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Old 09-20-2008, 07:28 PM   #151  
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Hi Gayle, glad to see you back. I guess you've got lots of cleaning up to do outside.

Pancakes are one of my favorite meals at anytime of the day. We don't have them too often but I always use ww flour for at least half the flour. When I did my first year of teaching in New Brunswick I occasionally stayed over with an older couple who kind of took me under their wing. They had pancakes for breakfast every morning along with cereal and eggs and Mrs. O always made extra because Mr. O ate them at every meal like one would eat bread. I can still see him eating his dinner of meat, gravy, potatoes and vegetables with a pancake rolled up in one hand soaking up the gravy.

Maybe I'll have pancakes for breakfast tomorrow. I never put sugar in my pancakes. I always figure the syrup is sweet enough to sweeten the cake. I like mine with peanut butter, a little syrup and apple sauce on top of everything. (And maybe a few slices of banana, yum.) Oh, yes, pancakes for breakfast tomorrow!

Karen3, congratulations on coming first. I don't play cards of any kind but I do know what it's like to win by coming first.

I lost 1 pound this morning when I weighed in so I felt really good about that today. Now, if I can let that happy feeling keep me from eating junk tonight I'll be even happier.

Have a good evening everyone.
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Old 09-20-2008, 07:52 PM   #152  
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O.K. Karen, don't leave us hanging here wondering what you're going to wrap in apples!

DH eats anything if it has apples in it....won't tell you what I threaten to wrap in apples.....yuck
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Old 09-21-2008, 08:47 AM   #153  
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Hi everyone,

I'm concerned about Lyn too. I pray she's ok. And you may be right Bobbi, she may be just taking a break. I know if I'm not consistant i will regain. It does get to be a hassle sometimes, but it's easier to maintain than to try to lose it again. So, guess you'll have to put up with me for a long time!

Karen, YEAH!! Winning is always fun!

Isabella, Congratulations on the LOSS!

It's nice and sunny here during the day, but nippy at night. You really need a sweater now. Fall is here wherether it's admitting it or not.

make it a good day, freda
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Old 09-21-2008, 04:38 PM   #154  
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Slept over at my daughters today ~ too hot here without ac. Power is back on now again ~ hope it stays on this time, so I can get the dress sewn for my daughter's wedding I had taken vacation days Mon and Tues so I could do that ~ then ~ BOOM ~ IKE messed that up.

I am thankful to be alive and no damage to speak of like what some of the people are facing.

I had to kind of laugh at myself through this. When things are going along like normal and I have a fridge full of good stuff ~ fruits and vegies ~ I'm wanting chips, crackers, cookies, candy. When that is all we had to eat here ~ I wanted a salad in the worst kind of way

Getting ready for work. One more night ~ then off ~ Yippee

I go Tues for a sleep study ~ hoping they can figure out why I have such a hard time sleeping and help me to find something so I can rest better.

Hope you all are having a good weekend.

Take care
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Old 09-21-2008, 10:41 PM   #155  
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' Evening chickies

Just a quick hello. We spent this weekend helping our DS, DDIL, and DGD get ready for a move to a new place. Our job was to keep 18 month old DGD busy.
So it wasn't work at all.

Hope that this week is full of sunshine and good weather, glad that Glynnne and her family are well. Cat hope that the clean-up moves along faster than K did.

Karen3 congrats on your win.

Isabella you rock Great job on losing this week.

Bobbi hope that you are right about Lynn taking a break,
hopefully she'll answer her work e-mail and than we'll know she's okay.

Take care,

Last edited by Cute n Curvy; 09-21-2008 at 10:44 PM.
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Old 09-22-2008, 07:32 AM   #156  
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Gayle, I'm with you. When all you have to eat is canned food that needs to be heated and the thought of eating something hot is unbearable! I was wanting a nice cool crisp salad so bad. And when the first restaurant opened back up, I got a doozy of a salad. I could not wait for the grocery stores and vegetable stands to reopen.

Last edited by femmecreole; 09-22-2008 at 07:32 AM.
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Old 09-22-2008, 10:40 AM   #157  
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Hi, Just got back from taking my Grands to school. My ****back is out again and i'm limping. Just makes me so angry!! But i've had a pretty good summer.

Gayle, I'm so thankful that you and your family are ok. I'm like you and Cat too, always want what I don't have. Think we're all that way? Maybe if someone told us we couldn't have fresh fruit and vegetables and whole grain we would crave that instead of junk?

Eileene, sorry to hear you had to work so hard! ha that is our "chore' too, taking care of the kids. Little do they know that we would pay them for that work.

make it a good day, freda
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Old 09-22-2008, 11:51 AM   #158  
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Just to let you know I am home and it was a really great weekend . . . but OMG, I am tired. Should have tried to do a little more sleeping and a little less talking I guess.

Will try to get caught up on things another time. Definitely feels like a nap is needed right now . . . see you later . . .
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Old 09-22-2008, 08:50 PM   #159  
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Hi everyone..another sunny day here my guys got back from the cabin and testosterone was flying grson(14) got his 1st moose..they where so excited..grandpa and sil where really proud....the suns out and all the fall colors in their glory..i think fall is my favorite season,i call it sweatshirt dd and sil are on their way over to finish putting the railings around my wheel chair ramp,they are so helpful..Bobbie u asked about recipes for moose,i just cook it like beef..its leaner tho and very healthy so im lucky to have some in my freezer..esp good slow cooked in the crock pot,i brown a roast or steaks and put in crock pot with onions and about cup of bq sauce, you can serve it like a full course meal or in a do u all cook wild game ? welcome back meowee,hope u got a nap..ttfn rosey
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Old 09-22-2008, 10:35 PM   #160  
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'Evening Chickies

Hope that Monday was good to you.

Meowee hope you got cat nap.

Freda you are right. We would pay to play with the grands . They bring such joy !

Bobbi and Rosey all the Chickies are coming over for moose burgers. Let us know what to bring.

Have great Tuesday.


P.S. I kinda look like this icon and can blush easily, so that's why I use case any one was curious.
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Old 09-23-2008, 08:18 AM   #161  
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Good Morning . . .

I slept a lot yesterday and finally I'm feeling almost human again. Have to get out there and do some grocery shopping -- must have my supply of salad greens.

Weight bounced back down those 2 pounds so I guess I mostly gained www over the weekend. Not all that thrilled with my blood sugar levels. Hopefully they will start going down again too.

So, guess I'd better clean the litter pans and have a shower so I can get out of here. See you all later. . .
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Old 09-23-2008, 09:37 AM   #162  
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Good Morning!
Glad to see you back safe Meowee, I haven't checked the accountibility thread yet this am so I'm not sure what your two pounds are about.
Last night I checked out everyone's progress and see the most recent drops go to Isabella is down 1 whole pound (1.5) and Eileen, (5)way to go! You're goal was 5 pounds this month and you made it with 8 days to go. Unfortunately my weight loss is almost at a stand still. I'm going to post something from the biggest losers that we all know (preaching to the choir) but it's good to be reminded about.
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Old 09-23-2008, 09:39 AM   #163  
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Good Morning!
Glad to see you back safe Meowee, I haven't checked the accountibility thread yet this am so I'm not sure what your two pounds are about.
Last night I checked out everyone's progress and see the most recent drops go to Isabella is down 1 whole pound (1.5) and Eileen, (5)way to go! You're goal was 5 pounds this month and you made it with 8 days to go. Unfortunately my weight loss is almost at a stand still. I'm going to post something from the biggest losers that we all know (preaching to the choir) but it's good to be reminded about.
Secrets of the Big Losers
How to keep the pounds off.
By Jay Dixit,
There's no question that losing weight is hard and keeping it off even harder. But it's not impossible. The National Weight Control Registry lists thousands of people who have lost more than 50 pounds and kept it off more than five years. Here's how to do the same.
Make radical changes. People think moderate dietary changes are easier to stick with. But as with quitting drug addiction, drastic changes are actually easier. "We don't tell heroin addicts if you stay clean all week, you can reward yourself by shooting up a small amount on the weekend," says Deirdre Barrett, a psychologist at Harvard Medical School and author of Waistland. "Sugar derails glucose metabolism in a similar way." She advises cutting out sugars, refined foods, simple carbohydrates, and trans fats.
Reprogram your brain. Losing weight means developing new eating habits—like reaching for an orange instead of an Oreo. The hardest part is the first 72 hours, when eating right is an act of will. After two or three weeks of sticking to it, your hunger and cravings subside, and control over eating choices becomes more automatic. Voilà, your brain is rewired.
Eat breakfast. Without breakfast, your body plunges into starvation mode, slowing your metabolism and tempting you to binge later. Over 78 percent of the registry's successful losers eat breakfast every day.
Exercise like you mean it. An evening walk every other day isn't going to cut it. Ninety percent of registry participants exercised—for a full hour, on average, most days of the week.
Stretch your mind. Stop living on autopilot. A study shows that people who push their comfort zones and try new things—like reading a different magazine or listening to a new radio station—lose weight and keep it off. Breaking out of your routine may make you more aware of your choices in general, and less likely to engage in mindless eating.
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Old 09-23-2008, 09:59 AM   #164  
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Rosey...I cook it just like you do, anywhere the recipe calls for beef I substitute Elk, Venion, Antelope. Two years ago the Elk was in full rut and he was a smelly, tough bull. I had to marinate all the meat before eating it, some pieces I ran through our meat tenderizer. I'd rather he bagged nice tender game but then he couldn't brag about the size of the racks. Guess it's a boy thing?

Quote: do u all cook wild game ?
Karen3...I just checked out the account. thread and I see you consistently stay within a low calories range. I can't boast about your weight loss since you don't post it, how's it going?
Karen31, down 2 pounds, great.
Glynne...good luck on your Sleep study today! do you stay at 115? Count calories and weigh yet?
Meowee...Great, I see what you're talking about now, two pounds off again.
As for me, DH is leaving for Wyoming/S.Dakato border Friday for another Elk hunt. That means a little vacation for me and if I haven't budged on the scale by then I'll do something drastic like the article above said, EXERCISE! YUK, I HATE EXERCISING!
Hi to everyone I missed!
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Old 09-23-2008, 10:25 AM   #165  
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Morning Ladies

Thanks so much for the article Bobbi - I printed it so I can take it out and give myself a little reminder once in a while. I especially like the paragraph about radical changes. I'm totally convinced that I've been able to make it this far without lapsing into a major binge because I cut certain things completely out of my diet and restructured my entire attitude toward food. I sure hope you are right about Lynn. I guess I can understand just getting burned out and needing a vacation. Sometimes the measuring, counting, and posting does get to be an awful lot like work. It's just hard not to worry when you get to know and like someone - almost like a little extended family - and they just drop off without a goodbye.

All you guys in hunt country, must be nice to have honest to goodness fresh meat. My only problem is, I'm such a mushburger, I've never been able to eat something if I saw it first as a whole creature. Tried raising a pig once - it finally died of old age because my roommates and I couldn't bring ourselves to send it off to be butchered (it was such a happy piggy and liked to have his tummy rubbed - how can you eat something that likes tummy rubs?). I can eat meat I've never met but if grocery stores disappeared I'd probably have to become a vegetarian

Getting nervous for the people taking over the distribution for my company. Spent yesterday with their Director of Ops. Clueless as to what all was involved. By the time he left yesterday he was looking decidedly nervous and overwhelmed. Making me really glad I wasn't planning to make the move. I can see it being a complete train wreck.

Gotta run. Putting together a folder with examples of all my reports for the guy and updating my procedures manual. Woo hoo - something to do
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