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Old 10-17-2008, 08:00 PM   #61  
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Just stopping by to say hello...

It has been so pretty here.. the trees changing color... the chilly mornings...

I think it's time for some warm weather soups...

Hang in there everyone!
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Old 10-19-2008, 10:47 AM   #62  
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Hello Everyone,

Hope everyone is having a good, on plan, weekend.

Thanks for all the ideas for exercise videos. I have tried a Walk Away the Pounds video, though I don't remember which one. I did like it though. Gotta see if I can dig it out and do it again. The Firm videos look good too. Haven't tried those yet. I am looking. If I come across something I will post it.

Have a great weekend,


Last edited by Pam9397; 10-19-2008 at 10:48 AM.
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Old 10-19-2008, 12:50 PM   #63  
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Default Hey all! Pam - the firm video's are awesome

and come with 2 levels in the same videos - there is always someone doing a "modified" version of each exercise so that you can work into the heavier weights - stronger movements. The mix of cardio & strength training is what in my feeble little mind make it work so well.

I still do them 3 days a week and alternate that with running 5 miles 3 days a week - taking one day a week off from exercise.

And boy did I blow it with desert last night! but it was sooooo good and once a week isn't too bad is it?

Huma - start with exercise - schedule it into your day - then start by lowering your portion size for your least favorite meal of the day and work up to the others - starting slow helped me get to a place where I understood what my metabolism was doing and where I could lose the weight slowly but steadily - not that i didn't reach plateaus but they were easier to moderate.

Being over 40 I didn't really understand what my metabolism had done - but it had slowed.

Anyway - hope all are doing well - hang in there!!! You all can do this!

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Old 10-20-2008, 10:15 AM   #64  
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Hi everyone I'm a new member and am so excited to start my journey. I have three children and I'm finaly ready to take care of me. Look forward to all your great advice along the way.

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Old 10-21-2008, 02:22 AM   #65  
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Default Back on board

Not that I really left just have been so busy.

So first off...

Darlene, Funinthesun, chunkymonkey,Huma

Hi to Sillycat, Beth, Joybells, Clydegirl, wardhog, Carole, Pam, Diane, Hattie and anyone else I left off.

This board has sure grown. It's so good to see new people joining in and sharing their lives.

I try to read posts but I have been so busy with work, family, flu bugs, my Anniversary,'s been a busy month.

You will be happy to know my weight though slow is till coming off. Believe me it has been a struggle especially when I got that nasty flu and all I wanted to do was sleep. I just starting walking this weekend but I got really tired but I plan on trying it again tomorrow. I don't want to push myslef to hard but I don't want to get so far out of the routine either.

Hope all of you are doing well and keep posting when you can. Those of you shedding those pounds and to those struggling, don't give up the fight.

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Old 10-21-2008, 01:42 PM   #66  
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Karen - hope you are feeling 100% soon! Sounds like you really have been busy!

Having a good day today, but yesterday was a struggle. I have lost 5 lbs since starting 2 weeks ago, but figuring out a new way of eating and trying to work all the exercise into my days feels like a full time job!

Does anyone have good snack ideas? I really don't care for raw veggies, but do eat fruit, smoothies and cheese sticks.

Hope everyone has a good day.
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Old 10-21-2008, 04:41 PM   #67  
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Hi everyone

Karen: Welcome back. I missed you! Glad to hear of your loss! Way to go!

Joybells: It is a full time job! But sooo worth it! Probably the best paying job at that! I do know what you mean. I feel that I am so focused on eating healthy and exercise that I have no extra time to read books, clean...etc..
I think that it is getting better. I have been doing this for 2 mths. and I think I am getting the hang of it. I don't want to stop focusing on it because I am afraid I will slip into my old patterns. Besides, I spent so much time raising kids and working and of course my hubby, that I never spent enough time on me. Now that my kids are grown, I can spend time on me. I have let people know that right now I have to concentrate on my health. So far..everybody has been supportive. People at work are starting to eat better because they see it working for me. So maybe it is not selfish after all.

Let's just keep going everybody!!!
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Old 10-22-2008, 02:13 AM   #68  
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Anybody here a "Biggest Loser" show fan? I just got some of their books today in the mail and I was just getting ready to sit down and read through the cookbook to see if anything looked good for tomorrow. Also got the tips book and the workout book, so hopefully these will motivate me. Motivation has been hard the past two weeks. I have stayed the same, haven't gained which I'm at least happy about that because I haven't been able to stick to my regimen. I hope all have a great week! I'm going to try and hop back on the wagon!
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Old 10-22-2008, 03:59 PM   #69  
One pound at a time.
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Hi girls.

Carole I'm a Biggest Loser fan. I was ticked off last night at Vicky/Brady and Heba. Sure looks like Brady is water logging. Vicky is so mean. I can't wait until they break up the teams and everyone is playing for themselves.
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Old 10-22-2008, 06:42 PM   #70  
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Default Hi chickies

Hope you are all having a good day. Thought I would take a quick break and chime in. I have been watching the biggest loser but also I am a big dancing with the Stars fan so I watch one and tape the other so I only got the tail end of the biggest loser cause I wanted to see who was up for elimination. Yeah Heba and Vicky seemed so phoney during the ceremony, "this is so hard for me, nothing personal", yeah right they had it out for Amy and she knew it. I love that she has lost so much weight since leaving.

On to other things. I went to the gym yesterday and worked out on the treadmill and elyptical but I could only do 20 minutes on the treadmill and 10 on the elyptical. I had to stop cause I felt light headed and overheated. Guess I am still not 100% over this bug. I have been weighing myslef every other day but I have decided that it is only going to be a once a week thing like on the biggest loser or weight watchers. Then I have something to look forward to at the end of the week. Friday morning will be my weigh in. I am setting myself a mini goal of 5 lbs by my Birthday which is Nov 13th.

Joybells: I am a chocoholic so I need my fix once and awhile. So my snack is usually skinny cow ice cream bar or sandwich which I believe are 90 calories or my favorite Dreyers dark chocolate bars (which are made with 1/2 the sugar and fat of a regular bar which are only 100 calories. So I am getting my dairy and a little bit of chocolate too. Another thing I found is fruit cups with no sugar added I believe they are made by Delmonte. I too love string cheese and most brands now have low fat ones that I think are 20 calories less than the others. Hope this helps.

Back to work. talk to ya later.

Enjoy the rest of the day.

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Old 10-23-2008, 10:45 AM   #71  
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Hattie - thanks for the encouragement. I look forward to the day when this lifestyle becomes more natural to me.

Karen - thanks for the snack ideas. Maybe a little chocolate mid-day would perk up the rest of my day! I think I will have to look for the Dreyers. I have gotten the Skinny Cow sandwiches and love them. My kids really like them too and I feel better letting them have one of those after dinner than full fat ice cream.

I have never watched Biggest Loser. Do you all find it motivating? Maybe I will have to check it out.

Have a wonderful day everyone!
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Old 10-24-2008, 02:12 PM   #72  
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Default Happy Friday Ladies

First off Hattie thanks for missing me it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. I missed talking with you gals and hopefully I will be writing more.

Joybells: I was way off on the Dryers creamery ice cream bar. It has half the fat but calories are 150 not 100 and sugars are higher I think 16, fat is only 9 grams though so semi-bad ice cream bar. I will save it for PMS days (tee hee). There is another snack that I like. They are quaker oats granola snacks. They come in 100 calories packs and they come in chocolate, peanut butter and cinnimon. They are yummy and satisfy my sweet tooth.

Hope everyone has a great, weight losing but fun weekend!
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Old 10-25-2008, 10:34 AM   #73  
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Hi Everyone

Just checking in. Haven't lost anything for 2 wks. I am refiguring my plan. I'll let you know how it goes. I don't think I am eating enough for the exercise I am doing.

We'll see how I do.
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Old 10-27-2008, 03:11 PM   #74  
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Clyde! Sorry, I haven't been on for awhile. Yeah, that whole Heba thing with Vickie and Brady, WOW! So I'm feeling like if Heba doesn't deal with her taking everything so personal issues and having to get revenge on people, she's going to create more hurdles for her keeping any weight off that she's losing. Seems to me like negativity, clinging to worrying about "other" people doesn't help anyone lose weight let alone keep it off. I'm speaking from experience here, not judging. I know that when I'm in a "happy" place, it seems almost effortless to not avoid food issues. It's when the stress of family, work, finances comes into it that I just seem to not be able to help myself!!! So frustrating. Right now I'm holding on (weightwise, same weight for three weeks) - I'm working on craft items for an upcoming bazaar so lots of sitting and working on sewing/crafting right now. When I come up for air, I just want something quick. It really helps to have some Lean Cuisines available and I've also been getting alot of Fiberone brand stuff, poptarts (weakness) and stuff. I can eat that stuff and not feel guilty. I use the poptarts as a treat and it helps me stay away from chips and other sweetstuff with no redeeming qualities. Exercise has been harder to get motivated to do. I love my treadmill, but my garage is freezing, LOL! I guess I'd burn more calories that way? LOL! Anyway, hope all are well. Friday is Halloween - me and my husband's 16 year wedding anniversary! Going out to dinner on Sunday so I plan on at least sticking to eating healthily until then. I haven't been cutting calories so that's probably why I haven't lost any weight. But I haven't gained any either so that also makes me happy. I've proved I can maintain this weight (even though it's alot of weight still for me to carry) so I have confidence that when I start calorie shifting again that I will lose and be able to keep it off.

Everyone have a wonderful week!
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Old 10-27-2008, 06:37 PM   #75  
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Hi everyone

Aspiring: Happy Anniversary!!!

I adjusted my calories from 1400 to 1600 and I guess it worked. I lost 2 lbs.

Still doing the treadmill and wii fit. Not much chatting going on. I guess everyone is really busy.

Love and best wishes for healthier lives!
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