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Old 06-28-2007, 11:34 AM   #286  
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HI all you lovely GOLDEN GIRLS another good day. I feel I am out of vacation mode when it comes to my eating and exercising and that is a good thing. My system got a bit messed up during the vacation. You would think that my thick skull would remember that if I eat too much sugar and carbs that I end up with a rebellious system the next day. Nope I still sat down for my "free" continental breakfast last week and scarfed down an apple danish, powdered donut and a frikken bagel with cream cheese. I paid for that for three days!!!! As a matter of fact on Sunday our first day home all I ate that day was whole grain oatmeal for breakfast, lunch and dinner LOL. Yesterday I planned to do my two classes. The first one was a Latin Dance class -- what a ton of fun and my goodness did we MOVE!!!! Halfway through I was sure I could not do the second ab class -- but as the class ended I figured I would give it a try. So I waiting around for the next instructor - she showed but no one else did (PHEW!!!). She offered to do a private class (fusion of yoga and pilates) but I said thanks but no thanks more than happy to get back to work -- ACKK did I say that outloud LOL.

Theresa - you are such a font of fabulous computer knowledge. Thanks for the link I have a couple of progress pictures but they are too large to post here so I will try to shrink them. Remember venting here is a fabulous thing - I am hoping you feel free any time and that the times are few and far inbetween (for your sake)

Cat - I still shudder at stories from Katrina, your DD losing everything feels so surreal. I am so glad things have worked out for her and I hope she is successful.

Zoe - how very very cool about your GD. Sounds like one smart cookie -- must take after her grandmother.

Bobbi - excellent advice for parents. I was much like your DD - I went to university to please my parents. Bounced between a couple - never found my niche there. I quit when I found a great job and now I work at a college and love it. Whenever I did something especially smart (every once in a while LOL) I would thank my parents for paying for two years of university LOL.

Lily - yep but I will admit that since my son has been on his own he has grown extremely responsible -- well except for his bikes he buys a new one almost every year and they cost about $2K each. I have a great pic he left on my computer at home I should attach it this weekend.

Linda - very interesting about your bloodwork. Usually I have other work that requires fasting so maybe that's why mine levelled off once they got the right dosage (now that took a looooong time)

Lyn - my heart goes out to all the familes and especially your co-worker. It was this week last year I attended the funeral for a three year old and it was beyond heartwrenching. You did what you needed to do for yourself. I remember feeling so helpless even though it wasn't my child it just tore me to pieces.

Phyllis - awesome on the test results!!!!! Like I mentioned earlier I really feel like I am doing this for way more than just the weight loss. I am happier and healthier in so many ways when I eat and exercise properly.

Have a great day everyone!!!!!
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Old 06-28-2007, 11:40 AM   #287  
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LOL Zoe our posts crossed -- geesh I felt your presence and now I know why I know what you mean about being anxious -- frikken thunder storms. Let us know when he arrives safe and sound.

Of course all that work is just as good if not better than the bike riding -- biking is great but doesn't work the upper body -- all that you described really did a fine job on all the upper muscles. LOL listen to me -- I sound like my instructors -- move those obliques -- use those triceps
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Old 06-28-2007, 11:58 AM   #288  
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Oh, Jo-annie!!!! I just KNEW you were around. I had logged out of 3FC and started back on my (current) work project, and something said, "Just check back in, woman!" You are always such a ray of sunshine for me! Yeah, methinks I worked plenty of muscles last night...was even a tad sore this morning. A pretty good kind of sore, tho...
Oh, gawd, Lynn...horrible, just HORRIBLE about those kids! I can't even begin to imagine what I would do if that were to happen to one of mine...and this was an ONLY child???? Oh my goodness, my goodness. (Not, I suppose, that being an only child makes a whole bunch of difference. Even having other children can't possibly compensate for losing one).
More later,
Hugs to all of you wonderful GG's,

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Old 06-28-2007, 12:39 PM   #289  
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good morning ladies.

You know, I had know Idea what a can of worms I was opening the other day…
when I was talking about my dd.
I have at this point been quite lucky with my 2 kids.

My dd is working again this week. On and off. But, when she is… its like 10 hrs days.
What a learning experience that is for her.

It is a factory, that makes food for vending machines.
She said she will NEVER eat another hotdog again. Not that there is anything wrong with the food. Just too many to look at.

I am so sorry to hear of the loss of all those children.
I can not even imagine what pain it is for all the family’s and their friends.
My thoughts and prayers go out to all of you.

I am pretty sure that your blood work should be better. If you are eating healthy,
and exercising… I think it just happens for most of us.
Mine dropped dramatically when I started. That and I am taking the fish oil and flax seed oils. 4 pills each, every day.
My dr. prescribed the fish oils. Just 3 times a day. 1000mg ea.

congrats on your ½ pound and your good numbers from the Dr.
It seems like many of us are doing very well with our numbers too.

We need to all appreciate those numbers. Even when we are not loosing as
fast as we would like too. I for one am so impatient. I just have to keep
telling myself this, too

I am glad I was able to help. If you experiment with that software…
It does a lot for such a small free program.

Stay dry. We had those storms last night. Very bad. With lots of rain.
Well, I have to go make dinner, etc. talk more later.

Oh, I just found out…I have 2 days off this week end. Fri. and sat. Yeah!
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Old 06-28-2007, 01:43 PM   #290  
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Originally Posted by ellabella View Post

Oh, gawd, Lynn...horrible, just HORRIBLE about those kids! I can't even begin to imagine what I would do if that were to happen to one of mine...and this was an ONLY child????
I was just picking up my son from PT and the Neil Bortz (sic?) show was on the radio and there was a discussion going on about what happened to those precious girls. So, so sad.

The electrician spent 2.5 hours taking apart every wall socket on that side of the house where they blew and could find nothing wrong. Then bless his heart, he called the "boss" and he came out and they spent a lot of time under and outside of the house and both got covered in mud..but they can't do anything. Apparently a line under the house needs to be replaced..but it is a lake under there due to so much they have to wait till it's not a we may have to rent a pump and pump it all out and then put a fan or something under there too...but it always rains during the summer in S. LA..nearly every afternoon. Of course, LAST summer we had a drought...wish it would have blown then.
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Old 06-28-2007, 07:23 PM   #291  
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Hi All

My electric went out last night and this morning I had to call the electric company. They got the ceiling lights to work but not the outlets. They said I may have a short. I called an electrician and he found a short in one of the outlets that caused the problem. He told me it could have caused a fire. When I left for work at noon today I was just starting to lock the front door and I thought I heard something. I went to investigate and I found my blow dryer on in my dressing room. Almost two close calls today! I was lucky. My computer at home still isn't working so I'm posting from work. I really can't linger so I'll talk to you soon.

So sad about the girls. Losing a child is the worst. My sister lost her daughter in a car accident. It's so tragic.

Cat: My sister's name is Vicky Blaze. She's a mortgage broker and has lived in Hammond for many many years. She's been involved in a lot of charity events and some election campaigns. Maybe you both could become friends.....who knows. She's a great lady. Let me know and I'll give you her phone number.

Have a good evening.......
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Old 06-29-2007, 12:48 AM   #292  
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I can't believe I'm up this late! The son's flight got delayed in Charlotte (He flew into Charlotte from LA and then on to TF Gteen in Providence, RI. My daughter had a meeting in Providence this afternoon, so she was the designated "picker-upper". Anyway, he was only delayed by a little under an hour, and got in at @ 7:00. Got here at @ 8:30 , and my other daughter & her DH & DD came, and the (designated picker-upper) daughter's husband & son met them here, and everybody just left about a half hour ago, except DS, who has been tucked into bed by his Momma.
I'm unwinding a bit before going to bed. It's been a busy day - and a long one. I had to attend a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the opening of a new Memorial Park/Playground in Dorchester, MA this afternoon - picture standing for about an hour and a half out in 90+ degree heat & oppressive humidity (It'd be nice if I sweated off a couple or three pounds, eh?), then an hour+ drive home and a last mad rush to get the house *perfect* for DS's arrival, then he arrives, we all eat and talk and enjoy each other until midnight, and then the others go reluctantly back to their houses, and I tuck DS in with the TV controller clutched in his fist. Young people can't seem to SLEEP, even, without a TV on, can they? Well, this is what we pay for cable for - those few times when family or friends are staying with us, because we never watch it ourselves, for sure.
Tomorrow's agenda is open-ended; I have no idea what everybody will want to do - other than spending time with DS, I mean. No matter. It's just so good to have him home!!!
It was sooooooo hot & muggy here tonight; we STILL have the AC running full-blast! Supposed to cool down for the weekend, which is a pleasant thought. I feel like I've been retaining water no matter how much I drink...

TTFN...G'nightie night..
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Old 06-29-2007, 09:37 AM   #293  
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Glad your DS arrived safely. Enjoy your family time with him. No I can't imagine standing out in 90 degree humidity for over an hour. I'm in the process of being moved (my office) My phone is gone...all thats left here is my computer.

Have a great weekend everyone. I'm off on vaca next week so you won't hear from me for a while.

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Old 06-29-2007, 10:13 AM   #294  
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Good Morning Everyone!
I have another Happy Dance this morning!! I lost 2 pounds this week. Not as much as the 5 pounds last week but I'll take it! I'm really hoping to get in more exercise this week so that should do something. This past week I seemed busy but not really any intentional exercise so I'm planning to get out the WATP's videos and get going on that again. I'll be glad when I can get back up to the 3 miles a day like I was doing before.

Lyn, Enjoy your vacation! Be sure and take pictures to share.

Zoe, so glad that your son made it in safe and sound. Can you believe that I have never been on a plane in my life!!! And that is realy going to be hard since I want to go to Hawaii one of these days!! I always thought that I would want to take a cruise over and a plane back BUT I have to get over my fear of flying!!

Cat, sorry to hear about the electrical problems--- isn't that the way it always is though, just when you have plans to be able to enjoy company something always seems to happen. Hope you can get it straightened out in a hurry. And don't stress to much over it-- it will work out.

Linda, And your electricity too! WOW!! I always worry when we leave for vacation that I've left something on. Crazy huh!

Theresa, Bobbi, Lily, Phyllis, Lynn and whoever I may have missed... Good Morning and Have a Good Day!

Will check back later. Karen
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Old 06-29-2007, 10:18 AM   #295  
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Happy news .... got to move my ticker down 1 whole lb.!!! I didn't make my goal for June, 8 lbs but I will take the 4 lbs. Finally a move on the scale

Lyn, have a nice relaxing vacation...we'll miss you. Take lots of photos to share.

Zoe, glad the DS is home safe and sound. You sound very happy, I know you will enjoy his visit. Oh, I have to go to sleep with the TV on too, guess that came from when I was widowed.

Linda, your lucky you heard that hair dryer. I know a person whose home burned down when the dishwasher shorted out and she was at work....I never leave anything running while we are not home or sleeping.

Theresa, This is such a great place to come and discuss any subject isn't it. Thanks for the computer tip, going to check out that web site.

Lily I am trying to break my habit of helping my 31 yr. old, single son. Actually I'm doing quite well. He will be moving away from our area after the first of the year and he does depend on us for little things, I think we finally got thru with all the BIG things, finally!!!

Well Cat & Zoe it is HOT & HUMID here in South Florida too. We have had a lot of rain the last 2 days....up to 5 inches in some areas. It stormed from 4 a.m. this morning and I was up until 6 a.m. with our Doberman...poor thing has nowhere to hide, can't get under a bed he is too big (74 lbs.) I actually let him in bed with us and that helped for a little while. He finally ended up in our half bath downstairs sleeping on the rug, guess he felt safe in the small room....poor guy.

So now I am soooooo tired and have to clean the townhouse and grocery shop and do my walking!!!!! Don't know if I can make it without a NAP!!!!!!!

Ok, need to get started....sorry if I missed anyone, I'll catch you next time.

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Old 06-29-2007, 12:03 PM   #296  
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Morning everyone -- its going to be a long weekend here for Canada Day so I get three days off. Although there is hardly anyone on campus today - I have been at work for almost 90 minutes and I have only talked to one person -- and YAY that can be a good thing LOL. Really worked hard at the bootcamp yesterday and today I am taking my prescription to get a proper knee brace so that I can continue with workouts without doing too much more damage. When I saw my doctor on Tues he looked at my x-rays from two years ago and confirmed that my knee has osteoarthritic with a problematic tendon - I did the damage when I was 16 on my very first attempt at skiing. Needless to say I didn't do too much more skiing after that LOL.

Ok not that too many of you will be coming to Vancouver but if you ever happen to fly into our airport I can ask you all to check out the new terminal (if you are lucky enough to come through the new one). For the last 18 months my son was on the electrical crew working on the terminal. His two main projects that he is beyond proud of is the fibre optic lighting in the creek that runs through the terminal and the lighting in one of the huge aquariums that are also there on display. He called me last night to watch the news (LOL how many kids call parents to watch the news??) and there was a great shot of his handiwork. His father would be so frikken proud of him -- at times I feel proud enough for both of us but I just wish his dad could see what a success and how happy he is with his career choice. ACKKKK ok back to our regular scheduled programming.

Theresa - yay for the job for your DD.

Ella - you just enjoy the time with your DS I am glad he got there safe and sound. The humidity sounds awful I am glad we don't get hit with that so much here. I remember being in NYC for July 4 about 4 years ago - hottest I have ever been in my life.

Lyn - have a great vacation!!!!!!!!!!

Cat & Linda - so sorry for all the electrical problems. Funny on Wed my mom called and the electrical was out in part of her condo. I told her we would come and check it out but I wanted to check with either my son or my boss first - that I might have a simple solution. My boss is an electrical engineer (as are most of the instructors I work with) and he confirmed you had to switch off the breaker before turning it on again. I haven't really ever had to play with circuit breakers so I needed him to confirm the procedure. Sure enough that was the problem -- phew love my mom to pieces but I really did want to go straight home from work that night LOL.

Karen - on the 2 pounds gone!!!

Phyllis - hey a loss is a loss is a loss and I wish I could see 4 pounds gone this month but I doubt it. I am also forgetting (maybe on purpose) to weigh myself at the gym before my workouts.
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Old 06-29-2007, 02:16 PM   #297  
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I will be gone most of next week and hope to stay on track. My weight goes down one day - up again the next, so I am reluctant to change my tracker until it stops jumping around. Still eating low carb (mostly vegetables and fresh berries with chicken, eggs and fish as my main protein).

Cat and Linda - What's with this electrical stuff? Do do do do - do do do do (Twilight Zone theme). I wonder if its going to affect the rest of us.

Joanne - Our sons must have the same interest. My 34 yr. old son lives and works in NYC but rides his bike to work most days across the Brooklyn Bridge or takes it on the subway. He loves to mountain bike and has even taken trips out to the Coast so he could bike up to BC.

Karen- Congratulations! You are really going to town this month with another 2 lbs. Pat yourself on the back.

Phyllis - Congrats to you too. We all know how exciting it is to change that ticker no matter what the number is.

Zoe - glad to hear your son made it home safe and sound. Do parents ever stop worrying about or missing their grown children? NO. I can't wait till my son decides he will fly home to spend his annual summer week with us.

Lyn - Have fun on your vacation. Doing any golfing while you're there?

Hello to everyone else; Lynn, Theresa, Bobbi and Paula (wherever you are). Have a great weekend! I'm off to pick up the gd for the night.
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Old 06-29-2007, 04:26 PM   #298  
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Hey Karen, congrats on the 2 lbs.....I think we were posting at the same time.

Lily, Have a great trip.....boy everyone is going on vacation, guess we took ours to early in May, now I'm wanting to go again!

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Old 06-30-2007, 12:47 AM   #299  
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My son just got the computer up and running. Now I have to see why the garbage disposal isn't working. I think it blew the motor from the electrical problems. Probably a power surge or something. Hmmmm??

Phyllis: Yeah 1 pound!!!! 4 pounds for the month is awesome.
Don't feel alone. I went on vacation in May also. I think I'll take it easy this weekend. I hope you can do the same.

Lilly: No electrical problems for the rest of you. Cat and I had enough problems for all of us. Have a pleasant vacation.

Joanne: Your son is so talented. What an honor to be recognized for his hard work. You must be thrilled. My sister hurt her knee skiing too. Very painful.

Karen: Isn't it wonderful to see your hard work pay off...2 lbs is fabulous!

Zoe: I'm happy your son got in safe. You day sounds exhausting especially having to stand out in 90 degree heat. That alone would make you tired.

Lynn: Have a good time on vacation. We will miss you.

Goodnight everyone.

Last edited by LindaD; 06-30-2007 at 01:13 AM.
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Old 06-30-2007, 11:56 AM   #300  
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G’mornin’, all. Yesterday was busy - DH getting ready to leave for upstate Vermont where he’s doing a story-telling and gallery thing. He’ll be home tomorrow afternoon. DS slept until @ 2:30 (still on west coast time, methinks) and then we met up with the other kiddos (after taking a good long bike ride; DS rode DH’s, which has been collecting dust for a couple of months now) and went out for a lobster dinner and then back to DD’s to watch a couple of movies together. Laid back and nice for us all to be, if DS ever wakes up (we got in at @ 1:00 AM) he can have some breakfast and then they all want to go golfing, out to eat again, and whatever, whatever. I’m not going to golf. S’not my thing. I’ll fit another bike ride in somewhere - I HAVE to, as I’ve been eating a few off-plan things, I’m afraid. This “vacation-mode” leads to excess, doesn’t it? I haven’t given in completely, but DO find myself noshing when I shouldn’t be all the same. And, if I gain back a pound or two while DS is here, I say SO BE’s worth it. What a joy it is, having him home with us!
And, in the meantime, what’s this with all the electrical problems??? Is THIS about global warming, too? I mean, Cat, Linda, Jo-annie’s mom.....anyone else? I know we went out and got a new microwave last weekend because the old one kept tripping the circuit breaker for that side of the kitchen. Now, the new microwave did the same thing when I was using it and turned on the coffee maker! This house was completely rewired, and they increased the electrical capacity somehow????? Maybe Jo-Annie’s son would know, eh? Jeeze, woman! What a job you did raising him! I should’ve sent my son up to you. He was supposed to be an archaeologist (see? I can even SPELL it!!!!) and went out to LA to get his graduate degree, and here is, managing a celebrity nightclub, of all things! He seems happy (very, actually) and he & GF are certainly holding their own out there, but I’m a little skeptical of the “club life”, yanno? <worry, worry, fret, fret>.
Well, I have sausage staying warm in the oven, and even some (multigrain, high fiber) English muffins drying out in there as well, and my GD is here because my other kids are all on some education steering committee for the city that’s meeting this morning, so I’d better get off the ‘puter and be getting myself bathed, dressed and ready for the day.
You GO, Karen & Phyllis!!!!! Awesome progress! (Jo-annie & I are going to stay away from the scale temporarily... Right, J???? As an aside, Jo-annie is probably dropping a kazillion pounds with her work-out routines. Good grief! I would surely drop dead! Actually, my pinched nerve could be the result of old skiing injuries, now that I think about it. I skied right up until my youngest was in junior high school - and my third broken ankle on the same leg weakened it to the point where skiing was no longer safe for me. )
Hiya Linda...glad to see you hanging out here with us. I can’t get OVER that your sister lives right in the same town as Cat!!! How small IS this world, anyway, eh???
What’s happening in your corner of the universe, Theresa??? Sending you a hug, girlfriend!
Looks like everybody else is on vaca, eh?
I have turned GD loose in the studio....she looks so cute with one of Stone’s old T-shirts covering her clothes, standing at the easel with her palette and paint brush. I hope her Mum & Dad don’t take tooooo long at that meeting of theirs, as I have grocery shopping to do today, and need for my kids to be around to help get them into the house since DH isn’t here.
Okay, that’s the news from Lake Wobegone this morning.

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