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Old 08-29-2008, 04:24 PM   #1  
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Default ~September Golden Girls~

We are about Fitness and Quality of Life after 50...
We are about Fun and Friendship after 50...
We are the Golden Girls...

There is Value in us
There is Power in us
There is Wisdom in us
And Laughter....
We are a rainbow of unique wonders,
There is love in us.
(poem by Dorothy Holmes)

Tell us a little about your life, family and goals. What keeps you motivated? What is the best thing that's happened to you since you passed the 50 mark?
Friends laugh, cry and stand by each other, we'll be that to you!
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Old 09-01-2008, 07:58 AM   #2  
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Good September Morning to all!
We're suppose to reach the 90's today so I'll make this short, I have applesauce to make (again & again), zucchini to freeze (will make diet soup with it), freeze tomatoes and pick the grapes. I've made grape jam in the past and nobody eats it so I'm not sure what I'll do with them. Maybe freeze chuncks of grape juice to add to iced tea?

Remember this is a new day, the 1st of the month and a time to put our negative eating habits behind us, challenge ourselves. Let's show everyone what we're made of, we didn't get to live this long without learning something along the way. We just need to enforce positive eating habits.
I haven't checked the accountability list yet so I'll comment later on that.
Have a great day!
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Old 09-01-2008, 09:42 AM   #3  
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Good morning...thanks Bobbi for the new site. Off to bridge...Karen3
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Old 09-01-2008, 10:16 AM   #4  
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I just checked out the August "Accountability" thread and see some fantastic numbers. To Eileen, down 8 lbs., Isabella down 7.5 lbs., Karen31 down 6? lbs. Meowee and Pamgal both down 2-3 lbs.,'ve had a couple of rough weeks because of the Hurricane and sounds like more to come. Hang in there!


Karen 3 Made up my mind that this is my Fall and I will get this next 25lbs off. After working for over a year and half the past weeks have been OP, but no excitement/challenge. Think I need a movational spreaker and one of the trainers on Biggest Loser. nah...never get me in public in one of those sweaty nasty outfits.I think you're on to something, any way of posting some of the motivation speeches from the trainers? I don't watch the show but they lose like crazy from what I've heard.
Have a question...Do you have a mental image of yourself? I can't picture myself now. Not implying deep ego strength problems. Just mean when you see yourself in store window do you recognize you? Some days I see me much thinner and other days still grossly over weight????I have a full length mirror in our hallway and see myself daily, in the past I've purposely not looked at myself. Too Discusting! But I take a peek every once in awhile now, I can see past the tummy bulge (still there but much less of it) and the two chunks of butter riding on my hips are gone so my mental/physical image has greatly improved.
Karen 31...What a bunch of jerks, can you report this to someone else? How about the newspaper, that would teach them!The DOW said they can get along pretty well on 3 legs and if they are up and walking they just leave them alone. I couldn't believe it. I know we live up in the mountains but still you would think they would come and check to see what was going on with them.
Isabella…I had a total meltdown last night and ate peanut butter cheese cake until I had to throw out the last bit because I was afraid I'd get sick if I ate any more. It was so good but I think I ate enough last night to last a long, long time. I knew the difference but I just sucked it down like water. At least you did it without thought. I did it knowing exactly what I was doing and did it anyway!! I need a knock in the head.Here's your knock on the head.
I actually prefer low ride jeans because I'm shaped like a boy. I always buy 505 mens levi's because the waist isn't cinched in like girl jeans. They don't have all that bulk in the legs and thighs either, great for anyone with slim legs.
If you are restarting your teen years again watch out for low-rise jeans. I accidentally bought a pair today. I was so excited to see a size 12 petite I must have misread the label. Somehow I thought they were mid-rise but when I got them home and finally tried them on they were low-rise just as the label said they were. Talk about feeling like your pants are falling down and I have no need to accentuate my rather rotund belly.

Nothing great is ever achieved without great effort !

Last edited by Bobbolink; 09-01-2008 at 10:48 AM.
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Old 09-01-2008, 10:42 AM   #5  
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Good Morning . . .

Sorry I was missing yesterday . . . it turned into a really strange weather day. Started out overcast and threatening rain, but by noon it seemed to clear up and we even had a little sunshine. Since my back was feeling pretty good, off I went to do some shopping and got caught in a flash storm that was a real doozey (well not hurricane, but bad enough that you had to pull over because you couldn't see to drive).

Got thrown out of Walmart which is where I was when the storm hit. They took a generator hit and even though they had emergency power they were urging us to get through cash and out of the building while they still had some power. Did another couple of stores (hey I was out anyway and had already gotten wet getting back to the car from Walmart) and was absolutely thoroughly soaked, cold, and miserable by the time I actually got home.

Storm continued to rage throughout the night and right now everything is calm and sunny -- even though the forecast is calling for more rain. Very strange.

I really, really hope that Gustav is not nearly as bad as predicted for all those unfortunate enough to be in his path. Please be safe everyone.

Regarding the Mental Image question -- maybe I've just got a very short attention span -- everytime I see myself unexpectedly I'm shocked that I still look so big. I know I'm still larger than a lot of you Chickies, but it's as though I just don't remember how much larger I was 75 pounds ago. I'm at that point where I feel thinner than I look. Nowhere to go but downward.

If you take a look at my last day of August (in the August Accountability thread), you'll see I had a very high fat day too -- also the result of a PB spree -- but mine came right out of the jar (which I finally tossed). Absolutely no control with PB whatsoever.

Then . . . you will notice in the September Accountability thread that I actually dipped down this morning in spite of the PB. However, I doubt that it will last. You'll also notice that I'll be going to NC from the 18th to the 21st and boy, I can hardly wait -- hopefully the weather will be great for that long weekend. In spite of that little 'vacation', I'm definitely planning for a really good September for myself and for all the rest of us, too.

See you later . . .
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Old 09-01-2008, 10:51 AM   #6  
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Hello all,

Had a nice weekend. Jason came to visit on Saturday ~ watched a movie with us and had supper.

Yesterday, Corbin and a friend showed up at the door. Then asked Sara if they wanted to come for supper, so they stayed. It was a nice time.

Back to work tonight. They told us on Friday to come and be prepared to stay (because of the hurricane). So, have to pack up some extra clothes and stuff today. Grrrrr ~ the thoughts of having to stay over there ~ well just grrrrr.

PampGal ~ I've got questions. I'm fairly new to the Houston area ~ with this hurricane coming ~ how do you know if you should leave or not? If we leave where do we go ~ how do you know how far to go. Last time, I'm told that it took people 30 hours to make what was usually a 3 hour trip to Dallas. People ran out of gas trying to get there? So, I am puzzled ~ what good does it do to try to leave if you just get stuck on the interstate?

Hope you all had a nice weekend.

Take care

Last edited by glynne; 09-01-2008 at 11:05 AM.
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Old 09-01-2008, 12:04 PM   #7  
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Good afternoon all. Meowee, Nova Scotia has had some wild and weird weather this summer. We drove to town yesterday and it was overcast but not raining. When we were on the highway about 15 minutes I pointed out to mom and my friend that it was raining up ahead as the pavement was wet and it looked all hazy. Sure enough we ran into the rain (just rain not a storm) just as we came to the Tim Horten's (donut shop) on the high way. As soon as we passed the rain stopped and the pavement was dry again. It was just raining right over the shop. When we got to town the dark clouds had all disappeared and it was sunny and warm. We had a good shopping day. We left at 12:15 and returned at 6:30 that evening so mom had a long day out.

Bobbi, thanks for the knock in the head! Your avatar picture is very nice. I'm thinking of putting one up of me also but gotta get DH to take the picture when he gets home and I at least get my hair combed, ha. BTW, you didn't do too badly yourself in the weight loss area: 7 pounds!!

I saw on the news that Gustav has been downgraded but it still looked awful bad to me. Keep safe everyone in its path. Glynne, I would be in the same situation as you. I wouldn't know what I should do. I'd hate to be stranded at work separated from my family at a time like this. Hopefully, you won't have to use those packed clothes at work tomorrow morning.

On plan so far today. Have a good day, everyone.

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Old 09-01-2008, 02:51 PM   #8  
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Hi everyone..hope u all had agreat wekend, i sure did oldest dd and family where visiting and i had agreat time with them,had a BQ sat its windy,cloudy and cold.. we moved all the things and furniture into the living rm while we had the extra help,getting ready for the new floor always a mess befor it done..i must say my old eating habits have returned so today i started back to journaling,and ww, dont want to regress ..hope those in the hurricanes path stay safe..Bobbie where in minnesota are u ? I used to live in Ely, north of Duluth..i miss gardening,we have avery short growing season and alot needs to be in a green house,i envy your garden and the produce u get..anyways im rambling ttfn and have agreat day.. rosey
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Old 09-01-2008, 09:18 PM   #9  
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'Evening Chickies

Hope that all of you had a pleasant day. I had both DDs and DGS (9 y.o.) here this weekend. I got a bit off track with eating , but have corrected that and hit the ground running with the exercise dvd first thing this morning.

Our oldest DD had surgery on her ligament of her right arm. She 's in a big cast and is trying ot make the best of it. She arrived here on Friday after her surgery . Our youngest DD and DGS drove her home to have some TLC.

She probably stay until I can drive her home on the weekend.

Bobbi to you for your 7 lb. weight loss and thank you for setting up GG. Also love your avatar too.

to Karen 31 , Meowee, Isabella , Pampgal, for being August losers

Karen 3 and Cat, Glynne stay safe and check -in when you can.

Rosey continued good luck to you with all of your goals.

Have great Tuesday .


Last edited by Cute n Curvy; 09-02-2008 at 09:21 PM.
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Old 09-02-2008, 08:13 AM   #10  
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Good Morning . . .

The long weekend is over so naturally the sun is shining today. Doesn't make a lot of difference to me but I do feel sorry for all those who had their last weekend of summer freedom destroyed by Mother Nature.

Very glad to hear this morning that Gustav has dwindled down to next to nothing. Not so glad to hear that Hannah is picking up steam; especially since it may decide to head up this way by the coming weekend. Of course, a lot can change between now and then.

Anyway, everybody try to have a great week and I will see you all later . . .
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Old 09-02-2008, 09:00 AM   #11  
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Good Morning,

I hope all of you had a good Holiday. And didn't go over board with the eating, like I did. Honestly, I know better, but sometimes the eating still gets out of hand. So, I will cut the goodies for a few days to make up for the indulgences. No afternoon piece of candy with my tea. None of the little extra's I allow myself since I got to goal. Then i will weight myself in a few days to see how i'm doing.

The weather was very cooperative. Sunny and not too hot. The son and Grands came over and we cooked out. Then we played with the kids. Soccer, bike ride, hit some tennis balls. Kids ideas of fun. That is why they stay so thin. So, I at least got some good exercise in there.

Glynn, so glad to hear from you again. keep in touch. I hope you don't have to stay at the hospital! I've only had to do that 1 time. We lost power in the area and, while we have a generator at the hospital, it only covers the essential things. Air isn't one of them. And they dim the lights too. Nothing that takes power that we can do without. Including the delivery system. And no elevators. Did a lot of climbing stairs that day, and sweating.

Rosey, good to hear from you. I hear you about letting things slip. If I don't keep a journal i really get out of line. Journaling helps me so much.

Isabella, I've done that too, run into what seems to be a brick wall of rain, and drive right back out of it. Weird...

Eileen, I over did for the holiday too, but i'm back on schedule too. And looking back, I really didn't do that badly. We just have to get back on tract now, and put that behind us and learn. Hope your DD is doing well with the arm.

Bobbi, First, thanks for keeping the site running. I'd hate to lose it, it's my life line. About body image. Funny thing. Some days i feel thin and some days I don't. Even though I'm at goal and I KNOW i'm thin, sometimes I just don't see it. I see it in pictures of myself, just not in the mirrow all the time. People tell me how thin and fit I am all the time. I wish I could see myself the way they do. Maybe it will come in time.

Linda, I'm glad you're feeling better. And i'm with you. Can't let a little rain ruirn a perfectly good shopping trip!

make it a good day, Freda
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Old 09-02-2008, 09:43 AM   #12  
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Woo hoo ~ didn't have to stay at work. Got to come home, so will get to sleep in my own bed

Off to bed then. One more night, then off a couple ~ I live for those days off.

Take care all
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Old 09-02-2008, 10:22 AM   #13  
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Good Morning Girls!
I had a geography lesson this morning since Rosey asked me where I lived in Minnesota. Meowee, I know where Nova Scotia is on the map but I didn't have a clue where Newfoundland was. Way out in the middle of the Atlantic ocean, wow! I'll bet groceries are expenive out there huh Isabella?
Meowee...If you take a look at my last day of August (in the August Accountability thread), you'll see I had a very high fat day too -- also the result of a PB spree -- but mine came right out of the jar (which I finally tossed). Absolutely no control with P B whatsoever.Have you thought of buying the powdered PB2? It's very tasty and low in calories. Do you get hurricanes up there?

Isabella…BTW, (what does BTW mean?)you didn't do too badly yourself in the weight loss area: 7 pounds!! Thanks Isabella, so how did you end up in Newfoundland? Did you grow up there? I'd love to hear about the growing seasons, the weather, do you get hurricanes?
Rosey…Bobbie where in minnesota are u ? I live in Southern Minnesota, the two interstates (I 90 and I 35) crisscross about 10 miles from us in Albert Lea. This is where I went to school, we get groceries, etc. We live about 10 miles north of Albert Lea.I used to live in Ely, north of Duluth..i miss gardening,we have avery short growing season and alot
needs to be in a green house,i envy your garden and the produce u get..
It's a lot of work and we live off it all year. I don't exercise but gardening, processing, freezing takes the place of exercising plus we get the bonus of organic fruits and vegetable all for the price of a few seed packets. I sold our canner years ago and we purchased a second freezer just for our fruits and veggies.
Freda…People tell me how thin and fit I am all the time. I wish I could see myself the way they do. Maybe it will come in time.I think that's a common problem with everyone that has lost weight. I love the feel of slipping into a pair of blue jeans and having the comfort of eating and not unzipping them under the table.

Eileen...Thanks for noticing, I didn't expect to lose 7 lbs. this time around, it's hard to lose those last 10 pounds. I'm going to be lucky if I can drop 5 pounds in the September "Accountability" thread. A least I'll have one thing on my side, the garden veggies will all be harvested and I'll be standing in the kitchen freezing. (Ouch, maybe sitting on the stool some of the time because of bad feet) I've been urging DH to dig out the beets before they get too big, we always end of giving so many away. I still have some left in the freezer from last year.
Remember to eat your fruits and veggies today, and aim on the high end of fiber. Fiber is my # 1 key to losing weight.
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Old 09-02-2008, 04:57 PM   #14  
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Since I missed yesterday, I have a lot of catching up to do!

Karen3 – PampGal is nostalgic for me and makes me smile. When I was a youngster I didn’t have a middle name and I love the thought of finally having an alternative name. Middle names any Karen?

Karen 31 – I too would be upset at the thought of limping fawns that the DOW refused to check out – the holidays perhaps?

Isabella – I can sympathize with the cheesecake comfort too. I tend to eat when I’m bored at home alone too. Your description of wearing low-rise jeans had me chuckling

Bobbi – You sound full of energy in your post yesterday. Just the thought of fall and cooler weather…

Linda – it sounds like you had sympathy weather for Cat and the others in NO yesterday. I hope the chill didn’t aggravate the arthritis. I agree that I feel thinner than I look – denial on my part? The trip to NC sounds like a good time to catch the fall colors? The leaves may just fall off the trees here – having color and freezing is the exception.

Gayle – don’t leave Houston unless they require you to evacuate or if you have a crystal ball and you can leave 5 days in advance. That’s really only for the southeast areas of town and close to Pasadena. We’ve lived out northwest for 29 years. We did try the Rita trip but after 3 hours realized how futile that was. By the time the hurricane gets that far inland they are a cat 1 at best and you can ride it out. The big problem is loss of electricity for us for extended periods of time – 3+ days. I figure if we have tanks full of gas, we can leave after checking and securing everything left (after it blows over) and head for family. We have lots in the “hill country”. If you need a place to stay I can find you a place near Austin. At least I’m not “on call” at work for those instances! Glad you didn’t have to stay at work.

Rosey, when we stayed in Alaska 45 years ago (Dad’s summer job), I remember the fabulous but small gardens most people had – mostly rural area outside Fairbanks. I guess I remember it because they grew things I’d never seen in W. TX where it was too dry for those delicacies – especially blueberries, strawberries and rhubarb.

Eileen – So sorry about DD ligament surgery. Sounds like her attitude is good!

DH and I went car shopping yesterday and of course we got one. It’s actually a fun experience for both of us if we have the time. Those poor salesmen – we really run them through their paces (DH used to sell cars so we have lots of techniques). Eight hours later we had signed on the dotted line with a wee margin for the dealership. I did get in lots of walking and water in the process too! Say smooth ride ….

We saw some of Gustav’s clouds breezing by in the process but didn’t get a single drop of rain. My company’s considerable assets in Louisiana seemed to have survived fairly well. They have power issues but all employees are accounted for and contactable. Expect to have everything running near normal in a couple of days?

I have to run so I don’t have time to put in the smilies (my favorite part) . I’ll check in tomorrow.
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Old 09-02-2008, 06:40 PM   #15  
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Bobbi, yep, I was born in Newfoundland right out in the Atlantic Ocean as was my parents and grandparents and great grandparents on at least one side of the family. The growing season is much shorter than the mainland. The island portion of the province is quite large as is the mainland part of Labrador and the weather varies from one area to another but one thing is certain we get long winters with piles of snow and/or rain depending on which part of the province you live. Fresh produce can be expensive, especially in the winter but the cost of living otherwise is quite good. Milk is about $4.10 for 2 litres (about 2 quarts), large eggs about $2.60 dozen. In the winter lettuce can go as high as $5 a head. But today I bought really good plums for 97 cents a pound. So we do get good sales. I guess when you grow up in a place you don't notice the prices as much. What burns me the most is that while milk is so expensive, soft drinks like Coke, etc can be purchased at major stores for as low as 99 cents for a 2 litre bottle.

Newfoundland and Labrador (this is the official name of the province) was an independent nation until 1949 when it joined Canada as its 10th province.

Ok, so much for the history/geography lesson.
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