Hi Everyone - Went for a walk skirting the icy spots this morning, then out for breakfast & this afternoon to our strata AGM & YAY, I'm not on the council anymore!! I even took the car in & washed it.......I think it almost fainted! I so enjoy hearing all of everyone's "happenings". It's only 8:15 here but I'm going to check email & go to bed early. You all take care, keep well, & happy. See you tomorrow.
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Old 02-18-2011, 12:51 AM   #252  
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Oh thankyou everyone you are all the best ..hes doing fine,i even got to talk to him..i feel better. Zoe so far so good on your tests im so ready for bed talk tomorrow. rosey
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Old 02-18-2011, 08:27 AM   #253  
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Good Morning! Rosey so glad that you were able to talk to your hubby. I'm sure that did make you both feel better.

I got on the wii this morning for the body test and it shows a loss of 1.5 pounds. WHEW!! I'll take it! It actually shows that I am at 171.3 so I put 171 on my sticker. I've decided if it is .5 or below I will take the lower number, if .5 or above I will take the higher number. I think that makes sense. Going to go and have some breakfast and then get my workout in. Talk to you later....
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Old 02-18-2011, 09:57 AM   #254  
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Morning....Just a quick note. GIRL POWER Works. YUP, last night we worried and prayed for Rosey and DH is better. We sure had Zoe in that same prayer and she got a decent report......Sister Power! Call it prayer or cyber hugs it works! karen3
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Old 02-18-2011, 10:16 AM   #255  
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If 3 Fat Chicks had a "like" button like Facebook ~ I'd be clicking on that ~ liking Karen3's post about Girl Power, Sister Power, Cyber hugs and Prayer ~ Love you all

Last edited by glynne; 02-18-2011 at 10:17 AM.
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