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Old 02-13-2010, 07:05 PM   #151  
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Oh, Isabella, when I'm 110 and still trying to get this weight off, you'll still be running circles around all of us. That 90 year old woman has nothing on YOUR potential!!!

Cindy, glad you put up a picture. It's nice to see faces!!

Karen, almost the big day! I hope you win a LOT!

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Old 02-14-2010, 06:37 AM   #152  
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Good <grumble, grumble> morning, GGs...happy belated birthday, Karen (I hope you won a fortune!) and Happy Valentines day to us all! I am awake - mostly, anyway - at 5:52 in the morning for no good reason other than the fact that DH seems to have gotten up a half hour or so ago to feed the cats (Those danged cats RUN the place, I swear!) and evidently woke me in the process. Now HE can climb right back into bed and be asleep again in two minutes flat, but once something wakes me up, that's all she wrote. I'm tossing and turning, and TRYING to go back to sleep, but it's never any use, and I end up hauling my tired butt out of bed long before I had any intentions of doing so. Blah. I can hear him in there snoring now. I'd like to go in there and strangle him. I won't. Good thing I don't have to work today, though. Maybe I can grab a nap this afternoon sometime. If that man gives me flowers (which he will) I will probably throw them at him. Ah, well. Monday he's off to work at Old Sturbride Village as an "historical interpretor". I'm thrilled. I'll have the whole day to myself. Those of you who know me, know what a rare event THAT is!
My stomach seems better - but maybe 90% as opposed to completely better yet. I'm still not feeling quite up to eating normally yet. I did have some of my (famous) homemade chicken veggie soup last night with some crackers, but took Beano first. I won't reveal any more of the gory details, but let's just say it didn't stick with me for very long. No pain in the belly, though, which is a definite improvement. Like you, Isabella, I USED to be able to eat anything at all and never experience a single minutes discomfort. Now it seems that I have to be VERY careful...what fun, eh?
Well, Georgia, I've got to say THANKS FOR SHARING your beautiful weather observations with we, the ones persecuted by snow, sleet and ice....<grumble some more>...maybe you'd like to invite us all out for a nice vacay in the sun at your place? Oh, don't mind's mid-February, and up here in the frozen northeast, that means another six weeks or so of this nastiness. The mere mention of glorious weather elsewhere on the map tends to hit a sore spot, especially with people like me, who most definitely suffer from seasonal affective disorder. Seriously. I may have to go to a tanning salon if we don't get some sunshine soon. As you may have noticed, this morning I am not exactly what one would describe as "cheery".
Good for you, Cindy! Just think where you could be in another couple of months - in another six months - if you could maintain a steady one pound per week loss! That's the perfect loss rate; I'm hoping to achieve it myself, starting tomorrow. Congrats!
Lynn, those challenges work well for some of you, but I'm the type that doesn't do so well with that kind of stuff. I seem to do best when I don't get too creative about what I'm eating - stick with a fairly limited menu - and just plod along from one day to the next without paying a whole lot of attention to what I'm doing. That daily weighing just doesn't help me at all. I seem much more motivated if I weigh myself every two or three weeks and can see some (positive) difference in my weight. I am too easily discouraged by the daily ups and downs. Pitiful, right?
Oh, PT, I'm trying very hard to match your fineness of fettle...falling a little short here, but I'll give it a little more effort, I promise.
Has anybody been to a toy store lately? It's my grandson's birthday today - he's turning 8 - and DH and I went to ToyRUs to find him a Lego set because he loves building things. I can't believe how many LEGO SETS are about violence and fighting and war!!!!! Every other game in the store had the work "attack" in the title! We were really disturbed by it. NO wonder the world is in the shape it's in! They are still glamorizing fighting and war to even the smallest of children! It's so depressing.
Okay, sorry for blathering on...have a good day, all...

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Old 02-14-2010, 08:43 AM   #153  
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Happy Birthday KarenIt's easy to remember your birthday because I have a sister named 'Valie' that was born on Valentine's Day too.
Happy Valentine's day everyone!
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Old 02-14-2010, 09:01 AM   #154  
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Good morning, Everyone,

Tonight, my DD is making Valentine's dinner. I did 120 minutes at the gym this morning & plan to eat REALLY light today so that I can enjoy dinner (with dessert) and NOT gain.

I might be back in the zone. Never sure, but feels like I am. I'll keep you posted.

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Old 02-14-2010, 09:05 AM   #155  
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Old 02-14-2010, 09:18 AM   #156  
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Hope your had a good Birthday and won lots of money Karen.

I was supposed to work today but got a low census day. I was very happy. Yesterday was quite a day, don't want a repeat. Didn't get to eat lunch but DH had put on the cabbage rolls that I had put together the day before and those were just right. Comfort without the guilt.

Lynn, The Zone is a good place to be.

Bobbi, your back yard looks like a winter wonder land. Of course getting out into that weather is not my idea of great!

Geoblewiss, I am setting here trying to imagine the trees blooming, and nothing is more beautiful than a cherry trees in bloom! now THAT is my idea time. If you are having problems getting into the weight loss mode, maybe you could do one thing a day. I find that the more I do, the better i feel and the easier it is. Give up one thing, add another healthy thing. Have to start somewhere and sometimes it just seems overwhelming. But one thing you can do.

Z, hope you are feeling better. Like you, I used to be able to eat anything with no problem. Lately i've had to be more careful. I, with the iron clad stomach that nothing bothered! AGE? naw!!!!!!

Isabella, That lady shows that it's never too late to get in shape. I can only hope i'm nearly that fit. I better get busy.

Releve, Congrats on the weight loss. 1 lb. a week is just right. Of course we all would like to lose more, but that's just not practical. And that Asian hot and sour soup sounds yummy. Would you post the recipe, please?

Happy Valentines day everyone.

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Old 02-14-2010, 10:58 AM   #157  
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It's back to the basic tomorrow for me. I've been saying that but not following up, I can start tomorrow. Tomorrow comes and I can start the day after tomorrow. On and on, I'm not in the mood. I don't care anymore. BLAH, BLAH, BLAH! I knew I'd have to do something drastic to get back in the mood so I decided to post my daily calories, exercise and weight for all to see. I'll not post them here, I started a St. Patrick's day challenge to rid myself of 5 pounds. The thread is not to chat on, only post your stats daily. Feel free to join me if you're in a rut like me.
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Old 02-14-2010, 11:14 AM   #158  
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Bobbi, I'm with you! I decided, when I got up this a.m., that I'm going back on Phase I, South Beach, tomorrow for a week or so, just to shock myself back into some semblance of sanity. What is going ON here???? I think Zoe's SAD is affecting all of us!! I do care, but apparently I don't care enough to do anything about it. Bah!

Anyway, have a good Sunday, Everyone! Be safe and warm...............

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Old 02-14-2010, 11:18 AM   #159  
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Old 02-14-2010, 12:46 PM   #160  
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Thanks for all the Birthday Wishes!!! I got up this morning and fixed bacon and eggs for my hubby and he brought in a rose, card, and a floor vase with a cinnamon broom (I guess that is what you call them) I LOVE the smell of cinnamon and have been wanting one like this for quite some time. Then after he finished his breakfast I told him that was the last meal I was fixing today. SO he needs to figure out what he is going to do. He first said ---cold sandwiches, then maybe he will fix the meals--- I said I think you best do some more thinking on that one! So not sure what we will do today but it will be something special! Even if I do it by myself!! Guess I'm getting crotchety in my old age huh!!

Everyone have a Happy Valentine's Day!
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Old 02-14-2010, 02:21 PM   #161  
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Karen, my very best wishes to you on your birthday. I hope that, if you're subjected to cold sandwiches, that they're accompanied by a lot of love.

By the way, GGs, my little slice of sunny California is open for all of you to come by and enjoy. I know it's tough for you east coast girls to deal with the rigors of an extended winter (I used to live in Kazakhstan, where a bitterly cold winter lasts far too long). If you want to fly out for a visit, we can take long walks in the blossoming cherry orchards just east of my hometown.
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Old 02-14-2010, 04:07 PM   #162  
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Hi everyone Happy Valentines Day and Happy Birthday Karen hope u had agreat day..ive been watching the olympics all i can say is with you zoe,my dh has gone to give his mom a valentine and do some shopping,i cherish my alone time..have agreat day everyone rosey
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Old 02-14-2010, 05:34 PM   #163  
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Hello everyone. Well, I had a surprise this afternoon and both my brothers, my sister and her family and my Aunt all came over with cake and Ice cream! It was cupcake cake so I just had one cupcake and some ice cream. My brothers brought over chocolate covered strawberries too so I had one of those. Didn't make it to the casino today but still plan on going out for dinner. Was quite surprised!!!
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Old 02-14-2010, 05:41 PM   #164  
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I love those kind of surprizes rosey
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Old 02-14-2010, 06:32 PM   #165  
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Hi GG's,

I hope everyone had a really nice V-Day! DH and I usually don't make a
big deal of it. I did get a sweet card though and he is cooking
tonight. I am fortunate because he is a great cook!

Karen: Happy Birthday to you! Even though you didn't go to the casino,
I think you hit the jackpot with B-Day and Valentine's day on the same
day. I'm not much of a cake eater, but those were the cutest cupcakes!

Rosey: I watched the Olympics today too. Still have that nagging head
cold and almost no energy to go with it, so was glad there was something
decent to watch on TV today.

Georgia: I read a little bit of your blog and recent trials and
tribulations. I'm glad things are getting a bit easier for you.

Jess: You are following SB? I lost a lot of weight last year with
SB. I don't have the heart to do Ph 1 again. I'm re-focusing this
time around on based on Ph 2 guidelines. I really like that way of

Bobbi: Good luck on the challenge. I hope it gives you the motivation
you are looking for right now. It must be really hard to stay focused
with all the commotion in your house right now.

Freda: Are you a nurse? I recognize the "low census day", LOL. I have
to admit that I cheated with the Hot and Sour soup this time and used
a prepared mix. I try not to do that too often, but this dang cold has
got me down. I have a recipe from scratch too. I'll post that one

Lynn: Great for you for finding your zone! Does that mean you follow
the Zone plan?

Zoe: OK, it's finally dawing on me that you are Zoe and not Ella right?
LOL! I'm glad your tummy is settling down a bit. I hope you really
enjoy your Monday.
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