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Old 04-07-2008, 10:53 PM   #31  
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Hello everyone,
I had a wonderful day outside with the kids. Huby went and got another rideon toy. Of course they all want to ride each others and still fought. I think its all about jsut turning 2. Actually they did great outside ,,we even made it around the block..i had to carry the youngest who is 22 month half way home. I kept thinking he felt light...i think he weighs 27lbs. I have lost more than he weights..
Hubby is running fever tonight,,,he never gets sick!!! He is bipolar and im scared to give him any cold medicine. So for now he took tyenol. I will call the dr in the morning if he is stilll feeling bad. HE said his chest is tight...I think some of it might be from lifting to much to fast!
My chest got really tight and i had a hard time getting a deep breath when i was sick. I hope he doesnt have that mess!!!!!!!!!!!
dmpls_ have fun with the attic,,,jsut think of all the wonderful clothes you will find that will fit now!

carol and heather- I have to agree I can hear catherine telling himself that. She keeps me laughing!!

lauren _ i spent the day outside and feel wonderful and even my legs are not ghostly white anymore.

debbie_ hang in there the weight will come off..I just got thinking a little while ago ...why do so many celebrations have to center around food.

carol- we lift m-w-f...but last week our basement was flooded on friday so we had to lift on sat instead. Hubby is a stickler for taking the day off in between. I lifted tonight and feel much better,,,actually just playing outside with the kids loosened me up alot.

babybear_ i keep 3 toddlers. they are ages 25 months 24 months and 22 months...they keep me hopping. I love them so much!!

julia_ your right I have babysit for parents like that,,,but now i have wonderful parents. I mainly keep teachers kids. I am very choosy about who i keep. I have missed 3 days sick this school year and that is unheard of for me. I never take time off. I did take off 2 days of spring break . How many do you keep? I have ran a day care off and on for 21 yrs. I tried to get older kids when my kids were growing up so they had playmates.

well i think its bedtime for me,,,actually its past my bedtime,,i seem to have extra energy tonight..maybe its the glass of tea I had at dinner time. Im not use to caffine.
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Old 04-08-2008, 06:32 AM   #32  
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Hi just another quickie, things just seem to be geting on top of me & keeping up with everyone's news is hard.
Battle, sounds like a good time anyway, even if it doesn't lead to anything. Ameal with an attentive & intelligent guy sounds like heaven! Esp to someone like me who gets out to 1-2 meals a year with hubby SANS our boys, lol.xxxxx
Annie, good luck with the job hunting, I'm waiting for a reply from my creative writing tutor to be a 'referee' for my job appl, I'm thinking of going for the assistant librarian (sp?) at the local school (11-18 year-olds). It's scary, I'm so worried about rejection!xxxxx
Debmitch sorry about your dogs, it's a shame a friend coudn't have taken her, but at least you know her new owners will be checked out.xxxxxxx
Carol/gg sorry about your tooth, I hope it can get fixed soon, dental pain is SO awful.xxxxxxxx
I can't remember if I posted about Ammi, but we had a lovely time. It had been sunny & warm enough to wear a lightweight jacket but on Saturday when she was here it SNOWED!!!! We walked around the new shopping centre (mall?) had lunch & a good chat. Her skin has healed from the awful thing she had (she thinks the scars are bad but I couldn't see anything, other than a little pink which looked like 'blush'-saves on make-up!) but her meds have to be upped again as she was getting some more spots & the specialist thought it might be coming back. We've both decided there is no more messing about, we HAVE to get & stay OP AND exercise. I weighed in on Monday & almost cried, how come in a good week 4lbs or more can be dropped but a bad day or week-end is a 7lb GAIN?
Rainbow, that bike ride looks FAB, it's great the cyclsts get their own FENCED OFF lane, much safer. The pics are gorgeous.WTG on the meal with hubby too, you looked radiant & beautiful.xxxxx

Gotta go EXERCISE & sort out some bills,
ps Nancy, are you ok?xxxxxx
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Old 04-08-2008, 07:37 AM   #33  
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good morning everyone,
well hubby feel asleep in his chair and woke up at 5 am freezing and knew he didnt feel right and his glucose had dropped to 38. We had an early dinner and then we lifted weights. He didnt snack because he was feeling bad.
He ate and drank some juice and was still shaking when he came to bed. I checked his temp and he has a fever of 101.8. He never runs fever. I also noticed he is wheezing. Looks like he has the mess i had.

We are suppost to get storms this afternoon and evening. My basement is never going to dry out at this rate. lol

well im up a pound today but its mid week and i dont weigh in till sat. I weigh daily but doesnt get me upset if i see a gain. I know i did have a few salty items yesterday. I came in right at my 1400 calories.,,,,ok 75 of them were bad calories...i had a mini milkyway.

Looks like i will be keeping the kids indoor today. Unless the sun comes out and the rain holds off.
have a great day everyone
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Old 04-08-2008, 09:58 AM   #34  
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Originally Posted by Debbie54
On the weight loss front, I'm at a loss. I'm up 9lbs. I know I didn't eat THAT much salami and cheese. So I'm chalking it up to TOM even though it's not here yet but I have all the signs. I'm so frustrated, pissed and just in a bummer mood. Hopefully things will get better, at least that's what I keep telling myself.
I want you to be encouraged I want you to get past this slight bump in your weight loss roadway! But, in order to get past it we have to look before it.....and I know that sometimes is hard......look at the past week and see what you have done differently than other have to be brutally honest with yourself.....a little extra salami & cheese might bring you up a little but there has to be something else.....if you can review and find nothing then it could just be between TOM & water retention the scale is not nice! But after reflecting on your week.........if you find something else........change it back to the way you have been doing it! Step up on one thing to increase your exercise or decrease your calories by a tad.......or increase vegies instead of starchy & fatty foods.
I don’t want to come across as being “mean” I want to be encouraging but, in order to do that I want you to understand I see myself in each and every one of you and your for me if I were to gain I would need to reflect and I would more than likely find something that was the cause......if I’m honest with myself. BIG HUGS to you sissy-in-loss!!! LOL Now chin up and start moving!!! Drink more water eat more good choices than bad......look at yourself in the mirror and say “I AM WORTH THIS JOURNEY!”

Originally Posted by rodebud76
What is TDP?????

DMPLS – where does your DD go to school at? I have a friend at UofL and she was sharing with us all of the crazy stuff that has been going on. A lot of crime and it’s getting out of hand. She said that they have called in the Metro police to help out.

What is NSV????
TDP= The Daily Plate it is a calorie counting website it is truly the best out there in my opinion.....I have just be battling going and posting my foods LOL I did better yesterday I posted everything I ate.....I also guess-tamated my calorie totals for the days I didn’t post any individual food items....went kinda heavy on a couple of days since I figured when I eyeball calories I tend to say they are less then they are.....LOL

DD goes to Midway(all girls college) outside of Versailles.....she is loving it! She had some “girl-drama” issues at first but she is getting past that.....she has an awesome Nanny position for a Dr from UK. She will work for them full time during the summer and live there ½ the week. This is her freshman year in the Teacher Ed program. She will be teaching 3rd grade once she is all done.

NSV= Non Scale Victory ie: like passing on the chocolate bunny at easter or walking 2 miles when you’ve never done that before or going to a buffet and making good choices. Etc..

Originally Posted by CatherineM
They don't even let me play with my yo-yo in the choir loft anymore.
Here you go girlfriend!

Voodoo Big hugs on the can do this don’t get discouraged we are all with you on this!!!

Debi Hope DH is feeling better today!
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Old 04-08-2008, 10:23 AM   #35  
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Morning ladies~

I finally had movement on the scale. I'm down 15 now. Strange that it moved down when I increased my calories up a bit.
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Old 04-08-2008, 10:51 AM   #36  
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Hello chickieedees....
Its a glorious day! God is GOOD!

Heather: hope all is better with you and that you are getting better sleep.

Jar1965: How are you doing??

Annie: Hows the job hunt going? Anything turn up yet? I think you could be a trainer...look at how fabulous you are doing with your weight loss journey!

Julee: so glad you are feeling better.

Battle: too bad we don't live closer, we could ride together. Keep us posted on your date....and I hope that sparks fly the next time for you.

DMPLS: I really like YOU!! You are so sweet and caring and gosh I wish we lived near each other, we could have tea and then go for a splendid bike ride!!

Catherine, catherine, catherine....YOU are such a hoot! 41F and "tropical" bbaaahahahahahahahaha missing out on make-up sex...and rocky road binges...HAHAHAHAHA...hmmm, i didn't know we needed an excuse! heehee Nigel loves that headaches never slow me down! He asks, hey love, got a headache tonight eargerly...becasue he knows my response is always...hey love, i have a headache, now come over here and help me take my mind off of it! hahahaha

Carol: uggg on the root heart goes out to you. 48 hrs til deadline. uggggg prince albert in a can...hahaha i remember that!! that is soooooooo awesome about the tin and arrowheads...what a treasure. oh the bike bath has a concrete barrier between the riders/walkers and the traffic and a tall railing outside barrier. Its quite safe. still no word. yikes. nerves are getting the better of me. i think i've shed more tears the last week than the last 2 years. anticipation.

Babybear: ugg a mirror...full length did u say! yikes! I don't like full length mirrors either....maybe one day! maybe you could find some way for it to be your friend....maybe posts some encouraging sticky notes to mirror mirror on the wall, babybear is the finest queen of all!

Julia: OMG....I bet you are so excited to get your bike here. I just know you will love it too. It's crazy...but I always feel so "skinny" on the bicycle! Let me know how you like riding. When i first started my finger would go numb I was gripping the steering wheel so tight! haha Then my bum would go numb! Now, my bum always gives out before my legs! Good luck to you! Don't forget to add an electronic monitor that gages miles per hour, and distance, is so encouraging.
ps....your comment about dinner and intelligent man and rare all in the same sentence cracked me up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

rosebud: great savings you found for yourself. way to go. made me laugh... just told me sister last week, if i eat all my vegetables and lose enough weight maybe i can have a "veggietail" hahahaha (skinny butt) i love to eat at the mexican place too...i always pick me out 12 tortilla chips....and then eat as much salsa as i can on each chip, and then i skip any taco shells, or flour tortillas, and just order the grilled chicken and mixed grilled veggies, with lettuce and tomatoes...and it is awesome.

worthapenny: sorry to hear your son has to leave son is in the navy in japan. i miss him so much.

debi: hope your hubby feels better soon....thankfully he has're doing a great job with all the kids and DH and your weight loss too! way to go!

voodoo: thanks for the update on ammi....tell her we miss her posting. how special it must be to meet friends in person. i'd so love that! thank you for the compliments.

Nancy: WHERE ARE YOU GF?? we miss your smile!


Heatherdw: way to goooooooooooooooo!! congrats!!!!
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Old 04-08-2008, 11:17 AM   #37  
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Well I am back to being faithful reader....everyone had so much going on....amazing. Just keep trying..all you can do each day is your own best effort...nobody else's.

Tummy...mostly better with bouts of misery on occasion. We're trying to pinpoint what it was that I ate that did this. I wasn't supposed to have cheese today...but then I got a brilliant idea for beakfast so that went out the window. 1/4 low-fat ricotta cheese (50 cal) mixed with SF hot chocolate mix spread on toasted special K waffles with sliced bananas.

Today I have to be at work a little early for mandatory sexual harassment training. I am pretty sure that it's to teach how not to..but the othe way would be much more entertaining. At least this time it's at our building and just for 2 hours. Last time it was 4 hours on the other side of town.

I got compliments on my outfit yesterday...nothing special...but it was nice nonetheless.

I think someone said something about being on MySpace. I am also on Facebook. If any of you would like to know how to get in touch with me on there, send me a PM!!

Beautiful Tuesday to you all....
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Old 04-08-2008, 11:38 AM   #38  
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Julee I am on myspace if you want I can give you my contact info in PM

We joined myspace when the kids were all at that we could see what they were doing and keep tabs on them as well as what their friends we have found so many friends and even lost relatives through it I enjoy posting on it and keeping in touch with grown nieces and nephews and a few cousins etc.....Just recently we were contacted by a friend of mine who also found Dh's best friend from middle school/HS whom we lost contact with for the past 24 yrs!!! It's awesome!

Well I ran out for a bit to drop off inspirational posters package for DS and his taxes.....he should be getting back all of his taxes so that will be nice for him once he is out of basic LOL

I just posted this somewhere else on the forum but thought some of you might think this would help you.....

Stay OP for today and only today........dont look at your slip up from yesterday as a downfall but, rather a stepping stone for your launch off today! If we stay OP for today and only today for each of the days in our journey to our goal we will MAKE IT!
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Old 04-08-2008, 11:44 AM   #39  
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Good morning all,

Well, the math evaluation is over, with a 75% mark (not too bad considering I didn't study as much as I should have). There's a few areas that it's suggested I work on to a level of 80% before classes start, but I can do that online, and at home.

Anyway, I'm behind on my treadmill time (as I just got in), so I'll be back later in the afternoon to do personals. Hope everyone is having a great day!
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Old 04-08-2008, 11:54 AM   #40  
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Good Day my ladies!

CatherineM - You are just toooo funny! Its a really bad excuse to binge! I am use to eating junk just to add more fuel to the fire. Not a good habit for body or marriage. And I am breaking the habit day by day! Only grace will get me over this stupid stubborn habit. Also you can prank call me if you have a great long distance plan!

Carol - I have not figured out the serving of hubby stress. But when the anger subsided the binge does too. Hope your mouth is feeling better. I feel your pain!

Bernice - I am glad you had a successful tidying day! And connecting with "lost" friends rocks!

Debbie - I am happy your found a place for Marilyn. Just have faith that she will be placed in a loving home!

Rosebud - My christian bookstore just mailed out a new flier got it today...must resist......ugh its a struggle.... My dog Joey is feeling much better. He perked up after abou 54 hours of looking soooo sad with those beagle eyes of his. Must have ate something on his last walk of the night.

Debi - I care for 1 set of 8 yr old twins and a 7 yr old before and after school. And a 3 yr old all day. We are legal having 5 under the age of 10 yrs plus our own. But at this point I am prefering the school aged kids. Mine are 12,7,4). I have a contract with our local gov't to provide subsidized care. And with that tends to come high maintence parents.

This afternoon I will do my workout and finish taking out the boxes of stuff to charity before the kids get home from school. Have a good one ladies!
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Old 04-08-2008, 12:09 PM   #41  
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julia_ I had always kept older kids for the most part. I might have a toddler during the day and kids after school. Two years ago I sent all three of the ones i was keeping off to school. It was so sad. Well within a few days i had tons of calls from people with newborns or having newborns. I took the summer off and started with 2 newborns and agreed to the other one as soon as i could handle 3. Well she was 15 months old when i finally took her. I will cry when its time to send these off to school....but im sure they will have siblings to follow.
I will be a grandma in oct and it kills me i live an hour away from my son and wont be able to babysit for them. They live in a larger town and daycare for a new born is 175 a week.I am too cheap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hope everyone is having a good having a hungry day...i think its because breakfast was cottage cheese and fruit and it didnt hit the spot. I think i will make a salad for lunch and add some chicken.

hope everyone is having a good day.
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Old 04-08-2008, 12:21 PM   #42  
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We are having a wage cutting issue around here when it comes to day care. Going rate is $30 per 8-9 hr day. Some girls are pulling off $15-20 just to get a full house. Sorry. But if you want quality care. You pay for it! It does cost to feed care kids healthy, do a craft/reading program etc. But I guess if the kids are inside watching TV much for child development eh?

My new fave for hungery days are froen grapes! IT works!
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Old 04-08-2008, 12:51 PM   #43  
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debimitch: hope your hubby feels better very soon.

CAtherine: As always you make me

Sharon: so glad that you got to spend some time with Ammi. Sorry that your weight is up. Perhaps it is water weight. I think if you go to work anywhere they will be lucky and blessed to have you!

Rainbow: lol. I would love to be a motivation to someone but a trainer. I just don't think anyone would want to hire someone who weighs 278 to train them. Unless it is 278 mostly muscle. lol. Thanks though for the thought.

Julee: I hope you feel better soon but could your tummy issues be a baby on the way?

Anne: congrats on the good math test score. I'm sure once you are studying you will do much better.

Well, I have so much to do today. DH and I are having a yard sale this weekend. It is supposed to be sunny and 60-68 degrees. Perfect for getting rid of junk. lol. I have tons of clothes to sell and lots of other stuff. DH already sold a turkey fryer at work for $50 yesterday so if that is any indication of how our sale will go then yipee! I have so much to price and organize. Oh well, It can wait. I am also thinking about going into Spokane today to Lane Bryant. It is the last day I can use my coupons for 50% off and I need some new undies bad! I think I will shower and get going soon. Tonight is my group meeting for weight loss surgery. Hopefully it will be a good one too.

I hope you all have a wonderful op, water drinking, butt moving day.

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Old 04-08-2008, 12:57 PM   #44  
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Sharon-Thanks for the update on Ammi. Tell her we miss her.

Debbie-I swear I can put on 20 pounds in one week without really trying. It is so frustrating how hard it is coming off in comparison to going on.

DMPLS-I’ve never gone with green hair before, but love the cartoon. The main reason they won’t let me is that the choir “loft” is actually a small stage to the left of the altar right behind the ambo. It’s kind of conspicuous.

Heatherdw-When I hit plateaus, most of the time I have broken them by increasing my calories. That will make your head hurt.

Rainbow-My husband is an everyday kind of guy, so headaches wouldn’t do. It’s no longer balmy here, in fact, it is -3 and snowing. Spring better get here soon, or I’m going to lose it. I have limits. I always loved Charleston this time of year. Is Poogan’s Porch still open? We used to love sitting on the upstairs porch in the afternoon getting drunk and eating fried green tomato BLT’s. We were so messy after working in the swamp, that they’d make us go up the back way.

Julee-The best sexual harassment training I ever had was , Don’t touch theirs or yours, Don’t look at it or talk about it. He sounded like he was talking to a bunch of kindergarteners.

Annie-I think I’m fine too, but I really don’t sleep enough. I startle easily, I have trouble in crowds, can’t use the phone, and have invasive flashbacks. I’ve lived with it so long that it seems normal to me now. They just never had any decent treatments for PTSD before. I can barely remember that confident extrovert I used to be. The one who took risks and thrived in court. If we could merge the young and fearless person I was, with the wiser person I’ve become, that would be scary. Don’t go to Lane Bryant for undies, it’s time for some Victoria’s Secret!!

Julia-I have unlimited long distance to the US and Canada, and 1000 minutes a month international. I could get into really big trouble. I wonder if I could get away with crank calling the Vatican or Windsor Palace. Those would be historic cranks.

I am determined to work on my term paper today. At least until the Yankee game this afternoon. I have my limits, and don’t want to overdo it.
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Old 04-08-2008, 01:12 PM   #45  
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catherine....yes poogan's porch is still open and still serve delicious fried green tomatoes! ocassionally nigel and i splurge and spend the night downtown...even though we only live 5 and a half miles from downtown! we usually stay at the elliott house inn which is 2 doors down from poogan's porch....we like to sit and dine upstairs as well, and they still have the little upstairs outdoor terrance....nothing much about poogan's has changed in years. sometimes we walk to justines kitchen....for those fried green tomatoes as well....but our fav place to dine for dinner is snobs. (slightly north of broad) i love charleston, and still pinch myself for being able to live in such a lovely, historically place with so much to do. how blessed i am.
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