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Old 12-15-2007, 01:38 PM   #76  
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Spiny, do you have a wish list of things you want to get around to, but never have time to do?

If I were in your shoes, I would definitely need to plan some activities ahead of time.
Things that would be on my list:
  • Read a book that I haven't had time for
  • Pamper myself day - bubble bath, manicure, etc.
  • Shop the after Christmas sales for presents for the coming year (birthdays, Christmas, etc.)
  • Volunteer - does the library need readers for story hour? Hospital need baby rockers? During the holidays, many regular volunteers are traveling. I pair volunteering with something I enjoy doing.
  • Try some new recipes (carefully, so I don't have a lot of extra food around, I try to pick things that I can freeze for later)
  • Visit a museum, arboretum, or other place of interest
  • Take a day trip - plan to visit a new or favorite location - do some hiking, take some pictures, immerse myself in the atmosphere of the setting
  • Organize my photos, pick my favorites and print (or have printed) and shop for some really neat frames to display them around the house. Even better, get extra large frames (wall-hanging size) and mat them with some inspirational sayings, a favorite poem or quote.
  • Take a class on a topic of interest

Last edited by CountingDown; 12-15-2007 at 01:41 PM.
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Old 12-15-2007, 03:08 PM   #77  
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Now, I don't know exactly where you live, Spiny, but I'd see if I could get a cabin up near Gualala or in the redwoods and take a few days' vacation on my own. Take along those books, a stash of good foods, a hiking stick, etc. Have your very own self-exploration retreat! Of course, you may spend a lot of your time by yourself anyway--but a change of scenery is great fun.

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Old 12-15-2007, 03:11 PM   #78  
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Hi there . . .

Another day of the same old stuff -- windy and snowy for weather -- sick cats for entertainment (but not any sicker, at least). I started doing a little knitting because it tends to have a calming effect on me.

Spiny you do not have to do anything that you do not really want to do and that is the beauty of being along and having some time off work. Although, I certainly think that Counting had lots and lots of good ideas if you are really looking for something different to plan.

Hope everybodyis having a great moving and shaking day . . . see you later . . .
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Old 12-15-2007, 03:13 PM   #79  
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Oh . . . I like Jay's idea too . . . that sounds like my kind of place . . .
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Old 12-16-2007, 12:13 AM   #80  
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Hi again. Liked your questions Jay and all the answers. I read somewhere recently that we are either in the gaining mode or the losing mode. And it all depends on what you have been doing. If you are eating well and just got home from the gym then you are in losing mode. But if you are watching marathon tv and munching out you are in the gaining. I liked the black and white of it all.
Yes I too have been struggling for years and going nowhere but up. The why for me is stress. I am a rescuer. And if that is not working for me I am being persecuted so to speak. So all round I am in someone elses life not my own. I am taking the time to realize that this is my life and I am not liking how I look so far. It keeps me from doing so many things. I am great at saying just as soon as I get below 200 I will go or do it or something. I have been waiting for the magic number to take a trip to Mexico with a friend and she is doing the same!

So yes I am older and I now have Type 2 and hormone issues. But you know I have been doing a lot of reading and I think we have the cart before the horse here. Insulin is a hormone and so it thyroid. Mine all went out the window. The unfortunate thing is that I truely believe that once the hormones are out of balance so is the insulin and for me thyroid. I believe that the end result is what they call Syndrome X which is basically insulin resistance. So if you have a waist that measures more than 34" that is what you have. So lets get the hormones back working for us and see how we feel then. It is a tough journey as not many doctors are too interested.

I have an appointment with a specialist that I made in 2006 and it is for March 2008. I hope she was worth waiting for.
If you want a good read on all of this believe it or not Suzanne Somers book called Ageless spells it all out. I was really impressed. Now it is said that she is a little extreme but take what you want and leave the rest. I have changed a few things after reading her book and I am less stressed and am gaining energy. I am putting together a food plan and exercise plan that I hope I can stick to.
So yes we all go through a big change but I think the more you know the better you can make it. If I had known this was coming I think I would have done more earlier and possibly had an easier time of it.

So nice to meet all you ladies. I am wrestling this sugar craving to the ground. I had a high yeast count and so that just made me crave sugar. I treated it and an a lot better now. But I am a sugar addict so it is not going to be easy but have decided I am tired of feeling like this.

I have the link to the site at work and it is where I find it the hardest so I will be dropping in.
Hope everyone is having a great weekend. I take holidays at home. I book a massage and I get a good book and I took a watercolor course so now I paint. Have not travelled on my own as I am still "waiting to get below 200"
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Old 12-16-2007, 12:15 AM   #81  
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Default Sorry to ramble on!!

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Old 12-16-2007, 07:43 AM   #82  
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Hijude! Haven't heard from you in a few days. Don't wait so long!

Well, we now know quite a bit about you.

I used to be a rescuer, and all that did was make me more busy than I needed to be, and less appreciated than I should have been! So I've gotten better now.

Folks, I have at long last slipped off that plateau that had me stuck at 148 for six weeks. Whew!

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Old 12-16-2007, 02:53 PM   #83  
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Thanks for all the good ideas for the time off! Counting - I am going to call a place that may need volunteers to make and deliver gift baskets. Jay - I like your idea of visiting the redwoods, but it made me think how lovely it is right here where I live, and since I normally work during the weekdays, I don't really get to enjoy it so much, (since on weekends we get the tourists from the central part of the state.) I may just stay here and enjoy the central coast on the less populated days. I never walk on the beach, even though it is right here!
Hijude - I never heard that about the waist-above-34" meaning insulin resistance. Interesting.

Well, Happy Sunday everyone!
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Old 12-16-2007, 04:03 PM   #84  
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Hi . . .

We have warnings for every conceivable nasty thing Winter can throw at you . . . but so far, the weather is just dull (overcast and doing nothing exciting). Would be nice if it continues that way . . . but somehow I doubt it.

Nothing else is new for me. Hope you all have a great evening . . .
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Old 12-16-2007, 04:58 PM   #85  
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Linda, similar weather forecast here - but - drum roll - the sun actually came out for about an hour this afternoon. DH, the cats, the dog, and I were all vying for the sunbeam in the living room. It was actually quite comical . Finally, DH and I went outside to shovel and left the pets to settle it among themselves.
I hope the kitties are on the mend!

Jo - sounds like you have a plan. Enjoy having some time off work. You are so right - I tend to ignore all the beauty and wonder I have so close to home. I think about traveling to hike and see the "sights", but we have great trails and beautiful scenery right here. What a good reminder to us all.

Jay - congrats on the weight loss! That is awesome news I finally hit the 50 lb. mark this weekend. And I am DETERMINED to stay here through the vacation to SF even with all the amazing restaurants and ethnic cuisine!

hijude - good to see you again! I always wanted to learn to paint. I have absolutely no artistic talent at all. Though, I have seen some museum pieces that leave me feeling like I could have done a better job - LOL
As far as traveling, if you have difficulty traveling, then certainly wait until your weight is lower. But, I have traveled all over creation weighing more that 200 lbs. and had an absolutely wonderful time. In fact, one thing I love about traveling is that I tend to get a lot more exercise from walking because of all the wonderful places that we visit.

Doing well here, trying to begin getting my "list" together for trip planning. We picked up some really nice water bottle covers today. Neoprene "sleeves" that slide over a 16 - 20 oz water bottle and have a belt clip on them. We always take empty bottles through security when we fly and the fill them up once "inside". If the water is less than wonderful, we add the "to go" flavored tea packets to them (Bigelow has some really good flavors).

Last edited by CountingDown; 12-16-2007 at 05:04 PM.
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Old 12-16-2007, 08:42 PM   #86  
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Counting - I remember you wrote that you lived in Northern Michigan, and I remember that yes it is beautiful. Do you cross-country ski? I miss that. My mother was from Gaylord and I remember many trips "up north."

Yeah, me too on the no talent with painting or drawing at all. I still paint and draw like I did when I was in the third grade. Hijude- you are blessed to have that talent! And I agree that I wouldn't let the weight stop me from traveling if that is what I wanted to do, unless it was physically a limiting factor. Important thing is that you will be doing something you enjoy! Maybe I'll take some time to play music! (PLAY sounds so much more fun than PRACTICE!)
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Old 12-16-2007, 10:09 PM   #87  
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Jo, small world! Yes we cross-country ski. We lived in Grayling for 10 years (about 25 miles from Gaylord and I learned to cross-country at Hartwick Pines when we first got married.

I am hoping to get the skis out again this year. The last couple years have gone by without getting them out. I honestly think the extra weight has kept both of us off the trails. I have missed it! We were blessed to have a X-country ski shop that had a children's program. Once we bought skis for the kids, we could exchange them at any time for $25 for a complete package in their current size. The kids had skis from the age of 3 on.

We have a nice 1, 3, 5, 8 mile trail system that is groomed about 1.5 miles from our house. I'm hoping that I can motivate myself to put the skis and boots in the car and hit the trail once a week after we get back from CA.
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Old 12-17-2007, 09:52 AM   #88  
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Counting - Hartwick Pines!!! Lucky you!

Well, pals, I'm sad this morning to hear of Dan Fogelberg's passing. I liked a lot of his less popular songs. Used to listen to the album "Souveniers" all the time in college. Saw him in concert once with Tim Weisberg. He was a great songwriter.
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Old 12-17-2007, 10:39 AM   #89  
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Just a quick between power flickers
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Old 12-18-2007, 12:17 AM   #90  
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Default Painting

You know I have not an artistic bone in my body. Most of painting is learned technique. I took the first course to step outside the box so to speak. And it was so much fun. Like being a kid again and playing with water color. I am not very serious but I can spend a day painting when I am in the mood.
I would like to get into some outdoor photography soon. I live near the beach and it is lovely here as well. The only thing is at this time of year it is cold and raining. We are in a rain forest here.

So I will try and drop in more. I am struggling right now just getting started. I am reading the Dr Oz book You: Staying Young. That is an eye opener. I found it at Costco if anyone is interested. He is the doctor that has been on Oprah and he did Bill Clintons bypass surgery.

There are so many Christmas treats around at work
Every day seems to be a "start today" day that does not get very far off the ground.
But you guys are a great incentive with some good numbers lost.
What sort of plans are you following or just healthy eating??? see you soon...
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