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Old 09-26-2008, 09:27 PM   #181  
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I'm ready to go to bed. I was shopping today in Walmart and all I can say is if Christmas shopping is worse than today I'm cancelling Christmas until January. What a crowd and what confusion. Walmart is reorganizing the store so no one including the staff knows where anything is. And to top it all off they are celebrating their anniversary with a huge sale and people were shopping like it was the last day on earth that toilet paper and Tide would be available. I must be getting old because I could literally shop til I dropped but lately I'm dropping before I'm done shopping. Ah, well I'll be back again next week and if there's anything left in the store I might get me a few more rolls of TP. Have a good weekend everyone.
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Old 09-26-2008, 09:40 PM   #182  
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Evening all....Well, had another really sweet day at the bridge table and came in first again. We come in regularly but for some reason right now everything we do is just right. Guess i should have gotten a lottery ticket.

Still not hungry and struggled with food today. I hope it doesn't suddenly reverse the trend and I end up binging. To up the calories I need something that excites me and have nothing in the pantry. Have to keep it bare so DH doesn't snack too much. His diabetic meds aren't working and his BS is rising.

Dash's diet is improving and his rashes are getting better. Yeah, he had turkey with us all week. Can you imagine I will have to cook the dog turkey every week???

We had another lovely breeze day and had the house open with a/c all day. Got stuffy towards evening. I would love to have door open for the night. sighhhhhhhhhh, maybe soon. Checked the weather bloggs and no storms out there for us yet. Phew! 4 more weeks of hurricane season to go.

Take care you all, because you are so important to us...hugs, Karen3
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Old 09-26-2008, 11:29 PM   #183  
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Old 09-27-2008, 09:18 AM   #184  
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Good Morning all, Looks like it's going to be another nice day. These days are perfect. Wish I could bottle them up.

Linda, NOOOO!! Too soon to talk about Christmas shopping! Although i know I really should get started. Nothing like waiting for the last min.

Karen, You don't need luck, you've got the talent. Cards are just your thing!!

Bobbi, Too bad about the car. Lucky no one was hurt! Just too annoying.

make it a good day, Freda
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Old 09-27-2008, 09:54 AM   #185  
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Good Morning!
Beautiful day here too, DH left yesterday for Elk hunting and with any luck he'll be gone for 10 days! I mean it, I love to ramble around the house on my own, do whatever I feel like doing. Not that I can't went he's home but you know what I mean. No responsibilities, just feeding the dog/cat and letting the chicken out in the am/to bed pm. Today I'm going to defrost one of our freezers to make room for fresh Elk meat. I have about 6 roasts left over from last year, I'm going to thaw/marinate and roast up for sandwich meat. I have a food saver that I use, then will freeze batches of it for quick meals/sandwiches or whatever. Yesterday I froze sections of red/green peppers on a cookie sheet, then popped them into food saver bags and froze them. We prefer them fresh but we have so many and they would rot before we ate them all. Busy, busy day today so I better get hopping.
We had a safe trip to Minneapolis yesterday, DD picked up her new vehicle. I hate driving in the twin cities, you have to drive like a nut and know where you're going! I'm one of those people that causes road rage, these big semi's and four wheel pick-ups that ride my a$$ are the worse. Glad that trip is over. Bye-bye
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Old 09-27-2008, 12:03 PM   #186  
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Sorry I have been missing! My oldest son who is handicapped was sick and in the hospitalall last week. He doesn't talk at all so it is always hard when he gets sick. It started with an er infection and sore throat and the Dr. gave him anti-biotics for it. Guess that wasn't enough. He ended up getting dehydrated and when they took him to the hospital on Sunday night he had afever of 102.6 and they couldn't get him to wake up or stay awake. When we got to the hospital on Monday late morning he was doing better but his blood pressure was 83/54. The Dr. was first worried about menengitis (SP) but after he saw him again while we were there he said he had improved a lot from earlier in the morning so he wasn't concerned about that anymor e. They had him IV's and he had 4 liters of saline from about 10:00pm Sunday night to noon on Monday. Finally on Thursday he was feeling a lot better. He even pulled out his IV They finally released him on Friday and he is doing much better. Still not drinking enough but getting back to it. And he is eating good again.

So that is what happened to me. I just finished going back to the accountability thread and updated. I did write everything down but just didn't get it logged in. Didn't lose any weight this past week.

Have a Great weekend everyone!
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Old 09-27-2008, 04:07 PM   #187  
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Karen31, so sorry to hear about your trying week but glad you DS is on the mend. You did well to maintain your weight with everything that was going on with you and yours.

Bobbi, I envy you your "free" time with no one around. I'm never alone unless I leave the house and then I'm surrounded by "strangers" as opposed to family. I'm just getting a few minutes to myself right now as mom is napping and everyone is out, but I'd love to have even one day to myself. I don't know if I'd like 10 days but one or two would be good.

Hi Freda.

Karen3, what's it like not to want to eat??? I can eat round the clock if I let myself go whether I'm hungry or not. I made very healthy cookies with no refined sugar or fats this week and I had to stop myself from eating those (which I wouldn't normally do if regular cookies were around).

Another lovely sunny day here. DH has gone out on his bike to see his mother. DS and GF are gone to her house and mom is sleeping. I'm sitting here with the patio door open enjoying a lovely breeze. The dishes are piled up from dinner and a few from breakfast if I dig far enough down in the pile but I don't care. They'll still be there when I'm ready and if they're not "thank you" to whomever decided to do them.
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Old 09-27-2008, 05:55 PM   #188  
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Today I seem to have added a migraine (induced by the low pressure preceding Kyle) to my cold. -- this is getting tiresome.

BTW -- did you know that there is a spell-checker built into both the quick-reply and advanced reply areas? Just look for the little ABC with the check-mark underneath.

Last edited by meowee; 09-27-2008 at 05:57 PM.
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Old 09-27-2008, 07:05 PM   #189  
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evening....Wasn't gonna even check in tonight. Had absolutely quiet day here until I read Linda's note about spell checker. So wrote a quick note to try it out. Then decided not to download right now and BAM...the darn computer glitch got me! I have been flying around cyber space in places no man has been before......Thanks Linda! hugs, Karen3 (without spell checked)
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Old 09-27-2008, 08:51 PM   #190  
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Sorry about that KAREN . . . have to admit I've never known anyone before who could get into trouble using a spell-checker.
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Old 09-28-2008, 10:45 AM   #191  
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Morning....It wasn't the spell check but this new laptop that sends me off into space.

Just have to laugh that in the middle of hurricane season here the darn storm is heading for Nova Scotia. Way back in August they were calling for Kyle as he came off Africia....First time in 17 years for Maine to be on hurricane watch.....just wild! Actually we could have used the rain. It is just a month before the dry season starts any rain would help. Sorry Linda....1st I give you my cold and now my storm.

Grocery a quicky. Getting ready to go to NC. Does everyone go to NC?

Weigh In day....lost a pound and am pleased because I thought that I had really screwed up with low calories this month. And DH is finally having some success with diabetic med change. He kept bottoming out on Glipizide and when they changed it to Glipizide XL which is long acting the BS are stable. Now back to working on portion's a man thing, a box or bag is a portion!

Wonder what kind of weather I will find in NC? Anything will be alot cooler than here for sure. Think I'll forget about diet and just eat like everyone. That may get me back on the South Beach when we get back. A vacation from dieting...sounds like a plan.

Did I tell you all that DH bought me a new enagement ring for our 50th? I am so tickled. The orginal ring came from a pawn shop in Jacksonville, NC outside Camp LaJuene. He got it months ago and I won't wear it until Oct 14th. My friends are dying to see it. He is a sweetie. We have been friends for 68 years and married for 50 of them.

I was born on his 3rd birthday. My mother was his mother's nurse in the hospital where he was born and my dad was MD who delivered him. I was born at home with Dad delivering me, too. We celebrated joint birthday parties for years. After getting married, it was hard figuring out what to call everyone....My Dad had been Uncle Doc and my MIL was plain Ruth since there was an older Aunt Ruth.....took the kids coming along to settle that.

When my 1st grandchild was born he had 13 living grandparents! Combination of genes and young brides! I was the youngest, but he started calling me Old Gramma and it stuck. When he was old enough to explain he said it was because I was the 1st one he called gramma and that made me"Old".

Just looked at the clock and gotta get moving. All you chicks up North batten down the hatches....Kyle is a blowing.....hugs, Karen3

Last edited by Karen3; 09-28-2008 at 10:47 AM.
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Old 09-28-2008, 08:08 PM   #192  
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Meowee, I can't find an ABC with a check mark but any misspelled words get underlined in red and when I right click I get suggested spellings.

A quiet overcast day here but fairly warm. I dried sheets and a few towels on the clothes line this afternoon. The towels had been out most of the day though as the humidity was high.

Karen3, that is such a nice story about you and your DH being friends for 68 years and married for 50. Not many couples could have that to boast about.

I guess things will pick up again tomorrow. It's really slow here on the weekends.

We won't get Kyle here in Newfoundland but we may get rain. I hope everyone stays safe.
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Old 09-28-2008, 08:21 PM   #193  
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Hello Everyone! I got these in an email this afternoon and I thought they were so funny that I just had to share them with you. Everybody needs a good laugh once in awhile!! Enjoy them!
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Old 09-29-2008, 06:17 AM   #194  
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Happy Monday everyone!

We had a very nice weekend. Ended up not going to New Orleans, but to a town on the lakefront close to here (across the lake from N.O.) The weather was glorious and we ate out on a second story porch...all the places on the lake have been "raised" since Katrina and it gave a beautiful view of the lake. Then we did a bit of clothes shopping. Our mall was torn down right after Katrina (not due to the storm, it was planned anyway) and a new mall is being built...should be nice..not under one roof but all spread out. Penney's opened on Saturday and they had nearly everything in the store 50% off, so I went nuts and got a dress and 4 shirts and 5 pairs of pants since I literally had NO fall or winter clothes left. Just spent yesterday doing school and client stuff. I wish my remaining clients would find someone else! And got grocery shopping done too. All in all a nice weekend!
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Old 09-29-2008, 08:09 AM   #195  
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Good Morning, Lovely weekend here. I worked Saturday night. I'm a day shift worker, but one of ther nurses had an accident on the way to work and they called me and I went in. I was happy about that, since I got to see my son coach his first little league football game and my GS play. Turned out to be a double game and they won both. Had lots of fun with the parents in the stands. We send an e-mail to DS to quit playing a throwing game and start running the ball! he hung up on us, but he stopped trying to run the ball! Too funny!! (guess you ahd to be there)

Bobbi, I love free time, but seldom get a few hours. 10 days would be heavenly. To read all day in my pajamas, eat what I wanted, when I wanted.....

Karen31, Glad to hear that your son is doing better. Praying for a speedy recovery.

Linda, never really noticed or knew about the spell check. I'll have to check it out. It's not that I can't spell, it's that I can't type! Hope the headache is better.

Karen3, I hope your trip is fun filled. And Can we see the new emgagement ring?

Isabella, I love hanging clothes on the line. Love that fresh smell. Those days are coming to an end quickly.

Cat, What a lovely way to spend the eveing, on a balcony enjoying lunch! And then shopping, with a sale yet! I'm still not used to buying a samller size. I alwasy take the clothes in expecting them not to fit. I went to my grandson's football games yesterday, and since the morning was cool I wore a long sleeved shirt. It got so hot i was going to go home and change clothes and one of the other ladies there had a sleeveless shirt in the car that she offered to loan me. I told her "thanks, but no way would it fit" She is so tiny! It fit!! I can see it in her, but not in me.

make it a good day, Freda
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