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Old 09-12-2008, 06:08 PM   #46  
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Jay - wow, those really are working fast! I hope you have wonderful trip out to see your sister!

Flowing - I'm looking forward to getting a lot of yard work done this weekend. We are supposed to get some rain, but it should stay cool.

Freda - ah, yes, soccer games. I kinda miss going to them. I might have to use my fre athletic pass and attend some of the HS games.

Linda - you are braver than I am. I really don't like Vista at all - I still have XP on all of my computers. I did buy my Mom a computer with Vista on it though. It seems to be working OK for her (she doesn't do much except word process, a few games, and surf the Net.)

Gotta fly - DH says supper is ready. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
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Old 09-12-2008, 11:47 PM   #47  
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Ahhh . . . I've made it through some of this massive website, and got my info up on FitDay - only took all rainy afternoon/evening! This is quite a site! I've been in and around, and tomorrow I'll probably be lost all over again - but thank you - just for knowing what spazzing is like.

Confession: After I interrupted here w/my frustration over/FitDay and not being able to find a place to start a new thread, I forgot where I posted my question -

Crap, I'm babbling. Too long at the computer.

A great thing - Was told yday, I was, "the best teacher ever!" Sure, they're only preschool kids, but I felt wonderful!!!

So glad I stumbled onto this website!
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Old 09-13-2008, 08:41 AM   #48  
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Here's a link to your thread Corrine . . . . . . BTW, take a look at the little tab at the top of the thread page called "Thread Tools". You can "subscribe" to a thread and then when you come to 3FC, just click on USERCP on the main navigation line (the purple stripe at the top of every page, just below the chicks) and it will give you a clickable list of all your favourite places that have had new posts since the last time you looked.

And a great big Good Morning for everybody . . . . . . The Weather Station jsut told me that IKE is doing lots of nasties in Texas right now . . . for a safe day for everybody.
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Old 09-13-2008, 05:27 PM   #49  
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Renee - congrats on the best teacher comment - that is awesome! Fitday can be confusing when you start, but you will get the hang of it.
Same for 3FC - come back often, at it will get easier.

Linda - hope you are having a good day!

We have had rain all day. I cleaned and did laundry and my usual Saturday stuff. I did put together a wonderful concoction in the rice cooker. It is smelling yummy! Something about fall and rainy weather, I just like warm comfort foods.

Jay - hope the packing for your trip is going well - and that the critters have up and left!

Hi to everyone else - stay safe and dry!!!
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Old 09-14-2008, 07:22 AM   #50  
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Good Morning -- not so nice here today; overcast and muggy -- good day for doing household chores I think.
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Old 09-14-2008, 09:56 PM   #51  
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Hi to all,
Jay I hope you get those critters.

It's raining cats and dogs here. We have flood warnings and tornados. They say our weather is from IKE. Gas prices are outrageous.
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Old 09-15-2008, 07:55 AM   #52  
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Hi All, I'm Pandora, I know some of you from other groups...but I guess this should be home...since I'm definitely 50+.

Its really struck me that as I get older weight loss seems more related to activity than just strictly to food. Last month DH and I went on an "active" vacation, Yellowstone and the Tetons with a group from Backroads. I ate plenty, even some desserts which I have been mostly avoiding, but I was hiking every day, much of it with altitude gain. (Here in the midwest we hike flat!) I got back and had lost 5 pounds in eight days, and when I again took my diuretic (which I skipped for the day before and day of our flights home) I dropped another 4 almost immediately.

Since then my activity level has picked up and my weight loss has also picked up, although it is definitely not linear.

Of course this weekend we got 8 inches of rain, and I was much more sedentary than I have been...
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Old 09-15-2008, 08:31 AM   #53  
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Hi PANDORA . . . . . . and congratulations on that weight loss.

We are having a return to the hot and stickies of summer today -- also very windy and threatening to rain on and off. Our little brush with Ike, I guess.

Our gas prices took a major upward hike over the weekend too.
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Old 09-15-2008, 06:02 PM   #54  
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Hi all - a quick fly-by. School meeting tonight

Pandora - WELCOME! Glad you joined us!

flowing, we got rain, but not much wind and no power outages up here. It is lovely today. Gas is up to $4.19

Linda - sorry the rain headed your direction - I hope you didn't have a lot of outdoor activities to do today.

Jay - hope you had a safe flight!

Hi to everyone else!

Gotta fly! More tomorrow (I hope).
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Old 09-16-2008, 07:22 AM   #55  
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Drastic change in temperatures and wind direction overnight, but it's still pretty cloudy out there. Hey, most exciting things on my agenda for today are Laundry (what fun), Packing (for the little trip to NC), and a trip to the drugstore. Wowee

Hope the rest of you have a fun day planned.
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Old 09-16-2008, 09:29 AM   #56  
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Good Morning all, It's still damp here but at least it's not raining. I am one of the lucky ones that didn't get a flooded basement. I know a lot of people who did. what a mess. I haven't been as active this week either. I am keeping the "Grands" for a week while their parents are out of town. Running them back and forth to school (1 a 1/2 day and the other full day) is taking a lot of time. And getting 2 ready for schoo in the morning!! I think that should count as exercise!

Welcome Rin, Looking forward to getting to know you.

Welcome also Pandora. I agree, exercise is important to any weight loss program, but maybe a little more so for us. As you get older you lose muscle mass and that makes it harder to lose and to keep weight off. So, exercise and weights.

Linda, Have a wonderful trip to NY.

Make it a good day, Freda
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Old 09-16-2008, 07:45 PM   #57  
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Welcome Rin and Pandora. Everyone on this site is so supportive.

I've been on my elliptical machine 3 days in a row. I plan to keep this up. I'm back on South Beach cleaning out my system and feeling good.

Counting it sounds like you missed the major part of this storm. The weather was beautiful today. I wanted to be out hiking instead of working.

Hi to all! did Jay get rid of her critters?
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Old 09-16-2008, 09:56 PM   #58  
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Another fly-by
Conference out of town - no internet - finally home and dog tired- thinking of you all

Hope you all had a WONDERFUL day! Off to catch some much-needed sleep!
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Old 09-16-2008, 11:27 PM   #59  
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Greetings to all from the area of the Cimarron Mts. and San Juan Mts.

My sister and her husband live in an incredibly beautiful house with a view of the San Juan peaks right out the window. At night there are no lights whatsoever in any direction... and there is no sound other than wind in the trees...

My sister is an equestrian rider and trainer, and has always been trim and fit. I spent the day with her today, and now I know why she is so trim and fit. She never stops to eat much! Went all morning until 1 p.m. on a bowl of cereal (I had two snacks). Then we ate lunch and went until 6 p.m. with only a few crackers and some iced tea.

I took some work with me, so I wasn't just sitting around. And, at one of the places she was teaching, a full gym was available to me, so I got in 30 minutes on the elliptical trainer.

By supper I was ravenous! But they eat healthy generally, so I'm not being tempted to overindulge. I had a small steak tonight with a salad, oil and vinegar dressing, and green beans.

Tomorrow my sister and I are driving to Pagosa Springs where there is a Buddhist retreat center I want to visit, and then we're backtracking to Durango. The next day we'll take the narrow-gauge railway from Durango to Silverton and probably back again, and then drive back to her home.

As for the rodent problem in Fla.... the electromagnetic device doesn't seem to have done much except make them avoid the walls (but not the floors). An animal removal company is coming tomorrow...

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Old 09-17-2008, 10:48 AM   #60  
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Hi . . .

Just a quick stop-in . . . busy day getting ready for tomorrow's trip to North Carolina. I may be able to pop-in over the weekend, but if I don't make it -- have a good one.
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