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Old 09-17-2008, 11:09 PM   #136  
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Glynne................:Glad to hear you have home and family safe.
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Old 09-18-2008, 06:12 AM   #137  
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Glynne, so happy you have your power back on and no major damage. That days and days of no power is just no fun at all!! We so take for granted that washing machines and air condition and having a store opened for groceries is a luxury! After 6 weeks without it after K and a week after it with gustav, I'll never take it for granted. Our Gustav debris is still in front of our house...the street is lined with a huge wall of brown limbs on both's like driving through a tunnel.

When I got home yesterday, My MIL had left. My BIL called her yesterday when he found out their power was back on, so they swung by and picked her up and headed back to Houston. The guy across the street from her is from Canada and decided to stay for the hurricane. He said he would NEVER do that again. He said he had heard gunshots in the neighborhood. Apparently some people in the neighborhood were getting scared and armed themselves. And this is an upper middle class type of neighborhood . Hopefully since the power is back on in most of the area, they will put the guns away.When I talked to her last night, I told her to stay inside! They did have quite a bit of damage to the house when they got home, but nothing that is not fixable while living there.

Nothing fun for me today...just school and when I get home it looks like hours of having to imput grades online. The password they gave me was no good and they finally gave me one that works, so I have to put 6 weeks worth of grades online all at once. I'm about to go blind.

Last edited by femmecreole; 09-18-2008 at 06:18 AM.
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Old 09-18-2008, 06:48 AM   #138  
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Good Morning,

Gayle, So relieved to hear from you! And happy to hear that you and your family are ok.

Cat, So glad that you let us know you were ok too. We worry. Everyone here feels like a friend. I'm not surprised to hear that MIL's neighbors got guns. I know a lot of looting goes on after a disaster like that.

Eileen, I love the fall weather. Crisp and cool. New England is on my "to see" list.

Karen, Poor Dash! My dog is alergic to chicken too. We have to read labels for him also. But it was worth the effort, bcause now the itching has stopped. Before we were giving him benadryl, poor little thing.

Everyone, Hi, just a fast check in. I have the Grands all week and it's time to get them up and ready for school.

Make it a good day, Freda
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Old 09-18-2008, 12:53 PM   #139  
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Morning Golden Girls

Originally Posted by retiredone View Post
I don't feel or look like a young girl today. I'm having a rough day because of the rough night I had. My mother was up at 3:30 am and didn't settle down the rest of the night. She was crying wanting to get up every few minutes. I had just fallen asleep when she woke up again. I had gone to bed late and couldn't fall asleep so I had about 1 hour's sleep when she woke up. I slept again this morning about 2 more hours while she finally slept. I'm just ready to fall over but she's been like it all day as well. She has bouts of anxiety and nothing or no one can assure her she's safe from falling out of bed (which she can't do). I don't mind in the day if I've had a good night's sleep. I think the shopping expedition yesterday got her over-stimulated and overly tired as well. I've noticed this happening more often after a day trip.
Hope you get a chance to catch a nap Isabella. I know what you mean about the day trips. MIL loves to go shopping and, even though she can still walk with a cane or walker, I usually rent a wheel chair to try and keep her from getting overtired but the last few times she's been to visit, she ends up being up all night after a day out - sometimes even vomiting - so I have to limit the amount of time we spend running around. She does OK if we just spend a leisurly hour or two at the mall browsing - it's when we have an agenda and try to get a lot of errands done that gets to be a bit much for her.

EEE - just got paged, must be work to do. Go figure

Have a spectacular day
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Old 09-18-2008, 01:25 PM   #140  
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Hi everyone..i am so happy to here that u are all ok that where affected by the huricanes,houses and things can be fixed and replaced people cant ..our weather cont to be rain and more rain ugh and high winds are predicted for later guys are still at the cabin moose enjoying the time alone..all of my therapys have been discont..ins wont pay for more but thats ok cuz ive learned enuff to be independent and it feels mil visited yesterday shes 87 and was so surprized that i could make her a cup of tea and offer her a cookie ..i guess she was impressed lol..on the diet front im holding steady no gain no loss..i get alot of exercise letting the dogs in and out,but need to make myself do more,dont want to fall back into old habits..have a wonderful day GG'S rosey
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Old 09-18-2008, 03:29 PM   #141  
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Moose hunting is big here in Newfoundland. DH saw a moose just last week on the road driving in to town. We don't hunt but lots of our neighbors do.

Yoyo, I'm feeling much better today. Had a good night's sleep. Mom has calmed down some since our trip. She slept most of the morning, too so I got some things done.

Glad you're safe Gayle. I've been thinking of you hoping it was only the power keeping you from posting.

Cat, have fun posting all those grades. I don't miss that one bit since retiring from teaching. The kids were the best part. The paperwork--no. O course most paperwork is done on computer now. When I retired the school I worked at was just implementing online grading/attendance/etc... I had to learn how to do it the last 2 months of school and then I was gone. It wasn't hard to do but some of the older teachers were really balking at the thought. We had one teacher who was much younger than I and she wouldn't even use or read her email for office memos that came out. She was always grumbling because she didn't know what was in the memos. I felt like telling her to "get with it" but kept my mouth shut. I guess she's had no choice but conform by now.

Waves to everyone.
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Old 09-18-2008, 03:50 PM   #142  
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Hi All!
Rosey...I love when DH goes hunting and I have time to myself. DH is leaving in a couple of weeks for Elk hunting. Do you have any fantastic recipes for moose/elk/venison?

my guys are still at the cabin moose enjoying the time alone.
I should have checked the "Accountability" thread before I started gabbing, it's always fun to see the scales go down.
Have any of you tried the Erythritol sweetner yet? I love it but it's quite spendy. I checked our local food coop today to see if they carried it, they special order it and you have to buy 6 (1.5 lb) packages @14.99 each. I had to order 4 jars of the Peanut Butter 2 and I'm glad I did. Yesterday I put some pb2 powder in with sf/ff vanilla pudding and made the best peanut butter pudding. My DD has a fit when I use sugar free puddings, she says I'll get cancer from it.
On a lighter note, It's sure nice to be able to hang out laundry this late in September. DH harvested everything in the garden yesterday and he's so stiff today that he can hardly walk. Tough getting old! We cut way back on the garden this year, only 1/2 packet of beets thank God. We usually have them coming out our ears. I need to get a whole chicken in the oven and check out another thread, have a good one.
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Old 09-19-2008, 07:48 AM   #143  
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Good morning Chickies. What a glorious sunny day here (so far). There was frost last night and it was chilly in the house so we had the wood furnace on. It's toasty warm in the house and I haven't a clue whether it's warm or cold outside. Haven't opened a door or window yet. One of the neighbors out working in his yard has on a heavy plaid shirt so I'm betting it's chilly yet this morning. It might be a good day for hanging out clothes though because there is a good breeze out there.

Have a good on plan day.
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Old 09-19-2008, 08:54 AM   #144  
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Quick good morning....Off to the tourament in a few minutes. Can't believe it is 3 miles from my house! And no work for me......Yeah...I'm my life long dream....A GUEST!

Still half sick, but ruffle a deck of cards and this old war horse is ready.

Can't believe you are having cool weather. A/c is still cranking along here, but it was nice this morning out by the mailbox. Maybe 79 instead of 90. Of course when the sun gets cooking that will quickly change.

So worried about Lynn....something must have happened.

DD and SIL sent us a hugh tub of meat from Omaha Steaks. HUGH! Fillets, Sirloins, stuffed fish, potatoes o'gratin, apple tarts, lasagna,hamburgers, hot dogs...probably more but forgot. Had to take out some water jugs. Hey It's still almost a month of our anniversary. NEXT!.......yeah, I'm greedy. Actually don't care what is in a package just love the fun of opening stuff.

OMG...time is gone....hugs, Karen3
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Old 09-19-2008, 12:07 PM   #145  
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Originally Posted by Karen3 View Post
So worried about Lynn....something must have happened.
I tried going to her profile and sending a message on the yahoo link but never got a response. Linda, do you have a different personal e-mail for her?

Oh, yeah, hi all
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Old 09-19-2008, 07:01 PM   #146  
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Awhile back Lynn stopped weighing herself everyday, went to weekly weigh ins. Then one day she posted something that made me think she was giving up. I looked back on her posts but can't find where she indicated that she'd be at that weight forever and maybe she should just give up. I'm thinking maybe that's what happened, she just decided to take a break?
I got to my ideal weight last year and was so tired of dietings, posting, weighing all my food that I didn't want to post anymore. I dropped out of sight for many months until my weight started coming back on. Do you think maybe Lynn is at that point and just needs to chill out? I hope that's all it is. That dangerous looking spot turned out to be non-cancerous and she does love to travel. I tried her work email at Phoenix but no answer. Now that school is back in session, maybe I'll try that email address again.

Originally Posted by Karen3
So worried about Lynn....something must have happened.

I tried going to her profile and sending a message on the yahoo link but never got a response. Linda, do you have a different personal e-mail for her?
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Old 09-19-2008, 09:43 PM   #147  
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Evening...Thanks for trying...When one of us goes missing there is a void for sure. Did well today and already for bed. Back tomorrow same time for more bridge..............karen3
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Old 09-19-2008, 11:53 PM   #148  
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Hello again

Got on quick here at my daughters ~ not too long after I posted last time, power went back off. It was on long enough to get my clothes washed and check e-mail.

I'm thankful to be ok and no damage, but sure will be glad when we get the power back for good.

Hope you all are doing well.

Take care
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Old 09-20-2008, 09:10 AM   #149  
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Good Morning!
Anyone hungry for pancakes with fresh peaches?

Whole wheat applesauce pancakes


1 and 1/4 cups whole wheat flour
9 teaspoons of artificial sweetener (should equal a little over 2 Tbsp of real sugar)
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 beaten egg (I use two egg whites for less fat, cholesterol and calories)
1 cup skim milk
2 Tbsp applesauce

Mix all ingredients and cook on skillet.

Top the pancakes with a cut up fresh peach or two, drizzled with sugar free maple syrup.
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Old 09-20-2008, 07:06 PM   #150  
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Hi exhausted and so excited! We did good and came in 1st overall. So now am totally brain dead and have one more day of tournament. I love to play, but winning is really nice.

Bobbi...Those pancakes sound yummy. We used to have pancakes for dinner. Even the local church had pancakes/sausage dinners to raise money. The old timers poured pork gravy over their pancakes. Since on South Beach I've made ww pancakes a couple of times. Guess something in the back of my memory says it's a Winter dish. Have to copy this recipe and use apple sauce. DH eats anything if it has apples in it....won't tell you what I threaten to wrap in apples.....yuck!

everyone have a nice weekend....night, am heading to bed....Karen3
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