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Old 02-12-2010, 07:59 AM   #136  
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Originally Posted by Releve View Post
Hi Everyone,Lynn: I'm going to look for Swan Thieves at the library. I'm a voracious reader and DH has me on a strict budget. He said I was reading us out of house and home, LOL. Thanks for posting the 10 ideas for keeping on track!Ta Ta For Now,
Hi Cindy,

We posted at the same time. Who are some of your favorite authors?

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Old 02-12-2010, 11:04 AM   #137  
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Good Morning, All...

Just checking in. I have NOTHING to report, NOTHING interesting to say, so this will be short and sweet.

Isabella, are you feeling better, I hope?? Sounds like everyone in the group is motivated and is doing well. I'm glad, because if you had to depend on my sparkling wit these days, you'd go elsewhere!! I'm just in the throes of blah... looks like it'll be a pretty day, though!

Stay warm and safe, all......
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Old 02-12-2010, 11:20 AM   #138  
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Zero visibility here but hoar frost all over outside, beautiful. Yes, I have a migraine! Last night I could smell the fumes coming out of the heat ducts, I shut the bedroom heat off, stuffed many pillows over the vent. Still could smell it so I dug out one of the chemical masks I purchased a couple of years ago. Slept with that on all night and it worked. Just one problem, I woke up every hour to itch my nose under the mask, weird! They advised no driving so I'm stuck here, would like to get out of the house for the day. I tried wearing the mask today but my reading glasses fog up. I'm hating this!
Hi everyone, seems like I'm a tad bummed out. Cindy, this is beginning to look like the winter from Hades.
My parents (in their 70's!) did a whole house reno a couple of years ago. It was the year from ****. I love the idea of a cedar closet. I hope you were able to curb your migraine before it got too bad.
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Old 02-12-2010, 11:35 AM   #139  
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Well, Psychic Twinnie, we seem to still be matching all the way, because I am also in the throes of "blah-dom" myself. That half-pound gain really threw me for a loop last Saturday, I guess. I've just been so unmotivated all week long. I've walked with Leslie, yes - but skipped Wednesday because of running late, and then skipped again this morning because I was really tired and just didn't feel like it. In order to walk with our buddy Leslie, I have to be up at 5:30, drink my coffee, walk my mile and then shower and get dressed and be out of the house by 7:00 in order to get to my office by 8. I have been sleeping poorly for the past few nights - wake up around 2:00 AM and then have a hard time getting back to sleep. By 5:30, I've tossed and turned and finally managed to fall back asleep for only an hour or so before I have to get up. I'm really glad to begetting a long weekend again. I'm glad that as you continue walking, the pain is decreasing for you. I KNOW it's good for us to keep moving, but sometimes it's just hard to keep it in the forefront of my mind.
Isabella, you are just plain looking to set some kind of record in the Guiness Book of Records for the most active "retired one" in the world, right? Far be it from me (Lazy Girl) to start critiquing your exercise regimen, but for goodness' sake, woman, it wouldn't hurt to give yourself a break once in awhile...would it? Heck, stretch out on the old chaise lounge for a day and nibble at bon bons while reading some trashy novel (ahhhhh, sounds heavenly, doesn't it?). I'm loving the new avatar, incidentally - you make a nice couple!
And speaking of avatars, my new one is the picture they took at work for our security badges. As if we NEED security badges! You'd think I was working for the CIA, fahgoodness' sake. They've really let this new building business go to their heads around here. Crazy.
Lynn and Linda, if I weighed myself every day, I really would be a raving lunatic. See what happens when I gain a half a pound? It totally derails me! Well, I'm going to take it easy on myself until next Monday, and THEN I'm going to climb back on that wagon and STAY there. Time is running out here if I intend to be in the proper shape for spring and summer. AND I've bought myself some clothes already that are a bit too small for me presently...I need to get myself down a bit so that I won't have wasted my money!
Cindy, I love to read as well. Novels. Escape stuff, mostly. I LOVE love love the Diana Gabaldon Outlander series. I have the newest one (that took her about 3 years to write, darn it) but I'm re-reading the other ones because I read them so long ago that I've forgotten a lot of details.
Bobbi, I hope your head is feeling better. It's really stressful having your house all upside down and workmen coming and going all the time. I know you'll be glad when it's all done and you can settle in and enjoy it.
Freda, change is so hard, isn't it? We humans seem to like our routines to stay the same, and we're so resistant to things being different. And yet change is the only thing in life that we can be sure of, you know? Kind of ironic...
Oh Karen, you've done well with that fat smash diet. I really can't limit myself like that anymore. I just plod along these days, keeping my calories as low as I can, and hoping for the best. I think Bobbi is right....counting calories is what we always seem to fall back on, don't we?
Well, I know I'm missing folks...where are they? Rosey? Deena? Gayle? Georgia? Come out, come out, wherever you are!!!!
Okay. I'm back to work. Ack.

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Old 02-12-2010, 11:45 AM   #140  
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These two pheasants were eating seeds under our bird feeder last night. I just took these pictures, they came back this morning. (hard to see, I had to take the picture through the window) Lookie at the beautiful hoar frost on the trees! One of the pictures is snow in front of our house, the snow is as high as me.

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Old 02-12-2010, 01:44 PM   #141  
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Hello Ladies. Now, let me set the record straight, I don't chop wood every day. I'm only doing it to increase my arm strength. The axe is heavy and I thought swinging the leaden thing would help with the muscles. I only chopped up one piece of wood and that took me nearly 10 minutes to make the kindling. And I'm not that active! I spend most of my days puttering around the house or sitting on the couch with my laptop or watching old movies, hahaha. Remember, I don't work so my days are mine.

My back is no better today. I iced it for just over an hour before lunch and that helped for a little while. Must go fill up the bag with snow again and have another session. Snow is great for an ice bag. It conforms perfectly to the body. I use a clean plastic bag without any holes and wrap it in a towel. If things don't get any better by tomorrow I'll seek medical care.

DH was off work today because of snow, rain and eventually a possibility of freezing rain. It's just sloppy out there now and no sign of the freezing rain or drizzle but the day isn't over yet. I really missed not getting out today. I tried to do my squats and did a few painful ones just after getting out of bed. I'll do a few more this afternoon but I don't think I'll get in any more exercise than that. I don't think I can sit up on the bike without a back support but I'll see. I really don't mind vegging out on the couch when I choose to, but this needing to sit or lie down is really boring....(I'm probably mildly hyperactive )

I'm going to be doing the cooking at our church camp meeting and children's camp this summer and I'm trying out a few new recipes. Today I made a self saucing caramel baked pudding. Took 3 servings before I could ascertain whether I liked this recipe or not. I'm not pleased with the cake part so I scrapped this idea and went with a fruit short cake type of dessert. I'm glad I didn't try out the recipe that feeds 100! I only made one that makes 4-6 servings, haha. DH didn't seem to opposed to the dessert and found no fault in his one serving. So I guess this day became my dessert day... I'll have fruit for supper as I'm still full from lunch.

I've rambled on and on. Must be the meds. hahahaha. Ibuprofen high. I don't medicate often.

Have a great day and weekend for those of you who will have a life this weekend. Don't overdo it on Valentine's Day. Ugh, the thought of chocolate or anything sweet is making my stomach churn (remember the 3 servings of pudding). Anyhoo, catch you all later, chickies.
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Old 02-12-2010, 03:37 PM   #142  
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Zoe, LOVE the new picture!! Too bad we aren't more identical twinnies... I like your looks better than mine!!

Yes, where IS Deena? I hope she's okay.

Bobbi, you live in a Winter Wonderland! The pictures are so pretty... even though I'm sure you're sick of this stuff.

Enough!! I need to get BUSY..........
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Old 02-12-2010, 10:18 PM   #143  
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Psychic Twinnie, don't you DARE! I swear we all go through life feeling like we don't measure up, somehow, and I flat out HATE it! We are all so unique and amazing (we really are, you know - you don't get to fifty without picking up a WHOLE lot of experience and wisdom along the way) AND we don't really start looking like our whole selves until we've lived some. PLUS I know enough (years of experience) to never face the camera head on if I can help it. A side angle is always way more flattering than a straight on shot. And even with side angles, I usually end up looking like a dead trout. So this shot was a real surprise, to say the least. Plus now my kids are mad at me because I sent it to them and said "use this for my obituary". I don't know why they get so annoyed when I say something like that, or mention something I've put in my will or something. For gawd's we were, talking earlier (here) about change, and the ONE change we can all count on sooner or later is not being around any more. Blah.
Omigawd. I was SO sick this afternoon at work. Well, starting around lunchtime, actually. Two of the guys I work with had come into my office and we were discussing a couple of projects when my stomach just started to feel sore. Like somebody had given me a good punch or something. And it just kept getting worse and worse. They were just droning on and on, and my stomach was hurting more and more. I went to the bathroom, but felt no better, and actually started to feel nauseous. Needless to say, eating lunch was NOT an option, and once I got rid of the guys, I shut my office door and tried to stretch out on my couch, but it actually hurt to lie down. I found a little bottle with 4 Beanos in it in my purse (I carry them around usually, just in case I'm having something really high fiber for lunch) and took them, but they didn't help a bit. I didn't think I was going to be able to drive home, but kind of pulled myself together and got myself out to my car. The drive was pretty bad - drove mostly with one hand because I was having a lot of pain and pressure in my lower back as well. FINALLY got home, chewed up 4 Maalox tablets and took two Gas-X and took off all constricting clothes - bra, panty hose, got into my big old flannel PJ's and TRIED to lie down. Got to where I could lie on my side if I held a pillow to my stomach, and then things finally started to improve a bit and I went to sleep. Got home at 4:30, slept until 8:30. My stomach is still a bit queasy, but nothing like it was. I had some chamomile tea and a few pieces of toast, and it all seems to be staying down alright. I'm suspecting that it was like a really vicious gas attack as opposed to anything more serious, but it was a little scary, I've got to tell you, when it was at its worst. Gawd, how I hate not feeling well, you know?
Well, DH was solicitous, helped me undress, got me the Maalox and Gas-X, and then made me the tea and toast after I woke up, but I've sent him off to bed, and here I sit, not too sleepy, although not very energetic, either, to tell the truth - but not quite ready to go back to bed.
Well, I hope your back is better tomorrow, Isabella, and I hope your migraine is better, too, Bobbi. My, we're a sickly bunch these days, aren't we? I think what we ALL need is some warm weather and sunshine!
YOU'd best stay well, Psychic Twinnie! I'd hate to think we had to share even our ailments, you know?
G'nite all...

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Old 02-13-2010, 04:28 AM   #144  
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Old 02-13-2010, 05:43 AM   #145  
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Good Morning, Everyone,

I decided to take my own advice! I just re-read my 10 ideas for getting back on track & went to dwlz & downloaded Weight Commander. I used this cute little program years ago when I lost my 30 lbs. Decided to try it again. They have changed it a little. I'll let you know if it works for me again.

I REALLY need something to get me "corrected." If not, I need to change the little cyclist on my tracker to move in the opposite direction!

Almost back UP to 160!

Anyone have a good idea for a Spring Challenge? I NEED to motivate myself!

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Old 02-13-2010, 11:12 AM   #146  
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Good Morning, All!

PT, not to worry! I'm in fine fettle and, thus, so will you be! I hope your tummy is well! You'll be sore today but you'll be much better. This same type of thing happens to me if I eat, then sit, and drink a lot of coffee... oh, this old body is getting persnickity! Hopefully, your little "bug" is gone!

Lynn, is global warming affecting US, too? The posts are all saying the same thing: we all seem to be having a lot of difficulty right now even maintaining our weight! Hibernation is almost over!

Also, Lynn, your birthday .gif for Karen is gorgeous! I noticed it with Sue and Giovanna's birthdays, too...

Everyone, have a good weekend. Enjoy! We can all start over AGAIN on Monday!!

Safe and warm.........

Last edited by jess1; 02-13-2010 at 11:13 AM.
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Old 02-13-2010, 12:11 PM   #147  
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Lynn-- Thank you for the birthday wishes. I'm thinking that we may go to the casino tomorrow and see how much I will let the slots take from me!! But at least I only play the penny slots--that can last a long time!
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Old 02-13-2010, 02:48 PM   #148  
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Hi girls. It's so gorgeous in Central California today. The fruit trees are starting to blossom (cherries and plums in my backyard) and the skies are blue and clear. Must go outside!

I checked out a few days. Busy getting youngest son ready for home school, medical/dental appointments, chasing down errands for my parents...haven't take much time for me, to exercise and make good eating choices. I did make my son walk to the doctor's office yesterday, so I logged a total of 20 minutes of walking for the week. Yipes! Over the recent rainy weeks, I forgot that I rented our house in a location where we can walk to just about every place we need to go. Now the sun's out again, so no excuses.

We bought sand at Lowes on Thursday to fill the base of my boys' punching bag. I bought them a TaiBo DVD last Christmas and they've never used it. Now we're set to beat that bag and get the blood pumping again. The Wii is in place in the living room, and I've ordered the Wii Fit Plus and an EA fitness game, so Rhyan and I are all set to do P.E. together. One of us is bound to be ready to try out for football in a couple of years.

Today, I'm going vegan for our meals. Got spinach and kale, asparagus, and a pot of lentil soup cooking. After an intensive, very-low-carb week, I'm a little topped up on protein, don't want to go back to heavier carbs, so veggies seem the way to go.

I have a confession to make, I'm one of those people who loves to prepare for something and not actually do it. I've been coming here for awhile, talking the game, and my fridge is full of very healthy stuff. I'm taking classes to overcome emotional overeating and reading books about making goals (The Body Fat Solution by Tom Venuto). Actually have the goals written down. Actually have worked on the plan for a period of time. But when it came time to step up the game, taking me to the next level of fitness (we're talking heavier breathing and actually sweating), I completely flaked out. And that's when I started foundering. (It happened to coinside with the divorce issues.)

I'm trying to get my head back in the game. The weather is right for me to get outside. The divorce drama is almost done. I'm revisiting my goals and making adjustments. The refrigerator is ready and the pantry is stocked. So what am I waiting for? When I think about it all, I feel secure in my status but also find I am on the cusp of having a really good cry, and I don't know why. It could just be hormones, or boredom, or something else.

It's Saturday, I don't have anything pressing to accomplish in any way. The house is clean, the laundry is done, the kids are occupied. Maybe I'll just read a book for fun.

Have a lovely weekend!

Maybe I just need Jillian Michaels to come over and get a little verbally abusive with me. Then I'd beat her down, feel really good about it, and then start moving my body.

Somedays, I really am my own worst enemy.
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Old 02-13-2010, 03:08 PM   #149  
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Good Morning GGs!

I woke up to a gorgeous day today. Sun is shining again after yesterday's downpour and that always puts me in a good mood. Also, finally getting over the awful headcold I've had all week. I've had a good week, stayed OP with eating and exercise and have a 1lb loss to show for it. I'm looking forward to completing my 20 days so that I can add a ticker. Went grocery shopping this morning and now the fridge is filled with veggies for next week. I picked up some of the greek yogurt to try also as someone mentioned it in a thread here. I made a couple of soup dishes during the week. A lentil/chicken/spinach soup and an Asian Hot and Sour soup. The weather just seemed to call for something warming. Tonight I'm planning on a beef and broccoli stir fry. Soups, salads and stir-frys seem to be a mainstay for me when I'm trying to lose. It's such a pretty day that I would love to get out, but down here we're right smack dab in the middle of Mardi Gras madness. I would hate to get caught up in parade traffic, so I'll just stay in.
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Old 02-13-2010, 04:35 PM   #150  
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For those of you worried you left exercise too late in the game I saw something on tv yesterday to spur you on to greater heights. I was watching some of the Olympic torch relay yesterday afternoon while confined to the couch and the CTV commentator was interviewing some of the torch bearers who had already finished their part of the relay. She interviewed a small grey-haired senior woman who had been in the relay. The interviewer was quite impressed with this woman as she had run the 300 metre relay and asked her why she wanted to be part of the Olympics. The woman replied that she was an athlete and wanted to be part of this historic event. Then she went on to tell a little of her story. She said she began track and field in her 70s and when she turned 90 she had broken 50 world records for her age category. I almost fell off the couch when she said she was over 90. She looked good. Anyhoo, keep on keeping on.

My back is still sore and I could hardly crawl out of bed this morning but I'm beginning to feel a difference in the pain. It's gone from terrible to bad so things are looking up.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Karen. Hope you had a great day and don't spend too many pennies tomorrow.

Zoe, hope you're feeling much better today. How mean your stomach is to turn on you like that. When I was young I had a stomach lining like a cast iron pot. Now it's more like Teflon--handle with care.

Bobbi, that snow has a familiar look to it. The pheasants are a treat to look at, though. We had crows on our back lawn yesterday. Nothing too exotic there.

Georgia, hop to it my lady. You've got everything ready for your own personal Olympics. You'll be whittled away to a slim, trim figure in no time. And fruit trees in blossom!!! You make me green with envy. You ought to see what's blooming out in my back yard. A bloom of frost. Hahaha.

Releve, good job on that pound loss. You're doing everything right. Maybe a good march in the Mardi Gras parade would count as a good workout.

Lynn, don't know what we could do for our Spring Challenge. We'll have to come up with something in about another month for sure. I love the challenges and get a bit obsessed with not missing a day.

DH just got in the door and I'm gone to give him his nightly feeding. Have a good evening and see you all tomorrow.
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