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Old 02-15-2011, 12:11 PM   #211  
Want to feel better
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Lynn ~ beautiful ~ your new do
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Old 02-15-2011, 12:14 PM   #212  
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Lynn, CONGRATS!!!!!!!! I'm proud of you!! You've really done a good job, and I admire your commitment to the goal! Yeah! I like the hair color picture, too!

That's it for today.... really!
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Old 02-15-2011, 12:24 PM   #213  
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Good Morning---Just a quick pop in since I just finished working out with the Wii and need to get in the shower. I had a good birthday and actually I ate too much! I hope to see at least a small loss on the scales Friday but guess I should be happy if I stay the same. I kind of feel like most of what I ate was high in sodium and today I am drinking enough water to float a battle ship!! But I had the omelet on Sunday and then yesterday had bbq ham sandwich with fries. Then last night the son brought home a pizza and I had a piece of that! I ended up feeling blah when I went to bed and ended up taking a gas pill just to feel better to get to sleep!! Hope I remember that the next time I want to overdo it!!

Lynn, I love the hair color! You look really happy with that "Happy Smile"

OK Got to go before someone beats me to the shower!!
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Old 02-15-2011, 01:05 PM   #214  
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Lynn, I believe that at one point, you said that your volunteer activities & photography class (and more, of course!) were making you FEEL younger; please be advised that you are also LOOKING younger (and happy!). I am so happy for YOU! Really great job with the weight, and I do like the hair color and style. Suits you nicely.

I shall most decidedly go for whatever appointment dd is able to wangle at short notice.

Have I mentioned lately how much I LOVE all of you GG's?
Well, I do!

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Old 02-15-2011, 03:38 PM   #215  
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Morning everyone..its a beautiful sunny day..had my coffee watching the birds with daisy..dh was still sleeping..hes tired,u never get any rest in the hosp and its wonderful to have him home..he has to take some meds and hes on a bland diet..
Zoe hope the apt goes well and its nothing serious but scares like that motivate me and we love you too.Lynn love the new hair and your smile says it all.Karen31 glad u had a great b-day.for all and hope your day is wonderful, rosey
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Old 02-15-2011, 07:17 PM   #216  
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I'm here but hurrying back under the covers....pheeeeew! They are burning the marsh down from us and it stinks so bad. Even with house closed up. Old gators, frogs and swamp crud. Blaaaah....actually giving me a headache. And having a beautiful spring day where the windows should have been open....yuck....nasty.....have to burn so we don't get fires, but couldn't they have done it when wind was blowing other way.....good for my diet everything smells like swamp and tastes yucky....byyyyyyye karen3
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Old 02-15-2011, 07:29 PM   #217  
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Eww, Karen3..fried reptiles and amphibians sound horrible! Hope you can open you windows soon.

Lynn - I agree with everyone else - love your new hairstyle and color.

Rosey - glad hubby is home and resting. Hopefully the ulcers will heal quickly.

Everyone in the midwest reporting 40 degree days - can't wait 'till it makes it's way east...we are windy and cold today.

I weighed in and am up 3 pounds from last week Boo. Maybe it's water weight? I'm still doing my workouts and yoga and will hang in there.

Congrats to all you other "losers"

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Old 02-15-2011, 08:54 PM   #218  
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Hi evryone my dh picked up his perscriptions and bought me pink tulips,belated valentines gift aww i'll keep him. I posted one of our favorite recipes which i made for dinner tonite turkey crunch casserole,,its alittle diff but so good..hope u try it rosey

Last edited by akrosey49; 02-15-2011 at 09:09 PM.
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Old 02-15-2011, 11:34 PM   #219  
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Hi Everyone - Weigh in today & it was a good one! I lost 2 lbs so I am a happy camper! Atta girl Tea! Lynn: Love the new hair color. Zoe: Be sure to get things all checked out NOW. And Rosey I hope you DH is doing better . Thoughts are with everyone. It was nice & warm today - about +8C & sunny for most of the day. Nearly beach weather! So good to see what everyone is doing. TTYL.
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Old 02-15-2011, 11:35 PM   #220  
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Shoot! The ticker didn't change..........wonder what I did wrong........I'll try again. TTYL.
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Old 02-15-2011, 11:42 PM   #221  
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Well - I fixed it! ............I know, DUH!
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Old 02-16-2011, 09:52 AM   #222  
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Good Morning! Just a quick check in this morning before I get my workout in with the Wii.

Freda-- wasn't it you that said you were getting a Zumba video for your wii? How do you like it? I have a $20 off certificate for Best Buy and was thinking that might be a video that I would like. I've been looking at them and DDR. Do you have to have a game mat for Zumba?

Laffalot--Congrats on the 2 pounds lost!! I hope to see that too this week...going to be tough though with all that I ate over two birthdays!

OK I'll be back after while--I want to get this workout in and then maybe go and get my haircut again--it is driving me crazy(ier)!!

Last edited by Karen31; 02-16-2011 at 09:54 AM.
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Old 02-16-2011, 10:01 AM   #223  
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Good Morning Golden Girls!
Another beautiful warm day here, DH is going to wash the outside windows. It's going to be in the 50's tomorrow! I'm going to spend some time in the kitchen cooking 'stuff'.
Lyn...Take another picture of your new doo, my eyes aren't picking up much on the picture. Too much light in the picture and I can hardly see your hair color. (must be just me?) My headaches are about every 3rd day now, a big improvement plus they aren't so severe. I'm only doing Dr. Bones and the laser treatment once a week now.
Laff...what's your real first name? Congrats on the 2 lb. loss.
I lost 2 lbs so I am a happy camper

Rosey...the Turkey Crunch casserole sounds like something my mom used to make. How much of it can you eat? I'm thinking your DH will be on a very bland diet for awhile, good luck on that one.
Lyn...last Sunday nite DH made Taco's and all the fixin's and I was up a few pounds the next morning. Even my eye lids were puffy. I dranks lots and lots of water the next day and dropped the weight easily. Did you eat something salty?
KarenFla...Gee, I hadn't thought of you living among the gators, do you see them often? Can you enjoy your yard without worrying about gators sneaking up on you? Scary! Oh, I wanted to tell you about last nights supper. Since we still have tons of chunky applesauce in the freezer, I made your apple omelets last night. I know you use fresh apples but the chunky applesauce worked out great. I chopped up crisp bacon and put in DH's omelet and I used the cardboard tasting lean turkey bacon in mine. It was delicious anyway, DH loved his.
Old gators, frogs and swamp crud.

Hey Zoe...back in the groove huh? I'm thinking you'll get our nice warm weather soon. continue to amaze us with your new determination, you go girl!
Donna and Glynne...what's happening with you two today? I know you both live in warm weather most of the time, any thoughts of gardening? I've got 5 herb pots started and put under a 'Grow Light'. They're not doing very well.
Freda...funny you should mention my chickens, I actually did make a homemade angel food cake when I had all those eggs. It was the first and last homemade I ever made. I can't remember the exact number of egg whites it took, but it was like 12 eggs I had to use. The box mix is cheaper to make and easier. I did find something I forgot about in the freezer for my strawberries, some SF cupcakes I made from a box mix. (Pillsbury sugar free cake mix) I used canned pumpkin pie filling in them instead of oil and it was good with the berries over them and low calorie.
Bobbi, too bad you don't have those chicekns and all those eggs still. You could do a homemade angel food cake.

Any of you watch the biggest losers last nite, I thought arthur was going home for sure. What a surprise he lost 20 pounds.
Hi Tea granny, how ya doing today?

Have a good one, Bobbi
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Old 02-16-2011, 10:31 AM   #224  
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Good Morning Ladies. I'm just stopping in to say Hi - gotta hit the road. Way to go Laffalot Have a safe day everyone - you all truly inspire me to keep on track and to not give up!
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Old 02-16-2011, 10:40 AM   #225  
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Morning...High tide put out the burn and the windows are open. Perfect Spring day. Up early since as soon as my eyes opened I realized today is first laser zap day. hmmmmmm 1pm.....Denist just called and tomorrow is cleaning day.....wonder what shape I'll be in tomorrow???? I know pull up my big girl drawers.

Laff....2Lb! great

Rosey....ahhh what a keeper to bring you tullips.

Lynn.....perfect with just a hint of color. Your smile lite up the room.

Bobbie....we have lots of gators, wild hogs even bear around here. A panther was spotted about 3 miles inland. The canal behind our house always has a gator cruising along. In 11 years we have never told our dogs that there is water in the canal. They swim in the pool so they aren't gator lunch. We have a seawall with steps down to a dock and keep a gate across the steps. This area is called the Nature Coast and there are more "nature" things than people. A great area for an old retired hunter and Dh is happy. Watched BL last night and really don't like Arthur. Maybe they way they edit him but he whines and uses everyone. That truck push was a joke...I've pushed a truck once it gets rolling it isn't hard to keep it going....and he needed help.

Karen...You are not only gettin thinner but now with Zomba-ing you'll be younger!

Zoe....28 days until DST starts!

off the shower and shampoo. No creams or oils on my face. Be back later with whine or cheer......did i say i was excited....karen3

Last edited by Karen3; 02-16-2011 at 11:05 AM.
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