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Old 10-14-2015, 10:01 PM   #151  
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Whew, it does get quiet around here during this part of the challenge doesn't it? I'll just ramble for a while, then.

I've been contemplating exercise and my lack of it these past few days. I love the benefits of it (stamina, flexibility, strength, etc.), but I hate doing it for months until I get used to it. It takes a huge chunk of time for me to get more neutral about it... bleh.

I'm trying to come up with workouts I'll do during the week. I'll maybe start with once a week or something. I won't want to exercise outside in the cold, and trying to make myself will end badly.

Anyone know any really fun non-dance-based cardio that can be done indoors on an upper floor apartment (no jumping or anything loud for my neighbors) that I can try?

Riestrella: I love green tea! Although I don't drink it anymore. If you don't love the taste yet, try it with some lemon juice.
I have ALWAYS wanted to take Krav Maga! It sounds so fun! Unfortunately, no one anywhere near me offers it. Someday I'll do it! I'd love to try kickboxing too. Same problem, though.
I agree - the struggle is so worth it. I just have to work not to make it too much or little of a struggle. Either way is bad for me. That will be a dang fine Christmas next year, though.

Last edited by Penny105; 10-14-2015 at 10:03 PM.
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Old 10-14-2015, 11:46 PM   #152  
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Penny Ooh yeah, I feel you. It takes me a good few weeks of actually regularly exercising to remember that I don't actually hate it as much as I tell myself I do, and that it makes me feel better than I remember it feeling. I guess it's when you fall off that makes it harder to start again! I just started again this week. After literally doing nothing in the past 6 months other than the occasional evening walk here and there, and some swimming a couple of weeks ago, I'm taking baby steps. Today I did a 20 minute cardio video on Youtube. It wasn't really dancy per se, but maybe more dancy than what you're looking for? I'm not sure on your fitness level either, but I did the "low impact" version (I'm having balance issues, so jumping around doesn't help!) and it didn't make too much jumpy loud noise (also have thin walls and close neighbours). I just tried to find it, however, and couldn't. There are SO many on youtube though, as I'm sure you know, sometimes just to do something different I'll pick a random one. Good luck getting into a habit! I know I need it too! I hope you're feeling less stress now, hang in there!

Rie Wow, I've never heard of Krav Maga, now I have to google it. Your workouts look good! Not from an expert opinion I mean, I'm anything but, but from like a "wow, that looks like you're going to be doing a lot of good stuff for your body" type of perspective haha. I am trying to be more mindful overall, like I'm allowing myself to actually focus on thoughts, whatever they are, and figure out why I'm thinking them, and try to be a little more rational. I'm a super rational and logical person when it comes to my job, so I don't know why my brain just can't follow suit at other times! The meatloaf was REALLY good. Meatloaf usually turns me off, so I don't know why I decided to make it, but found a good, fairly low calorie recipe, and I used super lean ground beef.

~So, definitely baby steps haha - I'm so stupidly proud of myself for two COMPLETELY on plan days, it's ridiculous. I know, I joined this challenge, I should have been doing this weeks ago...but it just didn't work. Now I'm hoping I can still see at least some loss in the next 2.5 weeks. I know it's achievable, I just have to keep this up.
I ate well again today, greek yogurt, fruit, and a little granola for breakfast. A really tasty salad for lunch. Both meals brought from home, which is also an achievement for me. We just ate leftover meatloaf and vegetables for dinner and I've packed my breakfast and lunch again for tomorrow.

Last night when I got home I did 7 minutes (I know, really not a lot) of some body strength exercises, and then 15 minutes of yoga. Tonight before dinner I did a 20 minute cardio workout. I feel like I know this is not at the level I need to be, but I'm working my way up a bit. If I go in too hard and force myself to do things I don't feel like doing, I'll give up sooner and I know it. I just hope I can get back to the point where I was running 5km every weeknight and 10km on Saturday mornings - I really enjoyed that at the time, but now I feel embarrassed even being outside running. I'm way too self-conscious.

My overall mood is better this week for sure. I still feel this whole kind of ... nothing to look forward to vibe, but day to day I'm getting through, feeling productive at work, and enjoying relaxing in the evenings after exercising and knowing I've eaten well.

Hope everyone else's weeks are going OK!
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Old 10-15-2015, 11:25 AM   #153  
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Rainbow: I think baby steps are good at times. And I think that developing the habit of exercise may be more important than the actual exercise. If it's not going to stick, it's not useful. That's one of the things I struggle with myself is keeping that habit. It takes a long time to develop, and even then I don't love it. So even 7 minutes on a regular basis is great.
And congrats on your on plan days! It always feel much better when you're on plan, doesn't it?
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Old 10-16-2015, 12:40 AM   #154  
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Hey guys! How are you?

I had my doctors appointment for my knee today, good news, nothing is torn and my MRI results showed that nothing had been damaged. I've been referred for physio therapy to strengthen all the muscles that relate to the knee, so I'll go ahead and book that in soon. Glad I didn't need any sort of surgery that's for sure!

I tried out my new strength workout that I posted in my last post, it was actually really good! I loved that once I was done with an exercise I never had to go back to it. My previous strength workout I had to do everything 3 times, which I really disliked. The burpees, squats and lunges really helped too. I felt sore in all the right places the next day. So, I'm more than happy to do that once a week!

After talking to the doctors and my boyfriends dad (whose calf muscles just gave up on him one day while he was playing tennis) I decided to definitely have a yoga day once a week. It's great for the muscles, flexibility, reduces the chances of injury...there's no reason not to do it really. So I'm going to do a yoga session tomorrow.

Other than that I've been cracking on with trying to get videos ready for my new website that I'm launching. It's going to be an online portfolio of my film/editing work. A friend of mine is hosting the domain/helping set it up, but he's been gone all day and I've felt really impatient! I want it nooow!


Penny - Yup, tends to sound like crickets in here towards the end, guaranteed! At least I'll always be around . How about walking? I know it's outside, but a long brisk walk can really help! Better than doing nothing. Have you heard of blogilates? It's pilates but by the trainer Cassey Ho, she makes short 10 minute pilates videos on Youtube. Here's a link to her beginners calendar:
That's just it, I love the taste now! I used to not like it, but I do now. Well my problem right now is I'm in a fantastic place for these classes but I don't have a steady income to afford it!! One day...we'll get to beat people up. Hang in there!

rainbow - Krav maga is essentially the martial art you learn to eff someones day up if they try to attack you! Lots of explosive moves that are designed to inflict the most damage possible so you can get out of a threatening situation. It's pretty incredible really, it was founded as an Israeli military training but it was so effective that people all over the world started to train in it. That's a good idea, try and really visualise yourself at work when you get into those situations. The good thing is is that you are perfectly capable of being rational, so it's just about training yourself to be that way with personal situations. I'm similar too, I'm very zen about certain things but when it comes to my loved ones I get a little crazy.
Woah, huge congrats on 2 days of being good! Seriously, that's a huge achievement. I tend to be on one day and off the other, it's a hard thing to keep going consistently. Take as long as you need to build up to workout goals, running outside is daunting, I remember feeling really self conscious about it too. One day you'll feel so ready to challenge yourself you won't care! Just blast some tunes in your years and go when you're ready . Look forward to taking care of yourself! That's the best thing to look forward to!
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Old 10-16-2015, 11:06 AM   #155  
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Oh I am happy it is Friday!
I am doing my first 5k in years on Sunday--it's a relay race and some friends have put teams together. Everyone runs 5k for a 15k total relay.

I finally am down another pound...the weightloss is a lot slower now but I am ok with it because I am also still living a sustainable lifestyle! I am at my Halloween goal weight, early. I had a few weeks the past month where I have lost more than expected, so I had a bit of a head start even if I have slowed down substantially the last two weeks.

Ri do you take yoga classes or do it on your own? I have found some decent apps that give you yoga series, which is nice if you just want to do like 20 minutes. Sometimes I can't stay focused at a class for 75-90 minutes!
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Old 10-16-2015, 04:09 PM   #156  
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Just wanted to post and say hi! I've been struggling with eating well the last few weeks (especially with my birthday last weekend) but a few days ago I realized I only had two and a half months until the end of the year and I refuse to be at the same weight I'm always stuck around (143-149). So I committed to really going for it and changed up my diet to be more hardcore: LOTS of veggies, fruits, beans/lentils, nuts/seeds and other high nutrition foods and so far the last few days I've been doing super well! I'm at 148lbs right now and am excited to do some strength training today. I also got a job with flexible hours so having some money is helping a lot with giving me more money to buy food and exercise classes as well as keep me in a productive frame of mind. I really want to go back to LA next year in the best shape of my life so it's really helping me with motivation. It's always helpful to read all the posts here so thanks again to Ri for doing this challenge and for everyone that's posting here

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Old 10-16-2015, 04:11 PM   #157  
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HDWD - Wow, congratulations on reaching your goal weight early!

Rie - I'm the same way when it comes to strength training. I used to do 3 sessions per week, but eventually I just combined it into a full-body workout once a week. It's also pretty similar to your plan, except I switch it up every month, otherwise I'd get bored and stop doing it.

Penny - I second the Youtube suggestion. There are so many workout vids on there that it's impossible to get bored!
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Old 10-16-2015, 04:59 PM   #158  
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Hey everyone, I hope you don't mind me posting here though I'm 31, but the thread I signed up for is pretty dead.

HDWD - Congrats on making goal already and signing up for a 5K! Running ain't my thing, though I wish it was. I know so many people that run those races, but I'm too chicken. Let us know how it goes!

Rie - Krav Maga ain't no joke! Pity the person idiot that messes with you. Krav maga seriously a brutal form of martial arts!

Rainbow - I know what you mean by feeling to self-conscious to get to the gym. I'm the same way. I just got access to a really nice gym at my university but have yet to set foot inside. I'm planning to stick with my exercise videos and stationary bike and make it a goal to go next year.

Penny - Youtube is a great place to start. Do you have Netflix? There are some exercise videos on there, Pilaties and Ab workouts, I think.

As for me, I'm 4lbs away from my challenge goal and couldn't be more thrilled. this challenge really helped me keep my head in the game when things got busy. I can't wait for your upcoming challenges Riestrella!

Like alot of you, I'm working out at home with exercise videos and a stationary bike. I'm doing a P90x video at least 5 times a week and riding my bike for 45 minutes at least 4 times a week. 1 rest day on Thursdays. I also walk my dog 1.5 miles twice a day. Not looking forward to walking her in the winter though!

As for food, I'm not counting calories yet, but am eating more intuitively. I broke up with bread, sugar, pasta, etc. Lots of lean meat and veggies. No junk food or alcohol. Been doing pretty good with it. So I'm gonna keep with that until I plateau and then get more restrictive if need be.

My big win with food this week was to get my in-laws to agree to allow me to host Thanksgiving this year. That means the pressure to eat off plan isn't there and I can keep up with my exercise routine. (One meal isn't bad, its when we stay the weekend and she makes an amazing breakfast, lunch, and dinner that I can't say no to.) Also, it saves me a 7 hour drive. Is it bad I'm already strategizing my diet during the holidays?

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Old 10-16-2015, 05:35 PM   #159  
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Guys, I'm still here, too. I've been meaning to post but I sort of got a new job and I have 2 weeks to type up five books, all of which are over 250 pages each. That is a lot of typing and it's slowly breaking my spirit. I'll be back soon.

Penny I hate exercise, too. But don't you just feel great when you're done exercising? Just focus on that feeling. I also like to follow up with some yoga and then in the end, when I'm lying on the mat (shavasana), it's just so perfect and blissful that I never want to get up.

rainbow build up to different goals, just like Rie said. It will also help with what you're dealing with. The distraction and sense of achievement often help.

Rie glad to hear about your knee! Is it getting any better? Yoga is awesome, you should try it! Also, I have a friend who does krav manga and she's found ways to practice it in bed. Look into it.

HaveDogWillDiet Congrats on your goal! And good luck on Sunday, hope you do great!

Zucena Happy belated birthday! I'm trying to lose as much weight as possible before the end of the year, too. I've been doing this on and off for five years, I'd like to not make it to six.

leopardspots The good thing about intuitive eating, especially with the occasional free day is that it really gives you the chance to learn how to eat and maintain. I pretty much know the calories in most things I'm eating at this point, though, and I can't help adding them up every night, just to make sure that I'm doing ok. I never understand people who try to diet during holidays but I admire the perseverance.

So, I went to get a foot scan today, so I can get some custom made shoe inserts. I went in with high arches, chronic ankle instability and knocked knees and I came out with those two, plus some scoliosis, a tight right hip, a right leg that's between 5 and 9 milimeters shorter than the left, chronic ankle instability on my right ankle, too, plus a confirmed plantar fasciitis. I really regret making the appointment, now. FFS. I'm going to a different doctor this Monday.
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Old 10-16-2015, 08:38 PM   #160  
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Wow it got super active in here over the last 24 hours, so personals first!

Penny Even though the word is thrown around a lot, I really think it is about making and sticking to habits, like you say!

Rie Glad to hear there's no serious damage in your knee! You and my boyfriend are both doing physio for knees at the moment then - though who knows what he did to his haha. Good on you with the strength exercise, it sounds like a good one - I'm also in the boat of HATING repeating exercises in the same routine, I find it so frustrating. Krav maga sounds intense also. Thanks for the congrats of being on plan, and the encouraging words. I'm looking forward to feeling comfortable enough in my skin again to exercise outdoors, but for now, my living room will have to be it!

HaveDog Congrats on reaching your goal early! Living in a sustainable way is always the best. I've done ... not quite crash diets, but things that I knew I couldn't keep up in the past, and it just doesn't stick, nor is it healthy in the long run! Good luck for your 5k!!

Zucena It sounds like you're on the right track! I probably need more beans and lentils, come to think of it now that you've mentioned it. Happy Birthday for last week!!

Leopard Hey there! Your approach sounds pretty good I think. I don't know that calorie counting is the way to go for everyone, but lean meats and veggies are always great. I calorie count sometimes, and sometimes I don't, I find it really depends how I'm feeling. I know I get results with calorie counting, but I also know, that at least in my case, it's not super-sustainable always and forever. I think just being aware of portions is super important too! Good job on winning the bid for Thanksgiving with your family!

Marnia Wow, it seems like they wanted to find more problems with your feet/gait? Crazy! What kind of job do you do where you get to type out books? That actually sounds like a dream for me - I seriously love love love typing, just typing typing typing. I'm a little strange. Thanks for your kind words - I think the distraction of building and working to goals is actually just what I need.

~Whew, OK! So I've had FOUR on plan, healthy days now. Well... it's only 5:30PM on Friday, so I guess technically I could mess it up this evening, but my night is planned so if I stick to that I should be fine! I haven't exercised since Wednesday, but I'm planning on doing something tomorrow. The continual achy-ness in my legs has been incredibly off-putting the last couple of days, but my eating and water intake are super on plan.

I weighed this morning and I'll probably use that weight for this week in the challenge. I'm really happy that I've seen a steady decline this whole week - I weigh in KGs, so it's only like a couple hundred grams at a time, but the overall trend is what I want to see, so hopefully by Halloween I'll see a bit more come off. I know my goal is unattainable, but that's ok - I'm not upset.

I have to go off and finish preparing dinner for tonight - slow-cooked pork tenderloin with shallots and apples, and then roasted sweet potato and green beans on the side. We NEVER cook or eat at home on Fridays, so this is a change as well! My bf bought a bottle of wine, and I have spare calories, so I'm going to allow myself a glass or two. This is still about living life, and sometimes having a nice glass of wine with a home cooked meal on a Friday is just what happens! I want to go see the Crimson Peak at the cinema this weekend, so I'm hoping I get to do that as well. Otherwise, exercise and relaxing is pretty much what I've got planned, and sticking to my plan over the weekend (which is usually when I fall off a bit).
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Old 10-17-2015, 01:05 PM   #161  
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Thanks for all the suggestions, guys! I'm going to look around Youtube and Netflix and other places to see if I can find something I like for exercise.

I went for a brief walk this morning (like, 20 minutes) to walk my neighbor's dog. I always like walking better with dogs. Keeps me distracted from my boredom.

Riestrella: Congrats on the knee being okay! That must be a relief! Your workout sounds like you're liking in a lot. And I recommned yoga - it's great! Even I like it. Also, good luck with your new website!
I agree, we WILL learn Krav Maga one day! As soon as we can afford it/ find a class! It's coming, and I hope the world is ready for it.

Leopardspots: I do have Netflix. I didn't know they did fitness videos. I'll have to check that out.
Congrats on being able to host Thanksgiving. That'll be easier, even with as much work as the setup will be. I travel out of town every year and have zero input into the food. It's not awesome.

Marniadec: I do feel better after I exercise! I just hate before and during and part of after. I'll get over it, though...eventually...someday...
Oh wow, that doctor's visit was busy! Good luck!

Rainbow: It sounds like you've got a great weekend planned. Congrats on your four days on plan! That's awesome!
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Old 10-18-2015, 08:41 AM   #162  
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I met my goal of 176 a little early, which is nice. I might adjust it down again to have something new to aim for. I'm trying not to be a little bitter about the fact that if this was my old scale (which weighed me 7 lbs lighter), I'd be in the 60s by now... Not that my actual weight changed, but still. Oh well.
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Old 10-18-2015, 12:37 PM   #163  
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Hey everyone!

First of all - UGH! I typed up a really long/detailed response to you guys on my editing laptop while I was waiting for a file to export, but the touch pad mouse on it is super sensitive. Somehow I managed to hit back on the browser or click on a link by accident and it erased my entire post! I was so pissed off that I had to walk away and try again today!

Weight update! This morning I weighed in at 163 lbs, woohoo! I thought for sure I was going to stick at 164 lbs so I'm super happy. My goal weight for this challenge is 163 lbs so if I can stick at this weight or even better lose another lb by Halloween I'll be happy.

I've had a busy couple of days, mainly setting up my website. Still not ready to show you guys, sorry! I finally got access to it and oh my goose, I wanted to cry so badly at the beginning. It was such a mess, I had to strip away the theme since it came with all the examples and then I had to try and figure out how it all worked on Wordpress. Took me a while to realise I had to upload thumbnails for each video and set them as categories for it to show up nicely in the Portfolio section of the website. I think once I get more work under my belt I'll switch to another theme, I did pay for this theme because I wanted something that looked professional so I'll stick with it for a year and then make the jump to a more tiled look. Sorry, I'm ranting about boring stuff!

Yesterday I met up with the guy I'm editing his project for, he loved the results and asked me if I was interested in continuing on to edit for him. I was honest and said that I wouldn't do it for free anymore and he was fine with that. I just need to come up with a good rate to charge people per hour. If I'm freelancing I know I get taxed a LOT, I think it's like 30%? So I have to keep that in mind. Anyone experienced in freelance work?

I also had some work with the boyfriend at his job, literally just helping him with busy work that would pile up for him. So I've got some income at least! Still looking for some part time work in the meantime, something a bit more stable.

In terms of my health/weight - yesterday I had a small breakfast, lots of water, I had curry leftovers for lunch and then went out to drink/eat with the BF's family. I stuck with water all night and hilariously had a slice of cake for dinner! I didn't want a big Mexican meal so I just went straight for dessert. I just kept downing water and it seemed to have worked since I dropped to 163 lbs today! I'm going to go on a run today since the weather is so nice but I've got a long list of things to do today too that'll keep me busy.

Just 2 weeks to go guys! Then onto Delicious for Christmas Challenge!


HDWD - I almost didn't recognise your post because you've changed your profile pic! Looks great!! You look awesome and that's such a nice outfit. How did the 5K relay go?! Huge congrats on meeting your goal early, that's amazing! I'm so happy to hear that you've got a clear mind about weight loss. There's definitely what I like to call "The Biggest Loser effect" around here - people will lose loads of weight at the beginning/because of a diet then when they slow down they can get a bit upset. It's perfectly normal to lose weight slowly! What are those apps called? I'll have to check them out. I just use Youtube videos, but I'm the same, after about 30 minutes I'm ready to call it a day!

Zucena - Happy belated birthday! Sounds like you're doing all the right things to lose weight before the end of the year! Please join me in the next challenge to help you stay accountable

Mongoose - Yeah, I imagine I'll get bored of it eventually, but I'll stick with it until I do! I'm glad I'm not the only one who's just shoved all the strength stuff into one day, haha!

leopard - Absolutely, post away! Anyone is always welcome in this thread . I don't think it really matters all that much, especially for my challenges. Haha, I know right?! I want to eff the persons day up if they try and mess with me!! Wooo, well done, you're doing so well and you're so close to your goal! You're very welcome, please join me in my Christmas challenge! Sounds like you do a LOT of exercise, good on ya. I'm sure those 4 lbs will fly off you at this rate. You've also made some great moves in relation to your food, very impressive. I think if you plateau it'll be because you're not eating enough food because of all your exercise. It happened to me, I was running loads but not eating enough food and my weight loss stopped. Someone said to eat more, which I thought was crazy, but I swear it helped! But you're right, do what you do to make it work until you need to change it up. Haha, congrats on hosting Thanksgiving!! Not bad at all to plan the holidays because of your health, in fact it shows a huge change in lifestyle that you're doing it! It's my first Christmas away from home this year...I'm gonna be so sad...but at the same time I'm secretly relieved to be away from the December "treat yourself" mentality! Seriously, chocolate and goodies throughout the house during the Christmas season. So bad for my weight loss.

Marnia - Good luck on all that typing, that does sound like a challenge! My knee is doing much better than when I first injured it, thanks! I think doing more cross training really helped. It still feels in general a lot weaker than the other one, which is why I went to get it checked out. Hahaha, Krav Maga in bed?! I'm kinda scared to look it up... Umm...what?! That's so crazy about your appointment! Definitely get a second opinion!

rainbow - I know right, the thread got so active, I love it! I lost the most weight doing a home workout, if you choose the right one you can do just as much work as those who go outside! I just like the fresh air and the scenery, I tend to spend most of my time indoors so it's nice to get out! WOOHOO! Huge congrats on being on plan for FOUR days!! That's incredible! It's so SO difficult to stay on play consistently, so I mean it when I say it's amazing. How did your Friday night go? Even if you slipped up over the weekend, don't let it bother you, just keep on going! You can change your goal to reflect your current situation, there's no harm done! Your goal weight is just for YOU it doesn't affect the challenge in any way. Did you go see Crimson Peak? I wanna see that.

Penny - My experience walking my family dogs are always a nightmare, haha. My Mum is responsible for walking them in the morning and she never trained them. They pull, they bark at other dogs, it's a nightmare. When I get my own dog I don't care what happens - I want it to be good on the lead and with other dogs so I can have a nice walk with it!! Try your best to just FORGET about that old scale. It betrayed you, cast it to the depths of ****! I can completely relate though in a way, I'm trying my best to move on from the fact I regained 16 lbs 2 years ago and if I just would've stuck with it I could be at my goal by now. Better to look forward than to look back as they say!
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Old 10-18-2015, 03:45 PM   #164  
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Penny I so wish I had a dog. I've wanted one for ages anyway, just because I want a dog, but I think also having another being that NEEDS exercise around would be great. Can't deprive a little dog of a walk!

Rie Congrats on hitting goal early! And cake for dinner sounds kind of amazing! Thanks for the congrats on the on-plan, too. I'm feeling pretty good about things at the moment, like I'm finally taking it more seriously. We did see Crimson Peak, last night, and it was pretty good? I wouldn't say it was amazing, and while the costumes and settings were pretty incredible, overall I think there was just something missing. Maybe the pace was just a bit to steady for me. I dunno.

~So Friday night went as planned - I had exactly 2 small, measured glasses of red wine with our slow-cooked pork and vege meal, and we watched Interstellar. The pork was actually a little disappointing because I used the wrong cut and it was more like pulled pork than actual slices of meat, but it still tasted ok.

As I said I would do, I got up and did a workout on Saturday morning. I did lay in bed for like 30 minutes just thinking about it, and not really wanting to do it, but I managed to talk myself into it and did a half hour routine - this one:
Some of the moves I'm actually not great at, and had to modify a bit - just goes to show I am nowhere near a good fitness level. Some of them I also couldn't do the number of reps it wanted, or hold for the amount of time it said to, but I did three rounds of everything to the best of my ability, got kind of sweaty, and definitely feel it today!

Yesterday food was kind of on-track. On track in terms of calories, but they weren't the best calories. Breakfast was good - the boyfriend made an omelette with the leftover sweet potatoes, and a bit of bacon. Then I had to nap for a while because I felt kind of off...and then it was like 4PM so I figured I'd wait for dinner. We went out and had Five Guys - so I just had the single patty cheeseburger, and less than half the fries. Then we went and saw Crimson Peak, and as much as I love to have popcorn at the movies, I just ordered a diet soda and ate half of a small chocolate bar I'd brought with me.

I saw another small loss this morning (nothing noteworthy), so I'm happy the trend continues. I've updated my goal for the challenge, as Rie said it wasn't not-allowed haha. I knew 156 was not attainable given how downhill I went mid-challenge, so I've given myself a new goal of 160 for the end of the challenge. I'm 2.5 lbs above that right now, so if I keep on track for the next two weeks I think I can do it.

I'm about to head out grocery shopping so I can prep some lunches and breakfasts for the week. I'm thinking yogurt and fruit again for breakfasts, and some kind of roasted cauliflower, sweet potato and baby spinach salad for lunches. Hope everyone else is having a good weekend!
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Old 10-18-2015, 06:19 PM   #165  
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Went over to visit my sister and her girlfriend this weekend. Her girlfriend makes the BEST food ever, and it's so hard to be moderate, but I planned out what I'd eat before I went, so it worked out fine. Whew!
Seriously, she cooks really well. I told my sister to marry her for that alone, but now I'm rethinking it... so much food temptation...

Riestrella: I've done that before too, accidentally changed webpages when I had a long response typed out. Now I type those out on a notepad or something and then copy and paste them onto this site. Saves my sanity. Also, good luck with your website! It'll be awesome, I know it.
See, I like walking dogs that are trained. If not, I won't do it (or I'm cranky the whole time). It makes me nuts. I can't even look at someone if their dog is pulling badly on the leash. I wanna go over and handle the situation. Lol!
The scale DID betray me! It is in ****. I tossed it out. It lied to me for too long! Speaking of scales, congrats on your challenge goal!

Rainbow: I'm glad your weekend went well! And getting out of bed to work out when you just don't want to is a great accomplishment!
How was Crimson Peak? I have a friend who wants to go see it with me, but she is terrified of scary movies and to me it looks kind of pretty but dull. Is it any good?
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