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Old 02-03-2010, 09:47 AM   #31  
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Good Morning!
Much banging, pounding and sawing going on around here. I kicked Hubby out of the house this morning, he was starting to get on my nerves. Pacing, pacing, pacing while the carpenters were tearing up the basement. He's type A, doesn't like anyone rippling his pond.
I finally got on the scale this morning and am up 5 pounds, eck! Today I will go back to counting calories, will have to guess on the homemade chili I made yesterday. I didn't put it into Fitday so no clue how many calories are in it. I'm not touching the cake or cookies I made yesterday, honest. If there is one thing I've learned from the past, get right back on the turnip truck if you get kicked off.
Have a great day everyone!
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Old 02-03-2010, 11:05 AM   #32  
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That's right, Bobbi - right back on the wagon, and those pounds will be gone in no time flat. (Especially with all the moving around you do!) In my case, I'm still quite happy to report that I walked again this morning with my friend Leslie, so maybe we can turn this into a nicely entrenched habit sooner or later. I was thinking that maybe I could start joining in on your "walking trip", but I'm still feeling like a mile a day is pretty lame. Of course it WOULD enable me to see some of the details that you faster chicks undoubtedly power walk right past; you know, like leaves floating on puddles, (I could watch as they float from one side of the puddle to the other, even ) and stuff like that.
Anyhoo, we had snow flurries this morning, nothing that did much sticking, and the roads were okay, but DH had to leave before I did (He picks up our granddaughter for school every morning) and I told him I could brush off my own car - and when I went out to do it, discovered that I don't have a snow brush-scraper-thingie in my car! I had a little tiny plastic scraper that was in the glove compartment with the car dealer's logo on it, but no brush, which is what I needed. Good thing I had a roll of paper towels in the back, but I need to get my own brushes out of DH's van which is where everything got put when we cleaned out my old car and switched me into the new one. Darn.
I've been having a bit of fun shopping for new bed linens for the guest son is coming for a visit in April, and I decided to do it all in shades of off white/ivory and vanilla - tailored stuff with monograms on the sheets - everything's on sale this month, so I'm going to take advantage. Found a really nice vanilla-colored cylindrical rough pottery vase, too - about 16" tall and maybe 8" in diameter - that I'm going to put some dark brown sticks into. New picture frames, too, for the family photos that I have in that bedroom. I have some really nice candid shots that I had DH photoshop into sepia tones, so they'll be perfect in wide wooden frames in the ivory/vanilla color. It'll all be nice and airy for spring. We all might go down to visit with my sister for a few days in No. Carolina, too. Time for the family to have a little get together again, methinks.
Oh, last night for supper (and it was a LATE supper, too, by the time I got it all finished) I made soup with a V-8 base, italian style chicken sausage, mustard greens, carrots, celery, onions, black beans, diced tomatoes...I think that's it - I threw a lot of stuff in there - and seasoned it with black pepper, a little cumin, some Mrs. Dash sun dried tomato & garlic seasoning (salt-free) and some dried parsley flakes. It was really hearty - which we needed, considering that we didn't get our supper until after 8:00 - and tasty. I put the pot out on the sunporch overnight (no danger of it spoiling in this weather) and we'll freeze it in individual serving-sized containers when I get home tonight. From the best I can calculate of the individual ingredients, I'm guessing at about 300 calories per bowlful. I think that's figuring on the high side, but I figure better high than not counting enough and going over, you know?
Well, that's about it for me this morning. Eyes doing any better, Lynn? Hoping your daughter's feeling better today, too.
Catch everybody later,

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Old 02-03-2010, 11:54 AM   #33  
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Good Morning, All
Zoe, you're getting into the exercise HABIT! Did you ever think it would happen? I'm persevering with Leslie, although I have to do it in small increments, because it HURTS. Eventually, and it won't take too long, I'll be able to do it without pain. You've inspired me, girlie!

Has anyone listened to the link I provided? It's worthwhile!

Nothing to report. EVERYTHING is status quo, stable, boring, call it what you want... everything!

Have a lovely day, safe and warm!
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Old 02-03-2010, 12:37 PM   #34  
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Good morning all

I am happy with myself so far on my new schedule ~ have made better food choices, walked today and working on the water. I am so thankful for this new opportunity and the chance to feel better and improve my health and feeling happy because I will now have time to work on all the stuff around home that I have not been able to get to. I don't need those antidepressants the dr prescribed for me ~ I am high just at the thought of all the stuff I want to do and will now have time to do

Will check back later ~ hope you all are having a good day.

Take care
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Old 02-03-2010, 12:39 PM   #35  
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Good morning mie bellezze,

Got home from the divorce settlement hearing late yesterday. It went well, it's all done but the shouting, and barring any last minute madness, I will be free and clear of the past on February 22. Today I'm feeling very free, centered and happy. The sun is shining brightly in California and life is full of promise.

Thanks to everyone for your support. I means a lot to me!

So, my new copy of Crack the Fat Loss Code arrived last night. I'm going to spend the day reading that, then move the Wii downstairs so I can get in some exercise.

I'm also going to do some reading online here so I can catch up on all of you and get to know you better. Then I can hang out with you more meaningfully.

Have a lovely day!
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Old 02-03-2010, 03:00 PM   #36  
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Georgia, hang in there. This will be good! Gayle, I'm glad you're liking the new job and lifestyle! 2010 is a GOOD year, yes??

I finished the first full mile of WATP! The hurting comes from my hips. They cramp up, and it just SUCKS. I've been having problems with my legs lately, anyway, and this will help, I'm sure. I feel pretty darn good about myself. It might not seem like anything to even notice, but this is a big deal for me! I'm the poster girl for Couch Patootie!!
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Old 02-03-2010, 08:49 PM   #37  
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Hello Gals. I had a relatively busy day today. First I got up and made dinner as I had a dental appointment (cleaning) just before dinner (lunch) and wanted DH to have a good hot meal while I was gone. Then I got a phone call from the dentist's office canceling the appointment. The hygienist had a car accident driving to the office and totaled his car. He's OK, but wasn't up to working today. The appointment is rescheduled for next Wednesday. Then I went for my walk, got home and brought some wood in for the furnace as I didn't have to get dinner ready. After dinner went to church to the free clothing store, came home made supper and then went to prayer meeting tonight. Oh, how I love retirement. I'm busy just doing what I want to do. While I was at church this afternoon while I was busy tidying up the shelves and sweeping the floor, etc. I found a nice pair of dressy brown boots that had been there forever. I took them home and polished them up and they look quite nice. They were hardly worn at all and the soles look almost new. I wore them to church tonight. Oh, and I also lost the dust pan this afternoon. I went through the garbage 3 times looking for it but it seems to have disappeared off the face of the earth.

Bobbi, that cake sounded so delicious. I love lemon more than chocolate and would chose a piece of lemon cake over chocolate any day. Send me a piece so you won't eat any more. Glad your head is starting to feel a bit better.

Donna, I'm going to listen to that link. Glad you mentioned as I was going back to listen and forgot.

Georgia, you sound like a free woman!

Gayle, you sound delighted with your new schedule. A daytime schedule should do wonders for you.

Zoe, you should come walk across the country with us. Those miles will add up. Your guest bedroom sounds like it will be very inviting to sleep in.

Sue, have you noticed that we are always near each other in the challenges and even in the BL challenge. Ha, ha.

Hi Rosey, that big bag of pretzels made me laugh and then I remembered that the Kraft Foods site has a strawberry dessert that uses pretzels in the crust. Trust the king of processed foods to make pretzels a fattening food.

, sounds like you had a good day with your DF. How is your eye coming along and is your DD's face healing up?

, believe it or not, I like to walk in the cold air. It's so refreshing if I'm dressed warm enough. I get really warm after a few minutes and start peeling off the hat and gloves to let in a little cold air to cool me off. And I do believe there are more calories burned in the cold weather trying to keep warm.

Freda, come and have a meal with us some day when you're in my neighborhood. I try to keep everything as healthy as I can so that will help with longevity as well as the exercise.

A big wave to everyone else. Have a good evening.
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Old 02-04-2010, 09:16 AM   #38  
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Good Morning Everyone,

Climbing back up on that wagon today. Between the week of VERY low-carb eating, the eye surgeries, and my DD's awful face treatment, I had a pretty evil eating breakdown the past couple of days.

OK - enough with the excuses. I ate junk, gained weight, and am ready to get back on track.

Off to a good start - 90 minutes at the gym and 60 minutes walking with my DF on the canal. Plan on a salad for lunch and some kind of good healthy dinner.

I think my 2nd eye is getting clearer. My DD's face is MUCH better. Hopefully, we will get our air tickets for Italy today or tomorrow so I can start nailing down sleeping arrangements for our trip.

Have a GREAT day everyone,

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Old 02-04-2010, 11:21 AM   #39  
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Good Morning everyone! Lynn, so glad that your eye is getting better and that your DD's face is so much better too.

I made a big mess up last night! After being on Crack the Fat Loss Code since January 18 and losing the weight that I have--- we went to dinner at Sirloin Stockade last night----NOTE TO SELF BUFFETS ARE NOT MY FRIEND!
I showed a big gain on the scales this morning but I know a lot is from all the salt in the foods. BUT none the less the gain is there. So I am being very strict with myself until I lose what I gained again. I hope I can continue with this way of eating but I love my carbs! For the past three nights (before last night) I just wanted a slice of bread! Should have stayed home last night and had A SLICE OF BREAD!

Have a great day everyone!!
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Old 02-04-2010, 11:22 AM   #40  
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Good Morning, All...

Chilly here!

I slept like a baby last night, and my hips did NOT ache! Far be it from me to expound the benefits of exercise, but I have to give credit to Leslie! That's the only thing I've done differently in years, so it has to be the reason! Good incentive to continue...

Lynn, I think I might be almost as excited about your trip as you are! It's going to be WONDERFUL, and I'm so glad your eye is clearing and that DD is doing better! What a nice treat for you both!

Hated scale shows a 3# drop, so I'll take one. As up and down as I am, I don't trust the numbers! I've been listing my daily foods on fitday in advance, and that's really making it easy for me to stay on track. Geez, even a little loss is encouragement to continue!!

Have a lovely day, everyone! Be safe and warm... eager to hear what you think of the link, Isabella. I thought it was worthwhile!
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Old 02-04-2010, 11:29 AM   #41  
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Morning...don't mean to ignore everyone but carpenters are here, plumber is here and cabinet maker is here. Some had to park out in the street on our very icy roads. Bummer!
Lynn...I just had to comment on our exercising across the country, you are smokin' girl!You'll regain the miles you lost in no time! A few summers ago I won a cooking contest from a local T.V. station, part of my winnings was a $100.00 gift certificate to Panera's. We don't have a Panera in our area but Rochester, Mn. had one. So we went over and had lunch, then used up the balance of the gift certificate on all kinds of breads. What delicious breads they make, lunch was awesome too. So enjoy your virtual lunch.

I am DEFINITELY going to Panera for lunch. LOVE their salads & whole grain rolls.
When Should You Take Supplements?
If you take daily supplements, vitamins or herbs, the following guidelines can help to lessen or prevent any side effects - and help to promote the full benefits supplements can provide:
1.Take your supplements during or right after a meal, unless directed otherwise, and drink plenty of fluids as well.
2.Take consistently to achieve maximum health benefits. It usually takes two to three months before you feel the full positive effects of adding nutritional supplements.
3.Take as indicated. Your supplements may be recommended or packaged for morning, noon or evening dosages, based on your individual health needs. For maximum benefit, take your supplements at the time of day indicated on the package.
In addition, keep your physician informed about your supplement usage.

Last edited by Bobbolink; 02-04-2010 at 11:32 AM.
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Old 02-04-2010, 12:45 PM   #42  
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Donna, I just finished watching that video. I really enjoyed it and sent the link to several people. You gals should all take time to watch this as it's about calorie management. Here's the link again.
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Old 02-04-2010, 12:46 PM   #43  
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Oh! Karen! I'm quite phobic about being around buffets, church potlucks, family holiday meals and cocktail parties. They're very dangerous for me. It's hard to avoid foods with hidden ingredients/fats/carbs.

Shake it off, Karen. It was just one eating event. You're already back on track!

I just finished reading about the depletion phase of the diet. So far, I like what I'm reading. I was never comfortable with the Atkins diet's free allowances of foods like bacon and other fats that really aren't healthy. Fat-Loss Code makes a lot more healthy sense.

Got to go buy lots of broccoli and spinach!
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Old 02-04-2010, 02:42 PM   #44  
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Ahhh...I'm late getting on today; I had an out-of-town meeting all morning and just got back into the office. Oh, yes, lazy girl walked with Leslie this morning; plan to walk with her again tomorrow and then give myself the weekend off for good behavior. Donna, I'm glad you're seeing some positive effects from the walking - so far, I've just experienced some soreness at the tops of my legs - right where they "hinge" onto my torso - kinda weird, but it's definitely soreness associated with movement, so once I get myself into the groove for good, it'll ease off. I have to say that I can't trust my "habits" just yet. I used to walk with Leslie last year faithfully for about five months, and then I just sort of stopped. So now I REALLY have to keep myself on plan, because I'm too old to be letting myself stagnate like that. If I allowed myself to STAY lazy, I'd soon be needing a walker to get around. Use it or lose it, right? OH - I watched that video last night, and it was very informative - very good. Thanks for sending it along to us! Oh, and congrats on the lost pounds, Donna!
SO glad that your daughter's doing better, Lynn - and that your eye is finally improving. You should both be in tip top shape for your travels in Italy. Sounds delightful.
Good info about supplements, Bobbi - I refused to take vitamins for years because of the icky taste, and the way they felt in my stomach. Now I've learned to take them with a bit of food.
Karen, we're all allowed our little slips here and there. The important thing about US (GG's) is that we may slip, but we always pick ourselves up and get right back to it again.
Isabella, I may just join you yet - but I really feel like I need to be up to at least 2 miles at a time before I do. Otherwise, you-all will just leave me in your dust.....
Hi again Georgia - glad to see that you're settling in here, even if you ARE just a junior-Golden Girl-in-training (JGGT)
Thas' all, folks....have a great day, y'all

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Old 02-04-2010, 02:46 PM   #45  
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Morning everyone..another very cold and sunny dragging this am,my dh had me up last night again grrrr..he couldnt sleep and im trying to be patient..the pretzel crust recipe i have and use for holidays it really yummo but high in calories of course,my family loves it esp me ..its nice to read all your posts congrats for all your hard work i have to do chores today "wheres the house work fairy" i hate house work dont you ?? anyways give your smiles away,it might be the best thing in the day of the person that receives it..ttfn rosey
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