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Old 04-07-2008, 08:21 AM   #1  
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Default 300+ Weekly Thread #1153


We are a group of individuals who weigh or have weighed 300+, or near there. This group was formed to provide a place for others like us to find support and hope. We are aware of the distinct problems that come with weighing over 300 lbs.

We want to invite everyone (roosters as well as chicks!) to join us in our journey. We share laughter and tears, heartaches and fears ... joys and celebrations. We also share what works for us and what doesn't.

We know the thread can move very quickly, and that people often make "personal" remarks and keep a number of conversations going. Please feel free to contribute even if you can't make personal comments all the time.

Finally, we also have several extra threads going on simutaneously such as Monthly Challenges, Weekly Weigh-ins, Recipes, Bios, Photos, Exercise, Info for Getting Started and more. Many of these threads are stickied at the top of the page. Please feel free to check them all out.

We have found this thread to be more than just a support group... we have found it to become a home. We invite you to join us.

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Old 04-07-2008, 08:25 AM   #2  
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Morning all! I had a bad night's sleep due to the dogs and then my own worries kicked in. Thankfully it's a sunny, warm day here!
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Old 04-07-2008, 08:27 AM   #3  
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Well I just couldn't wait any longer for someone else to post this weeks thread!!!!! hehehe

I dropped another 5 pounds!!!! wooooohhoooooo!!! I'm excited.....since I checked it before bedtime and the scale read 288.2 and upon waking up it said 287.2 LOL so I slept off a pound! hehehehe

I'm so thrilled I've almost completed my Mother's Day mini goal..........and inching closer to my bday goal!!!! Maybe for my bday I will finally get into a 24!!!!! (the way I want them to fit)

I'm getting more and more excited because DS's graduation is getting closer and I can't wait for him to see me to see if there is a HUGE difference from when he left! plus I miss him so much!!!! Can't wait for my lil boy to give me one of his bear hugs!

Well gotta get off here and eat something as well as get started on my tasks for today!!!!

Toodles Poodles!!!
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Old 04-07-2008, 08:29 AM   #4  
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WOW Heather we must of posted at the same time almost!!! sorry to hear you had a rough night. Hope things get better for you today!
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Old 04-07-2008, 09:53 AM   #5  
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Heather _ sorry you didnt sleep good. try and get to bed early tonight .

Dmpls_ awesome job on 5lbs. We seem to be loosing at about the same pace. Its so exciting. Told you all that work would pay off. Your son is going to notice the difference when he sees you. My daughter in college always comments when she sees me. She goes weeks without seeing me so she can tell more than anyone else.

I woke up with sore muscles today. My back and legs and arms are sore. I think i over did it the last few days. Today is a lifting day so i may have to go easy on it. Hubbys says it will make me feel better.
THe sun is shining bright here and im taking my little ones out to play for the day. TIme to drag out sun screen for them. Also with them all being right at 2 i bet i go thru bandaids this summer. Hubby has ran to the store to pick me up a riding toy. I asked moms to bring them but one forgot and its been non stop fighting.
Have a wonderful day everyone!!
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Old 04-07-2008, 10:35 AM   #6  
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DMPLS - Congrats! Keep up the good work!

Hi Heather - I'm sorry too, that you had a rough night!

debimitch - Good luck with that! I hope your achey muscles feel better soon!

Later girls - have a nice day!
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Old 04-07-2008, 10:56 AM   #7  
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Worthapenny: Great job to the weight loss family. How awesome that you guys are all working together to get healthy!

Heather: sorry you had a rough night. Hugs. The person adopting a pug is Rena. Sorry don't recall her user name. Under he user name it was Rena though.

Bernice: Woo hoo on the -5 pounds! Now, get some work done my friend.

Jeanne: Hi there.

Well, it is almost 8 a.m. I applied for 3 jobs yesterday on line. One of them is with the College here. I have an application to fill out and send to the County and then 2 places that I need to go and take my resume in person.

I hope you all have a wonderful day and drink your water, move your bodies.

Blessings all,
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Old 04-07-2008, 11:02 AM   #8  
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Bernice, I am soooooooooo PROUD of you. It is so exciting to see your goals and see you reaching each and every one of them! WHAT AN INSPIRATION YOU ARE!
Congrats on another 5 pounds gone. Thats Incredible!
Heather....worry is sometimes such a troublesome thing to deal with. I fret something awful sometimes. Most of the time I can jsut rely on God's plan for me. Other times I don't fare so well. I hope you gain the peace you need and that you can rest better.
Debi, I sure hope you get to feeling better soon. I am surprisingly not sore today after the weekends bike rides...20.7 miles one day and just over 10 miles and the bridge the next! BUt, I can relate to you about the sunscreen. That is something I forgot about this past weekend and wow are we paying for it now! Sometimes when I go swimming or riding I forget about that darned sunscreen and then it is too late! I look like a raccoon this morning!
My tomato plants hav doubled in size and I have beautiful little yellow blossoms now! I love planting and watching things grow. It gives me hope.
Carol, how are you??? I am still soooooooooooooo PROUD of you getting that 2 in the front! I bet you just keep grinning and smiling every time you get on those scales now! YOU ARE IN CONTROL! was your visit with Ammi? Where are those pics?? Give her our best and tell her we miss her posts.
How is everyone else doing?
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Old 04-07-2008, 11:02 AM   #9  
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Annie...........good luck on your job applications this week
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Old 04-07-2008, 11:16 AM   #10  
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Annie: Thank you so much. It really means a lot to me. I am having so many issues with this family's nice to know that someone is appreciating my efforts. If you ever have any other questions, I'd be happy to try to answer them.

It's back to work today. I think that my 5 days of stomach wonderfulness were brought on by a major bout of lactose intolerance...either that or some mild food poisoning. I am still feeling some gas pains from time to time but I din't feel like I am going to explode anymore. I just need to keep a closer eye on what I eat I guess...and if things don't settle down in another day or so I may be off to the Dr. Thankfully I do feel that is a plus.

Happy Monday...
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Old 04-07-2008, 11:33 AM   #11  
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I'm actually going to get to go outside today. At least it quit snowing yesterday. I'm supposed to start my cognitive behavioural therapy for the PTSD today, and I'm kind of nervous. I'm actually nauseous. This therapy is supposed to actually work. I guess I'll find out pretty quick. I'm feeling good enough to start back on my diet. That's a good sign. Now if they would let me go back to the pool, I'd be very happy.
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Old 04-07-2008, 12:14 PM   #12  
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Hi chickies,

Bernice: Woo hoo on your big loss!

Rainbow: What a beautiful-looking ride over the bridge. I love bicycle riding, too, and plan to fix up my bike to get it in shape for riding. You should be so proud of yourself for accomplishing the 20 mile ride...and enjoying it!

Here is an update on my date.

He took me to the finest restaurant in town.

We had a great conversation. Lots of commonalities, no alarming differences.

Overall, he had a very nice manner. Open, engaging, regular guy but clearly intelligent and informed. He was interested in what I had to say and shared a lot about himself as well.

So it was a great conversation but I can't say that it was a romantic one. I would go out with him again, but there was no promise of a call or talk of another date.

We shall see.
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Old 04-07-2008, 01:25 PM   #13  
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Debi- Yes we are going at the same rate I think and that’s awesome my friend! Sorry to hear you are sore today but, I think your DH is right if you work those muscles you should loosen them up a bit....may not take away the soreness but it will help. After my training class Thursday night I wasn’t sore, not even Friday....but Sat & Sun I was sore weird huh? Hope you get that ride on toy situation squared away....I know 2yr olds can be brutal about not sharing their toys! LOL

Jeanne- Thanks so much I appreciate the nice comments!

Annie-Thanks so much!!! You are such an inspiration to me!!!! I have been working my bumm off....I have cleared out about ½ the trash that everyone stores ontop of the desk....I still need to tackle the file cabinet! UGH! Cleaned the Kitchen, scrubbed the countertops and the back splash....emptied a load & ran a load of mountain on the dinning room table is looking more managable as does the breakfast bar....LOL but I’m still not done. Just taking a short break! Hehehhe GOOD LUCK on your job hunting!!! Will keep you prayer on your job situation.

Rainbow- thank you so much your posts always bring a smile to my face! Your love for your DH....always shines through whenever you speak of him and that is so refreshing!!!

Julee-Glad your almost over that stomach problem! I had my gall bladder removed a few years ago....and ever since when I eat really spicy or greasy food it ummm passes quickly through me and I have that “explosion” feeling LOL so I can relate! Glad your almost over it!

Catherine-So glad you are able to get out today! I still can’t believe you are still having snow!!!! I will try to send you some sunshine from down here! We finally have some!!! This week it is scheduled to be in the 70’s all week....but the weatherman around here have been known to get things wrong a time or two(thousand)! LOL

Battle-thanks!!! Well your date sounded nice. Even if it doesn’t lead anywhere at least you had a nice dinner (paid for?) and an enjoyable conversation with a man! Stepping stones are not just in our weight loss you know.....for you this is a stepping stone to a relationship, whether it be with this gentleman or another you have conquered that first date! WOOOHOOO girlfriend!

Ok its back to my MOUNTAIN of junk I need to deal with LOL
Talk to you all later on!
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Old 04-07-2008, 02:08 PM   #14  
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Battle-He sounds promising. Wait to see before deciding there's no chemistry.

DMPLS-We get lots of sunshine with our snow. I think that is what makes it endurable. It's supposed to get up to 5 today. That's 41F. That's practically tropical. It's almost time for the city to scrape the streets. In spring they scrape up all the sand and gravel they put on the roads during winter to recycle it for next year. By this time the piles are a foot deep on the sides of the road, and in huge piles in the corners of parking lots. Spring clean up here is important. We've got 6 months worth of litter all melting out at once.

I'm leaving in a few minutes. I actually had to take a trank in order to calm down enough to even go to the appointment. I'm still convinced I don't need the therapy, yeah right. I can't remember what I was like before anymore. I'm such a different person now. Better in a lot of ways, weaker in others. It's all about baby steps, and I've been avoiding this step for a long time.
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Old 04-07-2008, 02:30 PM   #15  
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Hiya Peeps - wow it's busy here today - lots of great things going on. Just popping in for now - personals later - the root canal from last week is giving me major issues - back to the endodontist this afternoon - I haven't slept much and have huge dark circles, not to mention the pain.

Keep up the great work - see you all later.

Hugs to everyone,
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