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Old 09-04-2008, 04:42 PM   #16  
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Hi . . .

Computer is still alive and getting peskier by the hour . . . laptop is functional now but not networked yet; but it came with lots and lots of free games.

Hopefully both will be running at happier levels in the next few days.
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Old 09-04-2008, 05:04 PM   #17  
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meowee, I hope you can get set up soon! It's supposed to be easy. Right. Nothing brings me to my knees like a misbehaving computer and new installations...

Now I know everyone has gotten past Labor Day. What's coming up next? I'm going to be going to Colorado to visit my sister for a week come the middle of this month. I haven't seen her new house--should be fantastic.

I'm doing well on eating more protein--and I've added one other strategy just to see what happens, namely, I'm limiting my carbs. Time will tell whether it makes any difference.

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Old 09-04-2008, 05:48 PM   #18  
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I'm baaccckkk!

Missed you all! Looks like everyone was chatty while I was gone. I'm an odd duck when it comes to cleaning. My office is spotless - every paper and file in its place. The house is clean, but not tidy. I put everything in its place on the weekend, and then throughout the week, it gets a "lived in" look about it as the week progresses.

I do try to keep the floors clean. I love my gadgets - steam mop, Dyson, Roombas, and carpet steamer. With a long-hair dog and cats, keeping up on the fur alone is a chore. The Roombas really help in that department.

The trip was intense, successful and frustrating - as most family situations are. I'm glad to be back home.

School started on Tues. so work has been crazy. I'm already looking forward to my next trip to SF in October to see the kids.

Jay - glad your plan is working, and your trip sounds like it will be FUN!

Flowing and Freda - the weather sure has changed! Did you get all the rain today? Leftovers from Gustav - sure did dump on us up here!

Linda - hope you get your computer issues solved. I can't imagine life without a computer, but some days ...

Jo - I also abhor vacuuming. Well, and if I am honest, most housework as well. I love a neat and tidy house, but I can't seem to motivate myself to put forth the effort needed to accomplish the task. Makes me question whether it really is a priority for me, or just some weird remnants of my Grandmother's influence in my life. The woman scrubbed all the floors on hands and knees every Friday - while wearing stockings and a skirt no less. I only saw her in pants twice - toward the end of her life. I think she bought her first pair when she turned 95.

Hope you all had a wonderful Labor Day holiday. Have a GREAT Friday!

- Laurie
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Old 09-04-2008, 08:54 PM   #19  
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Hi everyone, Had a parent "meet and greet" last night so I haven't had any time to fit exercise into my day. Hopefully, I can fit it in tomorrow.
Counting- we did have some storms come through. Still pretty hot in lower Michigan.

I want to weigh in on the cleaning topic. I love a clean house, but I hate cleaning. My DH helps out. We work on the house together. It's much easier keeping it clean with the kids gone. However my grandkids can create a toy storm in just a few minutes. It's so much fun though. When we're done we sing the clean up song as we gather up all the toys.

Last edited by flowingair; 09-04-2008 at 08:56 PM.
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Old 09-05-2008, 07:59 AM   #20  
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Hi . . .

Glorious Friday here -- lots of nice temperatures and oodles of glorious sun -- we are being told it is definitely the lull before the storm -- Hanna is on her way.

The desk-top has an appointment for this afternoon about 3 . . . add to the time estimate from the 'wizard-guy' of 5 or 6 hours in his shop plus another hour or two when he brings it back, the fact that it is the weekend, and the fact that Hanna is supposed to hit us late Saturday (with possible power outages) . . . I have absolutely no idea when I will get back on-line.

See you eventually . . .
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Old 09-05-2008, 08:23 AM   #21  
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Good Morning, Got some rain last night again, and it's kind of gloomey outside now. So, probably more rain today. My lawn will love it. Me...not so much.

Laurie, glad to see you back, and glad that your trip went well. My grandma was a little old Southern Lady too. Never wore pants for anything!

Linda, Hope your computer woes are over soon!

Jay, Hope the are you doing the "Beach" now? Sorry, I don't know that much about it, just know it's low carb, high protein.

Flo, I really don't mind cleaning house, at least most things. But I make it as easy on myself as possible. I believe in getting help, like self cleaning oven. That was my least favorite choir.

Every, make it a good day, freda
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Old 09-05-2008, 06:20 PM   #22  
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Hey CD! Glad to have you back! Wow, you have some serious floor cleaning equipment...

Did I say I liked cleaning? Oh no, I don't. But I like a clean space. If I had any extra money, a house cleaner would be coming in here every other week. And it's not all up to me--my partner and I share the tasks. Floors are just mine.

meowee, we'll keep a space for you...

the slim me, it does sound a lot like the Beach, doesn't it? And kinda like Atkins. But I'm not being that formal. I'm just trying to reduce the amount of carbs I eat to see what that does in "the whole mix."

Anyone in Hanna's path, hope you stay dry! I'm getting a little nervous about Ike out there...

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Old 09-05-2008, 07:08 PM   #23  
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My thoughts are with all of you that are in the path of these storms. I hope you all stay safe and as dry as possible.

And of course, I wish everyone a perfectly on-plan weekend.

Gotta fly and get some dinner made. I will check back in tomorrow.
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Old 09-06-2008, 08:02 AM   #24  
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Good morning everyone,

Hope all of you have a great weekend! It looks like it going to be light jacket/sweatshirt weather here. Went to GS's soccer game last night, at 7, and by the time it ws over at 8 it was almost dark. Seems like we were staying out untill at least 9 last week! A sure sign that fall is here. Had to wear a sweatshirt too.

Jay, i'm with you. If I ever become wealthy (yeah, like that will happen) I will definateally have a maid or 2. and i'll try not to go behind her and clean. I have to have a clean house, otherwise i get really anxious. Maybe a little OC going on there. But I hate a messy house. DH helps a lot too.

Linda, got that computer going yet?

Laurie, Almost apple picking time. do you go to the orchards? I am so ready!

Flo, I keep the Grands quite a bit too, and it's an ongoing battle to clean up as we go. They need lots of encouragement (as we say at work). But they keep me on my toes too, make sure i get lots of exercise. How about you? Do you go to the apple orchards in the fall?

Make it a good day, Freda

Take care,
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Old 09-06-2008, 12:43 PM   #25  
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Freda - I can't wait for fresh MI apples! I usually get them at our Farmer's market rather than pick them myself. My schedule is so hectic that it is one indulgence I allow myself (same with MI strawberries, blueberries, cherries, etc.).

I don't eat apples except in the fall. After having them fresh, they really don't appeal to me the rest of the year. In fact, now that I think about it, I only eat raw fruits that are in season most of the time. Though, I can eat any fruit - any time - if it is in a pie

Trying to get caught up today. Clean, clean, and clean some more. The dog is MOULTING fur - I think he has shed double his weight

Happy Saturday to all!
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Old 09-06-2008, 04:04 PM   #26  
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This morning began with a nice round of bush pruning, beginning at 7:30 to avoid the heat getting any worse.

You know, next to my pressure washer, I do like my electric clippers. I used to use the hand kind--you know, the scissor type--and a job like this would have taken a lot longer. I do still use the hand clippers for certain kinds of pruning, and I do have some nice loppers. But ahhhh the joy of power tools!

However, I think I'll skip the gym today. Yesterday I did a really good workout, did 40 minutes on the treadmill, did squats, worked arms, worked calves, did abs. And then this morning with the pruning... I think I'm done with the physical stuff. Bring on the ice packs!

Other than that it's a beautiful day!

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Old 09-06-2008, 09:03 PM   #27  
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Hi, I hope everyone in the storm path are okay.

I did a tremendous amount of walking yesterday. I'm hoping to get back on my exercise plan again.

I love fresh Mighigan apples too. No time to pick them though.

Have a great weekend.
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Old 09-08-2008, 09:03 AM   #28  
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Good Morning ladies, It was cool all weekend, and we got some rain. No wind though, so I guess we did better than a lot of states. Took the dog on a long walk yesterday, so we both got our exercise in.

Laurie, Come to think about it, I only eat fruit in season too. Never really though about it. But you're right, it's just so much better. Plus I'm not about to give 5.99 for a pound of cherries. That don't even taste good. I did the same with apples. I quit buying them because the texture just wasn't right. I didn't go to the apple orchard yet, probably next weekend we'll take the kids to the cider mill and get some apples too. GD loves fresh cider. Do any of you go to the cider mill? I did pick up some fresh apples at the local stand this weekend. Yes, worth waiting for. Waht kind of dog do you have?

Jay, You sound like my DH. Give him a power tool and he is a happy man! Never quite got it. But I guess if you are doing the choirs they would make a big difference. and I think you got plenty of exercise this weekend with all the things you did!

Flo, Did you get back to your exercise plan? It's so easy to get out of the habit and so hard to get back on again. But walking is great exercise! so you got plenty of exercise that day.

Make it a good day, Freda
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Old 09-08-2008, 12:01 PM   #29  
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Hey everybody!

Freda, you could be right about the power tool thing. I used to poo-poo power tools, actually. I liked hand tools. I thought that power tools were just for dudes who were too lazy. Only, one day I discovered that these days, using hand tools made my joints and muscles hurt. Sawing a small limb off a tree with a hand saw... well, what can I say? And so, I embraced power tools. However, I always go for light weight versions. I don't need a gasoline-powered leaf blower, for heavens sake!

A new challenge--we have mice in our walls. They aren't in the house, or our cat would have already solved that. Instead they've decided to nest in the walls, and the problem is that they are gnawing on the joists in the middle of the night. It sounds like we have woodpeckers! Grrrrr...

I've ordered some ultrasound devices to repel them... I'll let you know...

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Old 09-08-2008, 07:58 PM   #30  
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Hi all,
Boy Jay that sounds like quite a problem-good luck with the mice.

My DH loves power tools too! I think he has every tool made. He does many great projects. I use some power tools too. I used an electric chain saw up north when we were working on the irrigation system. It certainly gives you a feeling of power.

I'm back exercising and I'm going back on South Beach. The high protein and low carbs seems to wotk. I'm still going to count calories to keep my food choices in control. Have a great day.
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