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Old 05-16-2013, 11:38 AM   #136  
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S/C/G: 271.4/271.4/165

Height: 5ft 7in

Default Hey

First name: Carrie

Geographical location:North Carolina


Marital Status: Single/dating someone/ probably could say we are practically married

Children/Ages: None

Occupation:Currently looking/student

Pets: 2 cats 1 dog

Hobbies/Interests: Knitting, reading southern romance novels, watching disney movies, (Newest hobby is running).

Height: 5 foot 7 inches- ish

Eye/Hair Color: Green eyes brownish with a tint of red hair

Starting Date of Weightloss Journey:most of my life.

Starting Weight:264.8

Present Weight:254.8

Goal Weight:150ish

Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: Staying away from fast food, Avoiding my sweet tooth, and getting people to support me and understand why I am doing this.

Following any specific plan: I running using Couch 2 5k but I am reducing my portions and eating a lot more fruits and veggies.

What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: I am determined to get healthy so that when I am ready to have kids I will provide them with the best environment for 9 months and be a good role model for them the rest of their lives.

Anything else you would like to share with us: When I was in high school I struggled with an eating disorder. I started out at 180lbs and ended up at 95lbs. I rarely ate. When I got to college I struggled with depression and still do and I turned to food because it was the one thing that I could count on and had control over. I quickly put on weight. I got into a relationship that was unhealthy in college and he was always talking how fat I was and was belittling me and often would abuse me verbally and once physically and I decided enough was enough and left him when I left him I had this weird reaction to it where I would go without eating again lost 30lbs and then I put back on 50lbs once I got over it. I am currently happy and ready to lose over the 100lbs that I need to in order to get healthy.
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Old 05-18-2013, 11:35 AM   #137  
fitmama84's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2013
Location: Michigan
Posts: 83

S/C/G: 228.8/187.2/120

Height: 5'


First name: Morgan

Geographical location: Florida

Age: 28

Marital Status: Married

Children/Ages: One boy age 7 months.

Occupation: Stay at home mom

Pets: Primrose the basset hound, and Jack the turtle.

Hobbies/Interests: Going to the beach, reading supernatural books, watching TV and movies, playing guitar (not very well though), singing, going to amusement parks

Height: 5 feet even.

Eye/Hair Color: Brown hair and eyes.

Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: May 17, 2013

Starting Weight: 228.8

Present Weight: 227.8

Goal Weight: 125

Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: Losing 100 lbs!

Following any specific plan: Weight Watchers, and Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred

What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: I'm heavier than I ever have been before, and now I have a post-baby deflated tire around my waist.

Anything else you would like to share with us: My favorite TV show is Walking Dead!
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Old 05-24-2013, 10:38 PM   #138  
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S/C/G: 155/128/120

Height: 5'5


I've been on 3fc for months on months, but have only become more active now that i'm creeping fairly close to my goal. lol. I was so swamped during my school semester I didn't have a ton of time to write all the things I wanted to!

First name: Ali

Geographical location: Pennsylvania

Age: 22

Marital Status: single

Children/Ages: none

Occupation: student

Pets: Meisha, a 7 pound maltese yorkie!

Hobbies/Interests: working out, watching movies, traveling

Height: 5'5

Eye/Hair Color: hazel, brown

Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: January 15, 2013

Starting Weight: 155

Present Weight: 127

Goal Weight: Original: 120, but I think I may lower it to 115

Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: Portion control

Following any specific plan: just my own
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Old 05-26-2013, 04:10 PM   #139  
young and sweeeet only 17
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Join Date: May 2013
Posts: 26

S/C/G: 140/130/110

Default This feels like the first day of school!

First name: Chandler

Geographical location: by the beach!

Age: 17... I know I'm a baby

Marital Status: I'm on my third marriage. Kidding. Single. (:

Children/Ages: No kids

Occupation: student

Pets: two doggies

Hobbies/Interests: writing, photography, reading, psychology, running

Height: 5'6

Eye/Hair Color: brown & brown

Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: Started last January

Starting Weight: 133

Present Weight: 129ish

Goal Weight: 115-120

Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: I lost a bunch of weight when I discovered running. I went from 140-115 and maintained my weight until this winter, when I gained back almost 20 pounds because of depression and some other issues that went on in my life.

Following any specific plan: eating healthy & running!

What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: Because now I understand how good I had it when I was skinny/healthy. I think when I return to my normal weight I will appreciate it more and be more careful about slip-ups.

Anything else you would like to share with us: I am pretty young but I have an old soul and I want to work hard and get my body back to it's healthiest.
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Old 05-28-2013, 06:51 PM   #140  
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josie4's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 246

S/C/G: 194/175.2/140

Height: 5'2"



First name: Jo

Geographical location: Ohio

Age: 25

Marital Status: Single

Children/Ages: 3 girls, 2 boys 5 and under

Occupation: Left my kids' Dad 6 months ago, living with my family, staying at home taking care of my kids

Pets: None

Height: 5'2"

Eye/Hair Color: Brown/brown

Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: Don't remember exactly, maybe 10 years ago? I lost it and maintained then the babies came. I was able to get to my pre-pregnancy weight after my first three pregnancies. I started my fifth pregnancy about 20 lbs heavier than normal. My fifth is now 3 months old and I'm getting close to my ideal weight.

Starting Weight: Close to 190 at the end up my pregnancy, upper 170's after having her.

Present Weight: 145

Goal Weight: 135 for now.

Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: Not overeating

Following any specific plan: I took a Christian weight-loss course that helped me greatly,

What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: Not turning to food anymore to try to make my problems better.
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Old 05-28-2013, 07:46 PM   #141  
Slender Nerdess Inside...
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Join Date: May 2011
Location: Port St Lucie, Fl
Posts: 257

S/C/G: 201/see ticker/140

Height: 5'0"


First name: Mandi

Geographical location: Lady Lake (Ocala Area), Fl

Age: 26

Marital Status: married

Children/Ages: 0

Occupation: Hotel Manager

Pets: 1 5 year old German Shepherd namd Zeb, 1 4 year old cat named Bowie

Hobbies/Interests:Crochet, Walking, Video Games

Height:5' 1"

Eye/Hair Color: Blue/Light Auburn Brown

Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: Most recently - Jan 1, 2013

Starting Weight:212 (my highest was 230)

Present Weight:164.4

Goal Weight: 125-130

Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: my natural laziness

Following any specific plan:Weight Watchers

What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: I have never followed a plan before. I am having awesome success with weight watchers as a meeting member.

Anything else you would like to share with us: I previously lost 50 pounds in high school and got down to 140 my senior year. When I hit college instead of the Freshman 15 it was more like the Freshman 90 After several years of being unable to get pregnant, my husband and I are hoping that getting BOTH of us into shape will raise our chances of starting a family.
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Old 05-28-2013, 08:03 PM   #142  
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Infinitesimal's Avatar
Join Date: May 2013
Location: Alabama, USA
Posts: 3

S/C/G: 138/138/110

Height: 5'2 1/2" (the 1/2 matters!)


First name: Sarah

Geographical location: Alabama, USA

Age: 23

Marital Status: ...NOPE! (not for a while, at least)

Children/Ages: one day

Occupation: Student

Pets: One feisty little black cat named Jethro

Hobbies/Interests: know, I'm trying to figure that one out right now.

Height: 5'2 1/2" ...once you start getting below 5'4", the half inches start counting... haha

Eye/Hair Color: blonde/blue

Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: 5/26/2013

Starting Weight: 138

Present Weight: 138

Goal Weight: Wherever I feel healthy, but no lower than 110

Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: getting frustrated when it doesn't happen fast enough for me and quitting.

Following any specific plan: nope. just changing the foods I eat and getting active.

What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: I'm not trying to hit a specific number this time. Just trying to take back control of my life.

Anything else you would like to share with us: I'm a HUGE Star Trek nerd, but you wouldn't know from looking at me! Haha.
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Old 06-02-2013, 09:47 PM   #143  
oliconnelly's Avatar
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Pikeville, KY
Posts: 63

S/C/G: 299/286.8/160

Height: 5'5"


First name: Olivia

Geographical location: Kentucky

Age: 24

Marital Status: Single

Children/Ages: N/A

Occupation: Laboratory Analyst

Pets: N/A

Hobbies/Interests: Reading, sewing, Renaissance Faires, Medieval history, playing violin and piano

Height: 5'5"

Eye/Hair Color: grey-blue/medium brown

Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: Not entirely sure? I'll just say my join date here, as I have been going on and off of diets, as well as on and off of this site ever since then.

Starting Weight: 287.6 (this time)

Present Weight: 281.4

Goal Weight: 160, for now. That may change once I get around that weight.

Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss:
Motivating myself to exercise with my knee pain and overcoming the temptation to eat out every day for lunch with my co-workers.

Following any specific plan: Simply calorie counting. I just recently did the cabbage soup diet, and only made it through the first four days.

What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past:
I recently broke up with my boyfriend, and therefore feel like I have more time to devote to getting myself healthy, seeing as it will be much easier to resist the temptation to eat out so often. I also really feel as if this is actually for myself this time around, and not to impress anyone else.

Anything else you would like to share with us:
I am obsessed with Renaissance Faires, and am currently a little worried that I will so much weight before this summer's fair that I will no longer fit my costumes properly. (Which isn't entirely a bad thing.) I also have had increasing problems with both of my knees over the past two years, one moreso than the other due to an injury. I am hoping that getting a big amount of this weight off will help out with that and that I can avoid having knee replacement surgery in the future.
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Old 06-03-2013, 11:11 AM   #144  
CannaBliss's Avatar
Join Date: May 2013
Location: CoolBeans Valley
Posts: 50

S/C/G: 234/see ticker!/150

Height: 5'6"


First name: Imani

Geographical location: New York


Marital Status: Single

Children/Ages: None

Occupation: Front-End Supervisor

Pets: Pitbull named Sirius Black XD

Hobbies/Interests: I don't think I have any hobbies :\, but i like music and going to concerts.


Eye/Hair Color: Brown/Orange-ish Brown?

Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: 3/17/13

Starting Weight: 232

Present Weight: 208

Goal Weight: 150

Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: Craving sweets (cakes, cookies, ice cream, kool-aid, ect.)

Following any specific plan: Cut down on sweets, eating more veggies and fruits.

What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: I have a better support group, and my confidence has gotten extremely better.

Anything else you would like to share with us: Hi!
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Old 06-05-2013, 11:14 PM   #145  
Nagazim's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: Mississippi
Posts: 397

S/C/G: 317/*ticker*/198

Height: 5'6"


First name:Magan

Geographical location: Mississippi, USA

Age: 27

Marital Status: Married

Children/Ages: Son (3) and daughter (14 months)

Occupation: Stay at home Mommy

Pets: 3 goats and 55 chickens We homestead.

Hobbies/Interests: I love computer games too much. WoW, Sims 3, FB games. I also LOVE Netflix. I need more active hobbies.

Height: 5'6.5"

Eye/Hair Color: Hazel/Blonde

Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: About 10 years ago. I yo-yo like no body's business. Recent: June 1, 2013.

Starting Weight: 275 lbs

Present Weight: 268 lbs

Goal Weight: 160ish lbs. I'm not 100% sure where I want to go to. I just want to be under 180lbs. That's around where I was when my hubby and I married.

Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: night time snacking. My brain goes nuts and everything sounds so yummy. I need a guard for my kitchen after 9pm.

Following any specific plan: Calorie counting like a boss. It's going very well this time around.

What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: I've never been this terrified that my children will notice I'm fat. I don't want kids to even remember me this size. So I'm desperately wanting to lose not only for me, but to help my kids have a healthy role model.

Anything else you would like to share with us:
I forgot to mention that I'm obsessed with reading and love fantasy style books.
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Old 06-07-2013, 06:49 PM   #146  
Started IP 5/20/13
JRP2689's Avatar
Join Date: May 2013
Location: New York
Posts: 56

S/C/G: 193/175.2/140

Height: 5' 7"


First name: Jazmine

Geographical location: New York

Age: 23

Marital Status: Married

Pets: 2 dogs

Hobbies/Interests: cooking, crafts, reading

Height: 5'7"

Eye/Hair Color: brown/brown

Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: May 20, 2013

Starting Weight: 193

Present Weight: 179

Goal Weight: 140

Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: straying from the plan

Following any specific plan: Ideal Protein

What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: I have a specific plan to stick to rather than trying to figure out what is healthy and what is not on my own.

Anything else you would like to share with us: I'm glad that I found this forum, I hope this is the time that sticks.
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Old 06-14-2013, 10:01 PM   #147  
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Location: Florida
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First name: Ammaris

Geographical location: Florida

Age: 26

Marital Status: Single

Children/Ages: None

Occupation: Certfied Nurse Assistant

Pets: 2 cats - Oreo & Gracie, 8 fish - Marv, Bartholomew, Goldilocks, Animus, Thing 1, Thing 2, Runt, and Sucker.

Hobbies/Interests: Reading, World of Warcraft, fishkeeping, gardening, kayaking, hiking, camping, fishing, & geocaching. All outdoor activies have kind of come to a halt due to weight gain.

Height: 5'4"

Eye/Hair Color: Hazel / dirty blonde (dyed blonde blonde)

Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: Today

Starting Weight: I weighed myself a month ago and it was 275. I will not be stepping on the scale until I fit into a size 16.

Present Weight:

Goal Weight: 150

Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: No discipline.

Following any specific plan: C25K, walking 30 min every day, eat less processed foods and bread, eat more green veggies, eat small throughout the day, stay positive!

What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: I didn't try to jog in the past. After today's disappointment I'm determined to be a success story. I signed up for a 5k in November. I've made it my goal.

Anything else you would like to share with us: A carrot:

Last edited by SoOverThisFat; 06-14-2013 at 10:10 PM.
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Old 06-21-2013, 08:08 PM   #148  
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Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: Ohio/Indiana.
Posts: 7

S/C/G: 170/170/130

Height: 5'5"


First name: Kalyn.

Geographical location: Ohio.

Age: 24.

Marital Status: Engaged.

Children/Ages: No children yet.

Occupation: Prison Wife.

Pets: Three- Ziva (11 months old); Punkin (4 years old); Little Man (aka Silver Surfer- 3 months old).

Hobbies/Interests: Reading, writing, making new friends.

Height: 5'5".

Eye/Hair Color: Hazel eyes, black hair.

Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: I'll officially start July 1st.

Starting Weight: 170.

Present Weight: 170.

Goal Weight: 130.

Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: No more midnight snacks!

Following any specific plan: Not really, no.

What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: I WANT to.

Anything else you would like to share with us: No, not really.
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Old 06-24-2013, 08:07 PM   #149  
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makayla94's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2013
Posts: 7

S/C/G: 240/223/150

Height: 5'8"

Default Yay!

First name: MaKayla

Geographical location: Michigan

Age: 19

Marital Status: Single (hoping to be married in a few years!!!)

Children/Ages: None!

Occupation: I work as a barn assistant/trainer at a few horse barns.

Pets: Dog, Horses, Cats, Hamster!

Hobbies/Interests: Riding horses, hanging out with my boyfriend, watching movies, and anything else to do!

Height: 5 Foot 8

Eye/Hair Color: Brown Hair, Green/Hazel Eyes

Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: Uhm, about a year ago

Starting Weight: 244

Present Weight: 222.8

Goal Weight: 170

Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: Making myself eat right

Following any specific plan: Eating specific calories, working out daily

What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: I have a boyfriend who loves my body, but I push myself to look better for myself AND him.

Anything else you would like to share with us: Nope!
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Old 06-24-2013, 10:41 PM   #150  
ArtThistle's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 34

S/C/G: 165/149/125

Height: 5'6"


First name: Kate

Geographical location: Alberta, Canada

Age: 20

Marital Status: In a relationship, but unmarried.

Children/Ages: None

Occupation: Waitress

Pets: 2 large-breed dogs

Hobbies/Interests: Reading, Writing, Drawing, Sewing, Playing Hockey.

Height: 5'6"

Eye/Hair Color: Blue eyes, naturally ginger hair

Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: A long time ago. Officially retrying as of June 20th, 2013.

Starting Weight: 165

Present Weight: 162

Goal Weight: 125

Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: I'm a grazer, and I tend to choose unhealthy options.

Following any specific plan: Reduced food diet, with increased exercise.

What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: My mentality.

Anything else you would like to share with us: I'm a bit obnoxious, so I apologize in advance.
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