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Old 02-06-2010, 04:26 PM   #76  
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Zoe, if you have sore muscles from the exercising you are holding on to fluid in the muscles. When the soreness goes away so will the extra fluid and whoosh so will the extra ounces and possibly a few pounds as well.

It's still snowing and it's starting to accumulate. We went for a short walk to MIL's this afternoon and were soaked when we got there as the snow is very wet and heavy. We had to put our outer wear in the dryer so we wouldn't be wet walking home. It was hard walking as well.

This is my front yard this afternoon.
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Last edited by retiredone; 02-06-2010 at 04:42 PM.
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Old 02-06-2010, 06:04 PM   #77  
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OMG love the snow angel rosey
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Old 02-06-2010, 08:01 PM   #78  
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Isabella, LOVE the picture!! I think it would be so much fun to sit down with you and Zoe and drink coffee or tea... and just LAUGH............
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Old 02-07-2010, 01:41 AM   #79  
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Just heading to bed. Thanks for all the birthday wishes. I did have a good birthday, with my sons, which was exactly what I wanted.

I'm going offline for the weekend. I need a break from stalking the email and Internet. It's time to get back into real life.
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Old 02-07-2010, 07:12 AM   #80  
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Hello Golden Girls. I'm new to the site, but looking forward to getting to know all of you. I finally woke up from the stupor I was in and summoned the courage to step on the scale. Of course, I knew it was going to be bad but it was actually much worse than I thought it would be. I need to lose 50lbs!So that was my wake up call a couple of weeks ago. Since then I have been eating clean and exercising daily which has resulted in a loss of 4lbs.

Today will be a difficult day because we are having a SuperBowl party. I live in S. Louisiana, so we are Saints fans. I am just planning on handling it as a planned cheat. There will be a veggie tray and I have some hummus. I will probably have a couple of beers as well. I bought the 64 calorie type Wish me luck, LOL!
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Old 02-07-2010, 09:24 AM   #81  
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Originally Posted by retiredone View Post
It's still snowing and it's starting to accumulate. We went for a short walk to MIL's this afternoon and were soaked when we got there as the snow is very wet and heavy. We had to put our outer wear in the dryer so we wouldn't be wet walking home. It was hard walking as well.

This is my front yard this afternoon.

I LOVE your new Avatar! Did you make the snowman?

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Old 02-07-2010, 09:25 AM   #82  
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Originally Posted by Releve View Post
Hello Golden Girls. I'm new to the site, but looking forward to getting to know all of you. I finally woke up from the stupor I was in and summoned the courage to step on the scale. Of course, I knew it was going to be bad but it was actually much worse than I thought it would be. I need to lose 50lbs!So that was my wake up call a couple of weeks ago. Since then I have been eating clean and exercising daily which has resulted in a loss of 4lbs.

Today will be a difficult day because we are having a SuperBowl party. I live in S. Louisiana, so we are Saints fans. I am just planning on handling it as a planned cheat. There will be a veggie tray and I have some hummus. I will probably have a couple of beers as well. I bought the 64 calorie type Wish me luck, LOL!
Hi Releve,

WELCOME! Good luck for your team and your eating plan today. Most of all, ENJOY!

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Old 02-07-2010, 09:42 AM   #83  
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Good Morning, Everyone,

OK - have the Florence part of the trip planned. Reserved our rooms for 3 nights (photo of hotel below) and got us opera tickets for Saturday night - La Traviata (photo of opera house below). Now on to the Tuscany hill town of San Gimignano.

Got out of the house today. Braved our icy driveway and went to the gym & did a little shopping. Hope to stop my my DD's to have her take my picture for my new Avatar.

The Winter Challenge is almost over. Time to start thinking about a Spring Challenge. Give me ideas for what you would like.

Have a GREAT Super Bowl Sunday,

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Last edited by ladyinweighting; 02-07-2010 at 09:47 AM.
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Old 02-07-2010, 11:19 AM   #84  
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Good afternoon ladies. It snowed all night and there are still a few flurries falling but everything is quite mild and as I type I can see the middle of the road is starting to melt and I can see the pavement. That means slush!!! I did get out for my walk this morning and then shoveled snow from the front walk and deck and did the back walk and deck. The snow is so heavy but I had no trouble as I think my arms and back are much stronger from the exercise and strength training I'm doing.

Welcome to the Golden Girls and 3FC, Releve. Come and chat as often as you like. Many of us are here every day and some several times a day. It's a whole new set of friends.

Lynn, I made the snowman yesterday just before it got dark and took the picture. I was tempted to call it "Isabella and DH." I had to clean the snow off his face this morning so he could see what was going on. Haha. Your trip itinerary is starting to sound really good. Wish I had someone to travel about with. DH thinks a trip to town is a momentous occasion.

Have a good weekend, Georgia. Glad your birthday was so enjoyable.

Hi Rosey and Donna. I guess if you have lemons you make lemonade. If you have snow you make snowmen.

A cup of something hot wouldn't go astray right now. DH is cleaning and replacing the elbow in the chimney coming from the furnace. It's a good day to do it as it's not cold outside (relatively speaking) but it's getting a bit chilly in the house. I guess it's sweater time. We had a power outage earlier this morning and the house had cooled down then and now he's working on the furnace. Yes, I think something hot is definitely in order. I've been thinking hot chocolate but I'll settle for herbal tea.

Hello to everyone and have a good winter day. Catch you later.
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Old 02-07-2010, 11:27 AM   #85  
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Good Morning, All...
Releve (is that your real name?), welcome! This is a good group!

Lynn, I'm already SO envious! What beautiful buildings! Thanks for the pictures... oh, you're going to have such a good time!!

Have a good Sunday, everyone! I'm taking Granny to have dinner with her grandkids, so that'll be fun. It's snowing, but I don't think it'll amount to much, and we haven't had any for quite a while.

Stay warm and safe!
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Old 02-07-2010, 04:23 PM   #86  
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Morning everyone..nothing new to report..dh waiting for the super bowl.we'd rather it was the vikings playing sigh.. we had 8 inches of wet heavy snow..cant make snow angels with that but it would makea killer snow man ..welcome Releve Lynn the pics are beautiful what fun for u and your dd..jess hope your time out is fun too..Donna luv the snowman ..have agreat sunday everyone ttfn rosey
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Old 02-08-2010, 12:07 AM   #87  
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I said I wasn't going to step on the scale this month but I couldn't stop myself. So this morning I found out I've lost three more pounds!

Freda, congratulations on your aerobic workout! I used to love doing aerobics, but now have to hold off because I'm concerned about injuries to my knees (again.) I will probably get back into that after I lose some of this weight!

Lynn... have fun planning your trip! I'm so happy for you that you get to go somewhere. The Florence hotel looks soooo inviting! Stay warm in that storm you're having...

Donna, I too love the photo. You inspired me to post one of my own.

Rosey, hope you're staying warm in the midst of all that snow! I see you live in Alaska, so you're probably used to it. We haven't had much snow here in the Klamath-Siskiyou Mountains this year -- at least not much down at the level where my house is - only 1100 feet elevation. I live near the river and whenever it snows, it melts here first.

Karen, congratulations on the two-pound loss! I was just thinking about buffets as we're planning to go out of town soon, and Bob usually likes to stop at a Chinese buffet. I'll have to be careful about what I eat there, if we go to one.

Georgia, Happy Belated Birthday!!! I love your idea for designing clothes. You're inspiring me! Have fun on your offline weekend.

Isabella - I did my weight lifting today - but I've discovered the weights we bought were 5lbs. each, so that's what I have to start with. I don't feel stronger yet. LOL .. I saw your snow photo. Stay warm with your snow-hubby!

Zoe, I know it is harder to lose when you get close to goal. I will celebrate my three-pound loss while I can.

Releve, welcome to the site. I'm new here too. People here are warm, friendly, inspiring, encouraging, and full of good ideas like yogurt and oatmeal. Congratulations on the four pounds lost!


Last edited by ToBThinAgain; 02-08-2010 at 12:08 AM.
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Old 02-08-2010, 09:42 AM   #88  
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Good Morning!
I quickly scanned the last two days worth of messages and my head is bubbling with responses but no time. We still have the crew of carpenters here today and tomorrow, I'll tell you all about it later in the week. I like your new picture Lynn...I'm going with you to Italy, in my mind. Actually you can put your pedometer on, take pictures and post them on our exercise across the country. Then we'll all be able to be with you.
Gotta go, bye

A Good Way to Ditch Belly Fat (Without Dieting)
It's not that slice of cheesecake that goes straight to your belly bulge. It's the couch lounging.
In a recent study, one group of overweight people lost significant amounts of belly fat over 8 months, while another group gained more belly bulge. Yet both groups ate about 2,000 calories a day. The difference? Exercise. The losers exercised about 3 hours a week.
A Little or a Lot
But not just any form of exercise will do. It was high-intensity cardio that helped the overweight exercisers carve out their middles. If you can't commit to 3 hours, know this: Working out less frequently -- and at a more moderate pace -- is also an option. A third group that took this approach didn't lose any belly fat; they didn't gain any, either. A decent accomplishment, considering they also downed about 2,000 calories daily. (Keep your portions under control with this easy-to-use formula.)
Get the Most from Both
So the take-home message is that even a little exercise helps keep your middle mini. And just imagine what you could do if you cut back on calories, too? Truth be told, not only would your jeans fit better, but also you'd reduce your risk of health problems like metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and heart disease.

Last edited by Bobbolink; 02-08-2010 at 09:43 AM.
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Old 02-08-2010, 10:16 AM   #89  
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Shockingly cruel morning...I stepped on the scale and am up 7 lbs. Don't know why, but since yesterday my hands are puffy and stiff. I know it's all water, because I didn't overindulge in any way. And I'm on a water pill, so this is very confusing to me. I will spend the day with increased water intake and we'll see where that will take me. Do you think my one martini on my birthday may be the cause?

Linda, I'm glad caving to the scale produced positive results for you.

And Releve, congrats on getting on path that brought you your weight loss and to us as well. As for the Superbowl results, I imagine Cajuns have been dancing the fais do do throughout every parish, all night long, and the festivities will continue through Mardi Gras. I used to live in Lafayette, and I know that no celebration rivals a football win. Heck, even in California, my sons are begging me for a king cake this morning!

Okay, it's time to put the coffee on and get boys to the breakfast table. More later...
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Old 02-08-2010, 10:44 AM   #90  
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Auuuurrrgh. Monday already? Lazy girl hopped back on the wagon - well, walked beside it, actually - with Leslie for that long hop, skip and jumping mile this morning. Good for me. The weekend was such a bust. After that half pound gain on Saturday, I was pretty bummed and feeling like my efforts had gone nowhere so I went ahead and ate whatever I wanted. Wasn't all that much, in retrospect, but I didn't bother counting every morsel that passed my lips, AND I had some pizza. Tsk. Naughty me. The pizza came from "Fresh City" which promises all fresh & organic ingredients. Who knows, right? Sure was good, tho. Then yesterday, we went to Trader Joe's and I bought some kind of little chocolate lava cake (two individual servings) for a big bash of a dessert before starting my calorie counting again today. Newsflash. It wasn't all it was cracked up to be. One bite and I was done with it. This is a bit of a breakthrough for me - typically, I would inhale anything sweet whether I particularly liked it or not. My palate seems to be getting a little more discerning lately.
Isabella, WONDERFUL pic of you and the DH!!!! The snow angel picture ALMOST had me wanting to run out into my own backyard and make one. Almost. Then I thought about clomping through all those drifts, getting all wet and snowy, and I quickly decided that it was more fun thinking about YOU doing it than actually doing it myself! (You know - kind of the same way I feel about all the exercising you and our sister GG's seem to do ).
And Lynn...lovely new avatar, m'dear. My, it looks like we're all spiffing up for spring, doesn't it?
Bobbi, thanks for the reminder about the value of exercise.....I know I can always count on you to keep me moving (at least as much moving as you can push me into from a distance, that is.... ) Seriously, though, I just hope that I can come somewhere close to your fitness level - say halfway, at least - before this year is up. AND I intend to reach my goal weight (140-ish, I think) by the end of this summer. I'm not looking for any quick fixes; just a gradual increase in my physical capacity, and a gradual decrease in weight. I really, really mean to do that.
Linda, I love the picture - with your grandbaby, is it? Oh, I just love having grandbabies! Aren't they just the BEST....?
Hi Releve, welcome to "our place". This is the best group on the web.
Hi Rosey - snow, snow, snow. Bleeeccchhhhh. I am pining for spring. I want to see my tulips and daffodils come up (and they'd better get a move on!)
Hi Freda - I'm so glad you're moving about more comfortably now!
And, psychic twinnie Donna - good morning and happy week of the 7th!!!! The sun is shining (for now, anyway) and I am really determined to lose a pound at least this week. If I don't, could you please lose one for me? As it is, I seem to have found at least part of one that you lost last week. Could you please send it in some other direction this time around? I sure would appreciate it!
Happy Monday GGG's!!!!!!! (GORGEOUS Golden Girls!)

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