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Old 05-02-2008, 04:21 PM   #106  
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Heya peeps,

My whoosh was short-lived, and only netted in a 1 lb loss as of today, leaving me 5 lbs. over ticker. I'll keep on doing what I'm doing, knowing that there will be a bigger whoosh sometime that will take off some real weight. Knowing my body, it could be a day or a month.

There were two matches from my speed dating event earlier this week. it works like this: after each "date", you circle yes or no next to the date's assigned number. If both circle yes, contact information is provided to each. In this case, we are able to send emails to each other. It remains to be seen if any of them will turn into actual dates, so we shall see. As I mentioned, I wasn't hugely excited by anyone, but I circled yes to anyone that seemed nice and that we had some possible commonality, and that didn't make me want to throw up.

I will keep you posted and let you know if there is any dating excitement in my life. It is nice to know that in any case, at this weight I have the ability to attract potential dates, which is encouraging. I am definitely the biggest woman (or man) at any of the events I have been to. I live in fit-man's land.

Carol: Thank goodness you are ok. I have no experience with tornadoes, but they seem terrifying. You and Johnnie, please stay safe.
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Old 05-02-2008, 05:06 PM   #107  
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Battle - Ok maybe I should not speed read while cooking dinner I first "saw" commodity NOT commonality!

Annie - to bad on the job. DH has that alot in trucking. Employers are so eagar to attract a person to the job that they will "promise" anything.
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Old 05-02-2008, 05:16 PM   #108  
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I think you girls are right it quite possibly could be the lack of water! I have been struggling this week....I think with all our celebrating I have over enduldged! I think I am looking at another gain on monday....I am trying to motivate myself into exercising tonight and sat/sun!

I have been melencoly and I think it has to do with DH's goes a woas me LOL

he works on the army post....civil service position (retired army) he works on what is called the "tank ranges" for the tankers to train shooting etc.... well with this "BRAC" changes of Army posts they are changing (at least not closing) the post here. The are now a Armour training my husband is always working....the guys trianing on tanks are always out in the fields shooting. Well the change will be that this post will no longer be a training Armour post......they are moving that somewhere else in the country......and they are moving in Infantry units. So the Tank ranges will no longer be necessary....thus Dh's position will no longer be needed on post.....OK that said....being a civil service job he will not lose his job.....they will reassign him to another position if one is available on post.......if not then they will move him to another state! He was told that he should start to look for a position in another state this way he will have the opportunity to get what/where he wants etc....

My issue.....I don't want to move anymore(foot stomping like a 3yr old) LOL I am looking forward to my oldest son getting married in a few years and grandbabies soon after that....and me being able to pick the kids up anytime I want and spoil them!!! We were military and my kids grew up seeing their grandparents maybe once a year.....I want different for my grandkids......

maybe this is why I am in such a blah state about my eating and exercise.........I don't want to move away from my kids!!!! LOL HECK I'm just now getting use to the fact that they pretty much have all moved out/away and I see them once a month if Im lucky!!! LOL

ok now I have to go finish cooking dinner and don't want to seem ungrateful for such a thoughtful and excellant provider of a Hubby..........I just don't want to move!

oHHHHH DH gave me my bday gift today!! a gold necklace with a diamond heart pendant! I gota go check on dinner but will come back later and share how he gave it to me!

thanks to all of you for being there for me!!!
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Old 05-02-2008, 05:32 PM   #109  
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I was just thinking that I don't miss tornadoes or hurricanes. I just need to remember that the next time we get down to -40. The snow is gone finally. I was able to go out in just a short sleeve shirt today. I can walk without pain and without a crutch, and I think today was the first time I have really felt well, and back to my old self since I hurt my knee in November. I'm going to get to sing on Sunday, and I'm going to the pool on Tuesday, Yeah!!
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Old 05-02-2008, 11:19 PM   #110  
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Debbie54: please don’t mention Christmas…not even as a joke..LOL

Berniece: I have suffered leg cramps (Charlie horses as my mom called them) my whole life..I use to “rub them out” and cry all the while. One day I got a cramp and I just stood up on it. Went right away not even sore!!! I also sometimes if its not too bad…pull your foot towards you..that works!!!

Johnnie…careful of them tornados!!!

As for me..TGIF!!!! it has been a rough week at work. I tell ya! Tomorrow hubby and I are going to the park N swap before it gets too hot. That outta be a lot of good exercise.

My friend and I are FINALLY joining the YMCA on Sunday! I think I will have fun with it. They have all the gym stuff plus a pool….ahh summer hopfully wont be to brutal!!

Later all…
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Old 05-02-2008, 11:27 PM   #111  
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Just a quick note to say HI!!
I have a nsv to tell you.
For the first time in two years,
I was able to mow our yard!!
Some may think, "Who'd be happy to do
that??" ME!! It didn't make me huff and
puff so badly I had to stop. I didn't
cause tons of pain either!
I was very excited.
I've been op most of this week so I'm
looking forward to my weigh in on Sunday.
Off to bed as I work tomorrow.
Hugs to all and sorry no personals!
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Old 05-02-2008, 11:47 PM   #112  
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Sandy -- hooray for reclaiming a bit more of your life. I don't love some of the yard chores I do, but I revel in the fact that I CAN do them now!
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Old 05-03-2008, 09:25 AM   #113  
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good Morning,

Tryng to get the house in shape for daughter to bring home all her stuff from college. TO BAd I cant keep her for the summer!!
Good weight loss after just .5 last week and this week was 4.5.!! Im excited!!

Have a great weekend everyone.
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Old 05-03-2008, 10:42 AM   #114  
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Annie, First off, I want to tell you that I'm proud of you for not settling. You know what you want out of a job and you're not settling for just anything, especially when they weren't truthful with you. So chins up girlie, you did right by doing that. I'm sure the right job will be coming your way soon
Yes, there is a time limit on the walks to different beaches. This one is over on the 5th and then a new one starts. They last a week and will get progressively longer each time. It's sort of neat because she posts pics of where we are walking to so it makes it more interesting. Also she puts some facts in about the place. I've only got 68 more miles to go since I did over 2 1/2 hours worth of yard work yesterday

Battleax, 1 pound is better than none as far as I see it, so be happy!!! I hope you get some contact info from your speed dating. Maybe the right one was there but you didn't get enough time with him.

Bernice, how are the legs doing today? I hope it's just lack of water which is easy to cure.I hope your hubby finds something close so you don't have to move. It would suck if you had to pack up and go when you're so close to your kids.
The present he gave you sounds beautiful!

Catherine, YAY for getting back to the pool!

Sandy, I ooooooooo so know how you feel about being able to mow the lawn!!! I was the same way last year but now I can go and go and go. I could use the riding mower, but I prefer the walk behind because I get so much more exercise out of it. It feels good just to get out there and move and keep mowing without breaks. So revel in your's a great one!!

Debi, YAY on the 4.5 lbs gone!!

Dang dogs started barking at 6:45 this morning. Jim got up and lo and behold, a coyote right next to my mom's van. That's just getting a wee bit too close for my comfort. Usually my Dad is up by then and letting their dog out, so I'm going to have to tell them to look before they let her out. The must be getting really hungry to be getting that close to the houses. Sadie goes nuts!!!
Today is sorta dreary so I don't know if I will be working outside or not. Depends on if its cold too. If it's not, I'll be out in the flowerbeds weeding once again. Sure looks nice out there after working all day mowing and weedeating though.
Have a great Saturday and keep movin and groovin
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Old 05-03-2008, 11:20 AM   #115  
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Good morning all,

I'm trying to have a busy weekend. Or at least catch up on some of the things I've let slide a bit. I'll be doing some baking (bread for sure, and maybe more biscotti), dusting, vacuuming, laundry... wow, sounds like a fun weekend. I'm also going to try and not spend too much time on the computer. I'm still not entirely sure that I'm in a good space yet, but no worries about going off track. Of nothing else that's the good thing, I have the food pretty much solid. Next week (after Wed) will start a rest period from my lifting and I may end up making it a complete rest period. I also think I'll adjust the treadmill stuff down (as well as the calories) a bit when I start up. What started as walking for exercise became what it has in the past - a push to do as much as I can within as short a period as I can manage.

I still haven't learned quite yet how to stop being an all or nothing gal. I am still trying to find that balance though. Thanks for all your kind thoughts, they do help. I'm lucky enough as well to be on the black team for TBL. We (thankfully) seem to be the least chatty of the groups. I looked today and the other two teams have 50 and 100% more posts than we have. So at least I seem to be with the team I can most likely keep up with.

Carol - so glad that you are safe after the tornados. They (as well as earthquakes) are a rarity here in Ontario, but they do come through every now and then. Just looked, two last year, none near us though. Usually the worst we get is heavy thunderstorms with hail at times.

Johnnie - congrats on passing that 300 mark, it's a wonderful accomplishment. And only 9 pounds before you're at 100 pounds lost, how great!

Annie - it's very hard to turn down a job that you don't want, but I do think it's the best thing you can do. I was the same last fall. I could move out of the area (which I didn't want to do) or do something about it (go back to school). It's hard make those kinds of choices, but they do often end up for the better. I just saw your post about the call center. I'm really amazed that employers think people will put up with complete changes to discussed terms. My last job I took because it was afternoon shift. I had a little bit of burnout from the previous plant (all within the same company) and I really did want the quietness of afternoon shift. Not that the production floor was quiet, but no meetings, less customer/supplier contacts, less BS in general. It took almost 3 months to get my manager to put me on afternoons. I almost had to force the issue, but nicely. I had chosen his plant specifically because of the terms of the job. Again, I think you made a good choice, and I wish you the best of luck this coming week.

Bernice - leg cramps can be lack of calcium and a symptom of dehydration as well. I know when I used to work afternoons I walked around in the plant a lot and didn't drink much water. I'd get cramps almost every night after work. I started forcing myself to drink water when I got home and it really made a difference. I completely understand the not wanting to move. That's how I ended up going back to school this fall. I knew I had to have the education to back up my experience to make myself more competative. I hope DH gets something at the post he's at now.

Debbie - working afternoons can be fun, as long as you stay away from people who love nothing better than ordering in big dinners. In the last plant I was in there was sometimes some barbecuing going on during dinner break, but that was actually decent food.

Battle - I've come to the decision that as much as men drool over the bombshell types they rarely seem to date them. Perhaps they think they're too high maintenance. Once again I'm so impressed by you putting yourself out there. Best of luck.

Debi - congrats on the 4.5lbs lost!

Well ladies, my bread timer has about 3 or 4 minutes left on it, so I'm off to start some of my chores for the day. Welcome back to those that wandered away and have come back. And in case anyone new is lurking out there - welcome! If I missed you in the personals it's just because I'm trying to rush through this. I've definitely been reading more this week than I've been posting. And once again, thanks for your kind words the other day. I'll get through these negative feelings at some point I'm sure.

Hope everyone is having a good day, and in case I'm not back - a great weekend!
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Old 05-03-2008, 01:02 PM   #116  
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Ok so I promised to tell the story behind how DH gave me the necklace. I shared it with debi in a msg but wanted to share with you all how sweet & funny DH is!

Yesterday we had a potluck at work I didn't make because I was taking care of another teacher's little boy thursday night and two because I was asked to make my hazlenut cheesecake which I know I would of eaten too many slices! LOL anyhow dh called and asked me how the potluck looked I told him there wasn't much in way of meats just he brought some fried chicken (not good for our diet but at least for everyone else there would be meat) Well the girls in my room asked him to pick them up a Blizzard from DQ so he got 3 of them (one for me grrrr yes I ate it) and when he walked in he had 4 blizzard cups he pointed to one in the cup holder and said he asked for one w/o calories and they gave him that one.....for I picked it up kinda confused....and it was empty....I laughed and the girls laughed....I called him a snot and chuckled....then he said well they put something in it and said it was calorie free....I don't know what they put inside....I looked in through the lid and saw a I took the lid off and on the inside there was padding from inside a jewelry gift box and sitting on that was my heart pendant and chain!!! he is so sweet!

This morning Dh woke us up around 10 and had DD take us for a drive FOR THE FIRST TIME!!! LOL
She just got her permit yesterday! This being our 4th permitted driver I should be an old hat at doing this LOL but I'm not!!! I think this is worse than the terrible twos!!! LOL

My legs are still sore.......kinda like they want to cramp up but havent since that one morning.....I want to walk soooo badly I think I will stretch them and get on the treadmill to see how they do.....not sure whats up....I increased potassium and water the last couple of days so we'll see how they react!
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Old 05-03-2008, 01:21 PM   #117  
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Hello my Peeps!

*cough, hack* Ebola girl here. I am such a bad patient. An impatient patient? There have been 3 gorgeous days in a row and I can't go out on my bicycle.. bleh! I rarely get colds. Bleh again! lol

Sharon, I have tons of housework to do too. I play majongg on the computer when I should be doing housework.

Tex, I'm glad you didn't get direct hits by the tornados. Police knocking on my door would be scary!! Sorry about your car, but the new computer will be great, right? We are all with you on the next 9 lbs to that great milestone!

Deb54, wow, they are moving to CA? It would be great to work the same hours as your DH. Drink your water!! I'm forcing myself to drink while hacking and moaning here. A coyote by the house??! geeeesh!

Johnnie, w00h00 on your milestone!! Amazing. You don't know how proud I am of you and all of those who have come before.

Julia, thanks for the get well wishes. I'm sure my animals are wondering if I'm on death's door the way I'm behaving. Good luck on WATP! I've only heard good things about it.

Xena, enjoy the few extra hours of time for you during your school break. Get reading that book!

Annie, you didn't settle for less, and that's what is most important. You see? You are worth so much more!! It's a great moment when you begin to see what we see

Battle, a wh00sh is a wh00sh. You are so much braver than I doing speed dating! I shall live vicariously through your reports! lol. And yes, I saw "commodity" instead of "commonality" too hehe.

DMPLS, sorry about the sadness regarding the army post and job. Don't you hate it when life messes up your great plans??! Ooooo a gold and diamond necklace? You sound like my family.. we celebrate bdays for an entire week. The only time I get leg cramps is dehydration and stress. AWWWWWW so sweet about DH and the necklace. You have him trained good!

Catherine, I dunno.. tornados and hurricanes don't last very long. That cold seems to stay forever and forever! w00h00 on ditching the crutch and going to the pool!

Cyn, hugs for you for having a tough week. What's a park and swap? A yard sale thingie? Gratz on joining the Y!

Yay sandybar for the mowing!!! I don't mind doing yard work. My grass is too long right now, but I don't feel good enough to get out there and mow. Maybe tomorrow.

debmitch, w00h00 for 2 good WI weeks in a row!

RealCdn, I am an all or nothing person too. I try hard to moderate, but still haven't learned it.

HeatherProf - Your posts are minimal!! You must be still grading papers .. hehe. What are your summer plans?

I think I caught all, if I missed ya, it's cuz I'm a g00f and fuzziheaded on cold meds (don't have such a great excuse the rest of the times.hehe)

Luv and Hugs,
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Old 05-03-2008, 02:23 PM   #118  
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Not much going on with me -- still struggling with the leg so not being able to walk much -- argh! We're heading to Islay for the Malt and Music Festival (Feis Ile) at the end of the month (three weeks away! AAaaaaaagh!) -- he likes malt, I like walking, so it was supposed to be this grand holiday. Of course, it will still be fun, but I'm nowhere near where I wanted to be in terms of fitness or weight, and now I can only hobble around for short distances. Just sitting at my desk, if I don't have it up (which means not working), means that it's purple and puffy -- v. swollen -- within a couple hours. (Minirant: THIS SUCKS!)

Ok, I feel better Just disappointed that I'm not able to be more active -- I kind of had this idea that once I got out of the cast, I'd be able to move freely, but...yeah...not so much.

Anyway, I'm firmly dedicated to still losing weight before our trip. I may have mentioned that I was THRILLED to have not gained weight during the two months (!) that I was held motionless and letting my body dictate what it needed to eat. Now, however, it's time to get realistic. I won't -- obviously -- make my airplane goal in the next three weeks, but I can take off maybe 9 pounds total? That alone would let me be under 300, which would be nice. I've never been this heavy -- I've always been super athletic -- I am!

Sorry for the rambling post -- trying to think of too many things at once

Have a great weekend! And for those of you on Biggest Winner, don't forget to post on Monday!!!
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Old 05-03-2008, 02:42 PM   #119  
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I just got back from Walmart. I ran into alot of people I know and almost everyone noticed my weight loss. They asked if I was on a special diet plan. Its actually funny to watch their faces when i say NO just counting calories. Its like OH you mean that works>LOL
Got a friend stopping by a little bit. Daughter should be home anytime with a trailer and truck full of her amazes me how much stuff they accumlate.
Went to a mexican place at lunch. WE ate a half of basket of chips total( hubby and I)I had a small plate of rice with veggie and chicken. I left without feeling stuffed. IM having a salad tonight when the familly has pizza.

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Old 05-03-2008, 02:46 PM   #120  
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Ratkitten -- I hope you feel better soon -- try not to pass that ebola around!

I'll be grading for another month -- we get out late! It's not even just the grading, but all the projects I'm involved in.

But I do have fun summer plans. A conference in Berlin and a week in CROATIA! Staying with a colleague of my husband's at a summer home right on the Adriatic. Life will be hard that week.
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