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Old 06-27-2007, 09:56 AM   #271  
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Cool Wednesday

Hi GGs,

Ahh, the subject of almost adult daughters is a good one for me too. My youngest is 23 and has been in and out of college since she was 18. She wants to be an actress and really does not see the need for a degree. I'm convinced at this point that if she decides to go back to school, she's on her own. This summer she's working at a camp in the Adirondecks and hopefully making and keeping her salary. When she gets home in August she will need to explore getting some sort of health insurance- as she is no long eligible on ours or the college's. She drives one of our cars, and we will soon try to get her to get her own car. I don't know what she'll decide to do in the fall. Maybe go to NYC and stay with her BF and try her hand at auditions. She'll have to support herself..and it's been hard for me not to help her out.

Theresa - nice flower photos. I'll take some pics of my garden soon.

Karen - love the cute grandkids. They sound like a lot of fun. It's nice that you live somewhere where they can explore for insects and fossils.

Zoe, Good for you...biking in the heat. I did the eliptical inside yesterday. Great news on you low BB.!!Yes, I know we're lucky to have a place on the Cape. My next youngest sister lives in my grandmother's former house in Brewster and we own a small condo in S. Dennis. The condo is empty now and we can let others rent it for short time periods if we are quiet about it. So...if any of the GGs want a place to stay on the Cape, let me know and we can work something out.

WecomeSuedumm - Let us know some more about you.

Hi Lily...I agree your photo is lovely.

LindaD...Good for you eating well yesterday. I've been eating cherries too...they are so gooood, and take a few qwith me to work everyday...they are Nature's Candy!

Cat, Sorry about the burnt electrical sockets. Good luck with them and all of your visitors.

Still hot here, but hopefully the thunderstorms are coming.

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Old 06-27-2007, 10:06 AM   #272  
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Karen, thanks for the welcome. I live in the mountains of CO, and I like to say that I've raised six kids and one husband. It's been a challenge. Grew up in NW Montana, went to college at Univ. of Pa in Philly, stayed on the east coast until 1981, when we moved here to the mountains of CO. Six years ago we were able to buy back the home of my early childhood in MT, and it feels like heaven to me because my heart has always been called back. We spend a couple months a year up there.
My weight has fluctuated so much over these years; I topped off at 200 about eight years ago. I joined 3fatchicks at 180. Goal is 155, and with all this support I know I can do that. I wanted to get a head start before our 40th anniversary, which is coming up on July 8th. Can it really be 40 years??? I'm still young at heart, and my husband Doug even more so.
I'm having trouble getting back into my weight tracker to show the weight loss. Can someone help me with that? I can only seem to get into the link that allows me to create a new one, not to revisit the one I've already created. It would be fun to watch the decrease.
Littlered, I can stand by and hold your hand while you help your daughter get through this difficult transition. With six kids, I could tell stories that would make your hair stand on end!! But today they're all successful, happy adults making their various contributions to the world around them, so it was all worth it. Like you said about your daughter, I always knew they were good people at heart; that really shows now that they're adults. My very very happiest moments are when I have my kids all around me (usually at the dinner table, sometimes over a board game in the living room, sometimes jumping on the trampoline -- you know, just together). It happens rarely now, as one is in WA state, one is in MT, the other four scattered across CO.
Okay -- lots to do today. Thanks for listening, and if anyone wants to help me with the tracker, that would be great!
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Old 06-27-2007, 11:07 AM   #273  
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Hi suedumm, on your weight tracker all you need to do is go up to the top of the page where there is a purple line, in that line there is "User CP" click on that and then that takes you to your page. On the left side there is a link to "Edit Signature" click on that and that will show your signature (weight tracker) in code. There are three weights listed such as 180/178/155. Those are your numbers. You will just want to change the number of your current wieght. Then scroll to where it says "Save" and you should be all set.

Glad to get know you. I will try to get on later today and write more. Need to get ready to go to town to get groceries. Take care. Karen
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Old 06-27-2007, 11:37 AM   #274  
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Good morning ladies.

Welcome Sue.
I hope you hang out here a lot!
thanks for the hand up. I really love it here. So many women that really understand what life is about.

What a wonderful thing to do… buy your childhood home. Oh would I love to do that. I hope it’s a joy to you for many years.
6 kids! Whew ! you were a busy lady. Must be what keeping you young.

Its been another busy day for me. I think I did most of my work by 10 am. Then I just have to reheat the food I cooked this morning, before I go to work this afternoon.
I even when to the grocery store for a few items and to Curves.

thanks for the kind words about my dd. It helps to know I can cry on your shoulder. It is probly the only thing I can do. Besides trying to be supportive for her.

here is a link for a tried and true old favorite software. It allows you to change the size of your pics. and the format. (jpg, etc.)
Just open you pics with it, ""save as…""
to your desk top. and experiment with the Quality of the pic when you save it.
I find to save it at about 60% lets me save most at the size needed.
There is a box at the bottom of the window, says…”SHOW OPTIONS DIALOG” click it.
Also might want to resize the pic first. about 640 X 480.

It sounds like you’re a busy lady. I am sure you will love when your visit.
We had a electrical storm last summer. it did the same to us. we lost electricity only on 2 breakers.
It was not the breakers. It was the actual outlets. Thank God!
I am lucky… my son is an electrician.
And hubby took the class to be one. Although he is not one.
Oh! I agree with everyone else. That bed is phenomenal!

congrats on lowering you blood pressure. Not only are you looking good outside. but inside too.
I have always been lucky with my b.p.
If you lowered you b.p… I bet your other numbers have dropped very well too.
I am sorry you have the carpel tunnel. I also have it. But, since I am not doing the thing that caused the injury… It seems not to bad now days.
I did where a brace to bed for years. It was the only way I could sleep. Due to the wrist and hand waking me. It is worth a shot.

I am glad you enjoyed my flowers. I love them when they surprise me. and this year is the first yr. with them in front of the new siding. Those colors just pop against the color.
Your grandkids are cuties. I can’t wait till Our Jessie gets old enough to do things with. Hopefully she will walk by her 3rd or 4th. bday. then we can do so much more.
Your dgs taking bugs home is too funny. they also sound like some smart kids.

Here is wishing everyone a lovely day.

Well I must get up off here. back later.
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Old 06-27-2007, 11:47 AM   #275  
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Morning GOLDEN GIRLS Well finally sort of back to normal with my eating yesterday and really "really" enjoyed my workout class. So much that I am going to go to two of them today -- my boss gave me the OK to be away that long -- its quiet here in the summer and it would only happen for a couple of weeks. On Wed they have the dance class (today is working out to the latin beat) and my fabulous core concept (fusion of yoga and pilates) I figure I can take it LOL -- we will see.

Sue - HI and I look forward to getting to know you better -- LOL 6 children and 1 husband -- WOW!!!

Cat - so mere mortals can own nice luxurious stuff too?? Whodathunkit!!! I am most likely going to ask for the towels this Christmas and chuck the crap I have -- THANKS!!!!! And OMG your bed how gorgeous!!!! We have the same problem here with trades (because of the Olympics and all the building) but if you send a return ticket to New Orleans I will send you my electrician son -- its amazing how people's eyes light up when they find out he is an electrician and has friend's in all the trades -- very very handy.

Lily - thanks for the compliment. I am thinking we need a synthroid med taking support group -- LOL actually its rather benign except I can't take any sort of anti-histamine which makes getting a cold rather ugly.

Theresa - again funny I never thought I was a red head until the last few years and it really only shows in pictures -- I just see brunette in the mirror unless the sun hits it at the right angle. I also wish I had pictures of the whales but like I told my sweetie without a $2000 telephoto lens all we would see is black lumps in the water.

Zoe - on the BP-- I battle that myself with meds and I sure hope your arm gets better and you follow all the orders Its been rather cool to see everyone's pictures and how we are all much like we get in our mind's eye. Yep I am lucky to have a younger guy -- my late husband was 10 years older (he would have been 62 next month) so going younger (LOL as if I had a choice) made more sense.

Karen -- what gorgeous grandkids - I am jealous that you get to be in Gramma mode.

Linda -- that sucks about waiting all that time. I better check my bloodwork orders and see if I have to fast.

Lyn -- what a lovely offer. I just said to G the other day that we should fly into Boston -- and drive up into our Maritimes back to Quebec and fly home -- what lovely trip that would be.
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Old 06-27-2007, 01:56 PM   #276  
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Originally Posted by lynard21 View Post
Hi GGs,

Ahh, the subject of almost adult daughters is a good one for me too. My youngest is 23 and has been in and out of college since she was 18. She wants to be an actress and really does not see the need for a degree. Lyn daughter is right there with yours, only she is 26. She was a communications major and didn't finish. Her original plan was to move to NY..then a couple of years ago she decided LA instead..She let her apt go in Baton Rouge where she had been living and found a great place in N.O. and a job to save some money to go to LA..she was moving the first week of September..then the hurricane hit on August 29th, and life kind of fell apart here for a while, (apt and job both destroyed by storm) but she was still going to LA..then she met a guy..actually she had known him somewhat, she worked for his company for a while. His ex wife had lost her house in N.O. (his son's school was also destroyed) and he needed someone to come stay at his house with his son when he was out of town..which was several days a week. His son would live with him till house and school were rebuilt.He invited her out to eat with he and his son, then several months later they were engaged..She had a 3 carat rock with more bagettes on the side and she was suddenly traveling all over the world. They were supposed to get married in April. (note, he was 7 years younger than me!) He owns a string of Salons and other businesses. They were going to Paris for Christmas and a couple of weeks before that, she comes home in the middle of the night with bags packed and that was the end of that!!!

So, a few days AFTER Christmas, she "remeets" a friend of a friend and they have been together ever since...and we adore him..he's perfect for her and he already had plans to move to LA. So...she has been working for her "ex" managing one of his salons (they are still friendly) and saving $ to move..and now the move is next week...So now we are going to get cliche...She has experience bartending, so she will bartend and she's trying to get into Second City and do voiceover work. She really is a scream..she is so funny and can do just about any accent and great with improv and fearless of looking stupid in front of people..and she's really gorgeous too (I hate her sometimes!!) I hope she gets what she wants. But, I sure will miss all that discount Aveda.

As the world turns, huh?
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Old 06-27-2007, 03:47 PM   #277  
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Ah, lovely grandkids, Karen! Such fun ages, too! Nice, isn’t it, to have them around for a bit? I can remember when my kids were doing things like collecting bugs and being fascinated by “found objects”. My granddaughter who is 16 has other things on her mind at this point in time. Oh, hey, I may as well brag a little bit, here… last year she got an award as top science student in her grade in Massachusetts, and got to go to Florida and do a power point presentation for the astronauts at NASA. They were so impressed they wanted her to do it at their facility in Maryland, but being the well-rounded high schooler that she is, she declined; it was the same week as her prom. Her brother, 12, is a devilish little rapscallion whom I enjoy immensely, but they live relatively far from us and I don’t see them that often. My other two – my other daughters each have a child – live closer and I see them lots more, but they’re young: 5 & 6. Cute as buttons, though. I’ll have to get some pics up of them.
Good grief, Linda, if I’d had to sit all that time & then find out I couldn’t be tested, I would’ve been ripping. Not that it would’ve done me any good, I suppose, but sometimes I just get frustrated with people who just do their jobs so lacksadaisically, you know? (I probably spelled that wrong). Another pet peeve is doctors who prescribe medications without knowing the side effects or interactions with anything else somebody could be taking. Sheer laziness and lack of effort. Okay, off my soapbox.
Jeeze, Cat, I HOPE your electrical problems can be easily solved. A little inconvenient when you’re expecting company, to say the least. But, as you say, you can cook & compute… and that’s a plus.
Well, that’s a generous offer, Lyn. How lovely of you! I don’t think we’ll be getting to the cape at all this year as we have our itineraries pretty much in place at this point, but maybe next year we’ll be looking for a week or long weekend and will see if something can be worked out. Thank you much!
Hello again, Sue – it’s nice hearing a bit more about you, and I look forward to hearing lots more! Stick with us; we’re “kewl”.
Thanks, Theresa for the concern about my whatever-syndrome-crap, etc., etc. I’ve discovered that having a partially numb (or tingly) ring and little finger on your left hand doesn’t interfere much with anything that needs doing, so I guess it’ll just have to go away on it’s own, yanno? I have no patience for this sort of thing. Now if it were the OTHER…the CARPAL tunnel like you had, it might be a different story!
Heeeey Jo-annie!!!!!!! I’m SO glad you’re posting every day again! LOVE hearing what you’re up to, what you’ve got to say about anything & everything. SUCH fun, knowing what you look like & all. It really sounds like you’re enjoying your life now, and that’s what I think we ALL deserve to be doing, yes?
OMG, Cat!!!! Can’t your daughter buy up Aveda in BULK at wholesale and get at least a few year’s supply? You KNOW they mark that stuff up about 3000% !!!! I paid $28 for a little dumb teensy tinesy thing of stuff that I know perfectly well cost them about .02 cents to manufacture!
So my kiddo is due home tomorrow night! Please reassure me that nothing will happen, and he’ll be here safe & sound and on schedule. I
I’m already a complete nervous WRECK and he hasn’t even left the ground yet!

Enuff outta me,

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Old 06-27-2007, 06:25 PM   #278  
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I have a sad beginning and happy ending for our college daughter. We said if you didn't go right on to college after high school graduation, you'll never go. We almost forced her into college, she went but wasn't ready. She went from college to college, used up all the savings we started for her since she was 9 months old. After getting pregnant (out of wedlock) she finally settled down and went back to college and got her teaching degree. But it took a few years.
The moral of this story is listen to your kids, you don't know what's best for them. They only know that themselves. Today our daughter is a fantastic teacher, our grandson (the one out of wedlock) is the sweetest, dearest person and I can't imagine a world without him.

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Old 06-27-2007, 08:36 PM   #279  
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I think Theresa said it best when she said all she could do was try to be supportive. They need to know you will be there for support (and I don't mean the financial kind), but it is up to them to make their own decisions and live with the consequences. That way they have no one to blame but themselves if things don't work out. And, they can feel a real sense of accomplishment if things do fall into place. Sometimes I think us modern parents try to help our kids too much. I know I am also guilty of that.
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Old 06-28-2007, 02:32 AM   #280  
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Finally got my picture on the avatar. I changed the size as suggested and it worked. Thanks again for the help.
Theresa: I didn't read your post until after I got figured out the avatar. I will keep the information for a better photo later on. Hopefully, one where I'm thinner.

I fasted and had the blood work done this morning. The lab tech, who was from another lab and just there helping out) told me the lab she works for requires everyone to fast who is giving blood for thyroid tests. She said they have found that the tests aren't exact unless you fast. I've been giving blood for years and my doctor never told me that. My medicine is always changing because I'm either a little too high or too low. This may be the reason. She told me from now on to fast and don't even tell my doctor. I'm anxious to see if I can get the same results.

Cat: My sister lives in Hammond, LA. Where do you live?

I ate healthy today. Lots of vegies/chicken/water. I took a day off from exercise.

Good night everyone. I'm going to bed now. I was very tired today for some reason. I know I'll feel better tomorrow.

Talk to you tomorrow. Night.

Last edited by LindaD; 06-28-2007 at 03:08 AM.
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Old 06-28-2007, 06:02 AM   #281  
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Originally Posted by LindaD View Post

Cat: My sister lives in Hammond, LA. Where do you live?
Small world...I live in downtown Hammond! I am originally from New Orleans, but came here to go to college and never left!
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Old 06-28-2007, 08:18 AM   #282  
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Thanks for all of the supportive words about your daughters. I will try real hard to let her find her own way.

We had a very tragic day here in Rochester - 5 recent HS graduate girls were killed in a car crash on their way to one of the Finger Lakes. One of the girls is the daughter of someone that I work with. Her only child. All she ever talked about was her daughter. I can't imagine how she will ever get through this. I can't imagine how anyone gets over the loss of a child. The gilrs were all cheerleaders from Fairport (a suburb) and the HS and town are all in mourning.

Anyway, I was pretty upset all day and went home and had a gin and tonic and then just walked, visited friends, and (I'm sorry to say) ate too many chips. My weight was up a bit this am, even after 6 miles of walking (5 at lunch). Oh well. Yes, I guesss i am somewhat of an emotional eater.

So, now I'm back at work....they are moving my office tomorrow..(Zoe, I know you can relate). I will be downstairs now, closer to the front entrance, so I'll have to get my stair steps in another way.

Have a good Thursday everyone.

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Old 06-28-2007, 09:28 AM   #283  
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Lyn, I can't imagine what those parents are going through...they are surely in my thoughts. Kind of puts our "daughter problems" in perspective, doesn't it?
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Old 06-28-2007, 09:43 AM   #284  
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Hi everyone....

Been reading all the posts about the kids!!!! Sometimes I am amazed they actually do grow up! And I am happy all mine are out of the nest and happy.
My youngest son just got a promotion and that means a move to So. Carolina after the first of the year, about 7 hrs. from us. But it looks like we will make the move back to Ohio in the spring, we want to be closer to the grandchildren at this point in our lives.

Welcome Sue, glad to have you with us. Oh my, six children....I'm proud of you for surviving!!! lol

Went to my Dr. yesterday and my cholestrol numbers are all down and my blood pressure was great.....thanks to my food changes and WALKING....walking for me is the biggest change in my life and I can thank my hypnotist for that!

Down 1/2 lb., I finally think I will break thru and lose a few lbs. now.

Got to run, busy day ahead and lots of rain coming this afternoon.

Hi to everyone.....Phyllis
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Old 06-28-2007, 11:12 AM   #285  
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I'm here...checking in. DS should now be in transit, and I, of course, am a nervous wreck trying not to imagine horrible things happening. When he came for Christmas, his connecting flight out of LA was in Denver, and you may recall that the Denver airport was closed down for about three days because of those huge snow storms. Luckily, his flight out of LA was cancelled, so he didn't get stranded in Denver like so many others, but he sat around LAX from 5:30 in the AM to 4:00 PM and finally caught a flight out to Chicago and was in danger of O'Hare being shut down, too - he caught the last flight out of O'Hare before they DID close down. We were on pins & needles all day long - he finally made it into Boston at 2:00 AM the FOLLOWING morning! Of course we don't have to worry about snow storms, but wouldn't you know, after two days of unrelenting heat & humidity here, they're predicting thunder storms tonight!!! (He's due to arrive at 6:09 PM). Good thing I came to work; I've been staying busy & trying to NOT focus on him flying. I KNOW I worry irrationally, but jeeze...he's my kid, yanno???
No bike ride yesterday. It was simply TOO humid. Hot I can handle, but humidity is something else altogether. Besides, having spent all day Sunday ironing & putting away my summer things, I still actually had that bedroom to vacuum & dust & change linens, etc. So I did some stretching & bending with that, and vacuumed all my living room furniture (cat hair) and cooked supper. Didn't sit down until bedtime, so maybe I moved around enough to compensate for missing the bike ride. I've STILL been unusually hungry this week...have eaten extra popcorn and some extra 60-calorie puddings here and there. I suppose it's just nerves anticipating son's flight. Haven't gone over my calories for any day, but have felt "blobby" and am probably retaining water in all this humidity.
Omigawd, I have stories about MY older daughter (who is now happily married, and working as a family therapist in the public school system) and my son as well... that, to tell the truth, I even hate thinking about myself. Another time when I'm less distracted and can figure out how to say it in 25 words or less, I guess. Suffice it to say that I am SO with every one of you & your kid raising experiences...and gratified to have learned that they actually do (finally) seem to grow up and become responsible human beings.
I can't remember what anybody has said this morning....... but love to you all, and I'll be checking back in later.

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