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Old 09-09-2008, 02:13 PM   #61  
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I'm here, just late. I had a dentist appointment this morning and then had to box up two pairs of high heels that I sold to someone on Ebay.
Now I'm eating a late lunch, fresh peaches and Fiber One, same thing I had for breakfast. I'm eating light because tonight our future SIL is cooking for us and I don't know what it is or how many calories are in it. I won't be filling out my "Accountability" thread today, just my weight.
DD had her second body scan yesterday, the cyst is the size of an orange. Today they're going to do an altra sound on it and we haven't heard back yet. We tried to cancel the dinner there're preparing for us tonight because of the turmoil everyone is in but they said no, everythings ready. Thanks for all your prayers!
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Old 09-09-2008, 02:38 PM   #62  
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Bobbi ~ The waiting to hear is hard ~ hope you get some good news soon.

Hoping real hard that Ike fizzles out for all of you in his path.

I am teetering here ~ was in onederland ~ then gave in to the temptation of Chex Mix and toppled back into the 2"s. Guess it was probably the sodium and fluid retention. I hadn't changed my ticker yet ~ and with good reason ~ I want to make sure I am firmly in onederland before I do it.

Hello to everyone else. Hope you are all doing well.

Take care
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Old 09-09-2008, 03:49 PM   #63  
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Gayle...yes, waiting is hard. I've had a constant lump in my stomach, she's 38, divorced and mom to two boys 16 and 10. Daytime isn't so bad, it's when the lights go out and I can't sleep. That's when all the negative thoughts bombard me.

[QUOTEBobbi ~ The waiting to hear is hard ~ hope you get some good news soon.
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Old 09-09-2008, 04:03 PM   #64  
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[QUOTE=Bobbolink;2353926]Gayle...yes, waiting is hard. I've had a constant lump in my stomach, she's 38, divorced and mom to two boys 16 and 10. Daytime isn't so bad, it's when the lights go out and I can't sleep. That's when all the negative thoughts bombard me.

Here is my prediction - it's a big, nasty booger but benign. There will be some wonder drug that will be able to shrink it successfully with no invasive procedures required! I am focusing, concentrating, praying, and every other positive word you can think of that my prediction comes true

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Old 09-09-2008, 04:45 PM   #65  
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Originally Posted by Karen3 View Post
Morning.....Boy do we need a check in from all our chicks!

Bobbi...what's happening with your DD?

Linda...Has Vista swallowed your puter?

YoYo...How are your aches?

Lynn...Where are you?

Rosey...Are you okay?

Isabella and Eileen...Thank goodness you2 are okay!

Freda...If I ate anything that tasted like a chip I'd been done/driven/in hog heaven... and not stop eating them. Sweets I can say no, but saltys oh yum!

Off to the bridge table. I will be cooking and whining Thursday with snacks...hugs, Karen3
phsh, if I start to feel sorry for myself for being a little achy and gimpy, all I have to do is think of Bobbi's DD and I realize I'm dealing with peanuts - so I'm good . (but thank you for asking )

I am really worried about Lynn too. She was so involved that I just don't see her simply dropping GGs for a new interest.

How 'bout you Karen3? You still keeping dry?
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Old 09-09-2008, 06:27 PM   #66  
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Evening all...Boy am I dry here. That darn storn is so big that we are starting to get wind gusts and the sky is turning into gray boiling clouds. We probably won't get much/any weather out of Ike, but like Rita we'll hear him blast past. Gayle in Houston watch the weather channel 'cause Ike is coming.

I am getting excited about going North next month to see my kids. Have a bunch stuff happening before...even a tournament here in town, but that is getting in the way of my plans. Suspect they have something planned for our 50th, but am willing to pretend I see nothing, know nothing ....etc.

Just watched a couple of Myers lemons fly by. FYI myers lemons are hugh cross between a lemon and manderan orange which grows to grapefruit size. Sweet and sour at the same flavor in hot tea imaginable. Anyway wind just blew 2 past my slider into the canal....told you it was a bit breeze.

Looks like we have one more day of glued to weather channel and then back to prayers for others....all the models show Texas as the path, but until he is past a quick right turn I stay glued.

I think I swallow a other explaintion to why am not hungry. I have to push my self to get in over 1000 calories a day. Boy would i love to keep this feeling for hey 2 months!
Hugs, Karen3
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Old 09-09-2008, 10:17 PM   #67  
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Arrow Tuesday Check-In

Happy belated Grandparent’s day for all of us that qualify. One DD says it’s just created by Hallmark (but she still calls anyway).

Eileen, sounds like you had a great week-end with the kids (all ages). Glad Hanna was nice to you. I understand that ligaments take longer to heal than bones. I’m sure your DD will be glad for a fresh cast even if she has to continue being restricted.

Isabella, so glad to hear about DS and DILs new house – I’ve been wondering. It’s nice that DIL is feeling well. They now say cravings fulfill something missing in the mother’s body – somehow I don’t think that applies to chocolate cream pie that my DD wanted . Talking about Thanksgiving makes me hungry. I even love cooking for it. Congratulations on the double graduation for your children in October – you must be so proud.

Bobbi, my GM had Alzheimer’s for years. My mom assumed all responsibility even when her own mother didn’t know her. I’ll do the same for her someday. Thank goodness her health is holding up at 79 (next week). Many continued prayers for Tiffany! Hope the dinner was fabulous despite the circumstances. The ham bone soup sounds great (definitely a fall specialty at our house). The 5K is tempting – maybe the motivation I need! Peace for your sleep tonight

Freda, does the DS and DIL’s purchase mean you get Curves privileges? I’m sure they are very appreciative of all you help in getting this off the ground with them

Karen3, looks like you missed most of Ike. He’s heading closer to us than Gustav. Hopefully, we’ll get some rain this week-end. Maybe some of those Myer lemons will fly our way! Well done on another NSV too!

Vegas, so sorry you messed up your ankle, foot and other parts of the anatomy. I hope you have a quick recovery while working on other exercises.

Karen31, get some rest after those DGC! It may not be cardio but it’s a heart blessing none the less.

Gayle, way to go on the soon to be passage to onederland! Hang in there during our wild week-end of weather.

I’m cranking along. I’ve started wearing a pedometer today. Always gives me a place to start – I’m not sure how accurate it is (instructions were missing) but I figure any steps improvement over the previous day is a “step” in the right direction.

Am I the only one that thinks James Coburn’s voice is so smooth and gravely at the same time? I’m listening to “Dead Heat on a Merry-Go-Round” while I type.

Sleep tight, all.
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Old 09-10-2008, 07:43 AM   #68  
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Thanks Pampgal...
Peace for your sleep tonight
I did have a peaceful sleep, maybe from spending time with Tiff and seeing her mood more positive. No results back yet. Her fiance is a fantastic cook, he made chicken, shredded potatoes with cream of mushroom soup (a nono for me), fresh carrots/green beans, a really good raw broccoli/cauliflower/carrot/pecan salad. He mixed in 1 whole lemon rind which really gave the salad some kick, loved it. For dessert he made a carrot cake, for my benefit he left the oil out and added sliced apples instead. So I had no choice but to eat a small piece. Awesome! Last nite I sort of figured out the calories, it would have been rude to take my kitchen scale over and weighed everything. The scale didn't go up this morning from all the salt so I'm good to go. Today I'm making grape jelly from the tons of grapes DH harvested. I'll put them into pretty jars and use some of them for Christmas presents. Gotta make the bean/ham soup today so I'll be spending most of the day in the kitchen. Hope my feet hold out. We're going to have to send a rescue squad out to check on Meowee, she's missing in action too!
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Old 09-10-2008, 08:00 AM   #69  
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Good Morning all, It's cold and wet outside. Good weather to cuddle up with a good book. Not that it will happen, oc course. Got too much to do today. I've had the kids for the last 2 days and soccer every night, so I have a lot of running around to do.

Bobbi, Have you heard anything from DD yet? You know we're praying for good news. I can understand the not sleeping. When our kids hurt, we hurt. And just because they're adults don't mean they aren't still our "babies".

Gayle, Sooooo close! I know you'll get to that point soon.

YoYo, and the rest of you too. I'm worried about Lynn also. I promise if i decide not to post any more I will come on line and let everyone know.

Karen, Think the kids are being sneaky, huh? Have you bought a dress to wear so you'll look beautiful when you're "surprised"?

PampGal, Yeah, the kids are asking me when I'm going to start coming to work out at Curves. I do the circuit when i'm there, but don't officially "go". I will be helping out more often when DIL gets her new job and I'll use it more then. I've never been one to join things. I hate getting out once I get home. I'd rather go for my walk and lift weights at home. But Curves does have a good record. I was speaking to another lady about it and she said her bone scan had shown increased bone mass since she started working out there. Good recomendation!

Make it a good day, Freda
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Old 09-10-2008, 01:41 PM   #70  
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Morning..its still raining here..this is the wettest summer we have ever had Bobbie hope u here good news soon ..nothing on my agenda today but am sure i'll find something that needs doing..meowee must still be having computer issues..hope u all have agreat and safe day. rosey
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Old 09-10-2008, 05:56 PM   #71  
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Guess who . . .

I'm finally back on-line after being in forced isolation since last Friday. Everything is not yet perfect -- have a new keyboard and new mouse or order and currently working with loaners. The "wizard" thinks I might have taken a little electric hit since he discovered the keyboard and mouse problems when he brought the CPU back. The CPU was a real mess, but seems to be ticking along ok now. I'm trying to get used to XP again (my son had taken it off and put me back on 2000) which the "wizard" thinks is better with this machine. Also trying to get used to Vista on the new laptop. It is now also able to access the internet although the built in mouse thing is driving me nutz.

Most of my major software made it but some of the smaller stuff and a lot of my Excel and Word files have gone to never-never-land. One of the things I miss the most is my homegrown nutritional tracking program which I'll have to rebuild from scratch. It is high on my agenda so I'm not going to wipe out my accountability thread post because I think I can get back into the swing of things fairly soon.

Just wanted to let you know I'm here and hopefully I'll get caught up on some reading in the next day or so. See you soon . . .

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Old 09-10-2008, 11:07 PM   #72  
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Meowee, glad to have you back. Any change is an adjustment. You were missed!

We're really hunkering down for Ike. Evacutions start tomorrow morning for most of the coastal areas near Galveston. I think we'll only be working part of a day tomorrow. I need to pack everything up (again). Here we've got the cars filled. DH is going to get the gas stove from the trailer and buy ice for the ice chests just in case tomorrow.

I hope to stay connected at least tomorrow. I'll check in.

Sweet Dreams!
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Old 09-10-2008, 11:46 PM   #73  
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Just quickie....Hang tight Pamp! Karen3
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Old 09-11-2008, 05:29 AM   #74  
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Good morning. It's nice but chilly here today but it's not 7 am yet so not sure what the day will actually bring. DH just took off for work on his bike all bundled up. Mom was up way too early this morning so we all are up and I've even eaten breakfast which means dinner (lunch) is a long ways away. I'll be looking for a snack this morning.

Pampgal, glad to know you are all prepared to flee the scene. I can't even imagine what it would be like to live somewhere where evacuations were common during hurricane season. So many of you chicks do live in the paths of a storm during late summer and fall. By the time most of the hurricanes come our way, they are downgraded to a post tropical storm. Occasionally we get damage but rarely are evacuation orders given, except for very small areas where there may be flooding, etc. The last time we had a real hurricane up this way, the Halifax harbour area was wiped out. But that was several years ago. Meowee, could tell you more about that as she lives in Nova Scotia. Welcome back, Meowee.

I ate too much yesterday out of sheer boredom. I have cabin fever. I want to get up and go but I can't. So today, I must keep busy with a few things I could have done yesterday but didn't.

Have a good day everyone.
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Old 09-11-2008, 06:01 AM   #75  
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Just checking in and waving hi!
Things have been crazy here with starting back teaching and dealing with 6 (now VERY active) puppies and dealing with Gustav. Luckily we only had minor yard damage and no house damage. Took us about 2 days to clean it all up and we were without power for 5 days. Better than the 6 weeks after Katrina. So easy to forget what a luxury air condition and ice are!!!

Keeping our Texas friends in mind with Ike looming out there.

I have been very lax in posting here and barely keeping up with the SB group. Hope things settle down now.
I am really enjoying teaching again. Love my class even though they are a hand full. My classroom has a smart board that is so neat. A huge board that shows anything that is on my computer is interactive and you can "touch it" instead of using a mouse and also "write" on it with special electronic "no ink" pens. The best toy ever. I started a website with links to all the stuff we teach, so the kids can play games based on skills we are teaching. My computer went down the day we returned from gustav and I thought I would die having to use chalk..yuk!!

Hope everyone is ok. I will try to go back and catch up with posts soon.

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